Lesson 15 Et332b

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Lesson 15: Induction Motor Testing:

Lock-Rotor and No-load Tests

ET 332b
Ac Motors, Generators and Power Systems

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Learning Objectives
After this presentation you will be able to:

 Conduct locked rotor tests on 3-phase induction motors

 Conduct no-load tests on 3-phase induction motors
 Use measurements from lock rotor and no-load tests to
find motor circuit parameters

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Finding Induction Motor Parameters
Dc Test - finds R1, the stator conductor resistance

Procedure: 1.) Apply dc voltage to stator

2.) Adjust dc source until rated current flows

Formulas R dc
For wye connected stator R1 
Vdc 2
R dc 
I dc For delta connected stator R1  1.5  R dc

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Finding Induction Motor Parameters
Locked rotor test - finds the rotor parameters (R2, x2) and stator reactance
(x1) .

Locked-Rotor Test Procedure

1.) connect ammeters wattmeters and voltmeters as shown above
2.) mechanically lock the motor rotor
3.) adjust the supply voltage until rated current flows
4.) measure V P and I (line-to-line voltage, line current and total active power)

Recommended practice is to perform test at 25% rated f (15 Hz)

Minimizes errors due to saturation (X's) and skin effects (R's)
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Per Phase Circuit Model For Lock-Rotor Test

Finds rotor resistance

R2 and rotor and stator
leakage reactances x1
and x2

Define Test Quantities Calculations

IBR15 = blocked rotor test current (15 Hz) Find total impedance at 15 Hz
PBR15 = blocked rotor test power (15 Hz)
VBR15 = blocked rotor voltage (15 Hz) Z BR15  R BR15 
I BR15 I 2BR15
R BR15  R1  R 2

Find rotor R R 2  R BR15  R1

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Locked-Rotor Test Calculations
Find the rotor and stator leakage reactances from locked rotor resistance and

XBR15  Z2BR15  R 2BR15

 60 Hz 
Change to 60 Hz X BR 60     X BR15
 15 Hz 

X BR 60  x1  x 2

Divide the leakage reactances based on the NEMA design types. Use the following table.

Design A, D B C Wound
Type Rotor
x1 0.5∙XBR60 0.4∙XBR60 0.3∙XBR60 0.5∙XBR60
x2 0.5∙XBR60 0.6∙XBR60 0.7∙XBR60 0.5∙XBR60

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Induction Motor No-Load Test
No-load Test - Finds magnetizing reactance and combined friction, core and
windage power losses.

No-Load Test Procedure

1.) Apply rated voltage and frequency with no mechanical load.
2.) Measure current voltage and power.
3.) Uses same test instrument setup as locked-rotor test. Measure IL, VL and PT.

Model for No-load test Since IM >>> Ife it is

neglected in this test so Rfe

PNL = No-load power losses
INL = No-load current
VNL = No-load voltage

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Induction Motor No-Load Test Formulas
Find apparent and reactive power into unloaded motor

2 2

Use reactive power to find total

X NL 

No-load reactance is the sum of the magnetizing reactance and stator leakage
X NL  x1  x M
x M  X NL  x1

Use no-load power to find PNL  I 2NL  R1  Pcore  Pstray

rotational losses
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Example 15-1: Following data is taken from no-load, locked rotor,
and DC tests of a 3-phase, wye connected 40 HP, 60 Hz, 460 V,
induction motor with a rated current of 57.8 A. The locked-rotor
test is made at 15 Hz to minimize the errors due to saturation and
skin effects. Determine the motor parameters and the total core,
friction and windage losses. Draw the approximate equivalent
circuit for the motor

Lock-rotor No-load DC Test

Vline = 36.2 V 460.0 V Vdc = 12.0 V
Iline = 58.0 A 32.7 A Idc = 59.0 A
PT = 2573.4 W PT = 4664.4 W

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Example 15-1 Solution (1)
Convert line voltages, currents and total power to per phase quantities

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Example 15-1 Solution (2)

For a wye connected motor

Stator winding resistance

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Example 15-1 Solution (3)
Use locked-rotor test values to find rotor resistance, R2 and stator/rotor leakage
reactance x1, x2

Find the rotor resistance

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Example 15-1 Solution (4)
Now find XBR at test frequency of 15 Hz

Convert this result to 60 Hz

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Example 15-1 Solution (5)
Now find Xm and power losses from no-load test data

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Example 15-1 Solution (6)
Need to find x1 and x2 to find the xm value. Assume the motor is NEMA design B

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Approximate Equivalent Circuit
0.1020 Ω
j0.4073 Ω j0.6110 Ω

0.1530/s Ω

j7.58 Ω

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ET 332b
Ac Motors, Generators and Power Systems



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