Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Shame"
La signification de "Shame" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie She couldn’t meet us, which was a shame. ?
it means that she was not able to gather with you(go to where you were) and then it says that it was a shame that means it's bad, sad, I'm sorry I can't explain it better but I don't know Korean :v
Que signifie shame you're not legal ?
It is probably Whoever said this is disappointed or not as happy that someone else they are talking to is underaged.
It is hard to tell without context but this is slang used typically when it comes to drinking and those who are not over the age of legal drinking are considered “not legal” to drink.
So example, I tell my friend it is a shame he is not legal to drink because I wanted to have a drink with him tonight.
It is hard to tell without context but this is slang used typically when it comes to drinking and those who are not over the age of legal drinking are considered “not legal” to drink.
So example, I tell my friend it is a shame he is not legal to drink because I wanted to have a drink with him tonight.
Que signifie "What a shame!" ?
to bad, feeling sorry, something didn't get accomplished, a negative response to something or a action
Que signifie shaming ?
shaming is a negative word. Shaming is an action that makes someone feel ashamed or humiliated.
Body shaming : humiliating certain people for their body shape
Body shaming : humiliating certain people for their body shape
Que signifie shame ?
When you did something weird or you had a mistake you fell shame. usually somone say to you 'shame on you" and it refers to your behavior.
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Shame"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant shame.
I drank too much alcohol and my friends shamed me.
I felt ashamed of my bad test score.
Someone shamed me for being late.
What a shame she failed that class.
What you did was shameful and disrespectful
I felt ashamed of my bad test score.
Someone shamed me for being late.
What a shame she failed that class.
What you did was shameful and disrespectful
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant shame on you.
“I can’t believe you cheated on the test, shame on you!”
“ Shame on you for teasing your sister”
“ Shame on you for teasing your sister”
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant What a shame.
Person A: I'm sorry, I can't take up your job offer.
Person B: What a shame. I was rooting for you.
Person B: What a shame. I was rooting for you.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant shame.
It was a shame that I couldn't finish the job.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant it’s a shame.
It's a shame that we have to sit inside doing homework on such a beautiful day.
It's a shame that you sold your Gamecube, since I wanted to play Donkey Konga with you.
You lost on the final round of the game? Darn, that's a shame.
You wanted the car tonight so you could go to a party? I guess it's a shame, since I needed it to go to my job tonight.
It's a shame that you sold your Gamecube, since I wanted to play Donkey Konga with you.
You lost on the final round of the game? Darn, that's a shame.
You wanted the car tonight so you could go to a party? I guess it's a shame, since I needed it to go to my job tonight.
Mots similaires à "Shame" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre I feel shame. et I feel a shame ?
"I feel a shame" is incorrect -- in this case, "shame" is not countable.
Rather than "I feel shame", you could say "I feel ashamed".
Rather than "I feel shame", you could say "I feel ashamed".
Quelle est la différence entre shame et regret ?
Shame is a feeling of humiliation because of doing something wrong.
Example: “He brought shame to his family.”
Regret is a feeling of guilt after doing something wrong (such as losing an opportunity)
Example: “I regret hurting her.”
Example: “He brought shame to his family.”
Regret is a feeling of guilt after doing something wrong (such as losing an opportunity)
Example: “I regret hurting her.”
Quelle est la différence entre A) I feel a shame et B) I feel shame ?
"I feel ashamed" i think is what you were trying to say for the first one.
Quelle est la différence entre shame et shy ?
Shame is to be embarrassed because of a wrongdoing (so when you believe you've done something wrong).
Shy is timid. For example meeting someone for the first time, you can feel shy and nervous.
Shy is timid. For example meeting someone for the first time, you can feel shy and nervous.
Quelle est la différence entre There're no shame in learning from your mistakes et It's not shame in learning from your mistakes ?
The second one would be "It's not shameful to learn from your mistakes"
There's not much of a difference
There's not much of a difference
Traductions de "Shame"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? That's a shame. That's too bad.
Is it ok to say this to mean "I am sorry to hear that"
Is it ok to say this to mean "I am sorry to hear that"
“That’s a shame.” “That’s too bad.” Both of these are kind of cold and dismissive compared to “I’m sorry to hear that”. But they are all okay to say. If you want to sound kind-hearted, you should say “I’m sorry to hear that”
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? We are finally getting married!
It's a shame that I can't invite you all to my wedding because of the situation.
This is a mobile invitation please click the link and leave an warm message for us if you don't mind!
is it natural ?
It's a shame that I can't invite you all to my wedding because of the situation.
This is a mobile invitation please click the link and leave an warm message for us if you don't mind!
is it natural ?
We are finally getting married!
It's really upsetting that I can't invite you all to my wedding because of the pandemic.
This is a mobile invitation, so please click the link and leave a warm message for us if you don't mind!
We are finally getting married!
It's really upsetting that I can't invite you all to my wedding because of the pandemic.
This is a mobile invitation, so please click the link and leave a warm message for us if you don't mind!
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? that's a shame
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? "shame" in Portuguese?
shame significa pena
Tipo,Oh it's a shame significa oh isso é uma pena ou que pena
Tipo,Oh it's a shame significa oh isso é uma pena ou que pena
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (GB)? It's a shame
He is such a nice guy, but it's a shame that he is so poor.
Autres questions concernant "Shame"
That's a shame that I could not go on a trip because of outbreak of Coronavius. However, I got all money back even though I canceled my flight ticket before two days of taking an airplane. It could have been worse.
Please point out my mistakes.
Please point out my mistakes.
I would write it like this:
It is a shame that I could not go on my trip because of the outbreak of Coronavius. However, I got all of my money back even though I canceled my plane ticket two days before the flight. It could have been worse.
It is a shame that I could not go on my trip because of the outbreak of Coronavius. However, I got all of my money back even though I canceled my plane ticket two days before the flight. It could have been worse.
It's a shame that I can't still speak English
(can i say it like this?) how can i make it more natural? Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
(can i say it like this?) how can i make it more natural? Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
It is very formal but it works!
it's shame that you can't speak Korean Does this sentence natural?
it's shame that you can't speak Korean ✔️
Does this sentence natural? ❌
Does this sentence sound natural?
it's shame that you can't speak Korean ✔️
Does this sentence natural? ❌
Does this sentence sound natural?
A: It’s a shame that we don’t get to see you often on TV, lately.
B: Appearing on this show alone puts me in over my head.
Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
A: It’s a shame that we don’t get to see you often on TV, lately.
B: Appearing on this show alone puts me in over my head.
Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
I agree with you, but also I think “in over one’s head” can also be used colloquially these days to mean that someone is put under a lot of stress because of something.
It was a shame that I had to take the last bus to go back to my city. Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
To “get back” or “get back home” or “get back to [insert city name]” might be a little more natural
Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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