Des questions concernant des phrases d'exemple avec, et la définition et l'utilisation de "Tuesday"

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Q: 3. Tuesday

Ha... I was a little irritated... owing to a new lawyer who came here yesterday. I think... he is very hurry and thinks himself..;; Because of him card that It is used in office I ate a lunch late... ㅡㅡ I think I’ll go to the bank at 9:30am. But I need him sign for make the cards and I thought he’ll go to work early because he seems like hurry. So he press on me about making the cards hurry. ㅡㅡ But he came to the office at 10:30am and said me could you go there right now. we have a lunch at 12:00. I was irritated by him. I went to the bank and It finished making the cards at 12:40pm. ㅡㅡ I wanted to hit him. ㅡㅡ If he had wanted to make the cards fast, he should have came to the office early..! But.. he didn’t... ㅡㅡ!!! I’m already starting to hate the new lawyer... T_T Est-ce-que ça semble naturel?

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