Sedex Goodfellow Lydon2007
Sedex Goodfellow Lydon2007
Sedex Goodfellow Lydon2007
There are 132 SEDEX (including Irish and BHT subtypes) deposits worldwide with known grade and tonnage, and of
these, 50 have geological resources equal to or greater than 20 Mt. In Canada, there are 35 deposits, seven with measured
geological resources of more than 20 Mt, including the Sullivan deposit with 162 Mt. Twelve Canadian deposits are past
producers, the largest of which is the Sullivan deposit, which produced 149 Mt of 5.33 percent Zn and 5.64 percent Pb.
The morphology of SEDEX deposits is highly variable and includes mounds, lenses, and tabular or sheet-like bodies.
Their internal architecture is controlled by the proximity of seaÀoor sulphides to Àuid discharge vents. Vent-proximal
deposits typically formed from buoyant hydrothermal Àuids, whereas vent-distal deposits formed from Àuids that are
denser than seawater and pooled in bathymetric depressions that may be remote from seaÀoor vents.
Most SEDEX deposits are hosted by organic-rich sedimentary rocks that were deposited in basins during periods
in the Earth’s history when the oceans were strati¿ed with a lower anoxic and H2S-rich water column. In the Paleozoic
Selwyn Basin, for example, there is a close temporal relationship between upward-increasing į34S secular trends in sedi-
mentary pyrite, anoxic laminated carbonaceous shales and cherts, and three major SEDEX forming events in the Late
Cambrian, Early Silurian, and Late Devonian.
The typical basinal architecture of most SEDEX deposits is a continental rift basin with at least 2 to 5 km of syn-rift,
coarse-grained, permeable clastics and related volcanic rocks and/or volcaniclastics overlain by post-rift relatively im-
permeable basinal shales or carbonates. Hydrothermal discharge to the seaÀoor was commonly focused at the intersection
of extensional and transform faults. There is close temporal and, in many cases, spatial association of SEDEX deposits
with basaltic volcanic rocks, dykes, and sills. The low rigidity, permeability, and thermal conductivity of host sediments
served to focus and prolong hydrothermal discharge at a restricted number of vent sites, thereby generating deposits that
are an order of magnitude larger on average than VMS deposits.
SEDEX deposits most likely formed from oxidized and therefore H2S-poor Àuids generated in geopressured hydro-
thermal reservoirs within syn-rift clastic (and evaporitic) sediments sealed by ¿ne-grained marine sediments. The large
variability in the temperature, salinity, metal content, and redox conditions of SEDEX Àuids was controlled by a number
of parameters including the local thermal regime, the redox state of the reservoir sediments, and the presence or absence
of evaporates. Because most of the Àuids that formed SEDEX deposits were probably depleted in reduced S, an essential
requirement for this deposit type is a suf¿cient supply of reduced S at the site of deposition. In the case of well-bedded
deposits that formed at the seaÀoor, the most likely S source is bacteriogenic H2S generated in an ambient anoxic water
À l’échelle du monde, il existe 132 gîtes SEDEX, y compris les gîtes irlandais et de type Broken Hill avec teneurs et
tonnages connus, et 50 d’entre eux renferment des ressources géologiques supérieures à 20 millions de tonnes. Le Canada
possède 35 gîtes de ressources géologiques mesurées, dont sept renferment plus de 20 millions de tonnes, y compris le
gisement de Sullivan avec 162 millions de tonnes. Douze gisements canadiens sont des producteurs passés et, le plus
important d’entre eux, le gisement Sullivan, a produit 149 millions de tonnes avec 5,33 % de Zn et 5,64 % de Pb. D’une
grande diversité, la géomorphologie des gîtes SEDEX comprend buttes, lentilles et corps tabulaires ou feuilletés.
La structure interne de ces gîtes est régie par la proximité des sulfures du plancher océanique par rapport aux évents
relâchant des Àuides. En général, les gîtes à proximité des évents se forment par l’intensité des Àuides hydrothermaux;
en revanche, ceux formés à distance des évents sont formés par des Àuides plus denses que l’eau de mer et se concentrent
dans les dépressions du plancher océanique qui peuvent être à l’écart des évents.
La plupart des gîtes SEDEX sont encaissés dans des sédiments carbonés déposés durant une période de l’histoire de la
Terre au cours de laquelle les océans furent strati¿és avec une colonne d’eau anoxique plus basse et riche en H2S. Dans le
bassin de Selwyn du Paléozoïque, notamment, une relation étroite existe entre les tendances séculaires d’augmentation à
la hausse de į34S dans la pyrite sédimentaire, les shales et les cherts laminés anoxiques et trois événements d’importance
dans la formation des gîtes SEDEX au cours du Cambrien supérieur, du Silurien inférieur et du Dévonien supérieur.
La structure type des bassins de la plupart des gîtes SEDEX se caractérise par un bassin d’effondrement continental
avec au moins 2 à 5 km de dépôts clastiques, volcaniques ou volcano-détritiques à gros grain, contemporains au rift,
recouverts de shales ou de carbonates de bassins imperméables, lesquels sont postérieurs au rift. Les jaillissements hydro-
thermaux sur le plancher marin se produisaient habituellement à l’intersection des failles d’extension et de transforma-
tion. Il existe une association temporelle étroite et, en maints cas, spatiale des gîtes SEDEX avec les roches volcaniques
basaltiques, les dykes et les ¿lons-couches. La faible rigidité, la perméabilité et la conductivité thermale des sédiments
hôtes ont servi à concentrer et à prolonger le jaillissement thermal dans un nombre restreint de sites d’évents, ce qui a
créé des gîtes plus importants que les gîtes de sulfures massifs volcanogènes.
Selon toute probabilité, les gîtes SEDEX ont été formés de Àuides oxydés, donc pauvres en H2S produits par des ré-
servoirs hydrothermaux géopressurés dans les sédiments clastiques (et évaporitiques), contemporains au rift, enveloppés
Goodfellow, W.D., and Lydon, J.W., 2007, Sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX) deposits, in Goodfellow, W.D., ed., Mineral Deposits of Canada: A Synthesis
of Major Deposit Types, District Metallogeny, the Evolution of Geological Provinces, and Exploration Methods: Geological Association of Canada, Mineral
Deposits Division, Special Publication No. 5, p. 163-183.
W.D. Goodfellow and J.W. Lydon
par du carbonate ou des sédiments marins à grain ¿n. Un certain nombre de paramètres régissaient les grandes variations de température, de
salinité, du contenu en métaux, des conditions de redox des Àuides de SEDEX, soit le régime thermique, l’état de redox des sédiments du
réservoir et la présence ou l’absence d’évaporite. Vu que la plupart des Àuides qui ont formé les gîtes SEDEX étaient appauvris en souffre
réduit, un élément essentiel de ce type de gîte est un approvisionnement suf¿sant de soufre réduit sur l’emplacement du dépôt. Dans le cas
des gîtes bien lités qui ont formé le plancher océanique, la source de soufre la plus probable est le H2S qui est habituellement enrichi dans les
colonnes d’eau anoxiques.
Notes: Data from Appendix 2 (DVD), Goodfellow and Lydon, 2007. Geological resources = production + economic reserves + sub-economic
reserves; Mt = million tonnes; Zn+Pb Mt = Mt of combined Zn and Pb metal.
W.D. Goodfellow and J.W. Lydon
Citronen Fjord
FIGURE 2. Global distribution of SEDEX deposits (includes Irish-type and BHP deposits) plotted on a simpli¿ed geological map of the world. Geology from Kirkham and Rafer (2003). Data on SEDEX
deposits from Appendix 2 (DVD).
W.D. Goodfellow and J.W. Lydon
Swim , D Y
Grum , To m, Jason
Ruddock Jordan
Mineral King
Big Ledge
Kootenay King
Reeves- Walton
Sullivan, Stemwinder ,
Jersey , H.B. LaFontaine,
North Star
New Calumet
Long Lake
Salerno Lake
FIGURE 3. Canadian SEDEX deposits plotted on a 1:2 000 000 geological map of Canada by Wheeler et al. (1996). Data on SEDEX deposit from
Appendix 1 (DVD).
vent-proximal Tom and Jason deposits (e.g.,Fig. 8A), the that accompanies veining, in¿lling, and replacement of bed-
Howards Pass deposits (XY, Anniv, and OP) are probably ded sulphides by a typically higher-temperature assemblage
not spatially associated with a hydrothermal seaÀoor vent and that characterizes vent-proximal deposits.
(e.g., Fig. 8B). The geometry of distal deposits is controlled
by the basin morphology within which hydrothermal metal- Textures and Mineralogy
liferous Àuids formed brine pools similar to Atlantis II and The bedded facies in both distal and proximal deposits is
Discovery deeps in the Red Sea (Zierenberg, 1990). composed of sulphide minerals, other hydrothermal products
such as carbonates, chert, barite, and apatite, and non-hydro-
Deposit Architecture thermal clastic, chemical, and biogenic sedimentary rocks.
Vent-proximal deposits are characterized by four distinct The dominant sulphide mineral in most deposits is pyrite, al-
facies: 1. bedded sulphides, 2. vent complex, 3. sulphide though in some deposits (e.g., Sullivan and Mt. Isa), pyrrhot-
stringer zone, and 4. distal hydrothermal sediments. Near ite is predominant. The main economic minerals are sphaler-
the center of Àuid up-Àow represented by the stringer zone, ite and galena (e.g., Fig. 9A, Howards Pass deposit), although
the bedded sulphides are characteristically in¿lled, veined, chalcopyrite is an economically important mineral in a few
and variable replaced by a higher-temperature mineral as- deposits (e.g., Rammelsberg; Hannak, 1981). The ratio of iron
semblage, producing the vent complex (Goodfellow et al., sulphides to base metal sulphides ranges from less than 1:1
1993). The distal hydrothermal sediments probably represent (e.g., Red Dog; Moore et al., 1986) to greater than 5:1 (e.g.,
plume fallout that has been dispersed by bottom currents or Sullivan; Hamilton et al., 1982). The relative proportion of
alternatively clastic sulphides shed from sulphide mounds. non-sulphide hydrothermal components is similarly variable.
Examples of deposits with zone-re¿ned vent complexes in- Barite, when present, occurs in major amounts (i.e., more
clude the Sullivan, Tom, Jason, and Rammelsberg deposits. than 25% of the hydrothermal product) and is present in about
Vent-distal deposits, however, are typically weakly zoned, 25% of Proterozoic and about 75% of Phanerozoic SEDEX
well bedded, and conform to the basin morphology (e.g., deposits (Goodfellow et al., 1993). Silica, usually as chert,
Fig. 8B). There is no evidence of the type of zone re¿ning is ubiquitous in most stratiform ores and is in part hydrother-
Sedimentary Exhalative (SEDEX) Deposits
W.D. Goodfellow and J.W. Lydon
mally derived.
Red Dog
Broken The outer margins of the stratiform body, referred to as the distal
20 Hill
facies, usually consist of bedded hydrothermal products that have
HYC no economic value, due to a decrease in the relative proportion of
base metal sulphides with distance from the center of hydrother-
Pb + Zn (wt. %)
10 Century
Gamsberg mal discharge (e.g., Sullivan horizon, Fig. 9C). The distal facies
includes laminated pyrite and pyrrhotite, manganese, iron and cal-
5 Howards Pass
(XY+Anniv) cium carbonates, iron oxides, barite, and phosphate. The contact
3 Big Syncline
between the bedded ore facies and the distal sedimentary facies is
in most cases gradational and economically de¿ned.
SUPER- In contrast to the regularly layered appearance of the bedded
All SEDEX Deposits GIANT ore facies, the vent complex is heterogeneous in nature and is typ-
1 ically composed of massive zones, replacement patches, irregular
1 10 100 400
Geological Resources Mt
veins and/or disseminations of sulphides, carbonates, and silicates
(mostly quartz; e.g., Fig. 9B, Tom vent complex). The mineral as-
semblage is dominated by pyrite, pyrrhotite, galena, sphalerite,
GIANT SUPER-GIANT ferroan carbonate, dolomite, quartz, tourmaline, and lesser mus-
berg covite, chlorite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, and sulphosalt min-
Ziashengpan Broken Hill
erals. In deposits in which the vent complex has been well docu-
Pb + Zn (wt. %)
Red Dog
mented (e.g., Tom, Jason, and Sullivan), the contact between the
Agucha stratabound vent complex and adjacent sedimentary-hydrothermal
15 Mount
Changba- Isa
HYC facies is a discordant replacement contact. The vent complex is
formed by the reaction of upÀowing hydrothermal Àuids with
Navan Sullivan
Mehdiabad hydrothermal and host sediment, which causes the replacement
Howards Pass of the lower-temperature sedimentary minerals by higher-temper-
5 (XY+Anniv) Canadian Deposits
Gamsberg ature vent assemblages (Turner, 1990; Kelley et al., 2004).
World Deposits
The feeder zone underlying vent complexes is discordant and
0 10 20 30 40 50 composed of sulphide, carbonate, and silica veins, impregna-
Mt of Pb+Zn Metal (Geological Resources) tions, and replacements that intersects the footwall sedimentary
sequence (e.g., Fig. 9D, Sullivan deposit; Fig. 9E, Red Dog de-
FIGURE 4. Grade vs. tonnage plots for SEDEX (including Irish and posit). The feeder zone at many deposits appears to be rooted in a
BHT) deposits world wide. Top: Pb + Zn (wt. %) vs. geological resour-
ces (Mt); Bottom: Pb + Zn (wt. %) vs. Pb + Zn metal (Mt). synsedimentary fault zone, and fault-scarp breccias, debris Àows,
TABLE 3. Grade and tonnage of Canadian SEDEX deposits brought into production.
Total Production
Province/ Lat. Long. Date Cu Zn Pb Ag Au Mt
Deposit Name Territory ( ) Û ( ) Û Age (Ma) (%) (%) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
Sullivan British Columbia 49.71 -116.01 Mesoproterozoic 1470 0.00 5.33 5.64 62.10 0.00 149.17
Faro Yukon 62.36 -133.37 Cambrian 514 5.00 3.40 33.00 0.30 53.18
Vangorda Yukon 62.25 -133.18 Cambrian 514 4.30 3.40 48.00 1.00 5.20
Grum Yukon 62.27 -133.22 Cambrian 514 5.80 3.40 50.00 0.60 4.60
Jersey British Columbia 49.10 -117.22 Early Cambrian 525 3.24 1.41 2.64 8.13
H.B. British Columbia 49.15 -117.20 Early Cambrian 525 4.10 0.77 4.74 0.00 6.66
Reeves-MacDonald British Columbia 49.02 -117.37 Early Cambrian 525 0.00 3.48 0.99 3.39 5.85
Walton Nova Scotia 45.21 -64.04 Mississippian 340 0.56 1.44 4.33 374.00 0.36
New Calmut Quebec 45.70 -76.68 Mesoproterozoic 1300 6.06 1.70 124.43 0.65 3.39
North Star British Columbia 49.68 -116.03 Mesoproterozoic 1470 6.12 35.50 673.00 0.06
Mineral King British Columbia 50.35 -116.43 Neoproterozoic 370 0.03 4.30 1.78 27.45 2.10
Kootenay King British Columbia 49.74 -115.61 Mesoproterozoic 1468 15.60 5.35 66.50 0.01
Sedimentary Exhalative (SEDEX) Deposits
6000 E
4000 E
5000 E
4000 elev
s trated in what has been interpreted as the vent
W.D. Goodfellow and J.W. Lydon
Or0180 XY0179
SL7980 erals (Goodfellow et al., 1993).
Brown Clastic s
XY0279 An increase in the Zn:Pb ratio away from the
H99 vent complex is the most pronounced and consist-
ent feature of SEDEX deposits, and has been well
H95 H42
H80 documented for the Tom (Goodfellow and Rhodes,
Black Clastic s 1990), Jason (Turner, 1990), Cirque (Jefferson et al.,
Sedimentary Exhalative (SEDEX) Deposits
0 1 2 0 1 2
Cm Cm
0 1 2
FIGURE. 9. Photographs of SEDEX and barite deposits. (A) Bedded facies: sphalerite and galena interlaminated with pyrite, hydrothermal carbonate,
and carbonaceous chert, Howards Pass (XY) deposit, Yukon and Northwest Territories; (B) Vent complex: pyrite, sphalerite, galena, and ferroan car-
bonates replacing bedded sulphide facies, Tom Deposit, Selwyn Basin, Yukon; (C) Distal hydrothermal sediments: pyrrhotite and pyrite containing
disseminated sphalerite interlaminated with ¿ne-grained turbiditic sedimentary rocks, Concentrator Hill, Sullivan deposit, B.C.; (D) Vent complex:
tourmalinized breccia in¿lled with pyrrhotite, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite, Sullivan Deposit, B.C.; (E) Sulphide stringer zone: black silici¿ed shale
cut by a network of brown sphalerite veins, Red Dog deposit, Alaska; (F) Well-bedded barren barite deposit, Gataga District, northeastern B.C.
W.D. Goodfellow and J.W. Lydon
Sedimentary Exhalative (SEDEX) Deposits
W.D. Goodfellow and J.W. Lydon
0 Cenozoic
SEDEX deposits in Canada are the Paleozoic
Selwyn Basin that extends from Alaska bor-
200 Triassic
der through Canada into the U.S. south of the
British Columbia (Fig. 15 from Goodfellow
Ordovician et al., 1995), and the Middle Proterozoic Belt-
600 Purcell basin that extends from southeastern
Millions of Years
two possible examples of BHT deposits (Piercey
et al., 2001; Peter et al., 2007).
District Scale (Canada)
Middle ma - oceans
1. 5
tions occur in local third-order sedimentary basins.
2. 0 Vent-proximal deposits are associated with act-
Superio r Type
Delta13 C CaCO 3 SEDEX thermal reaction zone to the seaÀoor. Other fac-
Gl tal
nti din
Delta S (‰ CDT) Deposits
ne g
B Deposits
-2 0 2 45 10 15 20 25 20 35
200 the thermal structure, 3. the basement geometry,
and 4. the position of recharge zones. In the case
Age (million years)
300 P Coal Depositio n To m/Jason
M Iberian Pyrite Belt of vent-distal deposits, the predominant control
D Howards other than proximity to vents on the location of
400 S Pass
deposits is Àuid density and local seaÀoor ba-
O Bathurst MC BMC
District Mount Read Belt thymetry.
600 Pyrite curve
Distribution of Canadian Metallogenetic
700 Anoxic Anoxic
conditions conditions
Major metallogenetic districts that host
SEDEX deposits (Fig. 3) are:
FIGURE 13. (A) Secular distribution of SEDEX, VMS, and MVT deposits, iron formation,
evaporites, and H2S-rich anoxic periods (Goodfellow, 2004). (B) Late Proterozoic and Phan- • MississippianWalton District, Carboniferous
erozoic tectonic (continent accretion and dispersion; Fischer, 1984) and glacial (Baker, 1997) basin, Nova Scotia
events, continental Àooding (Vail et al., 1977), and sulfur isotope secular curves for evapor-
ites (Claypool et al., 1980), carbonates (Arthur and Sageman, 1994), and pyrite (Goodfellow, • Late Devonian MacMillan Pass District,
1987). Also shown are global (Arthur and Sageman, 1994) and Selwyn Basin (Goodfellow, Selwyn Basin, northeastern Yukon
1987) anoxic periods, and the temporal distribution of volcanic-associated massive sulphide
(Mosier et al., 1983) and SEDEX (Goodfellow et al., 1993) deposits. BMC = Bathurst Mining • Late Devonian Gataga District, Kechika
Camp. Trough, northeastern British Columbia
Sedimentary Exhalative (SEDEX) Deposits
Anoxic Cycle 2
Brine Pool
Anoxic Cycle 2
Hydrological Cap
ch arge Sill
FIGURE 14. Model of the sedimentary basin architecture of productive basins hosting SEDEX deposits.
• Early Silurian Howards Pass District, Selwyn Basin, Genetic and Exploration Models
northeastern Yukon
Conventional Models
• Late Cambrian Anvil District, Selwyn Basin, Yukon
SEDEX deposits most likely formed from oxidized and
• Late Cambrian Duncan District, southern British therefore H2S-poor Àuids generated in geopressured hydro-
Columbia thermal reservoirs within syn-rift clastic (and evaporitic)
• Neoproterozoic Shuswap District, southern British sediments sealed by ¿ne-grained marine sediment or carbon-
Columbia ates (Goodfellow et al., 1993; Cooke et al., 2000). During
• Mesoproterozoic Sullivan District, Belt-Purcell basin, the post-rift or sag phase of basin formation, which is typ-
southeastern British Columbia ically long-lived and spans over 200 million years in the
• Mesoproterozoic Maniwaki-Grace¿eld District, Grenville case of the Selwyn Basin, Zn and Pb were probably leached
Province, Quebec from iron oxides coating detrital minerals and homogen-
The Selwyn Basin occupies the Paleozoic margin of west- ized by convecting Àuids in the hydrothermal reservoir. The
ern North America and has been subdivided into ¿ve spatially large variability in the temperature, salinity, metal content,
distinct mining districts representing three ages of mineraliza- and redox conditions of SEDEX Àuids was controlled by a
tion: 1. Late Cambrian Anvil, 2. Late Cambrian Duncan, 3. number of parameters including the local thermal regime,
Early Silurian Howards Pass, 4. Late Devonian MacMillan the redox state of the reservoir sediments, and the presence
Pass, and 5. Late Devonian Gataga districts. The Middle or absence of evaporates. Ancient SEDEX Àuids are similar
Proterozoic Belt-Purcell is an intracratonic basin (Price and to metalliferous Àuids in modern sedimentary basins, which
Sears, 2000) that hosts the Sullivan district (Höy et al., 2000). are characterized by temperatures up to 305ÛC (e.g., Salton
Other SEDEX districts include the highly metamorphosed Sea brines; McKibben et al., 1988), high salinities, and very
Neoproterozoic Shuswap district in southern British Columbia, low total S(reduced):total metal ratios.
and the Mesoproterozoic Maniwaki-Grace¿eld district in the A mineralizing episode is triggered by tectonic events
Grenville Province of Quebec. In the Appalachian orogen, the that re-activate major rift faults that generate rapidly subsid-
Carboniferous Walton district of Nova Scotia hosts the past- ing grabens or half-grabens. The reactivated rift faults can
producing Walton deposit. breach the sediment cap, causing the discharge of metal-rich
saline Àuids (enriched in Fe, Zn, Pb as chloride complexes,
and variable SO42-) along the faults to the basin Àoor. For
most SEDEX deposits, metal sulphides are precipitated at or
W.D. Goodfellow and J.W. Lydon
ti na
14 0 o
MacPass SEDEX deposits, particularly far-¿eld back-arc exten-
volcanics Complex
Te kon
Menzie Lakes
Howards tle plumes are better understood.
District Groundhog
• The architecture of productive sedimentary basins, par-
Coal River
Nort hwest
Northw est
ticularly as it relates to syn-rift clastic sedimentation, the
Terr itoriries
Territo es
60 o N
development of hydrothermal reservoirs, and the onset
Pacific District Alberta of subsequent sagging related to conductive cooling of
Platformal carbonates
the lithosphere has been documented in detail for several
Selwyn Basin - shale and
55 N
200 km
s Te
120 oW
50o N
• Detailed documentation of different aspects of SEDEX
• Geology and sedimentology of local third-order basins
FIGURE 15. Paleofacies distribution and SEDEX deposits of the Selwyn hosting deposits.
Basin, Yukon and British Columbia (modi¿ed from Goodfellow et al.,
1995; Cecile et al., 1997).
fault zone
The presence or absence of barite is controlled Minimal extent of
reek F
Sedimentary Exhalative (SEDEX) Deposits
• The recognition that SEDEX deposits in the Selwyn • Reduced seaÀoor environments: anoxic cycles in the
Basin are genetically related to coeval MVT de- evolution of a given basin.
posits on the adjacent Mackenzie Carbonate Platform
(Goodfellow, 1987). • Paleoclimate: evaporites in the hydrothermal reac-
tion zone and/or saline recharge Àuids on the adjacent
Key Exploration Criteria for Canadian SEDEX
platforms that provide a source of chloride to com-
plex base metals.
Continental Scale
At the continental or basin-wide scale, criteria indicat- • Distal hydrothermal sediments: e.g., barite, apatite,
ing a high potential for SEDEX and BHT Zn-Pb deposits pyrite, and Mn-Fe-Ca-Mg carbonates.
• Hydrothermal alteration: pre- and post-ore quartz,
muscovite, chlorite, ankerite, siderite, and tourmaline
• Age: post-1800 Ma because of the S cycle. alteration with associated disseminated and vein sul-
phides of ore-forming and ore-associated elements.
• Tectonic setting: sedimented intra-cratonic and epi-
continental rifts. • Geochemically anomalous shales: enriched in base
metals and ore-associated elements (e.g., As, Sb, Cd,
• Sedimentary basin architecture: syn-rift clastic se- Mn, P, Ba, Hg, Tl).
quence overlain by post-rift impervious marine Sur¿cial geochemical anomalies: sediment and water
basinal sediments; the recharge of saline brines on samples that are locally anomalous in deposit-forming
adjacent carbonate platforms may be an import- and ore-associated elements.
ant source of chloride to complex metals in basinal
hydrothermal Àuids. Knowledge Gaps
Key knowledge gaps are summarized below.
• Anoxic episodes: interglacial, warm oceanic condi-
tions represented by global episodes of anoxic sedi- 1. Radiometric and paleontological ages of ore-forming
mentation (e.g., carbonaceous non-bioturbated shales, events is required to relate the causes of ore formation
laminated pyrite, the absence of benthic fauna) and to other geological events such as tectonism, magma-
evaporate formation. tism, and ocean strati¿cation. This can be carried out
by direct dating of the various ore components (e.g.,
• Magmatic events: syn- and/or post-rift ma¿c alkali Nd/Sm in carbonate, sulphides; Rb/Sr in carbonates;
volcanic rocks, and tholeiitic sills and dykes. U/Pb in xenotime); detailed micropaleontology of
Phanerozoic rocks; or by bracketing the age of the ore
• Coeval MVT deposits in adjacent carbonate plat- horizon by U/Pb dating of intercalated volcanic ash
forms. horizons.
2. Development of exploration criteria for discovering
• Geochemical stream anomalies: sediment and water SEDEX in sedimentary basins. This would involve
samples that are anomalous in ore-forming and ore- comparative studies of the geological and hydro-
associated elements over a large area of the basin. An thermal evolution of productive and non-productive
example is widespread Zn anomalies that extend for basins. Essential information would include:
hundreds of kilometres in the Selwyn Basin (e.g., Fig.
17, Selwyn Basin). • History of tectonic and magmatic events within
W.D. Goodfellow and J.W. Lydon
This sedimented back-arc continental rift is host to several Baker, V.R., 1997, MegaÀoods and glaciation, in Martini, I.P., ed., Late
major deposits. glacial and postglacial environmental changes; Quaternary, Carbonif-
erous-Permian, and Proterozoic: New York, Oxford University Press,
p. 98–108.
• Bathurst Mining Camp, northern New Brunswick (Middle Beeson, R., 1991, Broken Hill-type lead-zinc deposits—An overview of
Ordovician). This back-arc sediment-covered continental their occurrence and geological setting: Institution of Mining and
rift hosts over 20 deposits greater than 1 Mt, and sever- Metallurgy, Transactions, Section B: Applied Earth Science, v. 99, p.
al past and current producers including the world-class 163–175.
Betts, P.G., Giles, D., and Lister, G.S., 2003, Tectonic environment of shale-
Brunswick No. 12 deposit. hosted massive sul¿de Pb-Zn-Ag deposits of Proterozoic northeastern
Highly Prospective Sedimentary Basins Australia: Economic Geology, v. 98, p. 557–576.
Bull, S.W., and Rawlings, D.J., 1999, A tectono-stratigraphic review of the
The following basins do not contain SEDEX deposits but northern Australian Proterozoic zinc belt: Centre for Ore Deposit and
exhibit all or most of the key attributes of productive basins. Exploration Studies (CODES), Special Publication, v. 2, p. 1–13.
• Borden Basin, Nunavut (Middle Proterozoic) Cecile, M.P., Morrow, D.W., and Williams, G.K., 1997, Early Paleozoic
(Cambrian to Early Devonian) tectonic framework, Canadian Cordil-
• Franklinian Basin, northern Nunavut (Paleozoic) lera: Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 45, p. 54–74.
• Wernecke Supergroup, central Yukon (Mesoproterozoic) Claypool, G.E., Holser, W.T., Kaplan, I.R., Sakai, H., and Zak, I., 1980, The
age curves of sulfur and oxygen isotopes in marine sulfate and their
Moderately Prospective Sedimentary Basins mutual interpretation: Chemical Geology, v. 28, p. 3–4.
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exhibit most of the key attributes of productive basins but are wall sulphide zones and their related hydrothermal alteration, Sullivan
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ting in Figure 1. W.D., eds., Sediment-hosted lead-zinc sulphide deposits: Attributes
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