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Nom de l’enseignant : BERNARD WENGA NTCHEPING Période d’enseignement : du 19/11/2018 au 28 /06/2019 Type: IT

Matériel pédagogique (manuels, cahiers d’exercices, etc.)

Français Mathématiques Sciences Études sociales English Language Arts Santé
Dictionnaire Larousse JUMPMATH Cours 6.1 et Cahier AU LABO les Les voix de la Signature-Jamestowns- Diet and nutrition
Français et Anglais 6.2 débrouillards démocratie Reading activities
Cahier Leçons et devoirs JUMPMATH Exercices 6.1 Livre PowerKnowledge - Fiches reproductibles Study Documents Wellness Worksheet
Fiches reproductibles et 6.2 Physical Science Documents d’étude Learn Alberta Portal Fiches reproductibles
Ouvrages de référence Fiches reproductibles Livre PowerKnowledge – Portail Learn Alberta Portail Learn Alberta
Calculatrice Earth and space Science
Portail Learn Alberta
Instruments de géométrie Fiches reproductibles
AquaMaths Documents d’étude
Portail Learn Alberta Matériel d’expérimentation
Portail Learn Alberta

Organisation et approches pédagogiques

Enseignement explicite Enseignement explicite Enseignement explicite Enseignement Explicit teaching Enseignement explicite
utilisant les stratégies utilisant les stratégies de utilisant les stratégies de explicite utilisant Discussions Group Discussions de groupe
de francisation, francisation, d’inclusion francisation, d’inclusion les stratégies de Individual and team Observation et
d’inclusion et de et de différenciation. et de différenciation. francisation, work appréciation de
différenciation. Travail individuel et en Travail individuel et en d’inclusion et de Oral presentations productions
Travail individuel et en équipe équipe différenciation. Written productions of Travail individuel et en
équipe Approche basée sur le vécu Approche basée sur le vécu Travail individuel et comprehension text équipes
Professeur du jour quotidien quotidien en équipe Analysis the logical
Dialogue intensif Activités d’entraînement et Approche par Débats intensifs structure
Étude et devoirs en de calcul mental expérimentation et Étude et devoirs en Vocabulary
classe Résolution de problèmes manipulation classe Grammar
Contrôle oral journalier Étude et devoirs en classe Activités de projet sur Contrôle oral
Production de textes sur Contrôle à la fin de chaque maquette journalier
googledoc leçon Résolution de problèmes Production de textes
Présentation Powerpoint Utilisation occasionnelle de scientifiques sur googledoc
des sujets divers de la la calculatrice Étude et devoirs en classe Présentation
vie courante Plateforme d’apprentissage Contrôle à la fin de chaque Powerpoint des
Compétition de question en ligne Learn Alberta leçon sujets contenus dans
et réponses sur kahoot. Sortie de terrain en vue les voix de la
Analyse et structure de d’observer les démocratie
dialogue applications scientifiques Compétition de
Répétition théâtrale de questions et
Utilisation de la calculatrice
dialogues réponses sur kahoot.
Plateforme d’apprentissage
Interactions orales entre Analyse et structure
en ligne Learn Alberta
les pairs dans un débat de dialogue
argumentatif Quizz de
Autoévaluation des compréhension du
performances orales à sujet
travers des vidéos Interactions orales
enregistrées entre les pairs dans
Interview enregistrée sur un débat
les problèmes argumentatif
d’actualités Plateforme
Plateforme d’apprentissage
d’apprentissage du Learn Alberta
français en
ligne Learn Alberta
Sorties éducatives
Lessons and assessment
The homework and lesson’s planning are done every day according to the learning and evaluation opportunity. Summative evaluations are planned
at the end of the chapter. Homework is upload in Google Classroom or be available to students on sheet of paper during the school day. The student
is informed in advance when is planned the summative evaluation.
• The assignments are to be handed over to certain days in advance. They are corrected at this time.
• Lessons are to be practiced every evening from the day of classes during the week.
• Lessons are audited by an oral assessment grid, a written production, a presentation in front of the class, and controls. Students are always informed
in advance of the controls for which they must study and what they should study.
• Lessons should spend an average of 60 minutes per day on homework and at least 15 minutes of personal reading of course’s books.

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

English Language Art, Grade 6
Title: CHAPTER I – «Signature-Jamestown’s- Reading » Period: 19/11/2018 to 20 /12/2018
General Outcome 1: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and
Specific Outcome 1.1: Students will use prior experiences with oral, print and other media texts to choose new texts that
meet learning needs and interests.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to show his experiences with oral, print and other media texts
Lesson 1
and be able to choose new texts that meet learning needs and interests.
READING TEXT 1.1 Text reading. P8- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Just One of the 1.2 Oral explanation of the story
Guys» 1.3 Discussion about scrimmage game or tell us something about your favorite game
Specific Outcome 1.2: Students will read, write, represent and talk to explore and explain connections between prior
knowledge and new information in oral, print and other media texts.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to read, write, represent and talk to explore and explain
Lesson 1
connections between prior knowledge and new information in oral, print and other media texts.

READING TEXT 1.4 Strategy builder. P7- Signature-Jamestown’s

«Just One of the 1.5 Strategy break. P9- Signature-Jamestown’s
Guys» 1.6 Text reading. P10-11 Signature-Jamestown’s
Specific Outcome 1.3: Students will engage in exploratory communication to share personal responses and develop own
Operational outcome: Students will be able to explore communication to share personal responses and
Lesson 1
develop own interpretations.

READING TEXT 1.7 Vocabulary builder and check. P6, 13- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Just One of the 1.8 Strategy Follow up. P12- Signature-Jamestown’s
Guys» 1.9 Personal checklist. P10-11 Signature-Jamestown’s
Specific Outcome 1.4: Students will experiment with a variety of forms of oral, print and other media texts to discover
those best suited for exploring, organizing and sharing ideas, information and experiences.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use a variety of forms of oral, print and other media texts
Lesson 1 to discover those best suited for exploring, organizing and sharing ideas, information and
READING TEXT 1.10 Strategy check. P14- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Just One of the 1.11 Comprehension check. P14- Signature-Jamestown’s
Guys» 1.12 Extending: Tell Brent’s story; Write a sport report; Make a trading card. P15- Signature-Jamestown’s
Specific Outcome 1.5: Students will assess a variety of oral, print and other media texts, and discuss preferences for
particular forms.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use a variety of oral, print and other media texts, and
Lesson 2
discuss preferences for particular forms.
2.1 Text reading. P18&19- Signature-Jamestown’s
2.2 Oral explanation of the story
READING TEXT 2.3 Strategy builder. P17- Signature-Jamestown’s

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 1.6: Students will assess to personal language use, and revise personal goals to enhance language
learning and use.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use personal language, and revise personal goals to enhance
Lesson 2
language learning and use.

READING TEXT 2.4 Text reading. P20&23- Signature-Jamestown’s

«Charlie 2.5 Building background. P16- Signature-Jamestown’s
Johnson» 2.6 Vocabulary builder and check P16&25-Signature-Jamestown’s
Specific Outcome 1.7: Students will select from the ideas and observations of others to expand personal understanding.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to select from the ideas and observations of others to expand
Lesson 2
personal understanding.
READING TEXT 2.7 Strategy break. P20- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Charlie 2.8 Strategy follow-up. P24- Signature-Jamestown’s
Johnson» 2.9 Personal checklist. P25- Signature-Jamestown’s
Specific Outcome 1.8: Students will use talk, notes, personal writing and representing, together with texts and the ideas
of others, to clarify and shape understanding.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to will use talk, notes, personal writing and representing, together
Lesson 2
with texts and the ideas of others, to clarify and shape understanding.
2.10 Strategy check. P26- Signature-Jamestown’s
2.11 Comprehension check. P26- Signature-Jamestown’s
2.12 Extending: draw and comment Charlie Johnson portrait; Make a PowerPoint presentation about the topic:
Specific Outcome 1.9: Students will evaluate the usefulness of new ideas, techniques and texts in terms of present
Operational outcome: Students will be able to evaluate the usefulness of new ideas, techniques and texts in
Lesson 3
terms of present understanding.
3.1 Text reading. P30- Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 3.2 Building background. P28- Signature-Jamestown’s
«How building 3.3 Vocabulary builder- P28-Signature-Jamestown’s
take shape» 3.4 Strategy builder. P29- Signature-Jamestown’s
3.5 Strategy break. P31- Signature-Jamestown’s
Operational outcome: Students will be able to evaluate the usefulness of new ideas, techniques and texts in
Lesson 3
terms of present understanding.
3.6 Text reading. P32&33- Signature-Jamestown’s
3.7 Strategy follow-up. P34- Signature-Jamestown’s
«How building
3.8 Vocabulary check- P35-Signature-Jamestown’s
take shape»
3.9 Personal checklist. P35- Signature-Jamestown’s
Operational outcome: Students will be able to evaluate the usefulness of new ideas, techniques and texts in
Lesson 3
terms of present understanding.
3.10 Strategy check. P36- Signature-Jamestown’s
3.11 Comprehension check. P36- Signature-Jamestown’s
3.12 Vocabulary check- P35-Signature-Jamestown’s
«How building
3.13 Extending: perform on of your favorite experiment; make a how-to video; research with internet the
take shape»
pyramid in the world, and present it with PowerPoint in the class. Use kahoot for the questions.

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Title: CHAPTER II – «Signature » reading and comprehension Period: du 07/01/2019 au 22 /03/2019
General Outcome 2: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally
and critically to oral, print and other media texts.
Specific Outcome 2.1: Students will combine personal experiences and the knowledge and skills gained through previous
experiences with oral, print and other media texts to understand new ideas and information.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to combine personal experiences and the knowledge and skills
Lesson 1 gained through previous experiences with oral, print and other media texts to understand new ideas and
1.1 Reading text. P40-41- Signature-Jamestown’s
1.2 Building background. P38- Signature-Jamestown’s
«The lighthouse
1.3 Vocabulary builder. P38- Signature-Jamestown’s
1.4 Strategy builder. P39- Signature-Jamestown’s
1.5 Explain orally the chain of situation.
Specific Outcome 2.2: Students will apply knowledge of organizational structures of oral, print and other media texts to
assist with constructing and confirming meaning.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to apply knowledge of organizational structures of oral, print and
Lesson 1
other media texts to assist with constructing and confirming meaning.
1.6 Strategy break. P41- Signature-Jamestown’s
1.7 Reading text. P42-43- Signature-Jamestown’s
1.8 Personal checklist. P45- Signature-Jamestown’s
«The lighthouse
1.9 Vocabulary builder and check. P38&45-Signature-Jamestown’s
daughters» 1.10 Strategy & comprehension check. P46- Signature-Jamestown’s
1.11 Extending: write a logbook entry, perform a scene, and present with PowerPoint more information about
lighthouses; perform the presentation with kahoot.
Specific Outcome 2.3: Students will identify, and explain in own words, the interrelationship of the main ideas and
supporting details.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to identify, and explain in own words, the interrelationship of the
Lesson 2
main ideas and supporting details.
2.1 Reading text. P50-51- Signature-Jamestown’s
2.2 Building background. P48- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Lights that
2.3 Vocabulary builder. P48- Signature-Jamestown’s
guide ship home
2.4 Strategy builder. P49- Signature-Jamestown’s
2.5 Strategy break. P51- Signature-Jamestown’s
Specific Outcome 2.4: Students will preview the content and structure of subject area texts, and use this information to
set a purpose, rate and strategy for reading.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to preview the content and structure of subject area texts, and
Lesson 2
use this information to set a purpose, rate and strategy for reading.
2.6 Text reading. P52-53 Signature-Jamestown’s
2.7 Strategy follow-up. P54- Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 2.8 Personal checklist. P55- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Lights that 2.9 Strategy & comprehension check. P56- Signature-Jamestown’s
guide ship home

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 2.5: Students will use definitions provided in context to identify the meanings of unfamiliar words.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use definitions provided in context to identify the meanings of
Lesson 2
unfamiliar words.
READING TEXT 2.10 Vocabulary builder and check. P48&55-Signature-Jamestown’s
«Lights that 2.11 Meaning of unfamiliar words
guide ship home 2.12 Extending: draw lighthouse, present with PowerPoint the topic «shipwreck», perform the presentation
» with «kahoot», write article about a «shipwreck».
Specific Outcome 2.5: Students will use definitions provided in context to identify the meanings of unfamiliar words.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use definitions provided in context to identify the meanings of
Lesson 2
unfamiliar words.
2.13 Learning new words
2.14 Idiom
2.15 Example of idiom
READING TEXT 2.16 Exercises (Idiom)
«Lights that 2.17 Compound words
guide ship home 2.18 Example of compound words
» 2.19 Exercises (compound words)
2.20 Antonyms
2.21 Example of antonyms
2.22 Exercises (Antonyms).
Specific Outcome 2.6: Students will monitor understanding by evaluating new ideas and information in relation to known
ideas and information.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to monitor understanding by evaluating new ideas and
Lesson 3
information in relation to known ideas and information.
3.1 Text reading. P62-63 Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 3.2 Building background. P60- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Dancing the 3.3 Vocabulary builder. P60- Signature-Jamestown’s
cotton-eyed Joe» 3.4 Strategy builder. P61- Signature-Jamestown’s
3.5 Strategy break. P64- Signature-Jamestown’s
Specific Outcome 2.7: Students will use text features, such as charts, graphs and dictionaries, to enhance understanding
of ideas and information.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to text features, such as charts, graphs and dictionaries, to
Lesson 3
enhance understanding of ideas and information.
3.6 Text reading. P64-65- Signature-Jamestown’s
3.7 Strategy follow-up. P66- Signature-Jamestown’s
3.8 Personal checklist. P67- Signature-Jamestown’s
3.9 Vocabulary builder and check. P60&67-Signature-Jamestown’s
3.10 Strategy & comprehension check. P66- Signature-Jamestown’s
3.11 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic «country western dance», perform the presentation with
«Dancing the
«kahoot», choose your favorite movie of country music and share with the class. Write in the sheet of
cotton-eyed Joe»
paper the song of your favorite country music.

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 2.8: Students will identify and use the structural elements of texts, such as magazines, newspapers,
newscasts and news features, to access and comprehend ideas and information.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to identify and use the structural elements of texts, such as
Lesson 4
magazines, newspapers, newscasts and news features, to access and comprehend ideas and information.
4.1 Text reading. P72-73 Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 4.2 Building background. P69- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Lucy to be 4.3 Vocabulary builder. P69- Signature-Jamestown’s
alive» 4.4 Strategy builder. P71- Signature-Jamestown’s
4.5 Strategy break. P73- Signature-Jamestown’s
Specific Outcome 2.8: Students will identify and use the structural elements of texts, such as magazines, newspapers,
newscasts and news features, to access and comprehend ideas and information.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to identify and use the structural elements of texts, such as
Lesson 4
magazines, newspapers, newscasts and news features, to access and comprehend ideas and information.
4.6 Text reading. P74-75- Signature-Jamestown’s
4.7 Strategy follow-up. P76- Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 4.8 Personal checklist. P77- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Lucy to be 4.9 Vocabulary builder and check. P69&77-Signature-Jamestown’s
alive» 4.10 Strategy & comprehension check. P78- Signature-Jamestown’s
4.11 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic «weather», perform the presentation with «kahoot»; sketch
a scene «lucky to be alive» and practice with the class; Write a personal account.
Specific Outcome 2.9: Students will use the meanings of prefixes and suffixes to predict the meanings of unfamiliar words
in context.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use the meanings of prefixes and suffixes to predict the
Lesson 5
meanings of unfamiliar words in context.
5.1 Prefixes
5.2 Example of use a prefixes to create a new noun
5.3 Suffixes
5.4 Example of use a suffixes to create a new noun
5.5 Exercises for prefixes and suffixes
Specific Outcome 2.10: Students will integrate and apply knowledge of phonics, sight vocabulary, language and context
clues, and structural analysis to read unfamiliar words in texts of increasing length and complexity.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to integrate and apply knowledge of phonics, sight vocabulary,
Lesson 6 language and context clues, and structural analysis to read unfamiliar words in texts of increasing length and
6.1 Text reading. P82-83 Signature-Jamestown’s
6.2 Building background. P80- Signature-Jamestown’s
6.3 Vocabulary builder. P80- Signature-Jamestown’s
6.4 Strategy builder. P81- Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 6.5 Strategy break. P83- Signature-Jamestown’s
«The Fitting-in of
Kwan Su»

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 2.11: Students will choose the most appropriate reference to confirm the spellings or locate the
meanings of unfamiliar words in oral, print and other media texts.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to choose the most appropriate reference to confirm the spellings
Lesson 6
or locate the meanings of unfamiliar words in oral, print and other media texts.
6.6 Text reading. P84-85- Signature-Jamestown’s
6.7 Strategy follow-up. P86- Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 6.8 Personal checklist. P87- Signature-Jamestown’s
«The Fitting-in of 6.9 Vocabulary builder and check. P80&87-Signature-Jamestown’s
Kwan Su» 6.10 Strategy & comprehension check. P88- Signature-Jamestown’s
6.11 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic «Vietnam», perform the presentation with «kahoot»; create
a poster for the commonwealth day.
Specific Outcome 2.12: Students will experience oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and
genres, such as autobiographies, travelogues, comics, short films, myths, legends and dramatic performances.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to practice an oral, print and other media texts from a variety of
Lesson 7 cultural traditions and genres, such as autobiographies, travelogues, comics, short films, myths, legends and
dramatic performances.
7.1 Text reading. P92-93 Signature-Jamestown’s
7.2 Building background. P90- Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 7.3 Vocabulary builder. P90- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Say what» 7.4 Strategy builder. P91- Signature-Jamestown’s
7.5 Strategy break. P93- Signature-Jamestown’s
7.6 Practice an oral during the presentation of the topic.
Specific Outcome 2.13: Students will explain own point of view about oral, print and other media texts.
Lesson 1 Operational outcome: Students will be able explain own point of view about oral, print and other media texts.

7.7 Text reading. P94- Signature-Jamestown’s

7.8 Strategy follow-up. P94- Signature-Jamestown’s
7.9 Personal checklist. P95- Signature-Jamestown’s
7.10 Vocabulary builder and check. P90&95-Signature-Jamestown’s
«Say what»
7.11 Strategy & comprehension check. P96- Signature-Jamestown’s
7.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic «your favorite animal behavior», perform the presentation
with «kahoot»; create a poster for your favorite animal; write a description of your favorite animal.
Specific Outcome 2.14: Students will make connections between own life and characters and ideas in oral, print and other
media texts.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to make connections between own life and characters and ideas
Lesson 8
in oral, print and other media texts.
8.1 Text reading. P100-101 Signature-Jamestown’s
8.2 Building background. P98- Signature-Jamestown’s
8.3 Vocabulary builder. P98- Signature-Jamestown’s
8.4 Strategy builder. P99- Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 8.5 Strategy break. P101- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Fire» 8.6 Practice connections between your own life and the text story

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 2.15: Students will discuss common topics or themes in a variety of oral, print and other media texts.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to discuss common topics or themes in a variety of oral, print and
Lesson 8
other media texts.
8.7 Text reading. P102- Signature-Jamestown’s
8.8 Strategy follow-up. P102- Signature-Jamestown’s
8.9 Personal checklist. P103- Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 8.10 Vocabulary builder and check. P98&103- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Fire» 8.11 Strategy & comprehension check. P104- Signature-Jamestown’s
8.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic « Forest fire », perform the presentation with «kahoot»;
create a poster of the fire cycle; make inventory of forest fire in Alberta and tell to the class the different
methods to prevent it.
Specific Outcome 2.9: Students will use the meanings of prefixes and suffixes to predict the meanings of unfamiliar words
in context.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use the meanings of prefixes to predict the meanings of
Lesson 8
unfamiliar words in context.
8.13 Prefixes un-
8.14 Example of use a prefixes un- to create a new noun
PREFIXES un- 8.15 Prefixes im-
and im- 8.16 Example of use a suffixes im- to create a new noun
8.17 Exercises for prefixes un- and im-
8.18 Multiple-meaning words
Specific Outcome 2.16: Students will observe and discuss aspects of human nature revealed in oral, print and other media
texts, and relate them to those encountered in the community.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to observe and discuss aspects of human nature revealed in oral,
Lesson 9
print and other media texts, and relate them to those encountered in the community.
9.1 Text reading. P110-111 Signature-Jamestown’s
9.2 Building background. P108- Signature-Jamestown’s
9.3 Vocabulary builder. P108- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Damon and
9.4 Strategy builder. P109- Signature-Jamestown’s
9.5 Strategy break. P111&113 Signature-Jamestown’s
9.6 Practice a discussion aspects of human nature.
Specific Outcome 2.17: Students will summarize oral, print or other media texts, indicating the connections among events,
characters and settings.
Operational outcome: Students will be able summarize oral, print or other media texts, indicating the
Lesson 9
connections among events, characters and settings.
9.7 Text reading. P114- Signature-Jamestown’s
9.8 Strategy follow-up. P114- Signature-Jamestown’s
9.9 Personal checklist. P115- Signature-Jamestown’s
9.10 Vocabulary builder and check. P108&115-Signature-Jamestown’s
9.11 Strategy & comprehension check. P116- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Damon and
9.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic « legend of sea pirates », perform the presentation with
«kahoot»; write a legend of sea pirates; present with PowerPoint the topic « ancient Greece », perform
the presentation with «kahoot».

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 2.18: Students will identify or infer reasons for a character's actions or feelings.
Lesson 10 Operational outcome: Students will be able to identify or infer reasons for a character's actions or feelings.

10.1 Text reading. P120-121 Signature-Jamestown’s

10.2 Building background. P118- Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 10.3 Vocabulary builder. P118- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Arap sang and 10.4 Strategy builder. P119- Signature-Jamestown’s
cranes» 10.5 Strategy break. P122&124 Signature-Jamestown’s
10.6 Practice a discussion aspects of identification or infer reasons for a character's actions or feelings to
identify or infer reasons for a character's actions or feelings
Specific Outcome 2.19: Students will make judgments and inferences related to events, characters, setting and main ideas
of oral, print and other media texts.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to make judgments and inferences related to events, characters,
Lesson 10
setting and main ideas of oral, print and other media texts.
10.7 Text reading. P122-124 Signature-Jamestown’s
10.8 Personal checklist. P125- Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 10.9 Vocabulary builder and check. P118&125-Signature-Jamestown’s
«Arap sang and 10.10 Strategy & comprehension check. P126- Signature-Jamestown’s
cranes» 10.11 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic « costumes », perform the presentation with «kahoot»;
tell a tale; present with PowerPoint the topic « crowned crane », perform the presentation with
Specific Outcome 2.20: Students will comment on the credibility of characters and events in oral, print and other media
texts, using evidence from personal experiences and the text.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to comment on the credibility of characters and events in oral,
Lesson 11
print and other media texts, using evidence from personal experiences and the text.
11.1 Text reading. P130-131 Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 11.2 Building background. P128- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Elizabeth 11.3 Vocabulary builder. P128- Signature-Jamestown’s
Blackwell, 11.4 Strategy builder. P129- Signature-Jamestown’s
pioneer doctor» 11.5 Strategy break. P131 Signature-Jamestown’s
11.6 Practice a discussion aspects of credibility of characters ant event in oral
Specific Outcome 2.21: Students will explain how metaphor, personification and synecdoche are used to create mood and
mental images.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to explain how metaphor, personification and synecdoche are
Lesson 11
used to create mood and mental images.
11.7 Text reading. P132-133-Signature-Jamestown’s
11.8 Strategy follow-up. P134- Signature-Jamestown’s
11.9 Personal checklist. P135- Signature-Jamestown’s
11.10 Vocabulary builder and check. P128&135-Signature-Jamestown’s
11.11 Strategy & comprehension check. P136- Signature-Jamestown’s
Blackwell, 11.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic « Elizabeth Blackwell, pioneer doctor », perform the
pioneer doctor» presentation with «kahoot»; make a time line; present with PowerPoint the topic « women doctors in the
world», perform the presentation with «kahoot».

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 2.22: Students will experiment with sentence patterns, imagery and exaggeration to create mood and
mental images.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to experiment with sentence patterns, imagery and exaggeration
Lesson 12
to create mood and mental images.
12.1 Text reading. P140-141 Signature-Jamestown’s
12.2 Building background. P138- Signature-Jamestown’s
12.3 Vocabulary builder. P138- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Jump for
12.4 Strategy builder. P139- Signature-Jamestown’s
12.5 Strategy break. P142- Signature-Jamestown’s
12.6 Practice a sentence patterns, imagery and exaggeration in story
Specific Outcome 2.23: Students will experiment with sentence patterns, imagery and exaggeration to create mood and
mental images.
Operational outcome: Students will be able experiment with sentence patterns, imagery and exaggeration to
Lesson 12
create mood and mental images
12.7 Text reading. P142-143-Signature-Jamestown’s
12.8 Strategy follow-up. P144- Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 12.9 Personal checklist. P145- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Jump for 12.10 Vocabulary builder and check. P138&145-Signature-Jamestown’s
center» 12.11 Strategy & comprehension check. P146- Signature-Jamestown’s
12.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic « one major problem in your school », perform the
presentation with «kahoot»; make a report of basketball match or ballet theatre.
Specific Outcome 2.24: Students will discuss how detail is used to enhance character, setting, action and mood in oral,
print and other media texts.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to discuss how detail is used to enhance character, setting, action
Lesson 13
and mood in oral, print and other media texts.
13.1 Text reading. P150-151 Signature-Jamestown’s
13.2 Building background. P148- Signature-Jamestown’s
13.3 Vocabulary builder. P148- Signature-Jamestown’s
«In the tiger’s
13.4 Strategy builder. P149- Signature-Jamestown’s
13.5 Strategy break. P151- Signature-Jamestown’s
13.6 Practice a sentence enhance character, setting, action and mood in oral expression.
Specific Outcome 2.25: Students will experiment with sentence patterns, imagery and exaggeration to create mood and
mental images.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to experiment with sentence patterns, imagery and exaggeration
Lesson 13
to create mood and mental images.
13.7 Text reading. P152-153-Signature-Jamestown’s
13.8 Strategy follow-up. P154- Signature-Jamestown’s
13.9 Personal checklist. P155- Signature-Jamestown’s
13.10 Vocabulary builder and check. P148&155-Signature-Jamestown’s
«In the tiger’s 13.11 Strategy & comprehension check. P156- Signature-Jamestown’s
lair» 13.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic « tigers in the world », perform the presentation with
«kahoot»; make a tiger poster.

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 2.9: Students will use the meanings of prefixes and suffixes to predict the meanings of unfamiliar words
in context.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use the meanings of prefixes to predict the meanings of
Lesson 14
unfamiliar words in context.
14.1 Prefixes in-
14.2 Example of use a prefixes in- to create a new word
PREFIXES in- 14.3 Suffixes -ly
and SUFFIXES – 14.4 Example of use a suffixes -ly to create a new word
ly, -less 14.5 Suffixes –less
14.6 Example of use a suffixes -less to create a new word
14.7 Exercises for prefixes in- and suffixes -ly and –less.
Specific Outcome 2.26: Students will identify key characteristics of a variety of forms or genres of oral, print and other
media texts.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to identify key characteristics of a variety of forms or genres of
Lesson 15
oral, print and other media texts.
15.1 Text reading. P162-Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 15.2 Building background. P160- Signature-Jamestown’s
«The day 15.3 Vocabulary builder. P160- Signature-Jamestown’s
grandfather 15.4 Strategy builder. P161- Signature-Jamestown’s
tickled a tiger» 15.5 Strategy break#1&#2. P163-164- Signature-Jamestown’s
15.6 Practice a variety of forms, genres of oral.
Specific Outcome 2.27: Students will experiment with sentence patterns, imagery and exaggeration to create mood and
mental images.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to experiment with sentence patterns, imagery and exaggeration
Lesson 15
to create mood and mental images.
15.7 Text reading. P164-165-Signature-Jamestown’s
15.8 Strategy follow-up. P164- Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 15.9 Personal checklist. P167- Signature-Jamestown’s
«The day 15.10 Vocabulary builder and check. P160&167-Signature-Jamestown’s
grandfather 15.11 Strategy & comprehension check. P168- Signature-Jamestown’s
tickled a tiger» 15.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic « The day grandfather tickled a tiger », perform the
presentation with «kahoot»; write another story of «The day grandfather tickled a tiger»; present with
PowerPoint the topic « The visit to the zoo », perform the presentation with «kahoot»
Specific Outcome 2.28: Students will discuss the differences between print and other media versions of the same text.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to discuss the differences between print and other media versions
Lesson 16
of the same text.
16.1 Text reading. P172-Signature-Jamestown’s
16.2 Building background. P170- Signature-Jamestown’s
16.3 Vocabulary builder. P170- Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 16.4 Strategy builder. P171- Signature-Jamestown’s
«The midnight 16.5 Strategy break. P173- Signature-Jamestown’s
visitor» 16.6 Practice the differences between medias.

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 2.29: Students will discuss the connections among plot, setting and characters in oral, print and other
media texts.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to discuss the connections among plot, setting and characters in
Lesson 16
oral, print and other media texts.
16.7 Text reading. P174-175-Signature-Jamestown’s
16.8 Strategy follow-up. P176- Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 16.9 Personal checklist. P177- Signature-Jamestown’s
«The midnight 16.10 Vocabulary builder and check. P171&177-Signature-Jamestown’s
visitor» 16.11 Strategy & comprehension check. P178- Signature-Jamestown’s
16.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic « The spy », perform the presentation with «kahoot»;
write another story of « The midnight visitor »; make poster of the midnight visitor.
Specific Outcome 2.30: Students will identify first and third person narration, and discuss preferences with reference to
familiar texts.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to identify first and third person narration, and discuss
Lesson 17
preferences with reference to familiar texts.
17.1 Text reading. P182-183-Signature-Jamestown’s
17.2 Building background. P180- Signature-Jamestown’s
17.3 Vocabulary builder. P180- Signature-Jamestown’s
«The crane
17.4 Strategy builder. P181- Signature-Jamestown’s
17.5 Strategy break. P183- Signature-Jamestown’s
17.6 Practice the narration of story.
Specific Outcome 2.31: Students will explore techniques, such as visual imagery, sound, flashback and voice inflection, in
oral, print and other media texts.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to explore techniques, such as visual imagery, sound, flashback
Lesson 1
and voice inflection, in oral, print and other media texts.
17.7 Text reading. P184-185-Signature-Jamestown’s
17.8 Strategy follow-up. P186- Signature-Jamestown’s
READING TEXT 17.9 Personal checklist. P187- Signature-Jamestown’s
«The crane 17.10 Vocabulary builder and check. P180&187-Signature-Jamestown’s
maiden» 17.11 Strategy & comprehension check. P188- Signature-Jamestown’s
17.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic « your favorite forktale », perform the presentation with
«kahoot»; draw a « Kimono »; make poster of Origami crane.
Specific Outcome 2.32: Students will identify strategies that presenters use in media texts to influence audiences.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use strategies that presenters use in media texts to influence
Lesson 18
18.1 Text reading. P192-193-Signature-Jamestown’s
18.2 Building background. P190- Signature-Jamestown’s
18.3 Vocabulary builder. P190- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Baseball hero 18.4 Strategy builder. P191- Signature-Jamestown’s
Jackie 18.5 Strategy break. P193- Signature-Jamestown’s
Robinson»Part1 18.6 Practice writing strategies that presenters use in media texts to influence audiences.

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 2.33: Students will alter words, forms and sentence patterns to create new versions of texts for a variety
of purposes; explain how imagery and figurative language, such as personification and alliteration, clarify and enhance
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use alter words, forms and sentence patterns to create new
Lesson 18 versions of texts for a variety of purposes; explain how imagery and figurative language, such as personification
and alliteration, clarify and enhance meaning.
18.7 Text reading. P194-195-Signature-Jamestown’s
18.8 Strategy follow-up. P196- Signature-Jamestown’s
18.9 Personal checklist. P197- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Baseball hero
18.10 Vocabulary builder and check. P190&197-Signature-Jamestown’s
18.11 Strategy & comprehension check. P198- Signature-Jamestown’s
18.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic « negro leagues », perform the presentation with
«kahoot»; write a summary of « Jackie’s life» story; make a baseball chart.
Specific Outcome 2.34: Students will choose life themes encountered in reading, listening and viewing activities, and in
own experiences, for creating oral, print and other media texts.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to choose life themes encountered in reading, listening and
Lesson 19
viewing activities, and in own experiences, for creating oral, print and other media texts.
19.1 Text reading. P202-203-Signature-Jamestown’s
19.2 Building background. P200- Signature-Jamestown’s
19.3 Vocabulary builder. P201- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Baseball hero
19.4 Strategy builder. P201- Signature-Jamestown’s
Robinson»Part2 19.5 Strategy break. P203- Signature-Jamestown’s
19.6 Practice life themes encountered in reading, listening and viewing activities, and in own experiences, for
creating oral, print and other media texts
Specific Outcome 2.35: Students will use literary devices, such as imagery and figurative language, to create particular
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use literary devices, such as imagery and figurative language,
Lesson 19
to create particular effects.
19.7 Text reading. P204-Signature-Jamestown’s
19.8 Strategy follow-up. P204- Signature-Jamestown’s
19.9 Personal checklist. P205- Signature-Jamestown’s
«Baseball hero
19.10 Vocabulary builder and check. P201&205-Signature-Jamestown’s
19.11 Strategy & comprehension check. P206- Signature-Jamestown’s
19.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic «Jesse Owens», perform the presentation with
«kahoot»; write a summary of «Jackie» biography; Describe in simple sentence Jackie in baseball action.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use literary devices, such as imagery and figurative language,
Lesson 19
to create particular effects.
19.13 Root words
19.14 Example of root word
19.15 Foreign words
LEARNING NEW 19.16 Example of foreign word
WORDS 19.17 Synonyms
19.18 Example of synonym.

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 2.36: Students will determine purpose and audience needs to choose forms, and organize ideas and
details in oral, print and other media texts.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to determine purpose and audience needs to choose forms, and
Lesson 20
organize ideas and details in oral, print and other media texts.
20.1 Speaking to your friend
FORM AND IDEA 20.2 Speaking to the class
FOR SELECT 20.3 Speaking to the public
AUDIENCE 20.4 Preparing PowerPoint presentation of your favorite sport and presentation to the class; perform the
presentation with «kahoot»
Specific Outcome 2.37: Students will express the same ideas in different forms and genres; compare and explain the
effectiveness of each for audience and purpose.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to read, write, represent and talk to explore and explain
Lesson 21
connections between prior knowledge and new information in oral, print and other media texts.
21.1 Text reading. Sheet of paper
21.2 Building background
21.3 Vocabulary builder
21.4 Strategy builder
21.5 Strategy break
21.6 Practice life themes encountered in reading, listening and viewing activities, and in own experiences, for
creating oral, print and other media texts
«My Early
21.7 Text reading. Sheet of paper
education »
21.8 Strategy follow-up
21.9 Personal checklist
21.10 Vocabulary builder and check
21.11 Strategy & comprehension check
21.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic «my personal early education», perform the
presentation with «kahoot»; write a summary of your own biography; write your resume for the job.
Title: CHAPTER III – Listen, speak, read, write, view and represent your ideas Period: du 07/01/2019 au 22 /03/2019
and information.
General Outcome 3: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
Specific Outcome 3.1: Students will distinguish among facts, supported inferences and opinions.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas
Lesson 1
and information.
1.1 Definition of speech and the opinion
1.2 Structure of simple speech
1.3 Link in the speech
1.4 Presentation of your speech
1.5 Self-evaluation
SPEECH AND 1.6 Kahoot evaluation

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 3.2: Students will use note-taking or representing to assist with understanding ideas and information,
and focusing topics for investigation.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use note-taking or representing to assist with understanding
Lesson 2
ideas and information, and focusing topics for investigation.
2.1 Structure of investigation
2.2 Matter and hypothesis
2.3 Process of investigation
MAKE AN 2.4 Police investigation
INVESTIGATION 2.5 Scientific investigation
2.6 Social investigation
2.7 Evidence of proof
2.8 Presentation of the investigation in one topic. Perform the presentation with «kahoot».
Specific Outcome 3.3: Students will decide on and select the information needed to support a point of view.

Operational outcome: Students will be able to decide on and select the information needed to support a point
Lesson 3
of view.
3.1 Definition of information
3.2 Investigation about one information
3.3 The sources of information
3.4 The use of the appropriate part of information to support your point of view.
Specific Outcome 3.4: Students will develop and follow own plan for accessing and gathering ideas and information,
considering guidelines for time and length of investigation and presentation.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to develop and follow own plan for accessing and gathering ideas
Lesson 4
and information, considering guidelines for time and length of investigation and presentation.
4.1 Text reading. Sheet of paper
4.2 Building background
4.3 Vocabulary builder
4.4 Strategy builder
4.5 Strategy break
4.6 Practice life themes encountered in reading, listening and viewing activities, and in own experiences, for
creating oral, print and other media texts
4.7 Text reading. Sheet of paper
4.8 Strategy follow-up
4.9 Personal checklist
4.10 Vocabulary builder and check
4.11 Strategy & comprehension check
«Columbus and
4.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic «west indies in the world», perform the presentation with
west indies»
«kahoot»; write a summary the biography of Christopher Columbus

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 3.5: Students will locate information to answer research questions, using a variety of sources, such as
printed texts, bulletin boards, biographies, art, music, community resource people, CDROMs and the Internet.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to locate information to answer research questions, using a variety
Lesson 5 of sources, such as printed texts, bulletin boards, biographies, art, music, community resource people, CDROMs
and the Internet.
5.1 Text reading. Sheet of paper
5.2 Building background
5.3 Vocabulary builder
5.4 Strategy builder
5.5 Strategy break
5.6 Practice life themes encountered in reading, listening and viewing activities, and in own experiences, for
creating oral, print and other media texts
«Locust bean-
5.7 Text reading. Sheet of paper
5.8 Strategy follow-up
5.9 Personal checklist
5.10 Vocabulary builder and check
5.11 Strategy & comprehension check
5.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic « Locust bean-tree in the world», perform the presentation
with «kahoot»; write a summary the process of Locust bean-tree
Specific Outcome 3.6: Students will use a variety of tools, such as bibliographies, thesauri, electronic searches and
technology, to access information.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use a variety of tools, such as bibliographies, thesauri, electronic
Lesson 6
searches and technology, to access information.
6.1 Text reading. Sheet of paper
6.2 Building background
6.3 Vocabulary builder
6.4 Strategy builder
6.5 Strategy break
6.6 Practice life themes encountered in reading, listening and viewing activities, and in own experiences, for
READING TEXT creating oral, print and other media texts
«Groundnut oil» 6.7 Text reading. Sheet of paper
6.8 Strategy follow-up
6.9 Personal checklist
6.10 Vocabulary builder and check
6.11 Strategy & comprehension check
6.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic « Groundnut oil in the world», perform the presentation
with «kahoot»; write a summary the process to obtain groundnut oil.
Specific Outcome 3.7: Students will skim, scan and read closely to gather information.
Lesson 7 Operational outcome: Students will be able to skim, scan and read closely to gather information.
7.1 Definition of gather information
7.2 Various sources of information: text, image, data …
7.3 Information treatment
GATHER 7.4 Exploitation of the gather information

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 3.8: Students will evaluate the congruency between gathered information and research purpose and
focus, using pre-established criteria.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to evaluate the congruency between gathered information and
Lesson 8
research purpose and focus, using pre-established criteria.
CONGRUENCY 8.1 Congruency of gather information
BETWEEN 8.2 Focus of the research
GATHERED 8.3 Difference between good information and fake information
INFORMATION 8.4 Sources of information
AND YOUR 8.5 Choice of good information
FOCUS 8.6 Report of your research.
Specific Outcome 3.9: Students will organize ideas and information using a variety of strategies and techniques, such as
comparing and contrasting, and classifying and sorting according to subtopics and sequence.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to organize ideas and information using a variety of strategies and
Lesson 9 techniques, such as comparing and contrasting, and classifying and sorting according to subtopics and
9.1 Text reading. Sheet of paper
9.2 Building background
9.3 Vocabulary builder
9.4 Strategy builder
9.5 Strategy break
9.6 Practice life themes encountered in reading, listening and viewing activities, and in own experiences, for
READING TEXT creating oral, print and other media texts
«Letter to peter» 9.7 Text reading. Sheet of paper
9.8 Strategy follow-up
9.9 Personal checklist
9.10 Vocabulary builder and check
9.11 Strategy & comprehension check
9.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic « Hospital», perform the presentation with «kahoot»; write
a summary the process to be doctor in the future.
Specific Outcome 3.10: Students will organize and develop ideas and information into oral, print or other media texts with
introductions that interest audiences and state the topic, sections that develop the topic and conclusions.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to organize and develop ideas and information into oral, print or
Lesson 10 other media texts with introductions that interest audiences and state the topic, sections that develop the
topic and conclusions.
10.1 Text reading. Sheet of paper
10.2 Building background
10.3 Vocabulary builder
10.4 Strategy builder
10.5 Strategy break
10.6 Practice life themes encountered in reading, listening and viewing activities, and in own experiences, for
creating oral, print and other media texts
«King of
10.7 Text reading. Sheet of paper
10.8 Strategy follow-up
10.9 Personal checklist
10.10 Vocabulary builder and check
10.11 Strategy & comprehension check
10.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic «Elizabeth Queen», perform the presentation with
«kahoot»; write a summary of the government process in Canada.

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 3.11: Students will make notes on a topic, combining information from more than one source; use
reference sources appropriately.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to make notes on a topic, combining information from more than
Lesson 11
one source; use reference sources appropriately.
11.1 Text reading. Sheet of paper
11.2 Building background
11.3 Vocabulary builder
11.4 Strategy builder
11.5 Strategy break
11.6 Practice life themes encountered in reading, listening and viewing activities, and in own experiences, for
READING TEXT creating oral, print and other media texts
«Take» 11.7 Text reading. Sheet of paper
11.8 Strategy follow-up
11.9 Personal checklist
11.10 Vocabulary builder and check
11.11 Strategy & comprehension check
11.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic «working in the farm», perform the presentation with
«kahoot»; write a description of one farm in Canada.
Specific Outcome 3.12: Students will use outlines, thought webs and summaries to show the relationships among ideas
and information and to clarify meaning.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use outlines, thought webs and summaries to show the
Lesson 12
relationships among ideas and information and to clarify meaning.
12.1 Text reading. Sheet of paper
12.2 Building background
12.3 Vocabulary builder
12.4 Strategy builder
12.5 Strategy break
12.6 Practice life themes encountered in reading, listening and viewing activities, and in own experiences, for
READING TEXT creating oral, print and other media texts
«fiction» 12.7 Text reading. Sheet of paper
12.8 Strategy follow-up
12.9 Personal checklist
12.10 Vocabulary builder and check
12.11 Strategy & comprehension check
12.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic «your favorite fiction movie», perform the presentation
with «kahoot»; write a fiction’s police investigation of crime.
Specific Outcome 3.13: Students will quote information from oral, print and other media sources.
Lesson 13 Operational outcome: Students will be able to quote information from oral, print and other media sources.
13.1 Text reading. Sheet of paper
13.2 Building background
13.3 Vocabulary builder
13.4 Strategy builder
READING TEXT 13.5 Strategy break
«Scorpion» 13.6 Practice life themes encountered in reading, listening and viewing activities, and in own experiences, for
creating oral, print and other media texts
13.7 Text reading. Sheet of paper
13.8 Strategy follow-up
13.9 Personal checklist

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

13.10 Vocabulary builder and check
13.11 Strategy & comprehension check
13.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic «Jumanji», perform the presentation with «kahoot»;
write a fiction’s adventure in jungle.
Specific Outcome 3.14: Students will evaluate the appropriateness of information for a particular audience and purpose
skim, scan and read closely to gather information.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to read, write, represent and talk to explore and explain
Lesson 14
connections between prior knowledge and new information in oral, print and other media texts.
14.1 Text reading. Sheet of paper
14.2 Building background
14.3 Vocabulary builder
14.4 Strategy builder
14.5 Strategy break
READING TEXT 14.6 Practice life themes encountered in reading, listening and viewing activities, and in own experiences, for
«The slow creating oral, print and other media texts
worm» 14.7 Text reading. Sheet of paper
14.8 Strategy follow-up
14.9 Personal checklist
14.10 Vocabulary builder and check
14.11 Strategy & comprehension check
14.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic «slow worm», perform the presentation with «kahoot».
Specific Outcome 3.15: Students will recognize gaps in gathered information, and suggest additional information needed
for a particular audience and purpose.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to read, write, represent and talk to explore and explain
Lesson 15
connections between prior knowledge and new information in oral, print and other media texts.
15.1 Text reading. Sheet of paper
15.2 Building background
15.3 Vocabulary builder
15.4 Strategy builder
15.5 Strategy break
15.6 Practice life themes encountered in reading, listening and viewing activities, and in own experiences, for
creating oral, print and other media texts
15.7 Text reading. Sheet of paper
15.8 Strategy follow-up
15.9 Personal checklist
15.10 Vocabulary builder and check
15.11 Strategy & comprehension check
«Toad in action»
15.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic «you as cinema actor: James Bond», perform the
presentation with «kahoot».

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 3.16: Students will communicate ideas and information in a variety of oral, print and other media texts,
such as multi-paragraph reports, question and answer formats and graphs.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to communicate ideas and information in a variety of oral, print
Lesson 16
and other media texts, such as multi-paragraph reports, question and answer formats and graphs.
16.1 Text reading. Sheet of paper
16.2 Building background
16.3 Vocabulary builder
16.4 Strategy builder
16.5 Strategy break
16.6 Practice life themes encountered in reading, listening and viewing activities, and in own experiences, for
READING TEXT creating oral, print and other media texts
«Make» 16.7 Text reading. Sheet of paper
16.8 Strategy follow-up
16.9 Personal checklist
16.10 Vocabulary builder and check
16.11 Strategy & comprehension check
16.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic «Make your own life great», perform the presentation
with «kahoot».
Specific Outcome 3.17: Students will select appropriate visuals, print and/or other media to inform and engage the
Operational outcome: Students will be able to select appropriate visuals, print and/or other media to inform
Lesson 17
and engage the audience.
Text reading. Sheet of paper
Building background
Vocabulary builder
Strategy builder
Strategy break
Practice life themes encountered in reading, listening and viewing activities, and in own experiences, for
«Life of Ethiopian creating oral, print and other media texts
king » 17.7 Text reading. Sheet of paper
17.8 Strategy follow-up
17.9 Personal checklist
17.10 Vocabulary builder and check
17.11 Strategy & comprehension check
17.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic «Lady Diana», perform the presentation with «kahoot».
Specific Outcome 3.18: Students will establish goals for enhancing research skills.
Lesson 18 Operational outcome: Students will be able to establish goals for enhancing research skills.
18.1 Definition of goals
18.2 Difference between goal an objective
18.3 Research method to be satisfy by your goal
18.4 Difficulties during the process of investigation
RESEARCH 18.5 Make your research report with the difference between the result obtained and your goal.

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Title: CHAPTER IV – Listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to Period: du 01/04/2019 au 28 /06/2019
enhance the clarity and artistry of communication
General Outcome 4: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of
Specific Outcome 4.1: Students will work collaboratively to revise and enhance oral, print and other media texts.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to work collaboratively to revise and enhance oral, print and other
Lesson 1
media texts.
PROJECT1: 1.1 Title of the project
Present theatre 1.2 Goal of the project
with original 1.3 Planning of the project
scene. 1.4 Presentation of the project with kahoot interaction.
Specific Outcome 4.2: Students will ask for and evaluate the usefulness of feedback and assistance from peers.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to ask for and evaluate the usefulness of feedback and assistance
Lesson 1
from peers.
PROJECT1: 1.5 Evaluation of the project
Present theatre 1.6 Assistance of the project’s members
with original 1.7 Discussion about the cost of the project
scene. 1.8 Inventory of resources used during the project
Specific Outcome 4.3: Students will revise to provide focus, expand relevant ideas and eliminate unnecessary information.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to revise, to provide focus, expand relevant ideas and eliminate
Lesson 1
unnecessary information.
1.9 Production of the focus of the scene
1.10 Revise the focus of the scene
Present theatre
1.11 Eliminate the unnecessary scene
with original
1.12 Repeat the scene when is not good for public need
1.13 Readapt the scene depend of public: children, teen, youth an adult.
Specific Outcome 4.4: Students will edit for appropriate verb tense and for correct pronoun references.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to edit for appropriate verb tense and for correct pronoun
Lesson 2
2.1 Definition of verb tense
2.2 Different tenses and conjugation
2.3 Example of verb tense in the sentence
2.4 Definition of pronoun
2.5 Different pronouns
2.6 Example of pronoun in the sentence
2.7 Exercises for verb tense and pronoun
Specific Outcome 4.5: Students will use paragraph structures in expository and narrative texts.
Lesson 3 Operational outcome: Students will be able to use paragraph structures in expository and narrative texts.
3.1 Definition of narrative text
3.2 Different tenses and conjugation used during narrative text
3.3 Example of narrative text structure
3.4 Exercises for narrative text,
Specific Outcome 4.6: Students will write legibly and at a pace appropriate to context and purpose.
Lesson 4 Operational outcome: Students will be able to write legibly and at a pace appropriate to context and purpose.
NARATIVE TEXT 4.1 Definition of context
«In context» 4.2 Different types of context
École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019
4.3 Vocabulary adapted to the context
4.4 Exercises for narrative text in the context.
Specific Outcome 4.7: Students will experiment with a variety of software design elements, such as spacing, graphics, titles
and headings, and font sizes and styles, to enhance the presentation of texts.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to read, write, represent and talk to explore and explain
Lesson 5
connections between prior knowledge and new information in oral, print and other media texts.
SOFTWARE 5.1 Definition of software to use for making text
DESIGN 5.2 Different software
ELEMENT FOR 5.3 Example of software: Word, Adobe Illustrator, Paint
TEXT 5.4 Exercises for practice in the text and image software.
Specific Outcome 4.8: Students will show the relationships among key words associated with topics of study, using a variety
of strategies such as thought webs outlines and lists.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to read, write, represent and talk to explore and explain
Lesson 6
connections between prior knowledge and new information in oral, print and other media texts.
6.1 Text reading. Sheet of paper
6.2 Building background
6.3 Vocabulary builder
6.4 Strategy builder
6.5 Strategy break
6.6 Practice life themes encountered in reading, listening and viewing activities, and in own experiences, for
READING TEXT creating oral, print and other media texts
«Hotel» 6.7 Text reading. Sheet of paper
6.8 Strategy follow-up
6.9 Personal checklist
6.10 Vocabulary builder and check
6.11 Strategy & comprehension check
6.12 Extending: present with PowerPoint the topic «Your favorite Hotel in Alberta», perform the
presentation with «kahoot».
Specific Outcome 4.9: Students will choose words that capture a particular aspect of meaning and that are appropriate for
context, audience and purpose.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to choose words that capture a particular aspect of meaning and
Lesson 7
that are appropriate for context, audience and purpose.
7.1 Choose a particular aspect of your favorite hotel and share with the class
7.2 You are the general manager of the Hotel, present your company to investors
7.3 Make a final presentation of your hotel business and present it to the class.
Specific Outcome 4.10: Students will experiment with several options, such as sentence structures, figurative language
and multimedia effects, to choose the most appropriate way of communicating ideas or information.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to experiment with several options, such as sentence structures,
Lesson 8 figurative language and multimedia effects, to choose the most appropriate way of communicating ideas or
8.1 Poster of the hotel
8.2 Presentation of poster and notice for customer
8.3 Make a final presentation of your poster and present it to the class.

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 4.11: Students will identify the use of coordinate and subordinate conjunctions to express ideas.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to identify the use of coordinate and subordinate conjunctions to
Lesson 9
express ideas.
9.1 Definition of coordinate conjunctions
9.2 Example of coordinate conjunction in the sentence
9.3 Definition of subordinate conjunction
9.4 Example of subordinate conjunction in the sentence
9.5 Exercises for coordinate conjunction and subordinate conjunction.
Specific Outcome 4.12: Students will use complex sentence structures and a variety of sentence types in own writing.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use complex sentence structures and a variety of sentence
Lesson 10
types in own writing.
COMPLEX 10.1 Definition of complex sentence
SENTENCE 10.2 Example of complex sentence
STRUCTURES 10.3 Variety of sentences
AND A VARIETY 10.4 Example of large sentence’s variety
OF SENTENCE 10.5 Exercises for writing complex and variety sentences.
Specific Outcome 4.13: Students will identify comparative and superlative forms of adjectives, and use in own writing.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to identify comparative and superlative forms of adjectives, and
Lesson 11
use in own writing.
11.1 Definition of comparative form of adjective
11.2 Example of comparative form of adjective in the simple sentence
11.3 Definition of superlative form of adjective
11.4 Example of superlative form of adjective in the simple sentence
11.5 Exercises for comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.
Specific Outcome 4.14: Students will identify past, present and future verb tenses, and use throughout a piece of writing.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to identify past, present and future verb tenses, and use
Lesson 12
throughout a piece of writing.
12.1 Definition of the present tense
12.2 Example of present tense in the simple sentence
PAST, PRESENT 12.3 Definition of past tense
AND FUTURE OF 12.4 Example of past tense in the simple sentence
VERB 12.5 Definition of future tense
12.6 Example of future tense in the simple sentence
12.7 Exercises for present, past and future tense of the regular and irregular verbs.
Specific Outcome 4.15: Students will use a variety of resources and strategies to determine and learn the correct spelling
of common exceptions to conventional spelling patterns.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use a variety of resources and strategies to determine and learn
Lesson 13
the correct spelling of common exceptions to conventional spelling patterns.
13.1 Definition of correct spelling of the word
13.2 Example of spelling common exceptions in the simple sentence
13.3 Definition of conventional spelling patterns
CORRECT 13.4 Exercises for spelling common exceptions.

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 4.16: Students will explain the importance of correct spellings for effective communication.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to explain the importance of correct spellings for effective
Lesson 14
14.1 You are the manager of hotel and you want to speak to your employee about valentine day
READING TEXT 14.2 Write your speech
«Hotel» 14.3 Prepare the reading of your speech
14.4 Read your speech in front of the class.
Specific Outcome 4.17: Students will edit for and correct commonly misspelled words in own writing, using spelling
generalizations and the meaning and function of words in context.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to edit for and correct commonly misspelled words in own writing,
Lesson 15
using spelling generalizations and the meaning and function of words in context.
15.1 Misspelled word during the speech
READING TEXT 15.2 Correction of misspelled word
«Hotel» 15.3 Correction of the reading
15.4 Evaluation of the speech
Specific Outcome 4.18: Students will use colons before lists, to separate hours and minutes, and after formal salutations
in own writing.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to colons before lists, to separate hours and minutes, and after
Lesson 16
formal salutations in own writing.
16.1 List the different task of your employee with the hours and minutes of works
READING TEXT 16.2 Prepare your meeting with partner
«Hotel» 16.3 Write and practice formal salutation when you meet the partner
16.4 Evaluation of the speaking practice during the meeting.
Specific Outcome 4.19: Students will identify parentheses and colons when reading, and use them to assist
Operational outcome: Students will be able to identify parentheses and colons when reading, and use them
Lesson 17
to assist comprehension.
17.1 Use parentheses and colon in your speech presentation of the hotel business
READING TEXT 17.2 Write and practice your speech
«Hotel» 17.3 Read the speech in front of the class with the respect of parentheses and colon.
17.4 Evaluation of the speaking practice during the meeting.
Specific Outcome 4.20: Students will identify ellipses that show words are omitted or sentences are incomplete when
reading, and use them to assist comprehension.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to identify ellipses that show words are omitted or sentences are
Lesson 18
incomplete when reading, and use them to assist comprehension.
18.1 Identify ellipses in your speech presentation of the hotel business
18.2 Correct missing word or incomplete sentence and practice your speech
18.3 Read the speech in front of the class with the respect of parentheses and colon.
18.4 Evaluation of the speaking practice during the meeting.

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 4.21: Students will use various styles and forms of presentations, depending on content, audience and
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use various styles and forms of presentations, depending on
Lesson 19
content, audience and purpose.
19.1 Definition of presentation
19.2 Definition of audience
19.3 Structure of presentation depend of audience
19.4 Vocabulary level of speech and audience
Specific Outcome 4.22: Students will emphasize key ideas and information to enhance audience understanding and
Operational outcome: Students will be able to emphasize key ideas and information to enhance audience
Lesson 20
understanding and enjoyment.
20.1 Key ideas to develop your hotel business
READING TEXT 20.2 Structuration of the key ideas
«Hotel» 20.3 Marketing strategy to propose key ideas
20.4 Satisfaction of audience with your presentation
Specific Outcome 4.23: Students will demonstrate control of voice, pacing, gestures and facial expressions; arrange props
and presentation space to enhance communication.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to demonstrate control of voice, pacing, gestures and facial
Lesson 21
expressions; arrange props and presentation space to enhance communication.
21.1 What is speak in front of the public
21.2 The stress of the speaking
21.3 Organization of your key ideas
21.4 Presentation of the speech
21.5 The feedback of the public
21.6 Your self-evaluation.
Specific Outcome 4.24: Students will identify the tone, mood and emotion conveyed in oral and visual presentations.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to identify the tone, mood and emotion conveyed in oral and
Lesson 22
visual presentations.
22.1 Tone
22.2 Mood
22.3 Emotion
22.4 Include this parameter in your speech
22.5 The feedback of the public
22.6 Your self-evaluation.
Specific Outcome 4.25: Students will respond to the emotional aspects of presentations by providing nonverbal
encouragement and appreciative comments.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to respond to the emotional aspects of presentations by providing
Lesson 23
nonverbal encouragement and appreciative comments.
23.1 Gestures
23.2 Nonverbal encouragement
23.3 Clap of the hand
23.4 Persuasion
23.5 The feedback of the public
23.6 Your self-evaluation.

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Title: CHAPTER V – Listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
Period: du 01/04/2019 au 28 /06/2019
respect, support and collaborate with others.
General Outcome 5: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and collaborate with
Specific Outcome 5.1: Students will compare personal challenges and situations encountered in daily life with those
experienced by people or characters in other times, places and cultures portrayed in oral, print and other media texts.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to compare personal challenges and situations encountered in
Lesson 1 daily life with those experienced by people or characters in other times, places and cultures portrayed in oral,
print and other media texts.
1.1 Challenges and situations encountered in daily hockey game.
1.2 Tell us about your best hockey team in Canada
1.3 Link between Hockey game and Canadian culture
1.4 Present one super game all over the world.
Specific Outcome 5.2: Students will share and discuss ideas and experiences that contribute to different responses to oral,
print and other media texts.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to share and discuss ideas and experiences that contribute to
Lesson 1
different responses to oral, print and other media texts.
1.5 Organize a serious debate about hockey game
HOCKEY GAME 1.6 What do you know about Tim Horton’s? Debate
1.7 Tell us about hockey and commercial business.
Specific Outcome 5.3: Students will identify ways in which oral, print and other media texts from diverse cultures and
communities explore similar ideas.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to identify ways in which oral, print and other media texts from
Lesson 1
diverse cultures and communities explore similar ideas.
1.8 Report one part of the hockey game between Senator and Canadians of Montreal
HOCKEY GAME 1.9 Give your appreciation concern the hockey National League
1.10 Organize as moderator the debate concern female hockey.
Specific Outcome 5.4: Students will use appropriate language to participate in public events, occasions or traditions.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to use appropriate language to participate in public events,
Lesson 2
occasions or traditions.
2.1 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to your staff
2.2 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to tourism’s visitors
2.3 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to the investors.
Specific Outcome 5.5: Students will demonstrate respect by choosing appropriate language and tone in oral, print and
other media texts.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to demonstrate respect by choosing appropriate language and
Lesson 2
tone in oral, print and other media texts.
2.4 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to your staff
2.5 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to tourism’s visitors
2.6 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to the investors.


École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

Specific Outcome 5.6: Students will assume a variety of roles, and share responsibilities as a group member.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to assume a variety of roles, and share responsibilities as a group
Lesson 2
2.7 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to your staff
2.8 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to tourism’s visitors
2.9 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to the investors.
Specific Outcome 5.7: Students will identify and participate in situations and projects in which group work enhances
learning and results.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to identify and participate in situations and projects in which
Lesson 2
group work enhances learning and results.
2.10 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to your staff
2.11 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to tourism’s visitors
2.12 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to the investors.
Specific Outcome 5.8: Students will contribute to group knowledge of topics to identify and focus information needs,
sources and purposes for research or investigations.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to contribute to group knowledge of topics to identify and focus
Lesson 2
information needs, sources and purposes for research or investigations.
2.13 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to your staff
2.14 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to tourism’s visitors
2.15 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to the investors.
Specific Outcome 5.9: Students will address specific problems in a group by specifying goals, devising alternative solutions
and choosing the best alternative.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to address specific problems in a group by specifying goals,
Lesson 2
devising alternative solutions and choosing the best alternative.
2.16 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to your staff
2.17 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to tourism’s visitors
2.18 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to the investors.
Specific Outcome 5.10: Students will assess own contributions to group process, and set personal goals for working
effectively with others.
Operational outcome: Students will be able to assess own contributions to group process, and set personal
Lesson 2
goals for working effectively with others.
2.19 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to your staff
2.20 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to tourism’s visitors
2.21 Write and read the speech of your hotel’s presentation addressed to the investors.

École Charlie Killam School 2018/2019

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