Russo Chart Explanation
Russo Chart Explanation
Russo Chart Explanation
A simplified rational approach for the preliminary assessment of the excavation behaviour in rock tunnelling
Giordano Russo Geodata SpA, Turin, Italy
Giordano RUSS0, ingnieur en chef au bureau dtudes GEODATA, a dirig les tudes gotechniques du tunnel transalpin de Maurienne-Ambin, aprs une longue exprience accumule dans linfinie diversit des conditions gologiques italiennes. A ce titre, il a t confront des comportements de terrain trs varis, mme dans des tunnels de profondeur modeste comme il y en a des milliers en Italie. En sinspirant de travaux rcents de HOEK, MARINOS et PALMSTROM, il a bti un systme original bas sur lemploi de 4 abaques qui intgrent progressivement les paramtres essentiels du comportement du terrain. Il nous fait lhonneur de donner la revue Tunnels & Ouvrages souterrains la primeur de ce travail, et nous len remercions. Nul doute que le " Carr de RUSSO " va se rpandre dans le monde pour la prvision prliminaire du comportement des roches lexcavation ; en effet, ce systme amliore, en les combinant rationnellement, les principales classifications en usage (GSI, RMR et RMi), en particulier pour les terrains situs au-del du domaine lastique. En attendant une traduction complte, il nous a sembl que ce texte important mais souvent ardu mritait un long rsum en franais.
Jean PIRAUD Prsident du Comit technique de lAFTES
Quel que soit le diamtre et le mode dexcavation dun ouvrage souterrain, les risques et modes dinstabilit qui peuvent laffecter dpendent dabord de facteurs naturels qui caractrisent le massif rocheux en place. Ces facteurs intrinsques peuvent tre dcrits au moyen de 4 " quations verbales " qui senchanent : - Eq. 1 : Volume du bloc lmentaire + Etat des fractures = Structure de la roche - Eq. 2 : Structure de la roche + Rsistance de la matrice = Rsistance du massif rocheux - Eq.3 : Rsistance du massif rocheux + Etat de contrainte in situ = " Comptence " du massif - Eq. 4 : Comptence du massif + capacit dauto-soutnement = Comportement lexcavation A ces 4 quations correspondent les 4 quadrants de la figure 2.1. ( lire dans le sens inverse des aiguilles dune montre, en commenant par le Sud-Est). Nous allons les dtailler successivement : Quadrant I. Ce premier abaque permet de dterminer lindice GSI (Geological Strength Index) de manire plus quantitative quen utilisant la charte bien connue de HOEK. En effet, RUSSO a dmontr quon pouvait calculer le GSI partir du volume moyen du bloc lmentaire (Vb) et dun facteur dtat des joints (jC), que lon peut quantifier assez facilement en utilisant les tables de PALMSTROM ; des valeurs typiques de cet " Etat des joints " sont reportes en abscisse. Quadrant II. Le principe de cet abaque est de " dgrader " la rsistance la compression de la matrice rocheuse (c) pour parvenir une " rsistance du massif rocheux " (cm), en utilisant justement lindice GSI dfini prcdemment. Labaque traduit la formule de HOEK : cm = c . sa, dans laquelle s et a peuvent tre exprims en fonction du GSI. Sur ce quadrant, une zone triangulaire a t dlimite, correspondant aux conditions dapparition possible du phnomne dcaillage (rockburst), sous rserve que ltat de contrainte sy prte (cf. plus bas) et que la roche soit fragile, cest--dire si IF = (c/t) > 8 ; la limite infrieure de cette zone correspond des valeurs de c (MPa) et de GSI proches de 60. Quadrant III. Les droites de cet abaque permettent de dlimiter les domaines de comportement lastique (indice de comptence IC > 1) et " plastique " (IC < 1), dans lhypothse dune cavit circulaire et en contraintes isotropes, cest--dire quand la contrainte la paroi est = 2H. Dans les cas rels, ces deux zones peuvent tre subdivises plus finement (zones a,b,c,d,e), en considrant le dplacement radial au front o, ou encore le rapport Rp/Ro entre le rayon plastique et le rayon de la cavit, ces deux paramtres variant en raison inverse de IC (cf. fig. 2.3 et 2.5). Quadrant IV. Sur ce dernier quadrant, la confrontation entre la comptence IC du massif et sa qualit globale, qui peut tre caractrise par lindice RMR de Bieniawski (1984), permet de dlimiter 4 types principaux de comportement : - dans les bons terrains (RMR > 60), comportement stable ou coins rocheux instables (si IC > 1), puis caillage lorsque la limite lastique est dpasse la paroi (IC < 1) ; - dans les mauvais terrains (RMR < 40), comportement bouleux (caving), puis comportement poussant (squeezing) dans les massifs les moins " comptents " (IC < 0,1). Ces divers types de comportement sont repris de faon schmatique sur la fig. 2.4, analogue au quadrant IV. Les abaques du " Carr de RUSSO " ont t reproduits une deuxime fois sur la figure 3.1, o sont reports des pavs coloris correspondant 9 cas rels de tunnels, dont les caractristiques sont donnes dans le tableau 3.1.
A simplified rational approach for the preliminary assessment of the excavation behaviour in rock tunnelling
This paper deals with the forecasting of the excavation behaviour of rock masses in tunnelling. In particular, a new multiple graph for a preliminary estimate is shown, in which different criteria and classification systems have been integrated. In a simplified but rational way the potential typical deformation phenomena (hazards) for tunnelling in rock are identified through the quantification, in a logical sequence, of fabric (1), strength (2), competency (3) and self-supporting capacity (4) of a rock mass. Based on this preliminary analysis, the tunnel design can consequently focus on the detected potential problems, implementing with the required detail the most adequate methods of analysis and calculations.
The prediction of the excavation behaviour is a key point in tunnel design and many efforts have been done to increase the reliability of such an evaluation, as well as to classify the possible response of excavation in a rational and useful way. As reported by Hencher (1994), according to Knill (1976) the engineering of ground behaviour should conceptually be assessed by the sequential equations reported in Tab.1.1. Eq.1 Material properties + Mass fabric = Mass properties Eq.2 Mass properties + Environment = Engineering geological situation Eq.3 Engineering geological situation + Influence of engineering works = Engineering of ground behaviour
Table 1.1: Engineering geology expressed by verbal equations (Knill, 1976)
In the present paper attention is more paid on the individuation of the potential hazards for tunnel excavation; therefore, on the one hand, some items are more detailed with respect to the example in Tab.1.1, but on the other hand the influence of the engineering works is not taken into consideration. In particular, a 4-sector graph (Fig.2.1) is presented for a sequential and schematic solution of the equations reported in Tab.1.2. Eq.1 Rock block volume + Joint Conditions = Rock mass fabric Eq.2 Rock mass fabric + Strength of intact rock = Rock mass strength Eq.3 Rock mass strength + In situ stress = Competency Eq.4 Competency + Self supporting capacity = Excavation behaviour (Potential hazards)
Table 1.2: Logical frame adopted for the identification of the excavation hazards.
In the next section, such multiple graph, useful for the preliminary assessment of the excavation behaviour in rock, is described in detail, pointing out the relative background of each sector.
A simplified rational approach for the preliminary assessment of the excavation behaviour in rock tunnelling
Figure 2.1: Proposed multiple-graph for the preliminary setting of excavation behaviour. Notes: (*) Only for the susceptible to rockburst region for brittle rocks [IF=(c/t )>8], otherwise a shear type failure should occur; (**) squeezing involves pronounced time-dependent deformations and is associated to rocks with low strength and high deformability: otherwise, prevalent plastic deformations (non time-dependent) occur, generally associated to caving; squeezing depends also from the length of the potential prone zone: given a possible "silo effect", for short zones included in good quality rocks, a caving behaviour is most likely to occur. Symbols: c, cm= intact, rock mass strength (=c*sa); jC= joint condition factor, Vb= block volume; = rock mass density.
JP= 5) [exp((GSI-100)/9)](1/2)+(1/6)*[exp(-GSI/15)-exp(-20/3)] For the inverse derivation, the perfect correlation (R2 = 0.99995) can be used with a sigmoidal (logistic) function of the type: GSI = (A1-A2)/[1+(JP/X)p]+A2 with A1=-12.198; A2=152.965; Xo=0.191; p=0.443. Then GSI 153-165/[1+(JP/0.19)0.44]. 6)
Finally, it should be noted that the use of the GRs approach is not recommended in complex and heterogeneous rock masses, such as a flysch, where the specific charts proposed by Marinos and Hoek (2001) may be a more opportune reference for calculating the GSI.
Based on such a correlation, a robust quantitative estimation of the GSI can be made, by defining the parameters concurrent to the evaluation of JP, i.e. the block volume (Vb) and the Joint Condition factor (jC). A graphic representation of the described correlation is presented in Fig. 2.2 The sector I of the graph shown in Fig. 2.1 is derived from the above equations. The quantification of the Joint Condition Factor (jC) is based on published tables (see for example Palmstroms web site, where a complete treatment of the RMi method can be found). Following the suggestion of Palmstrom (2000), some typical jC values are reported in the graph as well for a quick preliminary evaluation.
Figure 2.2: Diagram for the assessment of GSI based on the RMi parameters jC and Vb (GRs approach, Russo, 2007). Note: It is suggested to set GSI=5 as the minimum value.
for example, Kaiser (1994) and Diederichs (2004, 2005)), the mobilized strength at failure may result either higher and lower than the cm derived by the GSI-based Hoek et al. equations, basically depending on the
A simplified rational approach for the preliminary assessment of the excavation behaviour in rock tunnelling
value of both the GSI itself and the stress for the cracks initiation. For a preliminary estimation of the possibility of stress-driven instabilities of brittle rocks [Brittle Index IF= (c/t)>8], in the graph II, the region susceptible to spalling/rockburst, if in the presence of adequate stress conditions, is highlighted. Taking into consideration the cited references, the lower boundaries of such a region have been taken in favour of safety as coincident with values of GSI and c (MPa) both correspondent to 60. However, Diederichs (2005), for the same type of brittle rocks, classified the susceptibility as medium only for c>80MPa.
ses a/b) the class b indicated a discontinuous rock mass prone to wedge instability; 2) the class f was associated to conditions of immediate collapse of the tunnel face. As treated in the next section, more recently the original GD-classification has been updated to better take into account the real discontinuous character of the rock masses and consequently to improve the prediction of different deformation phenomena, such as the gravitational type and the brittle, stress-driven instabilities (Figs. 2.4, 2.5; Russo and Grasso, 2006 and 2007). To transfer such a classification on the graph, the characteristic line (C. Carranza T. solution, 2004) and the Monte Carlo methods have been implemented to find an approximate correlation between the IC and the GD-classes. In particular, as reported in Fig. 2.3, a large variability of the input geomechanical parameters has been considered by referring to adequate uniform distribution. Moreover, for the calculations: i) a strain-softening behaviour has been considered by referring to the approach proposed by Cai et al. (2007) centred on the concept of residual GSI (GSIres); ii) the rock mass modulus of deformability has been derived by the simplified equation proposed by Hoek and Diederichs (2006); iii) o has been obtained by modifying the equation proposed by Hoek (1999, in Carranza, 2004) (see further explanation in the next section).
Rp/Ro) has been statistically analysed and the approximate correlation lines reported in the graph have been finally assessed. Given the related uncertainty, they necessarily reflect only the most probable conditions for the parametrical variability assumed in the probabilistic calculation.
Fig.2.4: Conceptual scheme for a general setting of the ground behaviour upon excavation
With the same logic of Fig. 2.5, some of the main hazards for tunnelling are consequently delimited in the new graph. The term caving is here used to identify generic gravitational collapse of portions of highly fractured rock mass from the cavity and/or tunnel face. Therefore, given their very poor self-supporting capacity, the highest risk of caving is associated to the most unfavourable RMR classes. Squeezing (s.s.) involves pronounced timedependent deformations and is generally associated to rocks with low strength and high deformability such as, for example, phillytes, schists, serpentines, mudstones, tuffs, certain kinds of flysch, chemically alte-
Fig.2.3: Correlation between the radial deformation at the face (o) and the Competency Index (IC).
In Fig. 2.3, the results of 2000 iterations by the Latin Hypercube sampling method, as well as the best interpolating curve are shown for the relationship IC-o. Moreover, the combined state of the two parameters involved in the GD-classification (i.e. o and
A simplified rational approach for the preliminary assessment of the excavation behaviour in rock tunnelling
rated igneous rocks (Kovari, 1998). Otherwise, plastic deformations should prevail and caving is also probable. Further detailed analysis, based on a more accurate modelling of geomechanical properties, should be able to remark the just described distinction. The terms severe and very severe have been associated to GD-classes d and e, respectively. By considering also the type of stabilisation measures applied, they may be roughly related to the correspondent fbased classes of squeezing proposed by Hoek and Marinos (2000), if one incorporates in the last term also the grade extremely severe. This position is supported by the observation that, for overstressed poor/weak rockmasses, o is frequently found to be a minor percentage of the final radial deformation (f) than commonly considered (i.e. o 0.3f as for Hoek, 1999), in particular when a softening/creep behaviour occurs. For example, in several case-histories the equation in Fig. 2.3, derived by axi-symmetric numerical analysis, has fitted better the results of monitoring: o = f [1+exp(-(d/Ro)/2)]-2.2 where d=distance from the face. In addition to the notes to Fig. 2.1, it is reasonable to expect an increase of the rockburst intensity with reduction of IC. For example, Palmstrom (1996), for massive brittle rock, with cm c/2, gives indication of heavy rockburst when IC<0.5. The potential of rock wedge failure is mainly associated to good (/fair) rock masses subjected to relatively low stress condition, i.e. when the response at excavation is dominated by the shear strength of discontinuities and a translational failure should occur (Bandis, 1997). Further detailed analyses, for example by using limit equilibrium methods, should verify the effective possibility of kinematical instabilities. Two improbable zones have also been marked in the graph corresponding to unrealistic combinations between GSI and RMR: the first below the spalling/rockburst region and the other in the upper right part (caving zone), where RMR class V and elastic behaviour theoretically overlap.
Fig.3.1: Example of practical application of the proposed multiple graph. The reference case histories (ch) are described in Tab.3.1. For ch3 and ch5, the assessment of GSI is just an approximate estimate on the basis of available information; for ch8 and ch9, the GSI is directly indicated in the II quadrant of the graph.
Fig.2.5: Classification scheme of the excavation behaviour (GD-classification, Russo and Grasso, 2006, 2007, modified).
Notes: o=radial deformation at the face; Rp/Ro=plastic radius/radius of cavity; =max tangential stress; cm=rock mass strength. The limits of shadow zones are approximated and represent the most typical condition; see also the notes to Fig.2.1 and further explanations in the text.
comparison between the predicted and the observed behaviour can be assessed. In Tab. 3.1. the essential data of such casehistories are schematically reported, including the type of the main counter-measures adopted for the stabilisation of the tunnel.
As shown in Fig.3.1, when applying the scheme of Fig.2.1 in practice, it is generally recommended not to focus on a single point of input, but to specify a possible range of variation of the input parameters to reflect the uncertainties involved.
In Fig. 3.1 the practical application of the multiple graph is illustrated, plotting in particular some significant case-histories, for which a
A simplified rational approach for the preliminary assessment of the excavation behaviour in rock tunnelling
ch #
Note (hazard)
Geodata S.Martin La Porte Adit (D~10m) to (2006) the Base tunnel of the new railway link Lyon-Turin [France] Fig. 3.2 Geodata Penchala [Malaysia] twin tube high(2002) way tunnel (D ~15m) GD-Test (2007) Campegno [Italy] roadway tunnel (D ~12m)
In the zone crossing carboniferous black schist, extremely severe squeezing condition during full face excavation (measured convergences up to 2m, which required re-shaping) Ordinary advancement (full face) in good granite with negligible deformation (elastic-domain) and occasional wedge failures Highly anisotropic stress conditions (k0.3), with principal stress inclined, parallel to the surface slope. Occasional rockburst in rhyolitic-porphyric rock mass during full-face excavation. Full-face excavation in poor schistose rock mass with some tendency to caving Heavy rockburst during full-face excavation in hard grain-diorite An exploratory tunnel by TBM was previously realized (D=4.2m) in the tunnel section. Advancement (full face) in good dolomitic limestone, with negligible deformation, but with intercepting of fractured/weathered layer Full-face excavation in very poor weathered schist, with marked caving tendency Severe squeezing condition during bench excavation in silty-flysch with frequent band of highly tectonized rock mass, requiring additional stabilising measures and frequent re-shaping of the section Extreme squeezing behaviour in very low strength graphitic phyllite at depths of up to 1200m
Geodata Montegrosso [Italy] roadway tunnel (2007) (D~13m) A.Anadn Maule [Chile] hydroelectric system (2007) tunnel (D~8m) Fig. 3.3 Geodata Menaggio [Italy] roadway tunnel (2005) (D=13.5m)
Geodata Vispa [Italy] roadway tunnel (2007) (D~13m) Geodata Driskos [Greece] twin tube highway (2002) tunnel (D~12.5m)
Hoek and Yacamboo [Venezuela] hydroelectric Marinos system tunnel (D~5m) (2000)
ovx; ssrb+shd;..
Tab.3.1: List of the reference Case-Histories (ch) and the relative stabilisation measures applied.
Note: be=anticipate bench excavation; bl=reduced blasting length and/or optimisation of the drilling scheme; ca=long cable anchor; dh=destressing blasting; dr=drainages in advancement; fbr (f/c) = pre-consolidation by cemented fibreglass (face/contour); ovx= over-excavation; rb = radial bolting; sh=shotcrete (fibre-reinforced or with steel mesh); shd= sh with deformable elements or gaps; sp=spiling in advancement with Swellex type bolts (f/c); srb=steel ribs; ssrb=sliding steel ribs; ua= umbrella arch with steel pipe.
Fig. 3.3: The dramatic sequence of heavy rock-burst occurred in the Maule Tunnel (Chile) during drilling. The tunnel was crossing hard graindiorites with overburden of about 1000m ( case-history ch5). Note in the central photogram, the development of fracturing in the upper right part of the tunnel face. The elapsed time between the first and third photogram is less than 1sec (Video: courtesy of F Anadon (Dragados)) .A.
A simplified rational approach for the preliminary assessment of the excavation behaviour in rock tunnelling
Fig. 3.2: Very severe squeezing behaviour in the S.Martin La Porte adit to the base tunnel of the new railway link Turin-Lyon ( case-history ch1): up to more than 2m of diametral convergence with consequent necessity of tunnel re-shaping (Photo: courtesy of J. Piraud (Antea)).
A multiple graph for the preliminary estimate of the rock masses excavation behaviour and, consequently, of the probable hazards for tunnelling has been illustrated. Such a prediction of the excavation response is obtained by means of the quantification, in a logical sequence, of (1) fabric, (2) strength, (3) competency and (4) self-supporting capacity of rock mass. Despite the preliminary character of the prediction, which involves some simplified assumptions (for example, circular tunnel in homogeneous/isotropic rock mass, equivalent continuum modelling, k=1,..), the described method may be a useful tool, mainly in the first phases of design, for a quick identification of potential critical scenarios, as well as for performing sensitivity analysis, by means also of a probabilistic approach. On the basis of such a preliminary analysis, the tunnel design can consequently focus on the detected potential problems, implementing with the required detail the most adequate methods of analysis and calculations.
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A simplified rational approach for the preliminary assessment of the excavation behaviour in rock tunnelling
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