Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Tense"

Autres questions concernant "Tense"

Q: Can you tell me if all the tenses are correctly used?
"I remember that day like it's was yesterday

The longer I think about it the more embarrassed it makes me feel
It had snow the day before and the streets were extremely slippery.
At that time I was living an hour far from my secondary school. It have always been a struggle for me to wake up early so I usually end up being late.

That day , I had left home later than usual and the lift was broken so I had to go down stairs 10 floors. I was inevitably out of breath!
When I finally got out I saw my bus. I realize that I had to run to catch it. I ran till the bus stop and I slipped and fell right in front of the bus. I was so embarrassed everyone in the bus was looking at me and some were even discreetly laughing."

Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires


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