Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Seminar"
La signification de "Seminar" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie You should check out this seminar if you want to know how to to go about building a bussiness. ?
This sentence has mistakes; it should be "You should check out this seminar if you want to know how to go about building a business." A seminar is a speech that explains something.
Que signifie seminar
is ''seminar'' the same as any class or meeting to discuss any topic regardless of which?
could you explain please? ?
is ''seminar'' the same as any class or meeting to discuss any topic regardless of which?
could you explain please? ?
Yeah, it's just a fancy way of saying "class" or "lecture".
Que signifie Who's leading the seminar ? ?
Thank you very much for teaching me. I started studying TOEIC recently. I could't understand it. I got it. ^_^
Que signifie at the seminar, we will be go over a number of techniques ?
@Ri-na 「at the seminar, we will be going over a number of techniques」です。
"going over" means "covering", "talking about", "presenting"...
"going over" means "covering", "talking about", "presenting"...
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Seminar"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant seminar.
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Mots similaires à "Seminar" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre the seminar was last for an hour. et the seminar was last an hour. ?
You can use "last for" and "last" when you are using the future tense, present tense, and past tense.
"last for" using future tense
The show will LAST FOR an hour.
"last for" using past tense
How long did the seminar LAST FOR?
(This sentence is natural, although the grammar rule is that we are not supposed to end a sentence with "for" because it's a preposition. English speakers put "for" on the end of sentences anyway.)
"last for" using present tense
I can LAST FOR an hour while listening to this seminar.
"last" using future tense
How long will the seminar LAST?
"last" using past tense
How long did the seminar LAST?
"last" using the present tense
I don't know how much longer I can LAST listening to this seminar.
"last for" using future tense
The show will LAST FOR an hour.
"last for" using past tense
How long did the seminar LAST FOR?
(This sentence is natural, although the grammar rule is that we are not supposed to end a sentence with "for" because it's a preposition. English speakers put "for" on the end of sentences anyway.)
"last for" using present tense
I can LAST FOR an hour while listening to this seminar.
"last" using future tense
How long will the seminar LAST?
"last" using past tense
How long did the seminar LAST?
"last" using the present tense
I don't know how much longer I can LAST listening to this seminar.
Quelle est la différence entre participate in the seminar et join the seminar ?
Joining a seminar is just attending. It’s when you first get there and unite with the other people. To participate is to take part in the seminar, to ask questions, be an active participant....
Quelle est la différence entre Thank you for coming to the seminar. et Thank you for coming out to the seminar. ?
Quelle est la différence entre seminar et exercise et class et training et lesson ?
A seminar is a big class at university when there is one teacher (called a lecturer) who is at the front and they are teaching a very big group of people.
An exercise is a task that your teacher gives you. For example, your teacher may say “do exercise 4 on page 10.”
A class is when a group of people get together to learn about the same topic. For example, in school there is a class for learning maths.
Training is when you are practising and trying to do something or become something. For example, someone will go to medical school and train (do training) to become a doctor.
A lesson is a small part of the class where you learn one skill from the topic you are learning. For example, in a maths class you will have one lesson on how to divide numbers.
An exercise is a task that your teacher gives you. For example, your teacher may say “do exercise 4 on page 10.”
A class is when a group of people get together to learn about the same topic. For example, in school there is a class for learning maths.
Training is when you are practising and trying to do something or become something. For example, someone will go to medical school and train (do training) to become a doctor.
A lesson is a small part of the class where you learn one skill from the topic you are learning. For example, in a maths class you will have one lesson on how to divide numbers.
Quelle est la différence entre will be organizing the seminar et will organize the seminar ?
they mean the same thing :)
Traductions de "Seminar"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? I want to say
The seminar was conducted in English.
1) Is it a natural sentence?
2) Can I say “ the seminar has proceeded in English?
The seminar was conducted in English.
1) Is it a natural sentence?
2) Can I say “ the seminar has proceeded in English?
@hyonibook The second one seems good, but i’m not too sure about the first sentence the word “proceeded” is kind of off, it basically means it was continued in english.
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? "this seminar hit a large audience." "hit" sounds natural here?
Hmmm... maybe “reached”
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? seminar
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? seminar
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? seminar中还有剩余名额可以加入吗?
"If the discussion group has extra places, can I please join?"
Autres questions concernant "Seminar"
at the seminar or in the seminar Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
At the seminar denotes that you are present in the same location in which the seminar is taking place.
In the seminar also denotes that you are in the same location in which the seminar is taking place, but additionally hints that you are taking part in the seminar. Maybe you are a speaker, participant, or MC of the seminar.
In the seminar also denotes that you are in the same location in which the seminar is taking place, but additionally hints that you are taking part in the seminar. Maybe you are a speaker, participant, or MC of the seminar.
Nowadays I'm taking many seminars. I like taking seminars because there is always a new discovery and I'm able to broaden my horizons. You'll come to see what you wasn't able to see before. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
All of it is correct except the end. Instead of ‘wasn’t’ you should change it to weren’t/were not
I joined the expensive seminar yesterday but I fell asleep most time. It's a waste of money. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
I joined an expensive seminar yesterday but I fell asleep most of the time. It was a waste of money.
I joined the expensive seminar yesterday but I fell asleep most of the time. It was a waste of money.
Use "the" if you have a specific seminar in mind and use "an" if it is in general.
I joined the expensive seminar yesterday but I fell asleep most of the time. It was a waste of money.
Use "the" if you have a specific seminar in mind and use "an" if it is in general.
the seminar took place during the last 3 days.
should i take this sentence as ['the seminar took place at some point of the 3 days']? or ['the seminar took place throughout the last 3 days']???????
should i take this sentence as ['the seminar took place at some point of the 3 days']? or ['the seminar took place throughout the last 3 days']???????
You are correct! Using "over" does change this statement to ALL 3 days.
Using "during" can be a bit difficult. "During" can mean throughout the course of time, while also meaning a particular point. Since "during" has two uses, "The seminar took place over the last 3 days" could be close to saying "The seminar took place during the last 3 days."
I would not know which day the seminar took place, but I know it was either during one of the 3 days or all of them 🤔.
"During" is more flexible than "over" in that case.
Using "during" can be a bit difficult. "During" can mean throughout the course of time, while also meaning a particular point. Since "during" has two uses, "The seminar took place over the last 3 days" could be close to saying "The seminar took place during the last 3 days."
I would not know which day the seminar took place, but I know it was either during one of the 3 days or all of them 🤔.
"During" is more flexible than "over" in that case.
I think this seminar will provide a valuable opportunity for both countries’ financial authorities to promote friendly and cooperative relations and that it will also serve as a stepping stone to advanced financial markets in both countries. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
this could be considered a run-on sentence. So make it two sentences. .....cooperative relations. It will also serve...
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