pauvre => poor approbation => approval la pauvret => poverty asile => asylum un paradis => a haven asile politique => political asylum passeport => passport les autorits => authorities pays dadoption => country of adoption barrires linguistiques => language barriers pays daccueil => host country un bidonville => a shanty town un permis de travail => a work permit bilingue => bilingual perscution => persecution camp de rfugis => refugee camp prcaire => precarious carte verte => green card la politique dimmigration => the immigration citoyen => citizen policy la citoyennet => citizenship quotas dimmigration => immigration quotas concitoyen => fellow citizen les quartiers pauvres => the slums contrle des frontires => border control le racisme => racism dsillusionn => disillusioned regroupement familial => family reunification le destin => destiny, fate rfugi => refugee dtenu => detainee le rve amricain => American dream un dtenteur dun passeport => a passport holderrichesse => wealth discriminatoire => discriminatory sans argent => penniless un dissident => a dissident sans-abris => homeless une pidmie => an epidemic systme de quota => quota system un tranger => a foreigner la socit => society tranger en situation irrgulire => illegal alien sparation => separation empreintes digitales => fingerprints sgrgation => segregation un migrant => an emigrant tests dalphabtisation => literacy tests lexpulsion => deportation taux dimmigration => immigration rate facteurs dattraction => pull factors tradition => tradition la famine => famine une socit multi raciale => a multi racial society des faux documents => false documents tolrant / intolrant => tolerant / intolerant frontire => border un visa de sortie => an exit visa ghetto => ghetto un visa => visa groupe ethnique => ethnic group lintgration => integration lingalit => inequality Verbes utiles identit culturelle => cultural identity limmigration => immigration arriver par vague => to come in waves un immigr => an immigrate sadapter => to adapt immigrant illgal => illegal immigrant sadapter => to adjust to immigrant lgal => legal immigrant sadapter => to adapt un locuteur natif => native speaker assimiler => to assimilate une majorit => a majority augmenter => to increase une minorit => a minority accorder la permission de rester => to grant le melting pot => melting pot permission to stay chercher un abri => to seek shelter diminuer => to decrease se diriger vers un pays => to head for a country empcher dentrer => to keep out entrer en masse => to swarm into migrer => to emigrate entrer => to enter tre perscut => to be persecuted tre oblig de partir => to be forced to move tre attir par une vie meilleure => to be lured by a better life tre dracin => to be uprooted tre exploit => to be exploited faire entrer clandestinement => to smuggle in fuir un pays => to flee a country intgrer / sintgrer=> to integrate sinstaller => to settle limiter => to limit lutter => to struggle mourir de faim => to die of hunger se mlanger avec => to mix with, to blend with mourir de faim => to starve mettre un frein limmigration => to curtail / to curb immigration naturaliser => to naturalize opprimer => to oppress patrouiller => to patrol passer la douane => to go through the custom quitter son pays natal => to leave ones native country recommencer => to start affresh renvoyer => to send back risquer sa vie => to risk ones life rduire => to reduce restreindre => to restrict soutenir => to support travailler au noir => to work on the side voyager => to travel venir de, tre originaire de => to originate from