Fi Chapter 1
Fi Chapter 1
Fi Chapter 1
la salle de classe
en classe
les nombres cardinaux 1-69
la date
les accents
1.1 subject pronouns
1.2 tre to be
1.3 introduction to nouns
1.4 determiners: definite articles
1.5 determiners: indefinite
1.6 gender: masculine, feminine
1.7 voil vs. il y a
testez-vous!, chapitre 01
verb conjugation reference
verb practice
Vocabulaire en contexte
bienvenue Lyon
la salle de classe
1 10
les jours de la semaine
le calendrier
les anniversaires
je me prsente
qui est-ce?
Bonjour! je mappelle
In this chapter we will learn to introduce ourselves. We will also learn useful vocabulary
and phrases pertaining to the classroom.
Your instructor
will collect this Comment allez-vous? How are you? (formal)
homework. Comment vas-tu? How are you? (informal)
Je vais trs bien, merci. I am very well, thank you.
Je vais bien, merci. I am fine, thank you.
Pas mal, merci. Not bad, thank you.
Bien, merci! Great, thanks!
Comment a va? How are things going?
a va (bien)? Are things going (well)?
a va bien. Things are going well.
Et vous? Vous tes do? And you? Where are you from? (formal)
Et toi? Tu es do? And you? Where are you from? (informal)
Prsentations Introductions
Monsieur, je vous prsente... Sir, I would like to introduce to you... (formal)
Je te prsente... I would like to introduce to you.... (informal)
Voici... This is...
Qui est-ce? Who is it?
Cest... Its...
Ce sont... They are...
Comment sappelle-t-il/elle? Whats his/her name?
Il/Elle sappelle... His/Her name is...
Il/Elle est de... He/She is from...
Comment sappellent-ils/elles? What are their names?
Ils/Elles sappellent... Their names are...
aujourdhui today
demain tomorrow
la semaine week
la semaine prochaine next week
la semaine dernire last week
Go to the
website for
a complete
and practice
Tu ou Vous?
Forms of address Bonjour, (Monsieur, Madame, Mademoiselle)
Je mappelle __________________________
When introducing oneself Et vous, comment vous appelez-vous?
for the first time, does
one use the informal
Moi, je mappelle ______________________
French pronoun tu or the
formal vous? In general, Comment allez-vous?
tu is used with friends, Je vais trs bien ( bien / pas mal / mal), merci.
family, and children.
Vous is used to express Et vous?
politeness, formality, and ____________________________ , merci.
social distance. Vous is Au revoir, (Monsieur/ Madame/ Mademoiselle)
the form of address used
for all formal situations.
Exercice 2. Salutations familires
Using the informal dialogue suggestions below, greet two students that you
havent talked to yet. Tell them your name, ask about theirs and ask them how
they are doing. Tell them you will see them soon.
Exercice 3. Rpondez!
Would you be prepared to greet your host family in Lyon? Give logical responses
to the following greetings or farewells. Be prepared to go over these in class.
1. Bonjour, Mademoiselle._________________________________________________
2. Au revoir, Monsieur.____________________________________________________
3. Comment allez-vous?__________________________________________________
4. Salut._______________________________________________________________
5. a va?______________________________________________________________
6. A demain!____________________________________________________________
In an informal situation,
Exercice 6. Grammaire interactive. young adults will most
A. Do you remember how to spell the following subjects? Take turns asking often faire la bise.
your partner to spell the subjects below. Older adults or men
would normally shake
hands. In a formal si-
tutation, it is necessary
English: l______________________________________________________ to shake hands with
Business: le_____________________________________________________ everyone. A bise is al-
History: l______________________________________________________ ways given to children.
Languages: les____________________________________________________
Contrary to the hug
Computer science: l______________________________________________________
in the United States,
Accounting: la _____________________________________________________ kisses are exchanged
with friends and family
B. le, la, les and l are called definite articles. members that one sees
What is the English equivalent? Do you use it before nouns referring to school subjects in English? everyday. In France,
hugging is reserved for
Give the gender of each noun in Exercice A. more intimate (roman-
Modle: les maths = feminine tic) relationships.
(If you dont remember a gender, refer back to the vocabulary list in Chapitre Prliminaire.)
Fill in the blanks:
Before a plural noun , the form of the definite article is: _____
Before a singular noun starting with a vowel or a mute h, the form of the definite article is: ____
_ (regardless of whether the noun is masculine or feminine)
Before a singular masculine noun starting with a consonant, the form of the definite article is: ___
Before a singular feminine noun starting with a consonant, the form of the definite article is: ____
singulier pluriel
Modle: Ils sont tudiants. You check: q
At home, please go to
1. _____________________________________________________ q q
the Franais interac-
tif website. Read the 2. _____________________________________________________ q q
following grammar
3. _____________________________________________________ q q
points in Texs French
Grammar and com- 4. _____________________________________________________ q q
plete all Texercises
5. _____________________________________________________ q q
which you will turn in
to your instructor. 6. _____________________________________________________ q q
1.1 subject
Exercice 8. Vrai ou faux?
Are the following sentences true or false? In groups of three, one student will
je nous read the following statements, and the other two will react. Afterwards, your
tu vous group will report your answers to the class.
il Vrai Faux
elles 1. Toi, tu es de Beaumont et toi, tu es de San Antonio. q q
2. Le professeur de franais est de Paris. q q
3. Vous tes luniversit du Texas. q q
1.2 tre to be 4. Virginie est architecte. q q
5. Nous sommes tudiants. q q
je suis 6. Jean-Charles est ingnieur. q q
tu es 7. Stphanie et Laila sont professeurs. q q
8. Toi, tu es chanteur (chanteuse) et toi, tu es acteur (actrice). q q
elle est
Exercice 9. Tu es do?
som- Find students in your class who are from the same city as you. Ask your
nous classmates where they are from and group yourselves according to city. Use
only French!
vous tes
Modle: Tu es do? -> Je suis de Dallas. Et toi? -> Moi aussi! Je suis de Dallas.
elles } sont
Il y a combien dtudiants de chaque ville (each city)? Il y a combien dtudiants du Texas?
Ecrivez les rsultats au tableau.
Devoirs: Bring a photo of a famous person to class and be prepared to ... there is
answer questions from your classmates about them (who they are, where they NO article in
are from, what they do for a living). French in the
above with
1.3 gender: 7. q q 7. q q
masculine, 8. q q 8. q q
1.6 determiners:
indefinite articles:
forms un bureau une carte une chaise
une affiche un ordinateur un tableau
masc. sing.: un
How would you translate the underlined elements in English?
fem. sing.: une What do you think the difference between un and une is related to?
pl.: des
Fill in the blanks:
un is used when the noun is __________________________________________________
une is used when the noun is _________________________________________________
a, cest cahier et a,
cest stylo. Voici
livres et crayons. Dans
la salle de classe il y a
tableau noir, chaises et
Il y a
1. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________
2. _______________________________ 5. _______________________________
3. _______________________________ 6. _______________________________
47 ___________________________ 10 + 9 = __________________________
16 ___________________________ 18 + 7 = __________________________
25 ___________________________ 29 + 4 = __________________________
61 ___________________________ 45 + 19 = __________________________
52 ___________________________ 16 - 5 = __________________________
39 ___________________________ 57 - 6 = __________________________
12 ___________________________ 36 + 13 = __________________________
8 ___________________________ 34 - 7 = __________________________
Laila _____ quai Jean-Jacques Rousseau ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Cest quand, ton anniversaire?
Cest le 2 mai.