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Rfrence labo: 17/017751

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Date: 5/05/2017

France Tlvision
Certificat d'analyses
7 esplanade Henri de France
17/017751 75015 PARIS

Type d'chantillon: avocats

Rfrence: Avocats 1 - Supermarch

Informations Genrales: Information Extrait:

Producteur: Prlev le:
Origine: Mexique chantillonnage par:
Pays de destination: Lieu d'chantillonnage:
Squence: Scell: Emballage ferm
Bon de commande: Etat la rception: ok
Marque: Poids (g): 2089,9
Traitement: Nombre d'units:
Brix/Fact.Conc.: Emballage:
Info destination Transport fait par: France express
Date de rception: 27/04/2017
Date 1er bulletin: 05/05/2017
Priode d'analyse: 27/04/2017 - 05/05/2017
Limites: EU-TM
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Date: 5/05/2017

Echantillon homognis
GMS - GC-MSMS - Primoris accredited Termin ;
Substance Accr. Rsultat Limites Unit U
cypermethrin (cypermethrin #
including other mixtures of
A 0,15 0,05 mg/kg ( R 626/2017 )
constituent isomers (sum of
permethrin (sum of isomers) A 0,085 0,05 mg/kg ( R 623/2017 ) #
Autres non dtectables (<LC)

LMS - LC-MSMS - Primoris accredited Termin ;

Substance Accr. Rsultat Limites Unit U
azoxystrobine A 0,034 0,01 mg/kg ( R 171/2017 ) #
carbendazim and benomyl (sum #
of benomyl and carbendazim A 0,13 0,1 mg/kg ( R 559/2011 )
expressed as carbendazim)
Autres non dtectables (<LC)
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Date: 5/05/2017

Substances recherches (inclus Limite de Communication LC)

GMS - GC-MSMS - Primoris accreditedABS
Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C.
1,4-dimethylnaphthalene 0,01 mg/kg 2-phenylphenol (ortho-) 0,05 mg/kg acetochlor (A) 0,01 mg/kg aclonifen (A) 0,01 mg/kg
acrinathrine (A) 0,01 mg/kg alachlor (A) 0,01 mg/kg aldrin and dieldrin (aldrin 0,01 mg/kg aldrine (A) 0,01 mg/kg
and dieldrin combined
expressed as dieldrin)
anthraquinone (A) 0,01 mg/kg benalaxyl including other 0,01 mg/kg benfluralin (A) 0,01 mg/kg benzoylprop-ethyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg
mixtures of constituent
isomers including
benalaxyl-M (sum of
isomers) (A)
bifenazate 0,01 mg/kg bifnox (A) 0,01 mg/kg bifenthrine (A) 0,01 mg/kg biphenyl (A) 0,10 mg/kg
bromophos (bromophos- 0,01 mg/kg bromophos-ethyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg bromopropylate (A) 0,01 mg/kg butachlor (A) 0,01 mg/kg
methyl) (A)
butafenacil (A) 0,01 mg/kg butralin (A) 0,01 mg/kg butylate (A) 0,01 mg/kg cadusafos (A) 0,01 mg/kg
captan 0,02 mg/kg captan (Sum of captan 0,02 mg/kg carbophenothion (A) 0,01 mg/kg chinomethionate (A) 0,01 mg/kg
and THPI, expressed as
chlorbufam (A) 0,01 mg/kg chlordane (sum of cis- 0,01 mg/kg chlorfnapyr (A) 0,01 mg/kg chlorfenson (A) 0,01 mg/kg
and trans-chlordane) (A)
chlormphos (A) 0,01 mg/kg chlorobenside (A) 0,01 mg/kg chlorobenzilate (A) 0,01 mg/kg chloroneb (A) 0,01 mg/kg
chlorothalonil 0,01 mg/kg chlorpropham (A) 0,01 mg/kg chlorpyriphos-thyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg chlorpyriphos-mthyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg
chlorthal-dimethyl 0,01 mg/kg chlozolinate (A) 0,01 mg/kg coumaphos (A) 0,01 mg/kg crimidine (A) 0,01 mg/kg
(DCPA) (A)
cyanophenphos (A) 0,01 mg/kg cycloate (A) 0,01 mg/kg cyflufenamid: sum of 0,01 mg/kg cyfluthrin (cyfluthrin 0,01 mg/kg
cyflufenamid (Z-isomer) including other mixtures
and its E-isomer (A) of constituent isomers
(sum of isomers)) (A)
cyhalofop-butyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg cyhalothrin (sum of 0,01 mg/kg cypermethrin 0,01 mg/kg DBCP 0,1 mg/kg
gamma and lambda) (A) (cypermethrin including
other mixtures of
constituent isomers (sum
of isomers)) (A)
DDD (o,p'-) 0,01 mg/kg DDD(p,p'-) = TDE 0,01 mg/kg DDE (op') 0,01 mg/kg DDE (p,p') 0,01 mg/kg
DDT (op'-) 0,01 mg/kg DDT (pp') 0,01 mg/kg DDT (sum of p,p-DDT, 0,01 mg/kg DEET (N,N-diethyl-M- 0,01 mg/kg
o,p-DDT, p-p-DDE and toluamide) (A)
p,p-TDE (DDD)
expressed as DDT) (F)
deltamethrin (cis- 0,01 mg/kg desmetryne (A) 0,01 mg/kg diazinon (A) 0,01 mg/kg dichlobenil (A) 0,01 mg/kg
deltamethrin) (A)
dichlofenthion (A) 0,01 mg/kg dichlofluanide 0,01 mg/kg dichlormide (A) 0,01 mg/kg dichlorvos (A) 0,01 mg/kg
diclofop-methyl 0,01 mg/kg diclofop-methyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg dicloran (A) 0,01 mg/kg dicofol (o,p') 0,01 mg/kg
dicofol (p,p') 0,01 mg/kg dicofol (sum of p, p and 0,01 mg/kg dieldrin (A) 0,01 mg/kg dimthachlore (A) 0,01 mg/kg
o,p isomers)
diphenamid (A) 0,01 mg/kg diphenylamine (A) 0,05 mg/kg ditalimfos (A) 0,01 mg/kg DMSA (A) 0,02 mg/kg
DMST (A) 0,02 mg/kg endosulfan (alfa-) (A) 0,01 mg/kg endosulfan (beta-) (A) 0,01 mg/kg endosulfan (sulphate-) 0,01 mg/kg
endosulfan (sum of 0,01 mg/kg endrine (A) 0,01 mg/kg EPN (A) 0,01 mg/kg EPTC (ethyl 0,01 mg/kg
alpha- and beta-isomers dipropylthiocarbamate)
and endosulfan-sulphate (A)
expresses as endosulfan)
esfenvalerate (A) 0,01 mg/kg ethalfluralin (A) 0,01 mg/kg ethion (A) 0,01 mg/kg ethofumesate (A) 0,01 mg/kg
ethofumesate (sum of 0,01 mg/kg ethofumesate-2-keto (A) 0,01 mg/kg ethoprophos (A) 0,01 mg/kg etofenprox (A) 0,01 mg/kg
ethofumesate and the
metabolite 2,3-dihydro-
benzofuran-5-yl methane
sulphonate expressed as
ethofumesate) (A)
etridiazole 0,05 mg/kg etrimfos (A) 0,01 mg/kg famoxadone (A) 0,01 mg/kg fenchlorphos 0,01 mg/kg
fenchlorphos (A) 0,01 mg/kg fenchlorphos-oxon 0,02 mg/kg fenitrothion (A) 0,01 mg/kg fenpropathrine (A) 0,01 mg/kg
fenpropimorphe (A) 0,01 mg/kg fenson (A) 0,01 mg/kg fenvalerate (A) 0,01 mg/kg fenvalerate (sum of 0,01 mg/kg
SS,RR,SR and RS) (A)
fipronil (A) 0,005 mg/kg fipronil (sum fipronil + 0,005 mg/kg fipronil-desulfinyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg fipronil-sulfone (A) 0,005 mg/kg
sulfone metabolite
(MB46136) expressed as
fipronil) (A)
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Date: 5/05/2017

GMS - GC-MSMS - Primoris accreditedABS

Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C.
flucythrinate 0,01 mg/kg fludioxonil (A) 0,01 mg/kg flumetralin (A) 0,01 mg/kg formothion (A) 0,01 mg/kg
(flucythrinate including
other mixtures of
constituent isomers (sum
of isomers)) (A)
hch (alfa-) (A) 0,01 mg/kg hch (beta-) (A) 0,01 mg/kg HCH (delta-) (A) 0,01 mg/kg HCH (epsilon-) (A) 0,01 mg/kg
heptachlor (A) 0,01 mg/kg heptachlor (sum of 0,01 mg/kg heptachlor epoxyde (A) 0,01 mg/kg heptenophos (A) 0,01 mg/kg
heptachlor and
heptachlor epoxide
expressed as heptachlor)
hexachlorobenzene 0,01 mg/kg hexachlorociclohexane 0,01 mg/kg iodofenfos (A) 0,01 mg/kg ipconazole 0,01 mg/kg
(HCB) (A) (HCH), sum of isomers,
except the gamma
isomer (A)
isocarbofos (A) 0,01 mg/kg isofenphos (-ethyl) (A) 0,01 mg/kg isofenphos-methyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg isoprocarb (A) 0,01 mg/kg
isopropalin (A) 0,01 mg/kg lindane (Gamma-isomer 0,01 mg/kg malaoxon (A) 0,01 mg/kg malathion (A) 0,01 mg/kg
(HCH)) (A)
malathion (sum of 0,01 mg/kg mcarbam (A) 0,01 mg/kg mpronil (A) 0,01 mg/kg mthacrifos (A) 0,01 mg/kg
malathion and malaoxon
expressed as malathion)
mthidathion (A) 0,01 mg/kg methoprene (A) 0,01 mg/kg mthoxychlore (A) 0,01 mg/kg metrafenone (A) 0,01 mg/kg
mtribuzin 0,01 mg/kg mevinphos (sum of E- 0,01 mg/kg mirex (A) 0,01 mg/kg nitrofne (A) 0,01 mg/kg
and Z-isomers) (A)
nitrothale-isopropyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg oxadiargyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg oxadiazon (A) 0,01 mg/kg oxychlordane (A) 0,01 mg/kg
oxyfluorfen (A) 0,01 mg/kg paraoxon-methyl 0,01 mg/kg parathion (A) 0,01 mg/kg parathion-methyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg
parathion-methyl (sum of 0,01 mg/kg pebulate (A) 0,01 mg/kg pendimethalin (A) 0,01 mg/kg pentachloraniline (PCA) 0,01 mg/kg
parathion-methyl and (A)
expressed as parathion-
pentachloroanisol (A) 0,01 mg/kg penthiopyrade (A) 0,01 mg/kg permethrin (sum of 0,01 mg/kg phenothrin (phenothrin 0,02 mg/kg
isomers) (A) including other mixtures
of constituent isomers
(sum of isomers)) (A)
phorate (A) 0,01 mg/kg phosalone (A) 0,01 mg/kg phosmet 0,01 mg/kg phosmet (phosmet and 0,01 mg/kg
phosmet oxon expressed
as phosmet)
phosmet-oxon 0,05 mg/kg pipronyl-butoxyde (A) 0,01 mg/kg pirimiphos-thyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg pirimiphos-mthyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg
pretilachlor (A) 0,01 mg/kg procymidone (A) 0,01 mg/kg profluralin (A) 0,01 mg/kg promtryne (A) 0,01 mg/kg
propargite (A) 0,01 mg/kg prothiofos (A) 0,01 mg/kg pyrazophos (A) 0,01 mg/kg pyridabne (A) 0,01 mg/kg
pyriproxyfne (A) 0,01 mg/kg quinalphos (A) 0,01 mg/kg quintozene (A) 0,01 mg/kg quintozene (sum of 0,01 mg/kg
quintozene and
expressed as
quintozene) (A)
silafluofen (A) 0,01 mg/kg silthiofam (A) 0,01 mg/kg spirodiclofen (A) 0,01 mg/kg spiromesifen (A) 0,01 mg/kg
sulfotep (A) 0,01 mg/kg sulprofos (A) 0,01 mg/kg tau-fluvalinate (A) 0,01 mg/kg tecnazene (TCNB) (A) 0,01 mg/kg
tfluthrine (A) 0,01 mg/kg terbacil (A) 0,01 mg/kg terbuthylazine (A) 0,01 mg/kg terbutryne (A) 0,01 mg/kg
tetrachlorvinphos (A) 0,01 mg/kg ttradifon (A) 0,01 mg/kg tetrahydrophtalimide 0,02 mg/kg tiocarbazil (A) 0,01 mg/kg
tolclofos-mthyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg tolfenpyrad (A) 0,01 mg/kg tolylfluanid (sum of 0,02 mg/kg tolylfluanide 0,02 mg/kg
tolylfluanid and
de expressed as
tolylfluanid) (R)
transfluthrin (A) 0,01 mg/kg tri-allate (A) 0,01 mg/kg trifluralin (A) 0,01 mg/kg vinclozolin (A) 0,01 mg/kg
vinclozolin - TOTAL (A) 0,01 mg/kg

LMS - LC-MSMS - Primoris accreditedABS

Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C.
2-(1-naphtyl)acetamide 0,01 mg/kg 6-benzyladenine (A) 0,01 mg/kg acephate (A) 0,01 mg/kg acetamiprid (A) 0,01 mg/kg
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Date: 5/05/2017

LMS - LC-MSMS - Primoris accreditedABS

Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C.
acibenzolar- S- methyl 0,01 mg/kg acibenzolar-acid 0,05 mg/kg acibenzolar-S-methyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg aldicarb (A) 0,01 mg/kg
(sum of acibenzolar- S-
methyl and acibenzolar
acid (free and
conjugated), expressed
as acibenzolar- S-
aldicarb - sulfon (A) 0,01 mg/kg aldicarb - sulfoxide (A) 0,01 mg/kg aldicarb (sum of aldicarb, 0,01 mg/kg allethrin (A) 0,01 mg/kg
its sulfoxide and its
sulfone, expressed as
aldicarb) (A)
ametoctradin (A) 0,01 mg/kg amtryne (A) 0,01 mg/kg amidosulfuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg amisulbrom (A) 0,01 mg/kg
asulame (A) 0,01 mg/kg atrazine (A) 0,01 mg/kg azadirachtin (A) 0,01 mg/kg azamethiphos (A) 0,01 mg/kg
azimsulfuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg azinphos-ethyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg azinphos-methyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg azoxystrobine (A) 0,01 mg/kg
beflubutamid (A) 0,01 mg/kg bendiocarb (A) 0,01 mg/kg bensulfuron-methyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg benthiavalicarb (A) 0,01 mg/kg
bispyribac-sodium (A) 0,01 mg/kg bitertanol (A) 0,01 mg/kg bixafen (A) 0,01 mg/kg boscalid (A) 0,02 mg/kg
bromacil (A) 0,01 mg/kg bromuconazole (sum of 0,01 mg/kg bupirimate (A) 0,01 mg/kg buprofzine (A) 0,01 mg/kg
diasteroisomers) (A)
carbaryl (A) 0,01 mg/kg carbendazim and 0,01 mg/kg carbtamide (A) 0,01 mg/kg carbofuran (A) 0,01 mg/kg
benomyl (sum of
benomyl and
carbendazim expressed
as carbendazim) (A)
carbofuran (3-OH-) (A) 0,01 mg/kg carbofuran (sum of 0,01 mg/kg carbosulfan (A) 0,01 mg/kg carboxin (A) 0,01 mg/kg
carbofuran (including any
carbofuran generated
from carbosulfan,
benfuracarb or
furathiocarb) and 3-OH
carbofuran expressed as
carb (A)
carfentrazone-ethyl 0,01 mg/kg chlorantraniliprole (DPX 0,01 mg/kg chlorbromuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg chlorfenvinphos (A) 0,01 mg/kg
(determined as E-2Y45) (A)
carfentrazone and
expressed as
carfentrazone-ethyl) (A)
chlorfluazuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg chloridazon (A) 0,01 mg/kg chlorotoluron (A) 0,01 mg/kg chloroxuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg
chlorsulfuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg cinerin I 0,01 mg/kg cinerin II 0,01 mg/kg clethodim (sum of 0,01 mg/kg
sethoxydim and
clethodim including
degradation products
calculated as
sethoxydim) (A)
clthodime (A) 0,01 mg/kg clodinafop (A) 0,01 mg/kg clodinafop and its S- 0,01 mg/kg clodinafop-propargyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg
isomers and their salts,
expressed as clodinafop
clofentezine (A) 0,01 mg/kg clomazone (A) 0,01 mg/kg clothianidin (A) 0,01 mg/kg cyantraniliprole (A) 0,01 mg/kg
cyazofamid (A) 0,01 mg/kg cycloxidime (A) 0,01 mg/kg cyflumetofen (A) 0,01 mg/kg cymiazole (A) 0,01 mg/kg
cymoxanil (A) 0,01 mg/kg cyproconazole (A) 0,01 mg/kg cyprodinyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg dazomet (A) 0,01 mg/kg
demethon-s-methyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg demeton-S-methyl-sulfon 0,01 mg/kg diafenthiuron 0,01 mg/kg dicrotophos (A) 0,01 mg/kg
dithofencarb (A) 0,01 mg/kg difnoconazole (A) 0,01 mg/kg diflubenzuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg diflufnicanil (A) 0,01 mg/kg
dimefox (A) 0,01 mg/kg Dimethenamid including 0,01 mg/kg dimethoate (A) 0,01 mg/kg dimethoate (sum of 0,01 mg/kg
other mixtures of dimethoate and
constituent isomers omethoate expressed as
including dimethenamid- dimethoate) (A)
P (sum of isomers) (A)
dimethomorph (sum of 0,01 mg/kg dimoxystrobin (A) 0,01 mg/kg diniconazole (A) 0,01 mg/kg dinotefuran (A) 0,01 mg/kg
isomers) (A)
disulfoton (A) 0,01 mg/kg disulfoton (sum of 0,01 mg/kg disulfoton-sulfone (A) 0,01 mg/kg disulfoton-sulfoxide (A) 0,01 mg/kg
disulfoton, disulfoton
sulfoxide and disulfoton
sulfone expressed as
disulfoton) (A)
diuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg dodemorph (A) 0,01 mg/kg dodine (A) 0,02 mg/kg epoxiconazole (A) 0,01 mg/kg
ethametsulfuron-methyl 0,01 mg/kg ethiofencarb (A) 0,01 mg/kg ethirimol (A) 0,01 mg/kg ethoxysulfuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg
etoxazole (A) 0,01 mg/kg fnamidone (A) 0,01 mg/kg fenamiphos (A) 0,01 mg/kg fenamiphos - sulfone (A) 0,01 mg/kg
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LMS - LC-MSMS - Primoris accreditedABS

Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C.
fenamiphos - sulfoxide 0,01 mg/kg fenamiphos (sum of 0,01 mg/kg fnarimol (A) 0,01 mg/kg fnazaquin (A) 0,01 mg/kg
(A) fenamiphos and its
sulphoxide and sulphone
expressed as
fenamiphos) (A)
fenbuconazole (A) 0,01 mg/kg fenhexamid (A) 0,01 mg/kg fenobucarb (A) 0,01 mg/kg fenoxaprop-P (A) 0,01 mg/kg
fenoxaprop-P-thyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg fnoxycarb (A) 0,01 mg/kg fenpiclonil (A) 0,01 mg/kg fenpropidin (sum of 0,01 mg/kg
fenpropidin and its salts,
expressed as
fenpropidin) (A)
fenpyrazamine (A) 0,01 mg/kg fenpyroximate (A) 0,01 mg/kg fensulfothion (A) 0,01 mg/kg fensulfothion-oxon (A) 0,01 mg/kg
fensulfothion-oxon-sulfon 0,01 mg/kg fensulfothion-sulfon (A) 0,01 mg/kg fenthion (A) 0,01 mg/kg fenthion - sulfon (A) 0,05 mg/kg
fenthion - sulfoxide (A) 0,01 mg/kg Fenthion (fenthion and its 0,01 mg/kg fenthion-oxon (A) 0,01 mg/kg fenthion-oxon-sulfone (A) 0,01 mg/kg
oxigen analogue, their
sulfoxides and sulfone
expressed as parent) (A)
fenthion-oxon-sulfoxid 0,01 mg/kg fenuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg flazasulfuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg flonicamid (A) 0,01 mg/kg
florasulam (A) 0,01 mg/kg fluazifop-P (A) 0,01 mg/kg fluazifop-P - butyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg fluazifop-P-butyl 0,01 mg/kg
(fluazifop acid (free )) (A)
fluazinam (A) 0,02 mg/kg flubendiamide (A) 0,01 mg/kg flufnacet (A) 0,01 mg/kg flufnoxuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg
fluometuron 0,02 mg/kg fluopicolide (A) 0,01 mg/kg fluopyram (A) 0,01 mg/kg fluoxastrobin (A) 0,01 mg/kg
flupyradifurone (A) 0,01 mg/kg flupyrsulfuron-mthyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg fluquinconazole (A) 0,01 mg/kg flurochloridon (A) 0,01 mg/kg
fluroxypyr 0,02 mg/kg flurtamone (A) 0,01 mg/kg flusilazole (A) 0,01 mg/kg flutolanil (A) 0,01 mg/kg
flutriafol (A) 0,01 mg/kg fluxapyroxad (A) 0,01 mg/kg FM-6 (A) 0,01 mg/kg fonofos (A) 0,01 mg/kg
foramsulfuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg forchlorfenuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg fosthiazate (A) 0,01 mg/kg fuberidazole (A) 0,01 mg/kg
furalaxyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg furathiocarbe (A) 0,01 mg/kg haloxyfop - R (A) 0,01 mg/kg haloxyfop including 0,01 mg/kg
haloxyfop-R (Haloxyfop-
R methyl ester and
haloxyfop-R expressed
as haloxyfop-R) (A)
haloxyfop-methyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg hexaconazole (A) 0,01 mg/kg hexazinone (A) 0,01 mg/kg hxythiazox (A) 0,01 mg/kg
imazalil (A) 0,01 mg/kg imazamox 0,01 mg/kg imazapyr 0,01 mg/kg imazaquine 0,01 mg/kg
imazosulfuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg imidaclopride (A) 0,01 mg/kg indoxacarb (sum of 0,01 mg/kg iodosulfuron-methyl 0,01 mg/kg
indoxacarb and its R (iodosulfuron-methyl
enantiomer) (A) including salts,
expressed as
iodosulfuron-methyl) (A)
iprobenfos (A) 0,01 mg/kg iprodione (A) 0,01 mg/kg iprovalicarbe (A) 0,01 mg/kg isoprothiolane (A) 0,01 mg/kg
isoproturon (IPU) (A) 0,01 mg/kg isopyrazam (A) 0,01 mg/kg isoxaben (A) 0,01 mg/kg krsoxim-mthyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg
lenacil (A) 0,01 mg/kg linuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg lufnuron (A) 0,02 mg/kg mandipropamid (A) 0,01 mg/kg
mpanipyrim (A) 0,01 mg/kg mesosulfuron-methyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg metaflumizone (sum of E- 0,01 mg/kg metalaxyl and metalaxyl- 0,01 mg/kg
and Z- isomers) (A) M (metalaxyl including
other mixtures of
constituent isomers
including metalaxyl-M
(sum of isomers)) (A)
mtamitrone (A) 0,01 mg/kg metazachlor (A) 0,01 mg/kg metconazole (sum of 0,01 mg/kg mthabenzthiazuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg
isomers) (A)
mthamidophos (A) 0,01 mg/kg methiocarb (A) 0,01 mg/kg methiocarb (sum of 0,01 mg/kg methiocarb-sulfon (A) 0,01 mg/kg
methiocarb and
methiocarb sulfoxide and
sulfone, expressed as
methiocarb) (A)
methiocarb-sulfoxide (A) 0,01 mg/kg metholachlor and 0,01 mg/kg methomyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg methomyl and thiodicarb 0,01 mg/kg
metholachlor-S (sum of methomyl and
(metholachlor including thiodicarb expressed as
other mixtures of methomyl) (A)
constituent isomers
including S-metholachlor
(sum of isomers)) (A)
mthoxyfenozide (A) 0,01 mg/kg metobromuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg mtosulame (A) 0,01 mg/kg mtoxuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg
metsulfuron-mthyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg molinate (A) 0,01 mg/kg monocrotophos (A) 0,01 mg/kg monolinuron (A) 0,02 mg/kg
myclobutanil (A) 0,01 mg/kg napropamide (A) 0,01 mg/kg nicosulfuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg nitenpyram (A) 0,01 mg/kg
novaluron (A) 0,01 mg/kg nuarimol (A) 0,01 mg/kg ofurace (A) 0,01 mg/kg omethoate (A) 0,01 mg/kg
oxadixyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg oxamyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg oxycarboxin (A) 0,01 mg/kg oxydemeton-methyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg
Rfrence labo: 17/017751
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Date: 5/05/2017

LMS - LC-MSMS - Primoris accreditedABS

Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C. Substance & Accr. L.C.
oxydemeton-methyl (sum 0,01 mg/kg paclobutrazol (A) 0,01 mg/kg penconazole (A) 0,01 mg/kg pencycuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg
of oxydemeton-methyl
and demeton-S-
methylsulfone expressed
as oxydemeton-methyl)
penoxsulam (A) 0,01 mg/kg pethoxamid (A) 0,01 mg/kg phenmedipham (A) 0,01 mg/kg phenthoate (A) 0,01 mg/kg
phosphamidon (A) 0,01 mg/kg phoxim (A) 0,01 mg/kg picolinafne (A) 0,01 mg/kg picoxystrobin (A) 0,01 mg/kg
pinoxaden (A) 0,01 mg/kg pirimicarb (A) 0,01 mg/kg prochloraze (A) 0,01 mg/kg profenofos (A) 0,01 mg/kg
promecarb (A) 0,01 mg/kg propamocarb (sum of 0,01 mg/kg propanil (A) 0,01 mg/kg propaquizafop (A) 0,01 mg/kg
propamocarb and its salt
expressed as
propamocarb) (A)
propazin (A) 0,01 mg/kg propham (IPC) (A) 0,01 mg/kg propiconazole (sum of 0,01 mg/kg propoxur (A) 0,01 mg/kg
isomers) (A)
propyzamide (A) 0,01 mg/kg proquinazid (A) 0,01 mg/kg prosulfocarbe (A) 0,01 mg/kg prosulfuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg
prothioconazool: 0,01 mg/kg pymtrozine (A) 0,01 mg/kg pyraclostrobine (A) 0,01 mg/kg pyraflufen-thyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg
(sum of isomers) (A)
pyrethrin I 0,01 mg/kg pyrethrin II 0,01 mg/kg pyrethrins 0,01 mg/kg pyridafol 0,01 mg/kg
pyridalyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg pyridaphenthion (A) 0,01 mg/kg pyridate 0,01 mg/kg Pyridate (sum of pyridate, 0,01 mg/kg
its hydrolysis product CL
9673 (6-chloro-4-
phenylpyridazin) and
hydrolysable conjugates
of CL 9673 expressed as
pyrifnox (A) 0,01 mg/kg pyrimthanil (A) 0,01 mg/kg pyriofenone (A) 0,01 mg/kg quinclorac (A) 0,01 mg/kg
quinmrac 0,01 mg/kg quinoxyfne (A) 0,01 mg/kg quizalofop, incl. 0,01 mg/kg quizalofop-thyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg
quizalofop-P (A)
rimsulfuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg rotnone (A) 0,01 mg/kg sthoxydime (A) 0,01 mg/kg simazine (A) 0,01 mg/kg
spinetoram (A) 0,01 mg/kg spinetoram I (A) 0,01 mg/kg spinetoram II (A) 0,01 mg/kg spinosad: sum of 0,01 mg/kg
spinosyn A and spinosyn
D, expressed as
spinosad (A)
spinosyn A (A) 0,01 mg/kg spinosyn D (A) 0,01 mg/kg spirotetramat (A) 0,01 mg/kg spirotetramat and its 4 0,01 mg/kg
metabolites BYI08330-
enol, BYI08330-
ketohydroxy, BYI08330-
monohydroxy, and
BYI08330 enol-glucoside,
expressed as
spirotetramat (A)
spirotetramat-enol (A) 0,01 mg/kg spirotetramat-enol- 0,01 mg/kg spirotetramat-keto-hydrox 0,01 mg/kg spirotetramat-mono- 0,01 mg/kg
glucoside (A) (A) hydrox (A)
spiroxamine (sum of 0,01 mg/kg sulfosulfuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg sulfoxaflor (A) 0,01 mg/kg tebuconazole (A) 0,01 mg/kg
isomers) (A)
tbufenozide (A) 0,01 mg/kg tbufenpyrad (A) 0,01 mg/kg tepraloxydim (A) 0,01 mg/kg terbufos (A) 0,01 mg/kg
terbufos-sulfon (A) 0,01 mg/kg terbufos-sulfoxide (A) 0,01 mg/kg ttraconazole (A) 0,01 mg/kg tetramethrine (A) 0,01 mg/kg
thiabendazole (A) 0,01 mg/kg thiacloprid (A) 0,01 mg/kg thiametoxam (A) 0,01 mg/kg thifensulfuron-mthyle 0,01 mg/kg
thiobencarb (A) 0,01 mg/kg thiodicarb (A) 0,01 mg/kg thionazine (A) 0,01 mg/kg thiophanate-methyl (A) 0,01 mg/kg
triadimefon and 0,01 mg/kg triadimfone (A) 0,01 mg/kg triadimenol (A) 0,01 mg/kg triasulfuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg
triadimenol (sum of
triadimefon and
triadimenol) (A)
triazophos (A) 0,01 mg/kg trichlorfon (A) 0,02 mg/kg tricyclazole (A) 0,01 mg/kg tridemorphe (A) 0,01 mg/kg
trifloxystrobin (A) 0,01 mg/kg triflumizole (A) 0,01 mg/kg triflumizole (A) 0,01 mg/kg triflumuron (A) 0,01 mg/kg
triforine (A) 0,01 mg/kg trinexapac (sum of 0,02 mg/kg triticonazole (A) 0,01 mg/kg valifenalate (A) 0,01 mg/kg
trinexapac (acid) and its
salts, expressed as
trinexapac) (A)
vamidothion (A) 0,01 mg/kg zoxamide (A) 0,01 mg/kg

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