Offres D'emploi Internationales 16 Septembre 2019fsxssss
Offres D'emploi Internationales 16 Septembre 2019fsxssss
Offres D'emploi Internationales 16 Septembre 2019fsxssss
En charge de l’analyse et du traitement des différentes plaintes adressées au
Responsable de la validation des différentes factures fournisseurs reçues avant
transmission à la Finance pour paiement
Responsable de la gestion des différents contrats et/ou agréments du département
incluant ceux nous liant aux transitaires, transporteurs et autres distributeurs de biens et
Exécution des taches annexes entrant en compte dans la bonne marche du département
Rigueur et précision ;
Autonomie et sens pratique ;
Bonne structure/organisation du travail, gestion des priorités ;
Esprit d’initiatives, capacité de travailler en équipe ;
Orientation clients ;
Langues : français et bonne connaissance de l’anglais. Tout autre langue est un plus.
A partir de 05 à 07 ans d’expérience.
Avoir occupé des postes de Responsabilités Managériale est un plus.
Contrat et salaire à négocier.
Cash collections from sales and transfer to head office
Managing supply at the sales point
Directing customer deliveries KEY TASKS Sales operations at their outlets
Ensure that products are properly displayed in the fridges and on the counters with the
right labels
Carry out sales to customers
Package products properly and deliver to customers
Product freshness at the outlets, ensuring the fridges are working properly at the right
Control the temperature at the fridges to ensure it is within the required limits
Carry out FIFO on products to ensure older stock is sold first
Cash collections from sales and transfer to head office
Transfer cash from sales alongside the sales records to head office in liaison with the
Managing supply at the sales point
Work closely with the NSM to ensure that the right demand signal is sent to ensure
products are supplied to the outlet On time and in full
Directing Customer deliveries
Take customer orders on phone
Prepare customer orders and have it delivered to the customer through the courier
Work under the Supervision of the NSM and execute all tasks assigned
Propose new ideas to the NSM on how to better grow sales and improve customer
With Colleagues
Maintain a cordial and professional relationship with colleagues
Share best practices with colleagues
With Customers
Drive a high level of customer service and ensure customer satisfaction at all times
Provide helpful advice to customers on product choices and promos
Promote customer loyalty and encourage customer repeat purchases
Qualification: Minimum HND/BTS in Sales, Marketing, Management or any other Social
1-2 years experience as a sales person in retail
Bilingual (English and French)
Females preferred, aged 22-35yrs
Strong customer service skills
A natural seller, skilled in explaining product benefits to customers and driving purchases
Independent worker, very well organised COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Closing date
: 18/09/2019. If the above role interest you send CVs ONLY IN WORD FORMAT specifying
the position Sales Point Supervisor
National Sales Manager(NSM)
Bilingual(English and French)
Drivers’ license Cat B
Good collaboration skills, good at managing customer relations
Strong analytical skills and comfortable in using spreadsheets
Budget management skills
Ability to think and act strategically
Good mastery of modern trade and traditional trade distribution channels in Cameroon.
COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Closing date : 18/09/2019. If the above role interest
you send CVs ONLY IN WORD FORMAT specifying the position National Sales
Responsibilities include:
Maintain strong and positive working relationships with clients and partners including
USAID and local governments
Develop and implement annual work plans and budgets that reflect the priorities of
USAID, the Ministry of Public Health, and other key stakeholders
Identify capacity gaps and arrange for appropriate training of field staff
Ensure the use of appropriate management methodologies to plan, organize, and control
resources to achieve goals
Develop, implement and review appropriate staffing, technical assistance, and
procurement plans that lead to the effective implementation of the project’s strategy and
work plan
Manage office operations in adherence with policies and procedures in project
management, including HR management, procurement, finance, and administration
Develop, update and implement performance monitoring plan that encompasses
commodity security and logistics management indicators and includes project-wide
performance measures
Oversee regular data collection and reporting and lead quarterly reviews of performance
analysis to identify issues and drive evidence-based interventions
Assess risks quarterly and implement risk management and mitigation strategies for
procurement and logistics services
Ensure compliance with procurement standard operating procedures, including supplier
order fulfillment, order tracking, customs clearance and freight forwarding, storage and
distribution, and logistics management information systems
Coordinate with relevant stakeholders in the provision of assistance to build the capacity
and capability of national systems
Advanced degree in medicine, public health, supply chain, logistics, project management,
or a related field, or a bachelor’s degree in the same fields plus an additional five years of
work experience beyond the 10 required below
Minimum of 10 years of experience in public health program management,
pharmaceuticals and medical supplies, and/or supply chain management systems
Minimum of five years of experience leading development projects overseas; experience
working with U.S. government and/or USAID implementing partners preferred
Demonstrated ability to manage and implement complex USAID-funded public health
projects in developing countries
Skilled in leading and managing high-performing teams; ability to build capacity of team
members and local government counterparts
Proven ability to work collaboratively with host-country officials, donors, and other key
Excellent interpersonal, written, and oral communications skills; proven diplomatic and
public relations skills
Demonstrated leadership, versatility, and integrity
Fluent English and French required
Application instructions:
Please send an email with your CV and cover letter attached and “GHSC-PSM Cameroon
Country Director” in the subject line to by Friday,
September 20, 2019. No telephone inquiries, please. Finalists will be contacted.
The protection of your personal data is important to Chemonics. If you are located in the
EU, please read our EU Recruiting Data Privacy Notice to learn how we process your
personal data. For more information, please read the EU Recruiting Data Privacy Notice
Chargé Programme pour l’Observance, la Rétention et le Lien au soin/LAR
Program Officer
Ouvertures d’emploi : 03
La Fondation Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS est le leader global de la lutte contre le VIH
et le sida chez les enfants. Elle travaille dans 19 pays et plus de 5 500 formations sanitaires
dans le monde pour prévenir la transmission du VIH aux enfants et aider ceux qui sont
déjà infectés. Aujourd'hui, grâce au travail extrêmement réussi de la Fondation et de ses
partenaires, le sida pédiatrique a été pratiquement éliminé aux États-Unis. Avec un
effectif mondial de plus de 7 000 personnels, dont neuf sur 10 travaillent sur le terrain, la
Fondation a pour mission mondiale de mettre en œuvre des programmes de prévention,
de prise en charge et de traitement du VIH; faire progresser la recherche innovante; et
mener des activités de plaidoyer mondiales stratégiques et ciblées pour apporter des
changements spectaculaires dans la vie de millions de femmes, d'enfants et de familles
dans le monde entier. Pour plus d'informations, visitez notre page internet : .
Avec un financement du CDC / PEPFAR Cameroun pour le projet Atteindre95, EGPAF aide
le ministère de la Santé publique et le gouvernement du Cameroun à renforcer les
services de dépistage du VIH afin d’assurer que 95% des personnes vivant avec le VIH
connaissent leur statut, 95% d’entre eux sont initiés sous antirétroviraux et 95% de ceux
sous antirétroviraux sont réprimés par voie virale. EGPAF bénéficie également de l'appui
d'autres donateurs tels que Unitaid pour la mise en œuvre d'approches innovantes visant
à catalyser les services de lutte antituberculeuse pédiatrique.
Résumé d'emploi
Le Chargé Programme pour l’Observance, la Rétention et le Lien au soin assurera l'appui
technique, la coordination et la supervision de toutes les activités relevant de ce domaine
du programme tout le long de la cascade des services de VIH, y compris chez les enfants,
les adolescents, les adultes et la PTME. Il fournira un soutien technique aux gestionnaires
de cas, aux agents de soutien psychosocial et aux clients experts dans les établissements
de santé afin de veiller à ce que les patients reçoivent un soutien psychosocial standard
complet et de haute qualité pour assurer une suppression de la charge virale de 95%.
Il/elle assurera la liaison avec les partenaires communautaires pour assurer le suivi
approprié et le soutien psychosocial des patients. En collaboration avec le Chargé de
programme pour le Dépistage du VIH, il/elle apportera un soutien aux agents de
dépistage et aux agents de soutien psychosocial afin de renforcer la prévention primaire
et secondaire du VIH chez les clients séropositives et séronégatives.
Renforcer les références bidirectionnelles entre les formations sanitaires et les OBC en
charge des Orphelins et Enfants Vulnérables (OEV) pour assurer un suivi complet des
enfants et des adolescents séropositifs ;
Veiller à ce que tous les PVVIH sous ARV bénéficient d'un renforcement de l'éducation
thérapeutique et du conseil pour la rétention dans les soins.
Veiller à ce que la gestion des patients à charge virale élevée fasse l'objet d'une
surveillance étroite et qu'un conseil en matière d'Aide à l’Observance Renforcée soit
menée de manière systématique et bien documenté ;
Assister le personnel des formations sanitaires et de la communauté à recueillir les
réactions formelles ou informelles des bénéficiaires ou des services liés au VIH afin
d'améliorer la qualité de la prestation des services ;
Assurer le fonctionnement des « comités de rétention » des formations sanitaires pour
Excellentes aptitudes à la facilitation, au mentorat, à la constitution d'équipes et à la
Expérience de la prise de parole en public et de présentations professionnelles.
Orienté sur le terrain et à l'aise avec une approche d'équipe de la programmation.
Capacité de communiquer efficacement en anglais et en français.
Comment postuler
Les candidats qualifiés doivent soumettre un CV et une lettre de motivation via le lien
suivant :
Le screening des candidatures se fera sur une base progressive. Veuillez noter que seuls
les candidats présélectionnés répondant aux exigences ci-dessus seront contactés.
Job openings: 03
Location: Littoral
The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation is a global leader in the fight against
pediatric HIV and AIDS, working in 19 countries and at over 5,500 sites around the world
to prevent the transmission of HIV to children, and to help those already infected. Today,
because of the highly successful work of the Foundation and its partners, pediatric AIDS
has been virtually eliminated in the United States. With a growing global staff of over
1,000—nine of 10 who work in the field—the Foundation’s global mission is to implement
HIV prevention, care, and treatment programs; further advance innovative research; and
to execute strategic and targeted global advocacy activities to bring dramatic change to
the lives of millions of women, children, and families worldwide. For more information,
please, visit our page: .
EGPAF works in partnership with the Ministry of Health NACC and the Regional and
District Health Teams to support HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment and health systems
strengthening services. EGPAF is mainly funded by PEPFAR through the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID).
The Linkage, Adherence and Retention (LAR) Program Officer will provide technical
expertise, coordination and supervision of all activities in this program domain alongside
the cascade of HIV services and for all program domains, including pediatric, adolescents,
adults and PMTCT. S/he will provide technical support to Case managers, Psychosocial
support agents and Expert clients in the health facilities to ensure that patients receive
comprehensive and high quality standard psychosocial support to ensure a 95% Viral load
suppression. S/he will liaise with the Community partners to ensure the proper follow-up
with the HIV testing Officer, he will provide support to the HTS and psychosocial support
agents to strengthen primary and secondary prevention of HIV amongst clients tested
negative and those infected with HIV.
The LAR Officer will provide technical support and supervision in collaboration with
regional project management teams to ensure the successful planning and
implementation of community level HIV TB service delivery activities, including work
planning, budgeting, support supervision, technical support and reporting in assigned
Key Responsibilities
Provide onsite training, mentoring for physicians, nurses and psychosocial agents and
enable them to provide support to small satellite sites;
Conduct facilitative supervision and on-site mentorship to improve quality of service
Ensure systems are in place and functioning optimally for appointment management to
prevent defaulters and LTFU as well as ensure proper tracking on these defaulters and
LTFU and bring them back to care;
Support rollout of Differentiated service models such as multi-month prescription (MMP),
community ART initiation and/or dispensation for stable patients, support groups and
community adherence clubs including adapting group meetings, task shifting/Sharing,
after hours services including weekends and night clinic shifts to accommodate busy and
working men on ART services
Scale up differentiated service delivery models by intensifying same-day ART initiation
and age-appropriate therapeutic classes for adolescents and young adults
Improve access to viral load testing for PLHIV on treatment by strengthening the sample
day transport system, ensuring availability of viral load commodities and
subsidies/voucher schemes to enhance uptake of MMP for patients whose viral load are
suppressed and therefore qualify for community or multi-month dispensation
Adapt the Linkage Case Management (LCM) model, which successfully linked people
across age and sex groups and scale up accompanied referrals through peer linkage
agents to target younger males peer navigators will connect newly identified HIV-positive
KP clients to facility linkage and retention agents.
Scale up adolescent friendly ART and reproductive health services through training of
health care providers on how to approach and attract adolescents as well as how to
address their specific health needs.
Strengthen bi-directional referrals between health facilities and OVC service providers to
ensure comprehensive follow-up of HIV-positive children and adolescents
Ensure all PLHIV initiated on treatment benefit from enhanced therapeutic education and
counseling for retention in care
Ensure that management of patients with high viral load is closely monitored and
enhanced adherence counselling is completed for all eligible patients and documented
properly to strengthen adherence to treatment and retention
Support facility and community staff in collecting formal or informal feedback from
beneficiaries or HIV services in order to improve the quality of service delivery;
and resistance, and will continue to enhance knowledge to adapt adult VL algorithm for
pregnant and breastfeeding women to VL testing three months post-ART initiation.
Provide leadership in weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual project
performance reviews, assessing progress in an objective manner in collaboration with
Provide leadership on Quality Improvement/Quality Assurance interventions in
community HIV services in collaboration with HMT.
Participate in the progress report writing, continuation application and quarterly review
report writing and presentation as well as identification and documentation of best
Take lead in site preparation for supportive supervision and SIMS assessments and ensure
recommendations are implemented at community/facility level by project team in
collaboration with HMT.
Overall coordination with regional HMT on implementation of community level HIV Care,
Treatment and PMTCT service delivery work plans with focus on strengthening facility-
community linkages and retention mechanisms and scale-up model of differentiated care
in the community.
Ability to lead a multi-sectoral team and support collaboration with multiple stakeholders
Ability and willingness to learn.
Excellent facilitation, mentorship, team building and coordination skills.
Experience in public speaking and professional presentations.
Field oriented and comfortable with a team approach to programming.
Proficiency in English and French
Team Building – Team building is a person’s ability to inspire and foster team
commitment, spirit, pride, and trust. He/she also facilitates cooperation and motivates
team members to accomplish group goals.
Customer Service – Customer service is a person’s ability to anticipate and meet the
How To Apply
Qualified candidates should submit a CV and cover letter through the following link:
Screening of applications will be on a rolling basis. Please note that only shortlisted
applicants meeting the above requirements will be contacted.
Applications are only acceptable through the above link.
This position is subject to donor funding.
Location: Buea/Bamenda
Duration: 12 months
Contract Type: SC8
WFP seeks candidates of the highest integrity and professionalism who share our
humanitarian principles.
Selection of staff is made on a competitive basis, and we are committed to promoting
diversity and gender balance.
KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES (not all-inclusive, within delegated authority):
The position will support the Head of Sub Office, the Emergency Coordinator and will
work very closely with WFP Security Officer.
Assist in exploring and facilitating humanitarian access and advise WFP on matters
relating to the context and access strategies to support WFP’s operational responses and
participation in UN coordination fora, such as the access working group.
Support the development and reinforcement of relationships and communication with
national authorities and communities, relevant local and regional actors, and other
humanitarian actors to secure humanitarian access, ensure context sensitivity and enable
WFP’s operations.
Map areas accessible and inaccessible to WFP and support programmatic discussions and
decision making on scale up of operations to vulnerable populations in hard to reach
Collect, analyse, maintain and make available all relevant data, information,
documentation and best practices on Protection of beneficiaries at the level of
community outreach, targeting/registration and food distributions and liaise and ensure
that WFP and partner staff are informed and trained on fundamentals and practices
concerning protection;
Ensure that beneficiaries' info/help desks are in place at distribution sites and that
monitoring tools include questions to beneficiaries on whether they were exposed to any
act of violence, coercion, deliberate deprivation or disrespect that undermined their
safety, dignity and integrity from humanitarian actors or host communities, as well as
A minimum of five years of experience in government, multilateral organisations, United
Nations or non-governmental agencies is required. Experience of direct engagement with
affected populations and authorities required.
Ability to build strong working relationships under extremely challenging conditions,
strong interpersonal skills and flexibility.
Ability to professionally and clearly represent WFP, its humanitarian principles and
character and operational responses.
Ability to conduct research, including ability to evaluate and integrate information from a
variety of sources and assess the impact on WFP’s operations.
Ability to work under extreme pressure, on occasion in a highly stressful environment.
Shows pride in work and in achievements; is conscientious and efficient in meeting
commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional
rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or
challenges; remains calm in stressful situations.
Works collaboratively with colleagues from across the organisation, particularly with
expertise; is willing to learn from others; places team agenda before personal agenda;
supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may
not entirely reflect own position.
Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies priority
activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount of
time and resources for completing work; foresees risks and allows for contingencies
when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently.
Fluency in English and French is required. Fluency in languages commonly spoken in the
area of operation is beneficial (such as Bakweri, Pidgin, Bakossi, Balondo, Bafo, Oroko,
Closing Date of Application: 26/09/2019
Female applicants are especially encouraged to apply.
WFP has zero tolerance for discrimination and does not discriminate on the basis of
HIV/AIDS status.
No appointment under any kind of contract will be offered to members of the UN
Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), International
Civil Service Commission (ICSC), FAO Finance Committee, WFP External Auditor, WFP
Audit Committee, Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) and other similar bodies within the United
Nations system with oversight responsibilities over WFP, both during their service and
within three years of ceasing that service.
All applications must be submitted online at :
Finance Officer CBT SC8
The United Nations World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency
fighting hunger worldwide. The mission of WFP is to help the world achieve Zero Hunger
in our lifetimes. Every day, WFP works worldwide to ensure that no child goes to bed
hungry and that the poorest and most vulnerable, particularly women and children, can
access the nutritious food they need.
Education: Advanced University degree in Finance, Business Administration, Accounting,
or related fields, or First University degree in the same subject(s) with additional years of
related work experience plus membership in an international recognized professional
5. Perform bank reconciliations, disbursements, clearance of receivables, overall cash
management and monthly financial closures on a regular basis in accordance with
corporate requirements.
6. Where necessary, deliver core administrative services, working with contractors and
following standard processes to provide cost-effective, quality and timely services to WFP
7. Where necessary, undertake basic human resource functions related to staff benefits,
recruitment of local staff, and training.
8. Collate data and contribute to preparation of accurate and timely reporting, providing
management with financial, staffing and resource usage information to enable them to
make informed decisions.
9. Track and collate data to support others to improve policies, systems and procedures
Encourage innovation & creative solutions: Shows willingness to explore and experiment
with new ideas and approaches in own work.
Focus on getting results: Consistently delivers results within individual scope of work on
time, on budget and without errors.
Make commitments and make good on commitments: Commits to upholding individual
accountabilities and responsibilities in the face of ever-changing country or functional
Be Decisive: Makes rational decisions about individual activities when faced with
uncertain circumstances, including in times of ambiguity regarding information or
manager direction.
Connect and share across WFP units: Seeks to understand and adapt to internal or cross-
Programme Associate (Resilience & Livelihood)
Location: Maroua
Duration: 12 months
Contract type: Fixed - Term
WFP Cameroon is seeking a Program Associate-Resilience and Livelihood in the Maroua
Area Office. The Programme Associate’s key focus is on livelihood activities and building
or recovering assets that impact positively on food security while targeting the most food
insecure geographical areas, and to those vulnerable households in need of WFP
Under the direct supervision of the Program Policy Officer, Maroua Field Office, the
Contribute to enhance disaster preparedness for effective response, and to ‘build back
better’ in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction.
Support the capacity building of WFP staff, partners and national government to prepare
for and respond to food assistance needs, e.g. through providing inputs into training
Monitor and evaluate activities and ensure that programme objectives have been
achieved and whether activities are responsive to participants’ needs.
Document the process and prepare a case study for wider dissemination. This should
form part of WFP’s livelihood and community asset creation experience and contribute to
larger formulations within the government for providing social safety and protection.
Work in close collaboration with internal counterparts and external partners to
strengthen the quality of food security and nutrition results monitoring and build credible
Internal/External clients. The Business Support Associate shall provide adequate
administrative support to Management.
Under the direct authority of the Country Director, the Business Support Associate will
among other tasks perform the following:
Provide dedicated executive assistant support.
Prepare and/or consolidate comprehensive reports, documentation, correspondence,
briefing notes, etc. and conduct research in work.
Facilitates efficient flow of communication: screens and properly diverts calls to
concerned party;
Oversee the maintenance of records and databases to ensure information is organised
and readily available for staff and compliant with all relevant regulations and policies
A good network among the NGOs, UN, Donors and Government high level civil will be an
Fluent in either French (level C) or English (level C) with a working knowledge of the
Ability to take and transcribe minutes/memos with speed and accuracy;
Ability to work independently with minimum instructions and supervision;
Ability to easily adapt and cope with a multicultural environment;
Ability to study, understand and present complex arguments in a clear and appealing way
to a wide range of audiences, both verbally and in writing;
Demonstrated understanding of the scope of different media channels and how they can
Ability to engage effectively at field level with a wide range of actors including those in
the international humanitarian community and governments;
Excellent analytical skills; resourcefulness, initiative, maturity of judgment, tact, and
negotiation skills;
Ability to work in a team, and establish effective working relations with persons of
different national and cultural backgrounds;
Good computer knowledge and skills;
Ability to work under tight deadlines and simultaneously manage multiple tasks in an
autonomous manner;
Ability to work creatively in a busy environment on several projects simultaneously;
Ability to handle any other additional tasks as requested by his supervisor.
Excellent written and communication skills in English and French;
High degree of organization and excellent problem-solving skills;
High level of confidentiality and excellent customer relation;
Commitment to continuous learning and improvement;
Ability to monitor delivery from core manager and draw attention on variance
Female Candidates are encouraged to apply
Application’s deadline: 27/09/2019
Location: Yaounde
Duration: 12 months
Contract Type: Fixed-Term
WFP seeks candidates of the highest integrity and professionalism who share our
humanitarian principles.
Selection of staff is made on a competitive basis, and we are committed to promoting
diversity and gender balance.
JOB PURPOSE: Support monitoring and evaluation activities within the Cameroon
Country Office, ensuring that the World Food Programmes (WFP) generate quality
evidence on the outputs and outcomes of WFP’s food assistance activities on the lives of
beneficiaries with which to inform operational decision making and strategic
KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES (not all-inclusive, within delegated authority):
Under the direct supervision of the Head of Programme and the overall supervision of the
Deputy Country Director, the incumbent will be responsible for the following duties:
Support the design, planning and implementation of Programme activities supported
under the Country Strategic Plan for Cameroon.
Contribute/provide technical support to the implementation of the Country Office food
security assessment, beneficiaries targeting, monitoring and evaluation plans to ensure
WFP’s effectiveness and appropriateness of all food assistance interventions (e.g.
beneficiary needs and status, food security status, Programme modalities,
implementation challenges, etc.).
processes, ensuring alignment with wider programme policies and guidance;
Provide project management support to specific and defined CBT programmes and
projects of considerable size/complexity, ensuring a coordinated approach with wider
programmes that complies with WFP standards and procedures;
Ensure compliance with WFP’s policies, criteria and procedures with respect to food
assistance and cash-based transfer, protection, gender and partnership;
Coach of junior staff;
Any other duty related to WFP Cameroon overall programme portfolios.
Educational Requirement
Advanced university degree (Master II or DESS/DEA) in Agriculture, Economics, Rural
Development, Food security, Project Management, Nutrition, Agriculture, Economics,
Development Economics and International Development or First University Degree with 7
Essential Experience
At least Five years of professional experience in food security and nutrition programmes
management, monitoring & evaluation, program analysis and monitoring, or Programme
Coordination in a humanitarian/ development context with UN Agencies, NGO,
government or private sector.
Experience with a UN agency would be an asset.
Experience managing staff and improving performance.
The incumbent will have direct knowledge and experience of refugee emergency
operations including programming and management aspects, working, and coordinating
complex projects with different entities and government authorities.
Working Languages
Fluency (level C) in both English and French language
Critical success Factors
Ability to travel frequently and to work in difficult environments.
Proven ability to conceptualize, develop, plan and manage programmes, leadership and
teamwork abilities, good analytical, negotiation, communication and advocacy skills
Ability to engage effectively with a wide range of actors including those in the
international humanitarian community and governments;
Excellent analytical skills;
Ability to work in a team, and establish effective working relations with persons of
different national and cultural backgrounds;
Good understanding of the theory and application of food security and safety net
Good computer knowledge and skills;
Proactive attitude towards partnership;
Ability to work under tight deadlines and simultaneously manage multiple tasks in an
autonomous manner;
Ability to handle any other additional tasks as requested by his supervisor.
Ability to develop and implement appropriate internal control tools to address fraud and
Female Candidates are encouraged to apply
Application’s deadline: 27/09/2019
All applications must be submitted online at :
Development Coordination Officer, partnerships and development
3.Plans and facilitates substantive support on financing for accelerating the achievement
of the SDGs:
•Plans and facilitates the development, maintenance and sharing of knowledge and
intelligence, to ensure RC/UNCT are informed and positioned to effectively generate and
harness opportunities to meet its resource mobilization targets;
•Contributes to knowledge networks and communities of practice at national, regional
and global levels;
•Coordinates activities to strengthen the capacity of UNCTs to mainstream and promote
SDG investment partnerships;
•Advises on the discovery, evaluation and selection of partnership opportunities at the
sourcing and origination stages.
• PROFESSIONALISM:Proven knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and
approaches relevant to sustainable development. Ability to identify key strategic issues,
opportunities and risks. Ability to generate and communicate broad and compelling
organizational direction. Ability to communicate clearly links between the Organization’s
strategy and the work unit’s goals. Demonstrated ability to provide innovative technical
leadership by performing and/or overseeing the planning, development, and
management of operation. Demonstrated ability to negotiate and apply good judgment.
Proven ability to analyze complex data and produce reports leading to sound policy
recommendations for achieving sustainable development; solid understanding of the
political environment and the programmes and activities of the UN system in
implementing the Sustainable Development Goals. Ability to produce well written reports
• PLANNING AND ORGANIZING: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed
strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required;
allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; foresees risks
and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as
necessary; uses time efficiently.
• LEADERSHIP: Serves as a role model that other people want to follow: empowers
others to translate vision into results; is proactive in developing strategies to accomplish
objectives; establishes and maintains relationships with a broad range of people to
understand needs and gain support; anticipates and resolves conflicts by pursuing
mutually agreeable solutions; drives for change and improvements; does not accept the
status quo; shows the courage to take unpopular stands. Provides leadership and takes
responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation
of women and men in all areas of work; demonstrates knowledge of strategies and
commitment to the goal of gender balance in staffing.
decision; considers positive and negative impacts of decisions prior to making them;
takes decisions with an eye to the impact on others and on the Organization; proposes a
course of action or makes a recommendation based on all available information; checks
assumptions against facts; determines actions proposed will satisfy the expressed and
underlying needs for the decision; makes tough decisions when necessary.
Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in business or public
administration, sustainable development, social sciences, education or related area is
required. A first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of
qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
Work Experience
A minimum of seven years of progressively responsible experience in providing strategic
The United Nations Secretariat is committed to achieving 50/50 gender balance in its
staff. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for this position. All applicants
are strongly encouraged to apply on-line as soon as possible after the job opening has
been posted and well before the deadline stated in the job opening.
Internal Applicants – when completing the PHP, ensure ALL fields, ALL professional
experience and contact information are completed and up to date. This information is the
basis for the hiring manager to assess your eligibility and suitability for the position and to
contact you.
Individual contractors and consultants who have worked within the UN Secretariat in the
last six months, irrespective of the administering entity, are ineligible to apply for
professional and higher temporary or fixed-term positions and their applications will not
be considered.
All applicants are strongly encouraged to apply on-line as soon as possible after the job
opening has been posted and well before the deadline stated in the job opening. On-line
applications will be acknowledged where an email address has been provided. If you do
not receive an e-mail acknowledgement within 24 hours of submission, your application
may not have been received. If the problem persists, please seek technical assistance
through the Inspira "Need Help?" link.
According to article 101, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations, the paramount
consideration in the employment of the staff is the necessity of securing the highest
standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. Candidates will not be considered for
employment with the United Nations if they have committed violations of international
human rights law, violations of international humanitarian law, sexual exploitation, sexual
abuse, or sexual harassment, or if there are reasonable grounds to believe that they have
been involved in the commission of any of these acts. The term “sexual exploitation”
means any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power, or
trust, for sexual purposes, including, but not limited to, profiting monetarily, socially or
politically from the sexual exploitation of another. The term “sexual abuse” means the
actual or threatened physical intrusion of a sexual nature, whether by force or under
unequal or coercive conditions. The term “sexual harassment” means any unwelcome
conduct of a sexual nature that might reasonably be expected or be perceived to cause
offence or humiliation, when such conduct interferes with work, is made a condition of
employment or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment, and when
the gravity of the conduct warrants the termination of the perpetrator’s working
relationship. Candidates who have committed crimes other than minor traffic offences
may not be considered for employment.
Due regard will be paid to the importance of recruiting the staff on as wide a
geographical basis as possible. The United Nations places no restrictions on the eligibility
of men and women to participate in any capacity and under conditions of equality in its
principal and subsidiary organs. The United Nations Secretariat is a non-smoking
Applicants are urged to follow carefully all instructions available in the online recruitment
platform, inspira. For more detailed guidance, applicants may refer to the Manual for the
Applicant, which can be accessed by clicking on “Manuals” hyper-link on the upper right
side of the inspira account-holder homepage.
The evaluation of applicants will be conducted on the basis of the information submitted
in the application according to the evaluation criteria of the job opening and the
applicable internal legislations of the United Nations including the Charter of the United
Nations, resolutions of the General Assembly, the Staff Regulations and Rules,
administrative issuances and guidelines. Applicants must provide complete and accurate
information pertaining to their personal profile and qualifications according to the
instructions provided in inspira to be considered for the current job opening. No
amendment, addition, deletion, revision or modification shall be made to applications
that have been submitted. Candidates under serious consideration for selection will be
subject to reference checks to verify the information provided in the application.
Job openings advertised on the Careers Portal will be removed at 11:59 p.m. (New York
time) on the deadline date.
Apply online at :
Il s’agit de soutenir le management du projet de lutte contre le VIH et améliorer la
prestation de services cliniques de lutte contre le VIH dans la formation sanitaire en
offrant un paquet de services de soins et de traitement du VIH intégrés dans le cadre du
projet ATTEINDRE95.
Tâches et responsabilités spécifiques
Sous la supervision générale du Coordonnateur District des Services Intégrés de VIH,
il/elle est responsable de:
Activités de Management (50%)
Développer et soumettre au Coordonnateur District des Services Intégrés de VIH un plan
de travail mensuel budgétisé en ligne avec le plan de travail du projet, montrant
clairement les activités prévues, les résultats, les délais, les objectifs et les indicateurs de
Assurer pleinement la mise en œuvre du plan de travail mensuel en droite ligne avec
budget de la manière la plus efficience ;
Assurer la gestion efficace de l’équipe multidisciplinaire sur le site pour atteindre les
objectifs du projet
Organiser des séances de formation continue hebdomadaires en liaison avec le
Coordonnateur District des Services Intégrés de VIH selon un calendrier défini et validé.
Mener et faciliter des supervisions formatives et la formation continue pour les
prestataires de soins en vue d’assurer la qualité des services le long de la cascade de soins
du VIH/Sida ;
Tenir des réunions de coordination hebdomadaires et mensuelles avec le personnel
impliqué dans le programme VIH / SIDA pour la revue de la performance du programme,
l’identification des problèmes et les solutions possibles ;
Organiser des réunions hebdomadaires de feedback avec le major et le médecin en
charge des services de VIH pour présenter la performance du projet et les
défis/challenges ;
Organiser des réunions mensuelles de feedback avec le Directeur de l’Hôpital et le
Conseiller Médical de l'hôpital pour fournir un retour résidentiel de haut niveau et
présenter des défis et des opportunités ;
Suivre et évaluer le dispositif de collecte des données collectées et reporting ainsi que la
performance en ce qui concerne les soins et traitement VIH/SIDA de la formation sanitaire
Élaborer et soumettre le rapport mensuel des activités à l’argent du service technique au
plus tard le 2e jours de chaque mois.
Activités cliniques (50%)
Soutenir la mise en œuvre des directives du programme national de lutte contre le VIH /
sida, y compris le traitement antirétroviral et le traitement des infections opportunistes
Soutenir le déploiement du Index Case testing en mettant l’accent sur les contacts
sexuels des patients VIH nouvellement diagnostiqués et de ceux avec une charge virale
élevée ;
Assurer le diagnostic et de la gestion des cas d'échec thérapeutique, d'infections
opportunistes et de co-infections, de l'infection à VIH à un stade avancé, ainsi que de
l'instauration d'un traitement antirétroviral, d'un traitement antirétroviral de deuxième
ou de troisième intention ;
Se mettre à jour concernant les nouveaux schémas thérapeutiques antituberculeux et des
nouveaux protocoles contre la tuberculose pharmaco-résistante /ultrarésistante ;
Fournir des soins à tous les patients dans le respect de leur unicité, en faisant preuve d'un
jugement éclairé, de leurs compétences et qualifications individuelles et en collaborant
avec l'équipe soignante.
Evaluer l’état physique et mental du patient de manière continue tout au long du
continuum de soins ;
Assurer un soutien clinique général aux services de l’hôpital d’affectation (départements
de médecine interne et de pédiatrie);
Assurer le diagnostic, le traitement et le suivi appropriés des patients atteints de sarcome
de Kaposi en cours de chimiothérapie ;
Tenir le patient et / ou la famille au courant de la maladie et fournir des explications
appropriées sur le traitement à suivre ;
Comment postuler
Les candidats qualifiés doivent soumettre un CV et une lettre de motivation via le lien
suivant :
Le screening des candidatures se fera sur une base progressive. Veuillez noter que seuls
les candidats présélectionnés répondant aux exigences ci-dessus seront contactés.
Le poste dépend de la disponibilité des fonds.
NB : Les candidats résidant dans la région sont fortement encouragés à postuler !
BASSAGAL CONSULTING AFRICA is recruiting for one of its clients, a service company
- Ensures the effective and efficient execution of functions.
- Formulates and develops deliverables that support brand marketing
programs/campaigns as well as the business’s overall objectives
- Monitors and enforces brand usage guidelines and applies project management
practices in overseeing the execution of brand marketing programs within the
- Influences positive consumer brand experience and the business’s revenue achievement
through enhanced consumer acquisition and retention.
- Bachelor’s degree (master’s preferred) in Marketing, Business Administration, or any
other related field. .
- Proven experience of at least 5 years in brand marketing preferably working in the
position of a Brand Marketing Manager in a fast paced and highly competitive business
- Proven ability to deliver projects from conceptualization to completion on time and even
exceeding projected results.
- Knowledge and skills in MS office, CRM systems, databases, and marketing automation.
- Portrays exceptional strategic thinking capabilities as well as an interest and capacity for
learning strategies and system evaluations.
- Outstanding communication skills
- Creative and strategic thinker, have the capacity to prioritize and manage multiple tasks
and meet their deadlines, have exceptional problem-solving skills, have a positive can-do
attitude, work comfortably in a group setting, be proactive and have a thirst for
knowledge, have an ability to deliver results exceeding the anticipated results, and
display composure under stress.
- Ability to influence and manage relationships, establishing long-term and meaningful
external connections on behalf of the business. People skills will also enable smooth
cross-functional interactions and execution of duties, enhancing the overall efficiency and
performance of the brand marketing department
Candidates interested by this opportunity should submit their resume at: precising the code (SBM 001)
The submission deadline is September 27, 2019.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Responsable Gestion des Grands Comptes
• Mise place des indicateurs de performances et tableaux de bord des processus dont
il/elle a la charge
• Gestion des budgets
• Coordination de la mise en œuvre des plans d'actions stratégiques :
• Suivi des performances de l'unité
• Gestion des contrats des clients spéciaux
• Coordination de certification des factures administratives et de l'éclairage public ;
• Accompagnement des clients spéciaux dans le développement de leurs activités ;
• Validation des indices économiques de la facturation mensuelle Haute Tension).
Gestion des ressources : (Gestion des ressources Humaines, matérielles et financières
allouées à son unité).
Gestion du système de sécurité et de protection de l’environnement (application des
politiques et procédures de l’entreprise en matière de sécurité et
Profil :
Titulaire d'un diplôme de niveau Bac + 5 dans le domaine de la gestion, Ou des métiers du
secteur de l'entreprise ; d'une expérience professionnelle d'au moins 10 ans dont 5 ans à
des postes de manager
Qualités techniques
• Qualités commerciales. (communication, la prospection Solide expérience management
d'équipes Savoir appréhender les offres d'énergie la tarification .
Maitriser les outils informatiques
Etre capable de négocier
Capacité a travailler de manière transversale
Disponibilité et résistance au stress
• Erre réactif et adaptable Montrer des capacités curiosité .
• Etre rigoureux et
Avoir un esprit d'analyse
Nb: Si on vous demande de l’argent pour un emplois à Eneo, c'est une arnaque. Vous
pouvez dénoncer au numéro de téléphone 698 280 000,
Envoyez vos CV à au plus tard le Mercredi 25 septembre 2019
Key Accounts Manager
Operational Management:
• Coordinates the implementation of strategic action plans;
• Monitors the performance of the unit:
• Manages Special customer contracts:
• Coordinates the certification of administrative and street lighting bills;
• Supports special customers in the development Of their activities:
• Valldates the economic indices ofthe monthly High-voltage billing,
Resource Management: (Management of the human. material and financial resources
allocated to his unit).
Management orsafety and environmental protection system (application Of company
safety and environmental policies and procedures).
• Have a post-graduate diploma (GCE A/L + 5) in management or in the business sector of
the company;
Have at least 10 years Of professional experience. including 5 in managerial positions.
Technical Shills
Commercial, relational shills (communication. coordination) and survey methodology;
• Strong experience in sales and in the management or sales teams;
• Knowledge on how to understand the environment. markets, energy supply and
related services as well as billing: Mastery Of IT tools;
Ability to negotiate. argue and convince;
Ability to work across the board;
Availability and resistance to stress;
Be responsive and adaptable; • Sense or innovation and curiosity;
• Be rigorous and independent;
• Have a sense of analysis and open-mindedness,
NB: If someone requests for money in exchange of employment at Eneo. it is illegal. You
can report this @ 698 280 000. or via the web portal gneQAbiC.5AQtnrgm
Psychologue - Expert en santé mentale - UNIPSY
BP. 35579 Yaoundé; Tel: +(237) 671 820 131; email:
Recrutement psychologue - Expert en santé mentale
Objectif général du poste et durée :
Assurer la mise en œuvre des activités du volet santé mentale dans le cadre du CERF 2019,
une collaboration entre UNFPA et UNIPSY. 4 candidats seront retenus pour la période de
septembre à décembre 2019.
Principales activités :
1 . Observer les us et coutumes des populations cibles ;
2. Faire le Suivi et reporting des activités sur le terrain ;
3. Évaluer et offrir des soins psychologiques aux populations cibles ;
Lieu : Bafoussam
and change within our own organization. We achieve this transformation by working in
collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders to create a stronger Alliance. Together,
we amplify the voices of farmers and forest communities, improve livelihoods, protect
biodiversity, and help people adapt to climate change in bold and effective ways. We
embrace transparency because we believe that the best way to build trust across our
alliance is through openness about our tactics, our impact, and partners on the ground.
Together, we can achieve our vision of a world where people and nature thrive in
Position summary:
The Landscape management expert, Cameroon, will perform its responsibilities under the
Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded project entitled " Removing barriers to
biodiversity conservation, land restoration and sustainable forest management through
COmmunity-BAsed LAndscape Management – COBALAM ". The project is implemented
by the United Nation Environment Program (UNE) and executed by the Cameroon
Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED)
with technical support from Rainforest Alliance. The purpose of the project is to conserve
biodiversity in the Western Highlands of Cameroon (WHC) and the South region through
a sustainable landscape approach, in which High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) is
protected in law and the surrounding forested and agricultural areas are managed
through participatory community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) and the
development of local enterprises that use natural resources sustainably and generate
livelihoods for local populations. Additionally, to the Project Management Unit (in
Rainforest Alliance’s office in Yaoundé, a field office will be established in Bafoussam.
The Landscape management expert will be mainly responsible for all activities related to
the attribution of Priority Management Zone (PMZ) based on the Law n°2011/008 dated 6
May 2011 which lays down guidelines for territorial planning and sustainable development
in Cameroon, to upgrade the conservation status of two Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA):
Mount Bamboutos and Mount Bana. S/he will also coordinate field activities in the WHC
(West and North West regions) contributing to conservation and economic valorisation
of Sacred Forests, sustainable land management and sustainable forest management.
This position supervises two staff members.
Support the development of terms of reference for technical subcontractors in the WHC,
supervise and monitor their activities and approve the delivery of their products and
corresponding payments in accordance with their contracts;
Efficient, transparent and correct management of the financial resources available to the
project in the WHC accordance with the rules commonly agreed between MINEPDED,
UNEP and RA;
Coordinate and plan activities to be implemented in the WHC in collaboration with the
local project staff and partners in line with the annual work plan;
Obtain the Free, Prior and Inform Consent of all stakeholders and stimulate their
participation to all processes engaged by the project;
Facilitate activities related to the improvement of the conservation status of KBA through
the creation of PMZ for biodiversity conservation and sustainable land management;
scale stakeholder groups and in alignment with the national law n°2011/008 (stated
above) for the PMZ and coordinate all activities related to their training and operation. ;
Develop and propose to the project coordinator inputs for the Annual work plan and
budgets for project related activities in the WHC;
Deliver plans and reports required by the project M&E plan and coordinate short-term
consultants in accordance with principles of adaptive management; and,
Perform other related duties as required.
MSC in landscape management, natural resources management, development,
environment or any related discipline.
A minimum of ten years’ professional experience in community based natural resources
management, landscape management and at least five years of experience with
management and reporting of donor funded projects.
Experience in organizational and institutional development of multi stakeholders’
platforms is a plus.
Good knowledge of the different national and local stakeholders concerned with
agriculture, resources management, rural development, including government and
administration, private sector, civil society and international development partner
agencies, and strong ability and readiness to communicate, and work with them;
Ability to work effectively with diverse groups of stakeholders, from government to
small-scale producers.
Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills, both written and verbal;
Strong team-based orientation and demonstrated familiarity with project management
within a team environment;
Strong organizational skills and efficient management of multiple tasks and priorities;
Excellent written, oral and graphical communication skills in French and English
Ability and willingness to travel up to 30% of the time nationally and internationally.
SALARY: Commensurate with experience.
How to apply:
Send resume and cover letter to Rainforest Alliance.
Email: Please use the following format in the subject line:
first name and last name, job title of position you are applying for.
Only candidates authorized to work in Cameroon will be considered
The Rainforest Alliance is an equal opportunity employer.
The final decision to recruit is at discretion of Rainforest Alliance, United Nation
Environment Program and the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and
Sustainable Development.
Garantir la qualité de nos logiciels en assurant les tests de validation et d'intégration dans
les différents environnements d'exploitation
Correction des bugs et évolutivité des applications actuelles de la boite
Assistance et support technique
Apporter les corrections nécessaires
De formation informatique Bac+3 minimum, vous justifiez de 2/3 ans d'expérience dans la
fonction de développeur ainsi que dans la conception/réalisation d’applications – client
lourd, d’application web, intranet, extranet.
De formation supérieure en Informatique, vous possédez idéalement une première
expérience dans le développement.
Vous maîtrisez les langages de développement suivants : Java, ASPNet, PHP, SQL, Html,
JavaScript, CSS
Vous serez amené(e) à utiliser les SGBD Oracle, SQL Server, MySql, les bibliothèques
Autonome, rigoureux (se), force de proposition, innovant(e), vous êtes reconnu(e) pour
vos qualités techniques et relationnelles, et surtout votre capacité à vous intégrer dans
une équipe.
Votre rigueur, votre capacité d’adaptation et votre enthousiasme vous permettront de
prendre rapidement des responsabilités sur le développement de nos projets.
Vous êtes sérieux et prêt à travailler pour un long terme (minimum 2 ans)
Bien vouloir envoyer votre CV et lettre de motivation à l'adresse :
Les candidatures (incluant un CV, une lettre de motivation, ainsi que des références)
doivent être soumises UNIQUEMENT Par email recrutement@cm- en indiquant l’intitulé du poste et la référence MA-SAME-092019-
001 en objet de l’email.
Les candidatures doivent être adressées au plus tard le 30 septembre 2019 à 17h30.
A l’attention de: Responsable du département Ressources Humaines, Action Contre la
Faim Cameroun
Seuls les candidats sélectionnés seront contactés par Action Contre la Faim afin d’effectuer
des tests et des entretiens.
Participer à la réalisation qualitative des opérations de maintenance mécanique dans le
respect des budgets et des délais.
Activités & Tâches
coordonner à l’exécution des travaux de maintenance des équipements mécaniques dans
le respect de la qualité, des budgets, des délais et des règles de sécurités,
Développer des méthodes de travail,
Participer à la définition du plan d’investissement,
Diriger son équipe, définir les missions et les objectifs, conduire les revues de
Assurer les astreints périodique grâce aux activités des ateliers,
Faire des comptes rendu réguliers à la hiérarchie.
Diplôme requis: BAC+5 en génie mécanique, génie industrielle et maintenance à
dominance mécanique avec une expérience professionnelle de 4 au moins
Compétences requises
Savoir-faire :
Etre capable de pratiquer les opérations de maintenance mécanique,
Maitriser des techniques de lubrification et de graissage,
Maitriser des différents types d’aciers et leurs domaines d’utilisation,
Maitriser le standard isolation énergétique (E.I.) du groupe,
Maitriser les différents types d’aciers et leurs domaines d’utilisation,
Maitriser des techniques et méthodes de résolution des problèmes,
Maitriser la technologie des équipements mécaniques,
Maitriser les règlements relatifs à la sécurité dans son activité,
Maitriser des produits et des différentes composantes du procédé.
Très bonne connaissance des logiciels de CAO, DAO.
Bonne connaissance de l’outil informatique ;
Etre dynamique et autonome, avoir un excellent relationnel, communication fluide et
aisée, Prise d’initiative, Force de proposition, Disponibilité, forte culture éthique, aptitude
à travailler dans un environnement exigeant et sous pression
Le candidat doit présenter les traits de personnalité suivants :
Résistant au stress,
Résistant au stress.
Et avoir des compétences managériales suivantes :
Etre capable de gérer une équipe,
Etre capable d’anticiper,
Etre capable de mener le changement.
Assurer une réalisation de qualité des opérations de maintenance électrique, en assurant
la coordination entre les différentes activités, l’animation et la motivation de son équipe.
Activités & Tâches
Travailler en respectant les règles et les directives de santé, sécurité et de
l’environnement du groupe,
Participer aux activités santés et sécurité,
Garantir les conditions de travail et la sécurité du personnel,
Coordonner l’exécution des travaux de maintenance, des équipements électrique dans le
respect de la qualité et du budget.
Développer les méthodes de travail, définir les procédures et garantir leur lise en
Assurer la planification des travaux et des ressources nécessaires à leur exécution,
Participer à l’exécution du plan d’investissement,
Diriger son équipe, définir les missions et les objectifs et conduire les revues de
Assurer l’adaptation permanente des compétences du personnel, définir et mettre en
œuvre les plans de formation, développer le coaching individuel.
Diplôme requis: BAC+5 en génie électrique
Compétences requises
Savoir-faire :
Maitriser le fonctionnement optimal de la GMAO,
Etre capable de réaliser les opérations de maintenance de manière efficace et efficiente,
Etre capable de mettre des actions appropriées en cas d’incidence électrique,
Avoir des connaissances en QPI, PCS7, siemens,regulation PID, et le projet disign sont
Etre capable de promouvoir la qualité du travail et la motivation de son personnel,
Etre capable d’assurer l’adaptation permanente des compétences du personnel par des
Le candidat doit présenter les traits de personnalité suivants :
Résistant au stress,
Résistant au stress.
Et avoir des compétences managériales suivantes :
Etre capable de gérer une équipe,
Etre capable d’anticiper,
Etre capable de mener le changement.
Style de management : stratège, leader chef ou chef de projet.
Style de travail : influent.
Style de pensée : imaginatif /analytique.
Si vous souhaitez évoluer dans un environnement innovant, ce poste est fait pour vous !
Pour en savoir plus sur
Si cette offre vous intéresse, merci de postuler à: (
CV en Francais et en Anglais avec des references + lettre de motivation)
Secteur: Industriel
Niveau d'expérience: Expérimenté
plein temps uniquement