English: Diagram of a tabula game played in 480 circa by Eastern Roman Emperor Zeno. The game, whose mechanics is similar to backgammon, is noteworthy because the Emperor had a very unlucky result and the situation was recorded in an epigram by Agathias. Zeno drew 2, 5 and 6 on his dices, and he was forced to move one piece from XX to XXII, one from XVIIII to XXIIII and one from X to XVI (Robert Charles Bell, Board and table games from many civilizations, Courier Dover Publications, 1979, ISBN0486238555, pp. 33-35).
العربية: مباراة طاولة (τάβλι) لعبها الإمبراطور البيزنطي زينون عام 480 وسجلها أغاثياس في عام 530 بسبب رمية النرد غير المحظوظة لزينون (الأحمر)، حيث ألقى 2 و5 و6 واضطر إلى ترك ثماني قطع بمفردها.
Travail personnel, from Austin, Zeno's Game of Table
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Схема игры в табулу, в которую примерно в 480 году играл император Восточной Римской империи Зенон. Игра, механика которой похожа на нарды, примечательна тем, что у императора был очень неудачный результат, и ситуация была описана в эпиграмме Агафия.
{{Information |Description={{en|1=Diagram of a ''tabula'' game played by Eastern Roman Emperor Zeno. The game, whose mechanics is similar to backgammon, is noteworthy because the Emperor had a very unlucky result and the situation was recorded in an epigr