Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Toss"
La signification de "Toss" dans divers phrases et expressions
Que signifie toss ?
to throw lightly
Que signifie toss ?
Toss is a verb meaning to throw something lightly and easily.
Que signifie toss ?
Ah here that means it could go either one of two way, like when you throw a coin and you can get heads or get tails.
Que signifie 'toss around' ?
platicar, pensar en
We tossed around several names for our baby before deciding.
We tossed around several names for our baby before deciding.
Que signifie to toss ?
To throw lightly.
ex. "Toss me the water bottle!"
ex. "Toss me the water bottle!"
Exemple de phrases utilisant "Toss"
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant toss around.
▪️The children in the park are tossing a ball around.
▪️At the conference, we tossed around several ideas.
▪️When we took a sharp turn, the things in the backseat of the car got tossed around.
▪️At the conference, we tossed around several ideas.
▪️When we took a sharp turn, the things in the backseat of the car got tossed around.
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant toss out.
I will toss out the garbage
You can toss out those papers
You can toss out those papers
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant toss.
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Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant to toss.
I tossed my keys on the table.
The chief tossed the salad.
or The chief is tossing the salad with dressing and vegetables
The chief tossed the salad.
or The chief is tossing the salad with dressing and vegetables
Veuillez me montrer des exemples des phrases contenant it's a toss up.
"For a moment, it was a toss up between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders."
"I asked everyone, and it seems to be a toss up between Five Guys and BurgerFi on where we want to eat."
"I asked everyone, and it seems to be a toss up between Five Guys and BurgerFi on where we want to eat."
Mots similaires à "Toss" et leurs différences
Quelle est la différence entre toss it out et throw it away ?
Almost no difference. "Toss it out" is a little more idiomatic but they mean the same thing.
Quelle est la différence entre toss at et throw at ?
Throwing something will often be more intentional, e.g. I might throw a brick at your window. Tossing something tends to be more casual or even gentle, e.g. you might toss your sweater in the laundry basket.
Quelle est la différence entre toss et throw ?
A toss is more of a light, short-distance throw, usually with an under-handed movement. For example: “ Hey, toss me my keys.” Throwing something is more long-distance and violent, like “throwing a baseball” or “he threw a brick through the window”. It involves pitching something with a lot of force or as much force as you can muster.
Quelle est la différence entre I'm tossing up between... et I'm tore between... ?
If you want to start your sentence with "I am," then the second option is the correct one, except it's "torn" (passive past participle), not "tore": "I am torn between...."
"Toss-up" is a noun: "It's a toss-up between Choice A and Choice B."
"Toss-up" is a noun: "It's a toss-up between Choice A and Choice B."
Quelle est la différence entre toss et throw ?
A toss is a very light throw with little strength put into it. You toss a baseball to your friend a few feet away.
A throw can have any amount of force put into it. You throw a baseball to your friend nearby or across the field.
A throw can have any amount of force put into it. You throw a baseball to your friend nearby or across the field.
Traductions de "Toss"
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? tosses salad
Tosses salad
Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Anglais (USA)? i toss i turn, i beep-de-beep
@happysunny: not exactly sure what is trying to be conveyed here. :-)
Autres questions concernant "Toss"
Veuillez me montrer comment se prononce tossing.
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Significations et utilisations de mots et de phrases similaires
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