Packer Permeability Testing in Deep Inclined Boreholes ... The ...
Packer Permeability Testing in Deep Inclined Boreholes ... The ...
Packer Permeability Testing in Deep Inclined Boreholes ... The ...
This paper presents the details and results of packer permeability testing performed in five deep inclined onshore
boreholes. The field investigation was part of the Nalcor Energy’s Lower Churchill Project to assess the feasibility of
constructing a subsea tunnel for the transmission of power cables across the Strait of Belle Isle. Over 200 packer
permeability tests were carried out using several different equipment arrangements to assess the in-situ permeability of
the geological formations. As part of the permeability testing, moderately high test pressures were used during packer
testing in an attempt to initiate hydrojacking. This paper provides an overview of the test methodology, packer test
equipment and results of packer testing. Interpretation of the data is discussed with consideration of the test methods
and equipment used.
Cet article présente les détails et les résultats d’essais de perméabilité exécutés avec un packer dans cinq trous de
forage obliques profonds sure le rivage. Les observations sur le terrain ont été exécutées dans le cadre du projet de la
partie inférieure du fleuve Churchill de Nalcor Energy pour évaluer la faisabilité de la construction d’un tunnel sous -
marins pour la transmission de lignes de transport d’interconnexion qui traverseront le Détroit de Belle Isle. Au-dessus
de 200 essais de perméabilité ont été réalisés avec un packer utilisant plusieurs aménagements de matériels différents
pour évaluer la perméabilité de formations géologiques in situ. Dans le cadre des essais de perméabilité, des essais à
haute pression ont été utilisés dans un effort d’initier l’hydrojacking. Cet article fournit une vue d’ensemble des
méthodologies de l’essai, les matériels et les résultats d’essais de perméabilité exécutés avec un packer.
L’interprétation des données en est discutée avec une considération de la méthodologie d’essai et les matériels utilisés.
Borehole Average Inclination Figure 3: Borehole and Test Pit Locations on Labrador
Borehole Borehole
Length (degrees from horiz.)
No. Location Side of Strait (Note: Test pits as shown were carried out
(m) [range]
as part of the drill rig location process) (SNC-Lavalin,
NF-01 Savage Cove 71 ~ 30 2010a)
NF-01B Savage Cove 890 31 [24-34]
NF-02 Shoal Cove 955 29 [23-32]
NF-03 Lower Cove 146 44 [42-45]
LAB-01 Fox Cove 540 32 [25-34] The drilling program was intended to provide a
LAB-02 Point Amour 170 76 [76-77] description / understanding of the near shore lithology
including permeability, composition, stratigraphy,
identification/confirmation of potential near shore faults,
The investigations work was part of an overall the determination of the natural stresses within the local
program of geophysical investigations in the SOBI area rock mass, as well as a determination of the global
being carried out by NE-LCP. The information obtained tectonic rock stress regime (compression vs. tension
from the investigations would be utilized in the ongoing state).
engineering studies associated with the potential The seabed option has since been chosen as the
installation of power cables across the Strait. preferred method of crossing the Strait of Belle Isle.
Q [1]
Qave (L/min)
Pnet Pg Hg Dw' w
Pf [3]
Pf fQavg
[4] The vertical depth to the center of the test interval is
134.3 m below the ground surface. All packer tests
results were corrected for the varying inclination of the
borehole. The curve in Figure 6 demonstrates linear
Where f is a friction factor determined by calibration relationship, where flow is laminar travelling probably
for each individual packer setup. through clean fractures.
From the shape of the curve, a determination of
5.2 Packer Test Results fracture behaviour may be gained where flow can become
non-linear. This increase in permeability indicates
Packer permeability tests completed for the SOBI project fracture opening due to excess pressure. This increase
resulted in hydraulic conductivities in the range of opening of the fractures during testing may be an
practically zero (no measureable flow) to 5.1x10 m/s, as indication of the onset of hydrojacking. (Hartmaier et al.,
summarized in Table 2. Testing was carried out in deep 1998).
inclined boreholes up to approximately 925 m length (452
m depth).
Qave (L/min)
the minimum principal stress, a steel liner is required to 20.0
isolate the pressurized tunnel water from the surrounding 15.0
rock. (Hartmaier et al., 1998)
Figure 8 below shows a PQ plot which demonstrates
the pressure dependency. At low pressure, a linear trend 5.0
is seen depending upon whether flow is laminar or 0.0
turbulent. Hydrojacking occurs when the water pressure -5.0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Pnet (kPa)
Figure 8: Test
Table 3: Summary of Packer Permeability Results by Formation (SNC-Lavalin, results from NF-01B from 189.0 to 199.3
m. (SNC-Lavalin, 2010b)
Formation RQD Lugeons Kavg (m/s)
Very poor to 2.8 - 160.7 3.5x10-7 - 2.1x10-5
Petit Jardin 0 - 75
excellent (avg 19.2) (avg 2.6x10-6)
Very poor to 0.9 - 179.8 2.1x10-5 - 1.3x10-7
March Point 0 - 150
excellent (avg 25.1) (avg 3.3x10-6)
Very poor to NMF - 26.7 NMF - 3.8x10-6
Hawke Bay 0 - 100
excellent (avg. <3.8) (avg. <5.6x10-7)
Dolomite: good to
NMF - 0.1 NMF - 2.4x10-8
Forteau (NFLD coast) excellent, 0 - 100
(avg. <0.04) (avg. <7.7x10-9)
Shale: Poor to fair
Very poor to 0.04 - 65.4 5.6x10-9 – 9.0x10-6
Forteau (LAB coast) 0 - 40
excellent (avg. 15.9) (avg. 2.3x10-6)
NMF - 1.9 NMF - 3.5x10-7
Bradore (NFLD coast) Fair to excellent 0 - 200
(avg. <0.4) (avg. <7.2x10-8)
Very poor to 0.03 - 444.5 5.33x10-9 - 5.05x10-5
Bradore (LAB coast) 0 -145
excellent (avg. 33.2) (avg. 3.98x10-6)