Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Slightly"
La signification de "Slightly" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie slightly ?
“By a very small amount”
Que signifie slightly ?
Nothing really if you're using the same context, e.g.
I'm slightly late to lesson
I'm a little late to lesson
Both mean the same thing
I'm slightly late to lesson
I'm a little late to lesson
Both mean the same thing
Que signifie slightly ?
softly or little by little
Que signifie slightly ?
A little bit (un poco)
Mike got a 70% on his test and Sam got a 72%. Sam's grade is slightly higher than Mike's grade.
Mike got a 70% on his test and Sam got a 72%. Sam's grade is slightly higher than Mike's grade.
Que signifie slightly ?
slightly = muy poquito. Por ejemplo, "slightly to the right" = "poquito ala derecha"
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Slightly"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant slightly.
i am slightly taller than him
(i am a little bit taller than him)
she was slightly injured after falling down the stairs
(i am a little bit taller than him)
she was slightly injured after falling down the stairs
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant slightly.
it's the same. all have same meaning but it depends on what kind of sentence, these words would fit. for example:
I am feeling slightly tired and I am feeling a bit tired are sentences with same meaning but different words used- slightly and a bit.
example 2. he pulled her a bit close to him. He pulled her slightly close to him. In these sentences, the word slightly sounds more poetic. although both the sentences mean the same, "slightly" describes the situation perfectly and give the feel of it.
hence, he pulled her slightly close to him, sounds better than, he pulled her a bit close to him.
I am feeling slightly tired and I am feeling a bit tired are sentences with same meaning but different words used- slightly and a bit.
example 2. he pulled her a bit close to him. He pulled her slightly close to him. In these sentences, the word slightly sounds more poetic. although both the sentences mean the same, "slightly" describes the situation perfectly and give the feel of it.
hence, he pulled her slightly close to him, sounds better than, he pulled her a bit close to him.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant slightly.
"I am slightly drunk"
"I am slightly dirty"
"I am slightly hungry"
"I am slightly dirty"
"I am slightly hungry"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant slightly.
"Tom is slightly taller than Jenny."
"Trees leaves can vary slightly in color."
"Trees leaves can vary slightly in color."
Mots similaires à "Slightly" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre slightly worse et rather worse ?
The difference is the intensity or degree
like slightly is ちょっと
rather means similar to the word "quite" or かなり、中々
The difference is the intensity or degree
like slightly is ちょっと
rather means similar to the word "quite" or かなり、中々
Quelle est la différence entre slightly et a little et a bit et little bit ?
“slightly” is an adverb (modifies adjectives and verbs) and it means to a small degree or a little bit.
Example: The weather changed slightly.
His voice went slightly higher.
“A little” and “a little bit” are idiomatic phrases and are the same. They all mean a small amount. Note: if you do use “a little bit,” you have to follow it with the preposition “of.”
Example. There was a little bit of snow during the winter.
The soup had a little bit of meat.
Can you give me a little bit of change?
“Bit” is a noun which also means little.
Example: How much cheese do you want on your pizza? Just a bit.
There was a bit of traffic to work. OR There was a little bit of traffic to work.
The last three is a little tricky because of prepositions. Like I said earlier, it’s usually followed by “of” but it all means the same thing.
Example: The weather changed slightly.
His voice went slightly higher.
“A little” and “a little bit” are idiomatic phrases and are the same. They all mean a small amount. Note: if you do use “a little bit,” you have to follow it with the preposition “of.”
Example. There was a little bit of snow during the winter.
The soup had a little bit of meat.
Can you give me a little bit of change?
“Bit” is a noun which also means little.
Example: How much cheese do you want on your pizza? Just a bit.
There was a bit of traffic to work. OR There was a little bit of traffic to work.
The last three is a little tricky because of prepositions. Like I said earlier, it’s usually followed by “of” but it all means the same thing.
Quelle est la différence entre slightly et little ?
They mean the same thing, but you must say "a little" if you're using it as an adverb.
e.g. He is a little drunk/ He is slightly drunk.
e.g. He is a little drunk/ He is slightly drunk.
Quelle est la différence entre slightly et a little ?
Mostly same meaning.
"A little" is more casual. "A little" can also be used for quantity, "slightly" cannot.
"He's slightly stupid." Correct.
"He's a little stupid." Correct.
"This fish is a little smaller than the other fish." Correct.
"This fish is slightly smaller than the other fish." Correct.
"Can you bring me a little sugar?" Correct.
"a little sugar" = "a small amount of sugar"
"Can you bring me slightly sugar?" Incorrect. Not used.
"There was a little pepper on my salad." ="There was a small amount of pepper on my salad."
"There was slightly pepper on my salad" incorrect.
"A little" is more casual. "A little" can also be used for quantity, "slightly" cannot.
"He's slightly stupid." Correct.
"He's a little stupid." Correct.
"This fish is a little smaller than the other fish." Correct.
"This fish is slightly smaller than the other fish." Correct.
"Can you bring me a little sugar?" Correct.
"a little sugar" = "a small amount of sugar"
"Can you bring me slightly sugar?" Incorrect. Not used.
"There was a little pepper on my salad." ="There was a small amount of pepper on my salad."
"There was slightly pepper on my salad" incorrect.
Quelle est la différence entre slightly et a little ?
@NateMachpash: They mean the same. Slightly is more formal. And a little can also be used for an amount but slightly cannot
Traductions de "Slightly"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? slightly...
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? slightly off
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? slightly
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? slightly
Autres questions concernant "Slightly"
Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce slightly.
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It's slightly over 2pm Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
over --> past
Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce slightly.
I recorded: "slightly. You're pronunciation is slightly off.", so you can also hear it in an example sentence
Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce slightly .
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slightly Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?
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Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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