Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Superficial"
La signification de "Superficial" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie superficial ?
Someone/something that seems genuine on the surface but is fake inside. Or something that only applies to the surface of an object, not doesn't go deep down.
I can't believe she talked badly about me behind my back after telling me all those nice things to my face. She is so superficial!
I can talk briefly about politics, but my knowledge of it is superficial. If you probe too deeply, I sound naive.
The flood only did superficial damage to the walls. We just had to repaint.
I can't believe she talked badly about me behind my back after telling me all those nice things to my face. She is so superficial!
I can talk briefly about politics, but my knowledge of it is superficial. If you probe too deeply, I sound naive.
The flood only did superficial damage to the walls. We just had to repaint.
Que signifie superficial ?
surface level, not very deep (in an intangible sense). Someone caring about their appearance too much is considered "superficial", for example.
Que signifie superficial ?
Que signifie superficial ?
Depends on context.
Can mean at surface level.
Ex. A superficial cut.
Or about a person’s character it means vain.
Ex. You’re so superficial. (They care about appearances too much)
Can mean at surface level.
Ex. A superficial cut.
Or about a person’s character it means vain.
Ex. You’re so superficial. (They care about appearances too much)
Que signifie superficial ?
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Superficial"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant superficial.
Superficial means shallow or fake
Superficial means shallow or fake
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Thank you !
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Luckily, the burns were just superficial.
Superficial traits should not be of relevance when it comes to building a relationship.
Superficial traits should not be of relevance when it comes to building a relationship.
Mots similaires à "Superficial" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre high-level et superficial ?
From what I'm understanding, these two are not similar, they're actually antonyms.
High-level: at or of a level above that which is normal or average.
Superficial: existing or occurring at or on the surface/base-level. (synonymous with low-level)
People would use 'high-level' to praise, and 'superficial' to degrade.
You complete your work at a high level, good job!
The work you've done here is superficial and mediocre, I'm disappointed.
High-level: at or of a level above that which is normal or average.
Superficial: existing or occurring at or on the surface/base-level. (synonymous with low-level)
People would use 'high-level' to praise, and 'superficial' to degrade.
You complete your work at a high level, good job!
The work you've done here is superficial and mediocre, I'm disappointed.
Quelle est la différence entre superficial et surface ?
Superficial is an adjective and surface is a noun.
Quelle est la différence entre superficial et surface et shallow ?
Superficial means something on the surface and you can easily see it.
Our skin is the most superficial part of our body.
Shallow is usually used to explain water.
The water is so shallow.
But it can also use to talk about a person.
When someone is a shallow person, it means you can’t connect with them on a deeper or intimate level. Or they make assumptions based on whatever they see and they don’t try to understand why somethings a certain way.
Our skin is the most superficial part of our body.
Shallow is usually used to explain water.
The water is so shallow.
But it can also use to talk about a person.
When someone is a shallow person, it means you can’t connect with them on a deeper or intimate level. Or they make assumptions based on whatever they see and they don’t try to understand why somethings a certain way.
Quelle est la différence entre superficial et shallow ?
they both refer to a person who is “fake”’or obsessed with always looking good, superficial is more to do with an appearance of being wealthy (expensive clothes, designer bags, fancy cars) and shallow is usually appearances (excessive makeup, fake tan, etc...)
Quelle est la différence entre superficial et external ?
superficial means "not real" or "fake", external means "on the outside" of something. external = 外部の, superficial = 表面的な
Traductions de "Superficial"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? superficial
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? superficial
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? superficial
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Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? superficial
Autres questions concernant "Superficial"
Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce superficial .
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Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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