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Texte intégral du « Kit PDF pratique de

Neville Goddard »
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n créative de l'imagination

e série de conférences

Votre valeur infinie

Ne prenez pas le nom en vain
Êtes-vous Makine Wine ?
Voir Dieu
Tout est conscience
La volonté parfaite de Dieu
Soyez des pratiquants de la parole
- La Perle de Grand Prix
- Se souvenir de soi
- Votre destin
- Votre autobiographie personnelle
- L'Esprit Humain
- Le sentiment du "je"

- Le vin de l'éternité
- Réveille-toi, ô Dormeur

mme toutes choses, est né d’une pensée mise en pratique. Neville nous a quitté
1972 et, depuis lors, j'ai passé de nombreuses heures à transcrire les centaines de
s que j'ai de ses conférences. Neville a expliqué que l'arche de vie contenait et pouvait êt
ois niveaux : le littéral, le psychologique et le spirituel. Les conférences qui sont
traitent principalement du spirituel. Cependant, parce que ceux qui écoutent maintenant son
settes et en lisant ses conférences, je ne l'ai pas entendu parler sur la seconde (ou
ologique), j'ai réalisé la nécessité de fournir ce plan psychologique comme base pour
irituel supérieur. Et ainsi, cette pensée s’est implantée dans mon esprit. Et s'il y avait
ces qui ont enseigné ce principe à un niveau pratique ? Ne serait-il pas merveilleux qu'un t
ourraient être trouvées et mises à disposition pour ceux qui le désireraient. Et puis un jou
tre d'une charmante dame de San Francisco qui lui disait qu'elle allait prendre sa retraite
et voulait m'envoyer quelques notes qu'elle avait de la série de conférences de Neville à Sa
notes constituent ce livre.

pensée. Ne serait-il pas merveilleux si... et j'agissais en conséquence en ressentant le fri

de la pensée. Je n'ai jamais rencontré cette dame ni eu de ses nouvelles depuis que j'ai re
ouvé une fois de plus que l'imagination (la pensée) se réalise. La preuve vivante est dans v

laissez-moi vous parler un peu de moi. Né et élevé dans une petite ville du Kansas, j'ai dém
n 1942 en bon protestant. Mais j'avais une faim qu'aucune religion organisée ne pouvait comb
érivé d'une croyance à une autre, cherchant sans trouver ce que je cherchais, peut-être
ne savais pas ce que c'était. Puis un jour, j'ai entendu un homme appelé Neville, et je sav
extérieur ne comprenait pas ses paroles, mon intérieur chantait Alléluia.
'avais trouvé la cause de toute vie..., que ma pensée même, mêlée de sentiment, était un
l qui a créé les faits dans mon monde.

ns de la première nuit où je me suis allongé dans mon lit et où j'ai osé affirmer : « JE SUI
ur moi, je me suis rapidement couvert la tête - juste au cas où. Et quand rien
t, j'ai rassemblé plus de courage et j'ai décidé de prouver par moi-même que l'imagination p
lité. Je n'y croyais pas et je voulais prouver à Neville qu'il avait tort. C'était de retour
n'ai pas encore réussi. Tous mes actes imaginaires ne se sont pas concrétisés, mais maintena
a faute ne réside pas dans l’enseignement, mais dans ma confiance en moi. Et, à mesure que j
ance, ma confiance et ma foi en ce que j'ai imaginé, j'ai pris confiance en moi-même
imagination humaine.

eurs années, j'ai rassemblé un groupe de conférences de Neville et j'ai intitulé le livre "I
oque, j'avais peur de changer ses mots même si je sentais que je pouvais faire passer le mes
i je le faisais.

après sa publication, un soir, je me suis retourné vers moi-même et j'ai demandé : "Est-ce
t que je n'en change pas le sens ? Je sais que si la vérité était dite pour qu'elle puisse ê
le croirait. Je sais que tes paroles sont vraies, Neville, mais je pense que je peux faire
" Je me suis endormi en me remettant en question et, dans la nuit, j'ai fait ce rêve : je su
vailler. En entrant dans le bâtiment, j'aperçois, juste devant moi, un beau restaurant dont
ont remplies de convives qui profitent de leur repas. Neville se tient près d'une cheminée e
à proximité. Ravi de le retrouver là, j'ai hâte de lui montrer le livre de ses conférences q

blier et l'interroger sur le changement de propos. Mais alors que je me retourne pour prendr
orte dans mon bureau, récupère le livre et reviens, il lève les yeux et croise mon regard.
stantanément d'avis, je me retourne et me dirige directement vers le restaurant pour le rejo
découvre qu'il a disparu, laissant les dames me dire qu'il est parti et qu'il le sera.
lus jamais.

é, je retourne dans le hall au sol dur et carrelé quand, soudain, le cas où j'avais été
ansport est tombé de sa poignée. Au moment où il a touché le sol, la valise s'est ouverte, m
au niveau de sa couture centrale. En baissant les yeux avec horreur, j'ai vu que j'avais su
qui contenait un magnétophone qui s'était allumé à cause de la chute, et la voix de Neville
et fort. Embarrassé, je me suis penché pour couper le volume, seulement pour
rt que tous les boutons étaient tombés de la machine et que je n'avais aucun moyen de le tou
lors que j'essayais de pousser la valise contre le mur du fond afin de la ramasser, je me su
onnent à mes oreilles : « Je suis EN toi, COMME toi. » A partir de ce moment, mes peurs ont
e temps, j'ai gagné en confiance dans mon écriture. Ce sont les mots de Neville -
eville - et pourtant nous sommes si étroitement liés à la tapisserie de la pensée que les mo
e mien.

ces que vous lirez sont les mots de Neville. Pourtant, ce ne sont peut-être pas les mots exa
n 1952. Le matériel avec lequel je devais travailler était constitué de notes prises par que
ue, transcrit et dupliqué. J'ai pris les notes et je les ai développées. Le
t vrais et, espérons-le, suffisamment compréhensibles pour que vous puissiez les tester et d
e lorsque la vérité est appliquée, elle devient vivante grâce à une expérience spirituelle.

urs à l'esprit que lorsque Neville parle de « l'homme », il parle de l'homme générique.
). L'homme est le monde extérieur, l'homme naturel ; tandis que l'imagination est l'intérieu
me d'esprit. Dieu (l'imagination) est devenu l'homme naturel que l'homme de la nature
Dieu qui est Esprit.

ous toujours comme deux êtres, l'un qui voit à travers les organes des sens et l'autre
ravers l'esprit de l'imagination. Et souviens-toi toujours du nom de Dieu tel qu'il l'a révé
SUIS. C'est qui JE SUIS. Et sous ce nom, je serai connu partout dans le monde."
JE SUIS ce que JE SUIS." Moi la trinité, d'origine impensable, JE SUIS Dieu le Père. Et moi
réatrice SUIS le Fils, car l'imagination naît de la conscience. C'est pourquoi moi, dans
on universelle, en imminence infinie, en procession éternelle SUIS Dieu, le Saint-Esprit.
h Broome


s entretiens est de susciter une réflexion psychologique

n vous, l'individu. L'humanité, comprise
ement, c'est une série infinie de niveaux de conscience
ividuellement, êtes ce que vous êtes selon l'endroit où
a série. La conscience est la seule réalité, et
conscient d'être psychologiquement,
s circonstances de votre vie. Les anciens
cette grande vérité, mais nos enseignants modernes doivent encore
. Il n’existe qu’une seule substance au monde. Notre
iques l'appellent énergie tandis que les Écritures la définissent comme
On nous dit que l'univers a été créé
ais si cela est vrai, alors il ne pourrait pas évoluer vers
l'eau. Mais si la substance de base est l'énergie (ou
il peut se manifester sous forme de fer,
e bois, pour n'en citer que quelques-uns. L'homme, voyant une variété de
e à d'innombrables substances, mais ce que l'on voit
changement dans la disposition du même élément de base

us dit que « toutes choses, une fois admises, sont

r la lumière. » Le mot « lumière » enregistré ici
science; conscience." L'état de l'individu
a conscience qu'il est la cause d'un seul homme
et un autre pauvre. Le pauvre homme avoue être
de pauvreté en disant : « Je suis pauvre », tout comme le
e admet sa richesse en disant : « Je suis riche ». Rien
ividu, prétendez être (que ce soit bon, mauvais ou
bien ou mal) doit se manifester dans votre
n revendiquant l'État, vous avez consenti à son

une seule cause, c’est la conscience. Ton

e est le centre à partir duquel votre monde se reflète
à l'état que vous occupez actuellement. Maintenant, un État
fini comme tout ce à quoi vous croyez et consentez comme
Donc, si vous voulez que votre monde change, vous devez
e que vous voulez accepter et consentir comme étant vrai
voir le changer. Pour arriver à une certaine définition de
ous devez commencer par observer votre
omatique à un événement, car votre réaction définit
vous pouvez, sans vous lever de votre chaise,
z votre monde en changeant votre niveau (ou état) de
e fait en vous observant sans esprit critique pendant que vous
vie. Si vous n'aimez pas les circonstances de votre
nnaissez sa cause. Soyez prêt à admettre que le
ances ne font qu'objectiver ce dont vous êtes conscient
angez votre conscience et votre monde
Si vous réagissez à ce qui est objectivé, vous
un certain niveau de conscience, mais si vous
éagir, le fil est rompu. Arrêtez d'être conscient
hose de désagréable, car toute pensée désagréable provoque
dans la boue psychologique. Identifiez-vous plutôt
avec amour (le Christ en vous) et vous le ferez
le niveau infini de votre propre être et changez le
s de votre vie.

e conscience, tel un aimant, attire la vie. Acier,

t démagnétisé se trouve une masse tourbillonnante d'électrons,
les électrons sont orientés dans une direction, l'acier
é. Vous n'ajoutez rien à l'acier pour le fabriquer
u enlevez quoi que ce soit pour le démagnétiser. Ce
cipe est vrai pour vous. Vous pouvez changer votre monde
ant vos pensées et en les faisant voyager uniquement
ection, et c'est vers l'accomplissement de votre

os réactions face à la vie, pour tout changement dans le

de votre esprit qui peut être détecté par l'auto-
n, provoquera un changement dans votre monde extérieur. C'est
tant d'apprendre à être passif face à ce qui n'est pas beau

ble pour vous. De cette façon, tu t'éveilles

intérieur. Et quand tu trouves ton intérieur
découvrirez que les qualités que vous condamnez dans
ont vraiment en vous. Alors tu connaîtras le secret
ar comme vous vous pardonnez, les autres sont

s (pas seulement quelques-unes) sont rendues manifestes par la lumière,

ui est manifesté est lumière. Au moment où tu
une pensée, elle se manifeste. Cela ne pouvait pas
ns que vous n'ayez consenti à son expression par
science. L'univers bouge sans motivation
r elle n’a aucun motif propre. Au contraire, ça bouge
ssité de manifester les arrangements du
hommes. Cet enseignement est pour vous éveiller à votre lumière,
ommence par l'auto-observation.

une affection secrète pour vivre dans la boue de l'auto-

damnation, votre monde reflétera ceux
Mais si vous réorganisez votre esprit et vivez dans le
leste d'harmonie et d'amour, votre manifestation
changer. Si, aujourd'hui, tu prenais cinq minutes
rvant sans réserve, vous seriez
écouvrir à quel point vous êtes trompeur. C'est un terrible
s, mais tout choc de ce type laissera entrer le
a conscience, et la vie est une vie sans cesse croissante
mesure que la lumière entre, vous devenez de plus en plus
nt de qui vous êtes vraiment.

une seule cause aux phénomènes de la vie. Seulement par

votre propre conscience, pouvez-vous découvrir le
e qui vous arrive. Il n'y a pas de plus grand
croyance en une cause secondaire. Laisse ce tyran
s souvenant de la seule et unique substance ; le seul
t la conscience et changer immédiatement ce
conscient. Seulement en observant vos réactions à la vie
etrouver. Et rappelez-vous, tant que vous réagissez
e faites, les mêmes choses doivent vous confronter, pour autant
z est rendu manifeste par votre conscience, et
vous manifestez est votre conscience.

arcourir le monde dans la boue et de vivre dans son

tre âme est composée de tout ce à quoi vous consentez.
âme à un niveau et vous la retrouverez à un niveau supérieur
ni différemment. Examinez-vous toujours
critique, dès le moment où vous devenez critique, vous
tomatiquement vos réactions et associez-vous
e observée. Tout est individuel. Collectif
et le salut collectif sont des termes abordés
ment. Apprenez à voler de vos propres ailes et non
un groupe. Vous devez vous libérer, et le seul
façon d'y parvenir est d'éveiller en vous le Christ qui est sain.
sez à des pensées nobles basées sur des concepts nobles et
ront de gros dividendes, car vous vous élèverez en
t transformez votre monde. Donnez-vous
uotidien en vous donnant la possibilité de
qui tu es! N'enviez jamais la bonne fortune de
propriez-vous simplement le vôtre. "Soyez transformé par
ement de votre esprit" en changeant les idées plantées
ne pouvez pas changer votre façon de penser tant que vous n'êtes pas
idées dont découlent vos pensées.


e conscience individuel est votre niveau d'être

us les événements que vous rencontrez dans la vie. Depuis
s déterminent ce que vous êtes, tout changement dans votre
érieur doit être produit par votre niveau intérieur d’être.

chapitre du Livre de Marc, il nous est dit : « Écoutez

: il n'y a rien au dehors qui puisse souiller
ce qui sort de l'esprit d'un homme est ce qui souille
ui a des oreilles, qu'il entende." Maintenant, les pensées sont
Lorsque vous vous identifiez à une pensée, elle
omme un acte. Si la pensée n'est pas charmante, elle
. Éveillez-vous et sélectionnez uniquement les pensées qui
la naissance de votre désir. Vous devez constamment
re demeure, car où vous êtes
ement, c'est ce que vous êtes. Votre humeur indique votre
s externalisez toujours l’État sur
vous tenez.

ds, font partie d'une classe de traités védiques traitant

es problèmes philosophiques, déclare : « L'âme,
dans un état, prend sur lui les résultats de
s'imaginant pas dans l'État, il est libre de
s." Votre âme est ce à quoi vous consentez. Comme vous le ressentez
ns la situation de votre prière exaucée, vous
ans un état et votre âme a pris sur elle
s de cet état. Si vous n'entrez pas dans l'État, vous
de ses jolis résultats. Acceptez une idée comme vraie. Identifier
avec et il se surpassera dans votre monde.
n'acceptez pas la pensée et ne vous identifiez pas
r le ressenti, vous êtes libéré de ses résultats. Toi
très sélectif et apprendre à ne pas associer
ec des pensées désagréables.

e des Rois, on nous raconte comment ceux qui entrèrent

apporté quelque chose de vivant avec eux, comme un
. Ceux-ci étaient utilisés comme holocaustes. Ces
s de sacrifice sont votre corps de souffrance. Ils sont les
vous devez offrir appelés griefs. Peu importe ce que
t être, vous n'avez pas le droit de le trimballer
vous ne pouvez pas ascensionner en conscience tant que tout n'est pas terminé.
s sont jetés sur l’autel et sacrifiés.
en les abandonnant que vous trouverez l'eau bénite.

u bénite n'est pas celle de l'église, mais celle de

douze aspects de l'esprit. Quand ton esprit
sé de toutes ses toiles d'araignées (griefs), le bol du saint
placée sur le dos des bœufs, et votre discipline disciplinée
s sert plutôt que vous ne le serviez. Le taureau
esprit dans son état sauvage et doit être apprivoisé
u bénite et vêtu de vêtements doux). Quand
seul dans le Saint des Saints et vous vous baignez dans ses eaux,
est lavé de toutes les pensées méchantes et purifié.
intenant à associer vos pensées uniquement au bien ;
sort de votre bouche (esprit) sera
e jamais.

l’autodéfinition de l’infini. "Va leur dire

m'a envoyé vers vous. La conscience (JE SUIS) est
ssance de l'univers. Son pouvoir vous rend vivant.

s : « Je suis malade », vous l'êtes ! Si vous dites : "Je suis en sécurité",

ntir dans la situation d'un état donné,
rendre sur vous les résultats de cet état de
es choses sont rendues vivantes à partir d'un état d'esprit et
rien ne peut être fait, car vous seul
l’état à partir duquel vous êtes identifié. Où
ychologiquement ce que vous êtes en réalité.

nt, si vous vous surprenez à vous apitoyer sur votre sort,

t commencez à vous sentir heureux. Si vous ne le faites pas, vous identifierez
ec l'état d'apitoiement sur vous-même et imaginez-le.

faible dise : 'Je suis fort'." N'attends pas d'être

avant de dire cela. Si vous vous sentez faible dans un domaine
ez "Je suis fort", et si vous persistez dans ce sens,
ela se durcira dans les faits. Personne ne devrait jamais
m du Seigneur en vain, car ce nom est JE SUIS.

e est déjà conscient d'être la personne

. Il ne pèche jamais, mais il se heurte au nom, car
est manquer l'état désiré, et la justice est
"Je le mettrai en haut parce qu'il connaît mon
z la conscience d'être celui que vous
et vous serez sauvé de votre état actuel.
ndividuelle peut et sera satisfaite lorsque vous
droiture dans l’état désiré. Cela se fait à travers
ssentir. Sentez-vous heureux et vous êtes conscient de
tez-vous marié et vous avez consciemment déménagé
de mariage. La chose désirée doit être ressentie
conscient de le posséder.

ire « non » aux pensées désagréables plutôt que de

t avec une indifférence passive, car une âme doit
n train de goûter aux fruits de l'État
ez pas que seule la conscience est la cause
vous récoltez et la seule explication de son

sonne d’autre à blâmer que soi-même pour tout ce que

, se produisent et vous arriveront, comme
aient pas venir dans votre monde sans votre consentement
mmencez dès maintenant à consentir uniquement aux belles pensées de
xaucés avant leur confirmation par vos sens,
r l'instinct animal de souffrir et de se baigner
ns des sentiments de souffrance et d'apitoiement sur vous-même.

ychologique ressemble beaucoup à la langue physique. Si

us ennuie, détournez-vous et gardez la langue de
loin des points sensibles de l'aversion, car votre
conversations mentales sont les productrices de votre
ifiez votre corps de souffrance en y renonçant et
votre esprit, car on nous dit : « Bienheureux les doux
, car ils hériteront de la terre. " Habillez-vous
bonne nouvelle et vous entrerez dans votre saint de
us de votre vêtement immortel d’amour.

thme dans votre monde que vous ne pouvez pas entendre ou

tre aura ne ressemble à celle de personne d’autre. Un limier
x odeurs se ressemblaient, aucun limier ne pourrait les trouver.
es unique, unique en ton genre avec le tien
e rayonnant votre niveau d’être. Ne jugez pas les auras
le raison qu'il faut voir l'aura de
ravers le vôtre, et ce que vous voyez n'est que
èse de l'homme.

nce est une malédiction. « Bienheureux ceux qui ont faim et

ice." Contrôlez votre imagination avec
n constante et osez vous lever et être entendu. André est
qui symbolise cet aspect de l'esprit. Payer
vos pensées et disciplinez-les afin qu'elles
sentiment que votre souhait est exaucé, car vous n'êtes pas
s jusqu'à ce que votre extérieur devienne placide et que votre intérieur

s de convaincre quelqu'un de sortir de sa misère. On nous dit

qui est sale soit encore sale ; qu'est-ce que cela te fait ?
L'homme a reçu le pouvoir du "je" pour penser, et
utorisé à penser par lui-même.

s, lorsqu'elles sont admises à la conscience, sont créées

qu'ils soient bons, mauvais ou indifférents. Osez vous tenir debout
t enseignement et vous ne ressentirez plus jamais le
stifier l’échec.


êtes, ainsi Dieu vous apparaîtra-t-il. Le prêtre va

omme le chef de tous les registres célestes et terrestres.
, il est le grand juge qui distribue toujours
our les Hottentots, Dieu est le genre de chef qu'il,
merait l'être. Alors tu vois, les hommes sont éternels
à leur image.

eu depuis la création.

ule est le salut de l'homme.

que tu adores maintenant sera bientôt ton Dieu

ans son déploiement Pour toujours ses pensées

t il apprend plus véritablement dans son progrès À qui
ment adorer." A travers cet enseignement, vous
épasser votre conception de Dieu, car Dieu ne change pas,
dées sur Lui changent.

votre moteur d'action, car vous ne pouvez pas bouger

Demandez-vous : « Que me veux-tu ?
z votre désir. Ressentez sa présence et vous
cordé la réalisation de votre désir. La vie humaine est
que l'apaisement de la faim et le
finie de niveaux de conscience est le moyen de satisfaire
La santé est un désir, une faim qui peut être
ue l'idée est formulée dans l'esprit que je
onne santé. Il en va de même pour la richesse, la paix, l'harmonie ou
r tous ces états sont des états de conscience. Identifier
l'état souhaité. Persister dans cette identification
e vous et Dieu êtes une seule conscience, qu'est-ce que
conscient, vous vous imaginez.

le symbole de la souffrance. Il n'y a pas de physique

quelle un homme a été cloué, mais un ensemble de croyances
homme. "Sauf que tu te renies et que tu t'élèves
suis-moi, tu es indigne de moi. » Lève-toi
en élevant votre conscience, car votre JE SUIS est
de votre monde.

ndividu, vous évoluez et vivez dans le temps, mais votre véritable

ans l'éternité. Considérez la ligne verticale de la croix comme
l'être sur laquelle se trouvent des niveaux innombrables
e. Or, le temps ne peut pas vous rendre meilleur ou plus sage.

temps ne peut rien faire pour changer votre niveau.

le changement est tout sur la ligne verticale où vous
niveaux supérieurs ou inférieurs de votre propre être. Parce que
minent, we speak of it as infinite imminence;
an near and sooner than now. The man you
o be is imminent. He is nearer than near. The
eam of being is sooner than now and is brought
y a change in your reactions to life.

of Revelations, we are told, "I will give to every

ing to his work." The only work you are called
s work on yourself. Start this work by
ur reactions to life. Remember, your future is
veloped, it already is. The time track is
well as all of the events you can encounter. As
or down the level of your being, changes will
r life. You are now resting at a certain level.
up your couch and walk," by breaking the
ife that bind you to the state you are now in.
threads by changing your thoughts, for only as
hin, will you find a corresponding change

r wondered what it would be like if you were of

s to behold iniquity? If you were all
All love? All generosity? Aim for those feelings
ch your relationship to them. It is here, in the
storms of life, that you work this law.

ify yourself with an unlovely state, you will find

king into it. But you can lift up your cross by
r automatic, mechanical reactions to life and
your present level of being.

comes, not to bring peace, but a sword. It

a man at variance against his brother, father,
ll the members of his household, for I bring
truth which is the word of God. This word is
any two-edged sword, for it is capable of
soul and spirit. I am not suggesting that you
your earthly relatives, but that you turn
psychological ideas that govern your behavior
nant mood which governs your actions and
life. If, at this moment your feelings are not
against them, for they are your psychological
is done by putting new feeling in their place.
hange your thinking until you change your
all feelings come from ideas. A man's enemies
his own household which is everything he

eut transpercer, même jusqu'à trancher l'âme et

e Père (votre JE SUIS) est Esprit, et quand vous
ous devez le faire en esprit et en vérité. Reste tranquille
s, avec émotion : « JE SUIS Lui ».

oi vous consentez, tout ce que vous croyez et acceptez comme

u'elle soit sage ou insensée) forme les vêtements que vous portez. Mais
être habillé et monter à un niveau d'être supérieur
nds ta croix et que tu suis ton imagination.

’entre nous sont sans but. Nous voulons plus que ce que nous actuellement
voulons que l'autre change, mais nous ne le faisons pas
e la seule chose qui apportera le changement,
voulons pas nous changer. Dans Apocalypse, Jean raconte
rendrai à chacun selon son œuvre ».

pas donné en fonction du travail d'autrui, mais

vail que vous faites sur vous-même, et ce travail est
s esprit critique vos réactions face à la vie, car elles vous lient
rtain niveau. Dissociez-vous de votre
gréables et associez-vous à votre objectif,
nsi à son niveau, car votre idéal est sur cette verticale
quelle vous vous tenez.

ous dit de « Cherchez et vous trouverez ; et quand

s, tu seras comme lui." Je te le dis, tu ne le feras jamais
e désir exaucé jusqu'à ce que vous soyez le désir ! Ceux qui
recherche de l'amour ne fait que manifester leur manque d'amour,
urez jamais à chercher ce que vous êtes !

e et tu es Marie aussi, car nous sommes éternels

us-mêmes. La vie humaine toute entière est
du désir, et du désir, conçu comme comblé,
riser. Si vous n'avez pas assez faim pour
votre niveau de conscience actuel, vous ne pourrez pas
elque chose de plus grand. Tant que tu es amoureux de
lequel vous vous trouvez, vous ne pouvez pas et vous n’en sortirez pas.

e verticale des États, la vie n'aurait pas

n. Les anciens appelaient cette série infinie, la série de Jacob.
s ne construisez pas cette échelle, vous la grimpez plutôt
verte de soi.

ensez à un autre, vous ne voyez que votre

Si vous pensez qu'il est gentil, il est gentil. Si tu
il est stupide, il est stupide car il joue le rôle
nommé en raison de votre opinion. Donc,
ir est qu'il change, vous devez changer votre
ous-même, car "il" n'est que votre opinion poussée

tes psychologiquement, c'est ce que vous êtes ; donc,

s uniquement au sentiment qui vous mène au
de vos rêves. Et que tous tes rêves soient


Bible est d'élever l'individu à un niveau supérieur.

e. Cela commence dans l'état de Moïse et du
e JE SUIS. Puis, dans le livre d'Isaïe, on nous dit
ton pied du sabbat et prends plaisir
neur. » Examinons cette pensée pour en trouver la profondeur la plus profonde.
n. Maintenant, pour observer le sabbat, vous devez
ir tout doute mental, comme le pied mental
vous vous tenez est votre croyance. Quand ton pied mental
rre, son action est automatique et mécanique.
votre puissante conscience, commencez dès maintenant à briser le
nique qu'il a sur votre vie en tournant votre
tre désir exaucé et observez le sabbat.

évoqués dans les Écritures symbolisent votre dualité :

intérieur, et Caïn, le toi extérieur. Un renversement de
maintenant se produire, car dans le Nouveau Testament, votre véritable
e révèle comme le Christ (le vous intérieur) votre espoir de

t la terre, voyez les gens tels qu'ils veulent être vus,

de l'huile sur leurs blessures. Mais si tu ne le fais pas,
mme les scribes et les pharisiens décrits dans le
de Matthieu, accomplissant leurs actes pour être vu de
prêchent mais ne pratiquent pas.

chapitre du livre de Jean, l'histoire est racontée

intellectuel qui croyait que s'il
loi de Moïse, il pouvait entrer dans le royaume de
nt on lui a dit : « Tu dois naître de nouveau, naître de
sprit." Nous voyons ici la différence entre le
ce et la sagesse.

loi de Moïse ne suffit pas. Vous devez

un changement dans le niveau de votre être,
la sagesse afin que vous connaissiez la renaissance.

intérieure est le terreau de votre avenir, soyez

u pas beau. Ceci nous est dit de façon si vivante dans le Livre de
: « Je mets aujourd'hui devant toi les bénédictions et
." Chaque fois que vous grondez quelqu'un, même si c'est
tre esprit, vous le maudissez. Et chaque fois que tu le fais
e que vous voudriez qu'on vous fasse, ils le sont

symbole de la vérité psychologique. Pour connaître le

suffit pas. Il faut agir en conséquence, et à ce moment-là
logique se transforme en vin.

s maintenant à observer tous vos sentiments désagréables et négatifs.

hange-les, car jusqu'à ce que tu te sépares
où découlent ces pensées, elles
vous faire vivre les mêmes expériences dans la vie.


in a dit un jour : « Ô mon Dieu, laisse-moi te voir, et si

t te voir, alors laisse-moi mourir pour que je puisse voir ton
urtant, lorsque nous sommes tombés, Dieu nous a dit : « Vous ne pouvez pas voir mon
t vivre. Mais je ferai passer ma gloire et quand
là, tu verras mon dos, mais mon visage tu ne le verras pas
Dieu est votre merveilleux JE SUIS, votre conscience
sans cesse : « JE SUIS, c'est qui JE SUIS ».
e l'imagination est le seul pouvoir. C'est votre pouvoir de
vivre, blesser et guérir. C'est ton
n qui forme la lumière, fait le bien et
et il n’y a pas d’autre Dieu. L'homme est enclin
ux puissances, l'une pour le bien et l'autre pour le mal,
ou there is only one. The "I" in man is he who
kes alive, who curses and creates. Your
s of being is the only reality. The self-
f an absolute state is "I am divine." And this
te is God. It is your I AM which cannot be seen.

s us, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they

d." The word "pure" in the above statement
he Greek word "katharos" which also means,
r." To be pure, the mind must be cleared of all
created by traditional wrong thinking. The
e cleared of the belief in a secondary power.
is is done will you be blessed, for you will
and only God to be your true self.

power outside of you. The same power in you

he good, creates the evil. Start now to free
m the belief in two powers, for only then will
in heart and see God.

st universe is nothing more than the response

iousness of men. If you believe that the "I" in
he cause of your displeasure and not your own
u have planted a tree in your mind which is
your view and must be uprooted. We are told,
l imagine evil in his heart." I am not speaking
l organ, but of the mind, the center or heart of
When your heart is pure, you become a
e order of Melchizedek. Read the story
d you will see that when Abraham slaughtered
ll of his negative and unlovely ideas), he
find Melchizedek, the symbol of the I AM, the
ally are.

cipline your mind, for only the disciplined mind

the feeling of the wish fulfilled. If, what you
has not come into being, it is because you
ered the ties that bind you to the level where
d. You must break your mechanical reaction
rder to change your life-track.

son for this teaching is to encourage you and

the vertical line of the cross. It is very
r you to learn to be uncritical of yourself, for if
you will justify your behavior which will cause
n in your present state. But if you will stop
al, you will stop the negative thoughts that bind
present state and move out of it into another.

ree ways to clear your mind of the trees of

wrong thinking and allow you to see God. They
cal observation; non-identification; and sacrifice
you formerly believed yourself to be. Man tries
y means of little pictures, but God can only be
belief in one power. Through uncritical
you will encounter your particular state.

like the role the state requires you to play as it

p reacting to it. Until you reach the point where
r react, you are not pure enough to see God.
Him, you will know Him, as you will be like

is always what "I" AM. Establish one "I"

elf, not a number of "I's." The "I" roots out all
uses and clears the mind of the power to
r belief in powers external to you is a tree
e rooted out of your mind.

use this technique and you will realize your

But first you must have a dream, a desire for
s desire is your springboard of action. Define
ve. If it were fulfilled now, where would you be
What would the world look like? Would your
d, mother, father, or friends see you
Feel their presence: see the joy expressed on
and hear their congratulations. Repeat this act
ve the feeling of accomplishment. Then, having
feeling of completion, remain faithful to it, for
ion contains within itself all of the plans and
ary for externalization. You need do nothing
de, for by your assumption, your mind is being
and what it confirms, it externalizes. Your
e for an improvement in your financial
ur social circle, or a deeper understanding of
The desire is up to you, but when put into
is technique will never fail you.

of heaven, with its many states (some lovely

so lovely) is within you. The state capable of
healing, killing or making alive, is within you.

psychological states, completely furnished and

ernalize themselves in your world. And, if
ed a particular mansion (state), you do not
in there, you may leave it by the same
was entered - through the act of assumption.

y to feel sorry for yourself and so very difficult to

feeling. But you cannot enter another state
. No one can uproot the weeds of self-pity or
so-called second causes for you. You must
yourself. God put Adam in the garden to tend
As Adam you fell asleep, but when you awake,
st, the power and the wisdom of God. Start
ve your reactions to life and do not allow
become identified with any unlovely state.
ur little hurts, your grievances, and belief in
uses. Then you will be blessed, for you will be
t and see God.

yourself and you will discover that the fault

he other exists in you. Turn to self, and you will
ist in you who is your hope of glory.


you when your mental comprehension has

d by the removal of the trees of traditional
ng, for only then will you know that all is
s and consciousness is all. You will know that
y cause is a tyrant, and if you believe in an
r, you are fighting a losing battle.

said, "Man surrounds himself with the true

self, as every spirit builds for itself a house
ouse, a world beyond its world." What you are,
n you see. Therefore, build yourself a world as
ke it to be — a world beyond the world now
ou. The world you desire exists and will unfold
eat proportions when you, all spirit, surround
h the true image of yourself as you would like to
your world as a canvas with the pictures
e by the arrangement of your mind. Your I
ciousness) has already arranged as many
your canvas as there are people walking the
to yourself and, claiming that your desire
yourself move right into its center. Then paint
of consciousness. Everything is there at your
s reality is up to you and the intensity of your
ys look to self, for your consciousness is the
f the phenomena of your individual life.

have imagined something which never came to

feel that you failed, but I tell you there is only
r failure and that is absence of the feeling of
It takes time for an assumption to become a
desire is fulfilled proportionate to the degree of
of the feeling of possession. If something does
ural to you, it is not your nature. To ask in my
sk in my nature or character; therefore, when
must feel you already are that which you are

you desire, when you pray, believe that you

d it, and you will." It is important to feel
ht into your wish fulfilled, for consciousness is
lity, and everything you see is nothing more
icturing of a state of consciousness. It is
ek a thing before you establish its cause. An
ds upon a state of consciousness, and you
the effect without being its cause. And if you do
naturalness of the desired state, you cannot
it, for consciousness is very observable.
how long you have been conscious of being
t to be. To what extent do you feel its reality
w tells us, "0, you faithless and perverse
How long shall I be with you?" Do you have
t you are conscious of? I hope so, for without
impossible to achieve anything. It is the
the thing hoped for and the cause of all
he word "perverse" means "to turn the wrong
aim, fixity or one-pointedness of purpose."
est headline or news bulletin can turn you
sire, you are perverse and fail. But if success
, its mood must be worn until the feeling of
sful is so natural you cannot turn away from

hand, "importunity" means "brazen

If you will so persist in your assumption, your
ence will not allow you to accept the evidence
es when they deny your assumption, but will
e substance called life into the pattern of your
This world moves with the necessity of
manifesting the arrangement of the
mind. It is important to persist until fulfillment
nature. Changes begin to occur at their
turalness. Jacob told the Lord, "I will not let
you bless me."

u may wrestle through the night with an idea

as come down from heaven to take flesh). If you
e no for an answer but persist in the feeling of
lfilled, you will be blessed with its
ion .

lls of a man whose child was dead, yet when he

man of God and asked that the child be made
ore, it was done unto him. Your ideal, be it for
lth, romance, money or fame, is your child
But if you will believe in its life and walk in
on that you are successful, healthy or wealthy
your desire), your child which sleepeth will rise
d state and be made alive in your world.

is told of a judge who it is said, "feared not God

man." Within you there is such a judge who
u anything you ask for if you will be just as
s the widow in the story. Coming at the
r, she persisted in her request until the judge
wishes saying, "Because this widow bothers
indicate her or she will wear me out by her
ming." When the light of consciousness is not
our fulfilled desire, it is the midnight hour. But
fill your desire with your light of awareness and
n that which you are aware of, you will become.

ver surrounding yourself with the true image of

what you are, that only can you see, whether
bad or indifferent. Observe your reactions to life
observing the being you want to separate
m. And, as you begin to identify yourself with
state, the separation takes place. But your
ust be a maintained attitude and, if for a
ose the mood, recapture it. And if you lose it
yourself back into the feeling until the mood
atural your thinking from that mood is

ilure of most truth students is that they are

constructing but deferring their occupancy.
g your desired state, feel its presence
like an answered prayer. Then become so
state that your thoughts flow from it. Persist
our world from that state, and it will harden
ou and you alone determine the time for the
ernalize itself. If your mind is so disciplined that
turned or diverted, your heart's desire will be
on your screen of space. But, if you believe in
y power, your belief will cause its delay.

ss is the power of the Word. It is divine, not

There are not two I AM's but one I AM standing
ls. Desire, claiming fulfillment now, wrestles
t when the fight is over desire, as Israel, is
y think your name is John Brown or Mary
our real name is I AM and your dominant
nature. Divorce a mood and assume a new
ist in your new relationship and you will bear
as new phenomena appear to bear witness to
e inner I AMness. Only if you lack "importunity"
ly return to the mood you are attempting to
self from, will failure occur. Desire is hidden
at you want, you already have! If you
as fact, that you are already what you desire
ll not be diverted but maintain your
by* walking in the mood of fulfillment which
s you, no power on earth can keep you from
t. But you must feel yourself right into the
the answered prayer, for only by believing that
have it, will it appear.

rays successfully is, himself, the springboard

d the one who grants the prayer. There is no
to grant it. The one who receives the answered
e one who grants it through the act of
the mind. Learn to rearrange your mind and, if
rself walking in the field of unanswered
n around and walk in the field (mood) of
And, remember, "Faith is the substance of
for, the evidence of things not seen." The only
the only substance is consciousness from which
as its beginning and its end.

ook of Hebrews is devoted to faith: "Faith is

seeing him who is invisible." And "Faith is the
things hoped for." "Unto us was this good
d, as well as unto them, but it did not profit
it was not mixed with faith." Good news is
lled. If desire is not mixed with faith, it is of no
aith is the awareness of the reality of the desire's
You see, creation is finished, and we only
of increasing portions of it. The absence of
be to deny the reality of the state assumed. If
urself to your physical senses which contradict
ou desire, then faith will be unknown to you.
ll make real that which is invisible.

u would like to be, though invisible, will unveil

ecome visible for all to see when you walk in the


an objective and fail to achieve it you have

you have fallen short of your desire. But if you
re, you are incapable of sinning. The righteous
, being conscious of already having fulfilled
e, cannot sin.

of Daniel we are told to "Break off your sin by

s." This has nothing to do with any church or
righteousness is right thinking. In the Book of
story is told of Jacob's desire to increase his
ing his eyes in a dream he beheld the spotted
ing-striped goats and cattle. Then he said, "I
to my righteousness and not let it go. So shall
ness answer for me in time to come."

's example. Lift up your eyes with a controlled

and see what you want to see. Believe in your
our faith will make it solid and real in your
world. While sitting in your chair, you can
tate of consciousness you desire to possess
your reason and outer senses deny its reality.
ob, you can say, "My righteousness shall
e in time to come." Jacob knew that he could
erverse and turn from the new state but that
ined a consciousness of having what reason
uding the law of genetics), he would achieve his

er is not a man, but the dominant idea that

he enemies of that idea are those of your own
your own thinking. Hold a dominant idea in
usness and, in a way you do not know your
s (right thinking) will cause the desired state
ze itself in your world.

s one who conforms to all manmade laws; one

observes the Levitical law of "outer
." Now we are told, "Unless your righteousness
of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never
ngdom of heaven. But seek ye first the kingdom
d its righteousness, and all these things shall
o you."

usness is consciousness. We confuse the word

hteousness as a thing, but the consciousness
the magnet that draws a thing to it. Permeate
usness with the feeling of being the man (or
want to be and your righteousness will bring it

nherit Christianity, rather you adopt it. As you

s inner conviction, you become cleaner and
Christ taught righteousness in his law of
rvest saying, "As a man sows, so shall he reap."
logically, a state of consciousness sown
ind, will be harvested without as external
in like manner, as long as you remain sowing
state of consciousness, you will continue to
milar events in your life.

ous of the feeling that your wish is fulfilled,

never sin by missing the experience of
But you cannot turn away and return to your
. We are all the prodigal son who went astray.
old that when he came to his senses he turned
ntered his Father's house, at which time he
e fatted calf, the robe, and the ring. When you
you are in consciousness and come to your
rning to your Father (the state desired), it will
o you.

eactions to life and you will discover where

ychologically. If your reactions are unlovely,
ing in the mud and mire, feeding the swine.

turn within to the Father of all life and enter

u desire by assuming its fulfillment, your
be lovely. Persist and you will move out of the
and enter the kingdom of the wish fulfilled.

such thing as righteous indignation, for the

cannot work righteousness. Nothing so
righteous indignation could be right
s! My goal is to be one who expands in
s, for I am a teacher and I must ever grow as
his is my aim and I must remember it morning,
ht. I must persist in this state as it
itself in my world.

tory told of a little blind girl who had five

e brothers, trusting their senses went out into
d lost their way, while the little girl, unable to
nses wove a thread of gold. Attaching one end
r, she tied the other to the sun and never lost
, too, can learn to trust the light of
s by holding onto the thread that is your aim
wing yourself to become enmeshed in the
your senses.

your desire, you will not get lost like the five
you will not be concerned with what others are
imply walk conscious of being the one you want
wer can keep you from your goal when you are
already having attained it.

to, "Seek first the kingdom and its

s and all these things will be added unto you."
of heaven is within you. Turn within and you
e power to produce what nature and your outer
Test yourself by controlling your thoughts, by
what you want to see and hearing only that
butes to the realization that your world is as
to be.

keep controlling your world in your imagination

e sensation crowds out all other ideas, your
ousness will answer for you and your dream
your reality. But, if you don't feel fulfilled, you
e diverted and miss your mark.

teaching is one of rising higher and higher in

s until rebirth occurs. There is but one
ife, and that is to rise higher and higher on the
of the cross.

state you desire to express, walk as though

expressing it. "No man, having put his hand to
oks back." In other words, once you have moved
w state, do not look back at the old state or you
as Lot's wife. She looked back and was turned
r of salt which is a preservative. The moment
k at your former state, you re-enter it, as all
, preserved in your imagination and ready for

of heaven is a higher state of awareness; a

where you now stand, and each higher level is
change of attitude for the better. There is not
at cannot be resolved by a change of
s. And that which requires a state of
produce its effect can never be effected
state. It is the height of folly to expect security
conscious of insecurity. On the other hand, you
secure if you walk conscious of being secure.

ve to "pull strings" to get what you want, all

is walk in the consciousness of already having
ssumption, though false, if persisted in, will
fact. Don't try to be a better man but try to be
mething. Most metaphysical students have no
g God knows best. But, I ask you, how can this
and God, your Father, are one? Human
the thing to come first with belief to follow.
ou must assume the consciousness of already
eing) your desire before the sign that you have
r. Signs follow; they do not precede. Seek the
eling of having already reached your goal, and
t you have achieved it will follow. You don't get
hen become righteous; righteousness is right
ys claim the level above the one you are now
to your present level, for your Father's house
sions. Let go of your present mansion and
e one you seek!


sychologically, humanity is an infinite series

awareness, and the individual is what he is
where he is in the series. In the Book of
urges us to: "Be not conformed to this world,
formed by the renewing of your mind that you
at is good and acceptable, the perfect will of
er words, do not look at the external world and
ity, but break its spell by transforming your
t you can't change your thinking until you
ideas, for it is from ideas that you think.
ur level of awareness attracts life and is the
f the phenomena you observe.

is to do the will of God whose name is I AM.

aware, what you are aware of is what you are.
of) that (which) I AM." Think of an infinite
ues as I AM, with your desired state just above
w stand. God speaks to you through the
desire. When you wish to ascend, it is because
ing, calling upon you to surrender yourself to
of already being what you want to be. Let go of
tion and doubt and subject yourself to the will of
assumption will lift you up to the level upon
deal is identified, and you will begin to see
ifferently. This is where self-observation comes
ot observe the outer world, but your reactions

displeases or offends you, look within to the

d with displeasure and is expressing it. It is
believe, I know, but you alone are the cause of
sure. A lady I know thought her employer was
d impossible to please. She had formed an
im and that invisible and inaudible opinion
all day long, causing her boss to do what he
the words to cause her displeasure. Being a

y and willing to change her feeling of "I", she

ss praise her and she thanked him for his
moment she found herself returning to the old
icizing him, she stopped the thought and put on
rd of praise, thanks and congratulations.
urs, the new record externalized itself and,
igned a year later, her boss begged her to stay
that if she ever wanted to return, the door was
to her.

conversations are the breeding ground of all

action. Morning, noon and night you are
internal arguments. When you catch yourself,
bit by consciously creating new thoughts;
ng a new record to externalize itself in your

s I AM. His will is always being done, for it is the

resurrects and makes alive. There is no
power in time, only transformation of the
ou are having difficulty with another, look into
is the "I" called you who is speaking to you as a
ten carefully to what you are saying to yourself
discover where the difficulty lies.

efine "self' or "soul." It is that which you

l, think and consent to. You may consent to the
you have been mistreated; that you are dumb, or
ir cruelty, are causing your displeasure. If you
sent forms your level of being and attracts
e it good, bad or indifferent. Your soul cannot be
oining churches, synagogues or groups. You
self, the inner "I" you know so well, as it is he
those who mistreat you and determines every
l of your outer experience.

a secret affection for your conflicts, you cannot

ut, when you consent to be otherwise, then
ge. Subject yourself to the will of God by first
ideal, then yielding to it by doing in your

what you would do physically if your desire

d. Once this is clearly defined, repeat the act
r again until you feel affected by it and its
possesses your mind. When the idea is so firmly
nd your thoughts flow freely from it watch, for
e a change in your external world.

in heart by purging your mind from the belief

tside of yourself. Then, believing that
s is the only reality, weave yourself into a new
reness. For your world is your house, your
sciousness externalized. Clean house by
ur thoughts. When you first begin to do this,
cover most of your thoughts are unlovely. But,
to passively think of people you dislike, your
l lose their unloveliness and, with a mind filled
thanksgiving you will ascend Jacob's ladder of
e kingdom of love.

e carefully defined your desire, completely

yield to it. Then try to remain faithful to the
have entered. In the beginning you may not
don't condemn yourself. Simply return as
s necessary until the feeling becomes so
thoughts habitually flow from the new state.

g is not for the weak. It is not for those who

from life or want to point their finger of blame
To find the Christ in you who is your hope of
ust be willing to test yourself. I tell you, he is
calls all men and manifestations to you. Life is
you can blame another but I urge you to pray,
asy life but to become a stronger man. The one
ng witness to your thoughts is the cause of
une, not the other fellow. Be transformed by
of your mind and you will prove the good and
word of God.

acceptable to you to be lifted on high? That is

God which will not turn back until he has
accomplished the intents of your mind. You
d's will when you identify yourself with your
if you believe your claim, you are righteous
ld will outpicture your righteousness. But if
elieve you will miss your mark and die in your

ape from the life you now lead is by a radical

l transformation of self. This is done by
r "I" with your desire, then changing your
il their effect possesses your mind and your "I"
ortably in the new state. Remember, your level
racts life, and unless the level changes your
ins the same. Let your present level die by
our entire being to a level beyond it. Try it. It
t difficult to do.

old that past wrong emotional reactions have

reviewing the experiences and changing them.
by rewriting the experience in your mind and
you should have said and doing what you
done at the time. Let this corrected picture slip
e subconscious as you resolve not to make the
again. By repetition of this technique, you
rself of all feelings of hate, resentment and other
sturbances which cling to your memory. And,
e that you release yourself from these
feelings, you will free yourself from their power
ll health and wrong results for you.

f the body plus passivity of the mind and

attention on the objective desire, equals
of the objective. Anxiety has no creative power.

ol of educative darkness, consciousness (whose

eternity) provides the power for your
in time. So test yourself, for in this teaching
room for failure.

of Hebrews Paul tells us to "Rest in the Lord."

the man who rests in the Lord is
into the image in which he rests. If my aim is
teacher and I rest in that feeling, I will be
into that image.

y, most of the states in which men rest are

eling insecure, you will rest in the conviction
ld owes you a living. Feeling hurt, it is easy to
grievance until your mood becomes natural.
emn the state and believe others to be its
hrough your feelings of being hurt, you will be
into the very image of the state you condemn.
ne seems to cause you displeasure, remember,
other. The state in which you rest is causing
n to silent and invisible conversations. Although
e heard by you and you alone, they act as
draw to you the circumstances of your life.

of the word and not hearers only, deceiving

Every meeting I share with you the knowledge
d through personal experience, but I cannot
this knowledge into practice. As a teacher, I
ts. As a student, I urge you to test this truth,
true it will prove itself in the testing.

Chapter of the Book of Matthew the parable is

servants who were given talents by their master.
n five talents which he increased to ten.
talents were given which were increased to
en the third received his one talent he buried
never allowing it to increase. When the master
rejoiced at the increase he was shown by the
ut he took from the one who had placed his
ding and gave it to the one who had ten, saying,
who has, more will be given and he will have

ut from him who has not, even that which he

taken away."

g is like the talents. Practiced daily, your power

will grow. If you are a hearer only, your
ot used, will soon wither away and atrophy.
f every day. Leave the other fellow alone and
, for the promise is, "According to your work will
nto "

overcomes himself, rises to a higher level of

tically observe your reactions to life, then work
by practicing this psychologically. Only by
elf can you rise to a higher level. But you
with a negative emotion; it must be a positive
told to "Lift up your eyes unto the hills from
h your help." Negative thoughts cause
tions, while positive thoughts elevate. If you
ur thoughts, stop their negative flow and change
you are hearing what you want to hear, you
positive emotion of relief which is followed by a
at brings with it the knowledge that your prayer

title of this lesson implies, we are urged to be

word and not hearers only, deceiving
n the Book of James, a hearer is defined as like
serves his natural face in the mirror, then
rgets what he looks like; whereas the doer is
s into the perfect law of liberty, perseveres,
ed in all that he does.

o about looking into the mirror of the mind

eased with what you see? By looking into the
wife, husband, parent or friend. Close your
and think of a friend who would rejoice in your
. Tell him your good news and watch the
f joy appear on his imagined face. His
will liberate you, as his knowing has set you
ess your desire.

d into the perfect law of liberty, persevere and

blessed in the doing.

of Matthew the law is stated thus: "Whatever

t men would do to you, do so to them, for this
f the prophets." Here we discover that the Bible
of a man's psychology and not his physical
ble records what you do within yourself, telling
conversations carried on internally are the
unds of your future actions. Forever carrying
nversations with imaginary beings, become
r thoughts. Be selective and make your inner
s positive, for the mechanical imagination is
egative, while the awakened imagination is

gle out someone you love and rearrange your

im. Carry on mental conversations with him
his new premise and you are a doer of the
don't, you are a hearer only, deceiving

g is to awaken you to the active, dynamic being

lly are. Asleep, your thoughts are negative and
cannot change until you uncritically observe
ns to life If you are honest with yourself, you
internal being you are not proud of, a monster
aming. Tame that monster by filling your mind
e thoughts of joy and fulfillment, and you will
nster into a being of love.

habit of observing your reactions to life. Give

r daily bread by giving yourself the ability to no
negatively. Become a doer by recognizing a
ught, then breaking it and going immediately
e one. All of your grievances, your hurts, self-
ief that others are the cause of your sorrow are
h need to be sacrificed on the altar of
s. Letting all negative feelings go, select the
te) you desire to enter and go in.

h brings poverty into being also brings wealth.

man say, "I am strong," and the poor man
ich," for only that which you affirm within
be outpictured. Feel yourself into the state of
poverty is outpictured. Feel yourself into the
urity by saying, "I am secure," and security will
if you do not feel yourself into the state desired,
forever free of its results, as that which requires
onsciousness to produce its effect will never be
hout such change in consciousness. You must
f right into the situation of your answered
live and act in that conviction. If you don't,
er know the results of that state.

or misfortune was brought into being by your

sciousness. There is no other cause. Have the
ccept this and then become a doer and, in so
ssed in your every deed. Start now to become
what you hear yourself say to yourself and
ng those impressions mechanically and
y. What you hear must be filtered through
. And what you are is what you hear. Kind
m from kind ideas created by a kind person;
e kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving

mption is called the crown of the mysteries

sumption is made by you alone. The world you
not so much on what is there, as on the
ou make when you look at it. The talent
you is your power of conscious assumption.
t! Asleep to this knowledge, your reactions to
mechanical, negating everything you see and
Become conscious of what you are doing and
urself, and rise in consciousness by controlling
s and making them positive, kind, loving and


sess the mind of Christ, you are in

f the p an of great price! That pearl is
is nearer than near and sooner than now, for
great price is your own wonderful human
You have always possessed this mind but, like
sion, unless you know it is yours and are
se it, it is non-existent to you. Believe me,
n your world was first conceived in your
The house you live in, the car you drive, the
wear, as well as your friends, your loved ones,
and the strangers on the street were
ore externalized. Now it is time to control your
ation and govern it by love. I urge you to
e discovery that everything you seek in time is
thin you.

y one mind with unnumbered levels of

our level determines where you are and what
what you think, you are. This mind is not
tached from you but your own lovely
the body of the Father and the only
ower in the universe. It can save you from
state or bind you to it.

fined in scripture as the power of God and the

you as your hope of glory. All things are made
r without it is not anything made that is made,
who is your own wonderful human imagination,
Looking with the human eye, you see a world
seemingly independent of your perception. But
w the world through the "I" of imagination,
nd its meaning. Turn within and test yourself
discover that you are your own savior. Then
in to assert the supremacy of your human
You will cease to bow before the dictates of the
t and start to put your dreams into effect.

is one who is self-disciplined. Tame yourself

yourself. Are you wasting your strength in
tions? If so, then discipline yourself out of the
e you have been living in and rise, with your
nto a state of joy and the body of love. Do this,
have found the pearl of great price.

d, you appear to be a man (or woman) of flesh

our father, mother, sisters and brothers are
tell you, you are far greater than the greatest
, for you are Jesus Christ.

love is sleeping in your body of flesh. Awaken

t you are by claiming that your mind is Christ.
earl of great price, for it is the key that will
reasure house of heaven. With your mind as
will discover that you are no longer capable of
ovely, negative thoughts and will have no

your biography, for you are Jesus, the great

he Old Testament who finds fulfillment in the
he mind of man, you are asleep. It is time to
ast off the mind of man who says, "I can," "I
will be," and assert your divine inheritance
mind of God who says, "I AM." Nothing is
o God, and nothing is impossible to you when
be the mind of God.

s like a machine where its actions and

e automatic. Separate yourself from this
mind and use your wonderful human
to rise to higher and higher levels of your own
u do not like the events of your life, change
rolling your imagination. When you know
t, ask yourself where you would sleep if you
would your world look like? Would a friend be
u? With the answers to your questions filling
all asleep in your desired place. View the world
ntage point and hear your friend rejoice now

sire is a physical fact. Then believe in Christ —

put all things under your subjection- and it
unto you.

ere is no such thing as a powerful fate to

st bow, nor do you have to accept life on the
world without. Turn to self. Claim your pearl of
and remember:

to be, is to those to whom It seems to be, and

e of the most dreadful Consequences to those
eems to be; Even of Torments, Despair and
h." for William Blake, in his poem Jerusalem,
romise: "...but Divine Mercy Steps beyond and
in the Body of Jesus."


a goal in life? An aim for yourself? If you do,

lift yourself to its level by the act of self-
Do not try to be a better man or woman, but
ur present level of being by being better AT
our goal should be so important that you
t it and your hunger for its externalization so
you cannot and will not let the thought go
embodied in flesh.

lls us, "Many are called, but few are chosen."

osen" means to separate; to choose; to
ry day, you are offered the opportunity to
w idea; to enter a new state from which to think
numbered emotions and thoughts are yours to
ut, because of the aim with which you desire to
d, only a few emotions and thoughts are chosen.
e within yourself by letting go of your former
restrictions. Choose the thoughts and emotions
o express and enter your desire through the act

Chapter of Mark, two disciples were told to "Go

lage where you will find a colt tied at the
on which no one has sat. Loose him and bring
f anyone says, 'Why are you doing this?' say,
s need of him.' Then he mounted the unbridled
into the city of Jerusalem."

mal found at every crossroad is not a colt or

individual's permanent, predominant emotion.
express a new emotion, you may find it difficult
you will always find your emotions tied at the
f life. If you have never felt secure before, you
ble to ride the animal emotion of security for
few seconds at a time. But the important thing

or controlled imagination can ride any emotion

y of Peace; the embodiment of the ideal state.

s right or wrong relative to a desire. If you feel

u commit yourself to your desire, you are
he wrong direction and will never reach it. But
ng is natural (right) , and you persist in your
it will become a fact. At times, even when your
tural, you may allow doubts to creep in and
om your goal. When this happens, don't
self, simply get back on that emotion and
n, for the beast is unbridled and must be ridden
d it become one. Acknowledge the feeling of
of security, or of being dignified, within
r your consciousness is reality. What you are
being right now, you are. If you desire to be
what you are remember, the state desired is just
he one you are conscious of now. Enter the new
oming conscious of being it. Persist! Find the
he new state and ride it into Jerusalem.

lls upon man to remember himself by

himself with his aim and walking in its
nly as you discipline yourself can you embody
his 11th Chapter Mark makes this statement,
u desire, believe that you have received it and
d whenever you stand praying, forgive." How do
a desire and forgive another? By finding the
thought to be in another and removing it from
en place the feeling you desire to express in its
this has been done, you have risen right into
your answered prayer.

is conditioned upon the belief that it is already

sire is your springboard. Standing upon your
e, you may discover that the board wobbles or
ways beneath your feet. But if you persist in
ous of having attained your desire, even
reason and outer senses deny it, what you are
will become your reality.

m a lovely aim for yourself and feel its

Associate yourself with that feeling by becoming
it. Do that and you will bless and be blessed
s your very self. Say to yourself, "I and my
ne." Your inner being is he who men call God.
so far off as even to be near, for He is your own
man consciousness.

when admitted into your consciousness, are

t by its light, but something must be
st. If you are conscious of being beaten, the
manifest itself and you will be. Do you feel
you do, and persist in that mood you will sink
ms, for everything manifested, is consciousness

dominates your mind right now? Regardless

s, you have consented to it, but you need not
t. The thought which enters the mind does not
You may consent to any thought, be it one that
lesses you when it goes forth. But every thought
manifest. The state where you presently reside
hought before you entered it, just as is the
w desire, and it can just as easily be realized.
llenge. Formulate your aim and rise, in
s to its fulfillment. Think it is real and it is,
ng is possible to a thought.

ering is remembering your aim so, in the

day you should ask yourself where you are
lly. Your reality lives in a psychological
e you can walk in the mire, the valley, or the
s. Choose this day the state you desire to
its mood and acknowledge its fulfillment. Walk
that assumption and, although your reason and
deny it, your persistence will cause it to

gination, are the sum total of your reactions to

s the only cause and explanation of the events
r. If you do not like your world, change your
it. Life will become easier when you are brutally
ourself and acknowledge your reactions to that
eated by you and is being reflected to you.
eact only in a positive manner. Positive
duce positive effects. As you see your world
your consciousness changes, thereby changing

is always ready for incarnation. But as a desire

incapable of birth. It must have human
ou are the human imagination scripture calls
ou are capable of conceiving an idea and giving
hout the aid of any man. "Man" is called "the
" Your I AMness is God the Father, and you,
ceive a desire of God. Locking your secret
elf, walk faithful to your concept and you will
its fruit.

the Mary of the Bible. Her names means

psychological truths of the mysteries." Washing
concepts of the Bible from your mind, you are
are born of water. Then, as you live faithful to
you are the blessed Virgin, bearing that which
by the Holy Ghost the holy desire.


only true power, and your power is in

o your love. When scripture speaks of the
ng the kingdom by storm, it is not referring to
acters, but the power of love which gives the
ary to rise to a higher level of awareness.

ultimate destiny for, understood

lly, life is everlasting. It is the appeasement of
se main force is desire. Man rises on the
is desire, with every level of the vertical line of
thin him so organized that it will lift him,
re, to higher and higher levels of himself.

true teachers, teach the art of overcoming the

t characterizes mankind's present level of
ny ways, we have advanced beyond our
but we have remained just as violent as they. It
or you that you break your violent, negative
if you will, you will rise in consciousness and
stiny waiting for you. Every moment in time
red the chance to prove your ability to overcome
w? By assuming that consciousness is the only
that nothing has reality save the consciousness
it. In that assumption, you will find the sole
phenomena of life.

ns to life define you, and as long as they

ey are, your life will stay the same. Your world
jection of your state of awareness.
s is the only substance and the only cause of
a of life; therefore, it is impossible for change
il there is a change in consciousness.

consent to, be it good, bad or indifferent, is

to your world through your "I" of awareness. If
your aim, you must establish an awareness of

strong that you can feel it and say within

am secure." You are free to consent to violence
es or security and peace of mind. Whatever
to by becoming aware of will be yours. Your
s just above the state where you now stand.
he day, ask yourself if you are conscious of
d you will discover how near or how far you
If you are not conscious of being secure at the
m that you are. Persist, and maybe tomorrow
ve your day, you will find the awareness
nger and stronger.

nd alone by claiming, "I am what I am because

us of being it." Stop looking at others and start
ur reactions to their behavior. Turn within and
violent nature to one of love. Do that and you
the ladder of life and reach your destiny. It is
o embody a new level of thought through the
nother. The rock upon which you must stand is
s. All other ground is sinking sand.

ight of folly to expect the incarnation of a new

ome out of the evolutionary process. The thing
ing must be incarnated before it can be made
re is a wide difference between knowing
ntally and knowing it spiritually. I can teach
of identical harvest. You can read how to apply
ugh my books and mentally know the steps
have wealth, but you will never know wealth,
until you consciously say within yourself, "I am
man is sick because he is conscious of being
sick man say, "I am well," the hungry man say,

and the troubled man say, "I am at peace," and

consciousness will produce that which they are
being. If you want to know what love is, you
loving, for you cannot know a thing until you

g the art of Being; the art of spiritually

ate. In the Book of Joel, we are told, "Let the

, 'I am strong.'" This applies, not only to the

y but to every facet of your being. Seek to
sire spiritually, for only when the spirit feels
ess of the desire will it project itself in your
Always remember, you will never experience
use to affirm as true of yourself!

e ever more aware of what is taking place

Lift up your cross and, without turning to the
right to ask another, turn within and consciously
im, then watch it harden into fact.

t apply my words, you remain right where you

must be a doer in order to be blessed with your
e is hidden identity, as you already are what
be. "Never would you have sought me had you
found me." The level of being you seek can be
nging your reactions to life to conform to the
sh to express. It is not necessary to use
ll strings or ask anyone to aid you.

do is change your attitude. After clearly

r aim, sincerely observe your inner
s and your reactions with regard to it. When
s and reactions are disciplined, your "I" will
your higher level and fulfill your aim.
man is not to be condemned, but awakened.
by awakening yourself. As you rise in
s, you take all men with you. Think of your
man imagination as the vertical line of the
less, with time as the cross-section. You are free
r lift up) the cross, but you cannot rise until
r limitations. Christianity is a way of life. With
eyes wide open, adopt Christianity by
re of what it is.

t like what you are encountering in life,

ur thoughts by changing your consciousness.
te you desire and occupy it in your mind.

you transform self. As you yield to the state

ch your world. It will transform itself into the
n consciousness.

and, the ground is holy, for you are the temple

g God. Clear your mind of the trees of traditional
come pure in heart and you will see that
s is all and all is consciousness. You will
t the state you are conscious of being is the
anifest. No matter how reasoning justifies
ence, don't accept them. If you do, you
o the state and it is a state you do not want to

told of Jesus entering the temple and ridding it

lenders saying, "My house shall be called a
yer, but you have made it a den of thieves."
a material temple. You are the temple of the
nd the Bible is your biography. Thieves have
our house of prayer by placing false values
our mind of all beliefs of outside causes and
e only true value of consciousness, the only
f love.


he most wonderful book in the world and the

rstood, is your personal autobiography. It is
rding of historical events as your teachers
ts writings were never intended to be
as such. The persons recorded there never
the events never happened on earth. The Bible
of the heaven within and the earth without.

gins: "In the beginning, God created the heaven

h. And the earth was without form and void;
was upon the face of the deep. Then the
d said, 'Let there be light' and there was light."
oken of here comes from heaven which is
The light which shines upon your earth is the
r consciousness and shines from within you.

n (called the earth) is dark while the inner

heaven) is the being who was in the beginning
was God but is sound asleep. As your
y, the Bible tells how you are lifted up from
level of being into a higher one.

estament, we find the Pentateuch (the first five

e law of Moses). These books were written in
ile the earliest date known for the New
170 A. D. The first known New Testament did
the Epistles to the Hebrews or the Books of
mes. (It is James who speaks of the double-
declaring that he can receive nothing from
hen we had the Apocrypha which consisted of
ian writings that were excluded from the Jewish
nt Old Testament. These writings give four
sketches of a principle, rather than a man. It
ndred years for the Bible to come into its
. So when you read it, always bear in mind
peaking of the kingdom of heaven within you. It
f a revelation of an eternal principle called

is your hope of glory. All of the characters

scripture are aspects of your mind which you
r as you fulfill your destiny, which is to fulfill
thin yourself.

Moses ever wrote any commandments on

er the word "stone" means "literal truth." The
ed man comes first and is given certain laws to
s blocking psychological truth. As long as you
n the outside as facts, your mind is blocked
unable to grasp their psychological meanings.
become thirsty for the truth and begin to
w, the spirit of God will move upon this
l sea of understanding and your life will take
water) and turn it into wine. In the state of
true name is revealed to you. Take his name
as your rod of understanding and hit the stone
ruth with it, and psychological water will come
it by putting my words into practice and you
the psychological water of truth I have given
wine of the spirit.

thing spoken of in scripture is that of the mind

he body. John the Baptist is described in the
of Matthew as one called Elijah in 2nd Kings.
e wore a garment of camel's hair and a leather
d his waist. Hair and skin are the most
ngs a man possesses; therefore, John the
esents the outer man who has not yet clothed
rnally. Jesus is the inner man. He wears the
ment woven from above, and those who wear
are always found in the king's house.

ament teaches a complete and radical

on of self and calls it rebirth, but John the
s it repentance and urges us to change our
the kingdom of heaven. It is said that he lived
rness with the wild animals. Well, you are
in the wilderness when you have no direction
and allow your animal emotions to run wild.

begin to tame your animal instincts and call

scipleship, strength will come to you from
ou will be baptized in the water of truth.

a parable, Matthew likens the kingdom of

sower who sows his seeds on different types of
wer spoken of here is not a being external to
r you are the sower and the seed. Your own
man imagination is God, the sower who said,
man in our image," then fell asleep and
brain of the outer man as the seed for his
As Adam (or the red earth), man is the
l earth upon which the kingdom of heaven is
the parable, we are told that when one hears
does not understand it, the evil one comes
away that which is sown in his heart. But he
th understanding, bears fruit and yields a

ble is told comparing the kingdom of heaven

, having sowed good seeds in his field, fell
is enemy came and sowed weeds there. These
lse teachings, planted in the mind, false beliefs
that can be bound and burned when you
to discover the truth and the kingdom of

Chapter of Genesis, the story is told of how the

el is built with stone (literal truth) and bricks
cepts). Before the building was erected, there
language and few words, but during the
nfusion reigned, and soon no one understood
of the other. This tower exits today as the
cal, occult groups of the world. You have no
those of your own household. Making truth of
ngs, you believe that your security depends
ey you have in the bank; or your health
the pills you take; or your happiness
another. In so doing, you build your own
el. But I say to you, your consciousness of

only reality of the state you are in, and all of

of that state are within you. In his Beatitudes,
s you that your attitude of being is blessed
lothed in soft raiment, for when you wear the
ment of imagination, you are free to rise
igher into the garden of Eden within you. You
ener of your mind where you plant the seeds of
ection. As the Man of Imagination, become
being that which you have planted, and your
be an hundredfold, for you always become

Chapter, Matthew tells the story of the

d Sadducees who, unbelieving, ask for a sign
ven. Then we are told to take heed and beware
n of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Now, these
but attitudes of mind. If you believe that you
the "right" neighborhood; that you must know
people that your skin must be the "right" color;
must be in the "right" place at the "right" time,
e is one scripture calls a Pharisee. Beware of
thinking, for the road to a higher level of self is
nal and never external.

s that the kingdom of heaven is like a

fine pearls who finds a pearl of great price,
at he has, and buys it. As long as you hold onto
of something external to your own mind, you
enough money to buy the pearl of great price.
willing to sell all belief in anything outside of
ad to the kingdom leads upwards and is always
al direction. You cannot travel this road
hes made of skin and hair. You must be
our wedding garment which is always woven

e told that the kingdom of heaven is like a net

t into the sea and gathers fish of every kind, be
bad. When it is brought ashore, the good are
vessels and the bad thrown away. Become

ng. Select your thoughts carefully and throw

ovely and negative ones. Allow only that
good report to fill your mind and you will be the
an. In this same 13th Chapter of Matthew, the
asked, "Have you understood this?" It is my
everyone of you will answer, as they did to him,
s." Now it is said, "Do not put new wine into
s, for the skins will burst and the wine be
the skins destroyed; but put new wine into
ins so both are preserved." Old thoughts, the
f men, the belief in power outside of self are the
s which must be burst and allow the beliefs to
nd destroyed. New wine, gained by the
of God's promise within, must be put into your
s (fresh wineskins) so that both are preserved.

evolve on the outside. There is only one

ly one essence in man, called Christ and
od's power and your hope of glory. This power
ned if you, God's word, are not tarnished by
n a power outside of self. Awake! Give up all false
clothe yourself in the soft raiment of an internal
ch implies the fulfillment of your dream. The
beginning to end, is the psychological story of
d tells you that the first thing you must do is
thinking. I bring to you a new idea relative to
the phenomena of life, telling you that you are
believe yourself to be, but possess
s of infinite inner growth.

tion is always reached by an internal direction,

Be-attitudes. Be your attitude good, bad or
when you clothe yourself in an attitude, its
is not dependent upon anything external to you.
depend upon external laws to determine
e, you are on the level of Elijah and John the
ir teaching was wonderful, but it was stone,
e was a violent one. John the Baptist cannot
ngdom of heaven. You must overcome his state

ly turning within and disciplining your

itudes. This is your destiny. You are destined to
n yourself as you climb Jacob's ladder of
gher and higher levels of your own being. The
reness you desire to express must be bought by
of your beliefs in any external power to help you.
om their encumbrance, you will move in faith
sired state.

of John, Jesus, as a teacher, makes this

Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in
also in me." Then he adds this thought: "It is
at I go, lest the comforter will not come." Here
ching that is seemingly taught from without,
cessary for your belief in any external teacher to
r only then can the comforter within you be
ur belief in yourself grows, your heart will find

y one cause, only one I AM. I, the trinity, in

origin, AM God the Father, and in creative
M the son, for imagination is born of
s. I, in universal interpretation; in infinite
n eternal procession AM God, the Holy Spirit.
inition of imminence is "sooner than now and
here." I AM, therefore, the comforter. What
t you more than the knowledge that you don't
for your dreams to come true? They are nearer
d sooner than now. Let this knowledge be your
f there was a limit to that which is contained in
state, it would not be infinite. In the 23rd
xodus, this statement is made: "You shall not
in its mother's milk." I tell you, you are doing
ing when you keep your mind on a negative
your attention from want and lack (all negative
place it on fulfillment and abundance (positive
you will no longer simmer your desire in its

lls of the human spirit's never-ending struggle
s supremacy over the natural mind. Believing in
of the world outside, the natural mind rules
, while the human spirit is God in man,
o awaken and assert its supremacy over all. The
new this when he said, "Two souls are housed
east. One to heaven doth aspire and the other
h cling." In the 25th Chapter of Genesis this
told as the story of Isaac's two sons, Esau and
g first as outer skin and hair, Esau is
s your personality, while the smooth-skinned
r human spirit. We are told that when their
ah became aware of the struggle within her,
ed the Lord who told her, "Two nations are in
d two people born of you shall be divided.

stronger than the other and the elder shall


l world is known by reason of your critical

herefore, you can always discover the
l state in which you reside by observing your
the day. Now, every state has its limitations
ions from which there appears to be no escape.
ve you are the state in which you now reside,
er be able to leave it. But the story of Esau and
you there is a way of escape and how to

in your mind as the outer world of fact and

inner world of imagination. As their father,
power to give either son the right of birth.
g from where you have placed your attention,
ed upon to blind yourself to the outside world
our attention from it, then deceiving yourself
the world as you want it to be.

by closing your eyes to the so-called "facts" of

ning your thoughts inward. Now, clothe your
the feeling of reality until they are just as solid
as those known to you by reason of your outer
this is done you, Isaac, have given your son
ght of birth.

ve world is always reflecting your inner,

tate. Therefore, it is impossible to change your
until you have changed your inner, subjective
ng the state you want to occupy, completely
elf in it as though it were a sponge and you
pable of entering and being absorbed by it. So
f in the feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment
u open your eyes and Esau (the world without)
know you have given his birthright away.
have been self-deceived by imagining the
real, you have given it the power to be born.

ing to come about I do not know. Only your

aven knows, for he has ways to make your
e alive and His ways are past finding out.

s an essence in you that is sound asleep and

ened. When you give Jacob the power you
sau, watch. You will discover that Esau will no
violently but will become passive. Then you
at you have brought about a reversal of order.
ware of being Jacob, you will persist in seeing
t to see and experiencing what you want to
reby awakening your true essence to the truth
ld is yours and all within it.

Rebekah the Bible tells about and you are

ringing forth your Esau and your Jacob who
at war with one another. The elder is the world
reason of your critical faculties, while the
he one you know subjectively.

ou want to be is struggling for birth. As long

at and accept the outer world as the only
will never give birth to your fulfilled desire. You
ur attention inward and subjectively
your objective reality.

d the 25th and 27th Chapters of Genesis,

l the characters recorded there are in your
gh unmarried, you are always giving birth to
world in which you live is the outpicturing of
f awareness. That state is your first son which
lanted by your second son, or desired state.
he Bible, you will find there is always a
which replaces the first: Jacob supplants Esau;
nts John the Baptist; and the human spirit
man matter.

w what you want, define it as vividly as you

ind yourself to your externalized state by
unting. You cannot touch your second son
hed idea) until you do. This is accomplished by
attention away from all thoughts of denial and
r desire with the skins of reality. In his "Ode to
e," Keats said:

hes, and a drowsy numbness pains my sense

hemlock I have drunk."

the reality of his experience so vividly, when he

yes, Keats asked:

sion, or a waking dream? Fled is that music: do


his kind of intensity that I would ask you to

elf as you feel yourself already the person you
Now, stretch out your imaginary hands and
jects there. Listen with your imaginary ears.
r imaginary eyes. Walk in your imaginary
taste and smell the objects there.

e power can be used for anything, be it a fur

w hat. It is my hope that you will use it for
tate such as greatness in your chosen
whatever that may be. Now, let us look at the
of Genesis where the story of Judah and
d. "Judah" means "praise" and "Tamar" means
tate; a palm tree oasis. As Tamar, you thirst for
Give it to yourself by going into your desired
king it real by becoming one with it. Feel the
isfaction that your prayer has been answered
the woman called Tamar and the man named

d another account of twins in the 48th Chapter

This is the story of Manasseh (which means to
his brother Ephraim (which means to affirm).
ion and the other affirmation. When you take
on away from your problem by affirming its
e problem is momentarily forgotten. Persist in
tion, not in repetitious form, but in feeling. As
solution, the problem dies from lack of

g is not for the complacent but for the human

ungers and thirsts after right thinking. As we
the 5th Chapter of Matthew, "Blessed are those
nd thirst after righteousness, for they shall be
Awaken the Jacob in you by observing your
ritically. Think of yourself as two beings, one
h the organs of sense and the other who sees
mind of imagination. The sense man is a
habit. He is dynamic and active; yet, through
actice of self-observation, he can be brought
ve state and his power transferred to the man of
There are always two decided outlooks on the
i.e., the one you see with your outer organs
you know only mentally.

is mental, without shape or form. It is your

who will supplant your present world when
f awareness is turned within.

a longing? A consuming desire that you want

w? Allow that desire to clothe your mind.
its fulfillment is based upon feeling, ask
t the feeling would be like if your desire were
. Whatever your problem is, its solution is
Turn your attention to your desire's fulfillment
t in the skins of objective reality. This is the
reversal and should never be taken lightly
moment you feel yourself into a state, you
ke upon yourself the fruit of that state.

ow know how to clothe your subjective longing.

r desire as Jacob; then clothe it in the skins
Esau. The time it takes for your longing to
is proportionate to your feeling of its

of heaven is within you. Humanity cannot

ingdom, but your imagination can when you
elf from that to which you are now attached.
e a separation, for only the human spirit is
only the human spirit can pass, singly, through

ich requires a state of consciousness to

effect cannot be effected without such a state.
e entered a state, don't be concerned as to
be externalized, for everything comes into being
ciousness. You never create a state. All states
before the world was. Rather, you enter a
simply displays itself. Enter the state of poverty
I am poor" and you will see its evidence
your screen of space. You do not generate
th or happiness. The states are already there,
urnished and ready for your immediate

true, but truth by itself can do nothing. It

ied. Unapplied truth is like a lamp without oil,
truth is a lamp whose oil never runs low.
ere are no accidents, no cause other than an
. If an accident is fatal, it is an involuntary
we not told, "No one takes my life, I lay it down
ve the power to lay it down and the power to
gain." An accident is not a force external to the
consciousness. "No one knows a man but the
e man who dwells in him," and man is simply
l of his reactions to life. No one comes into
ave you call him. You have the power to call
o being, for you are the author of the drama

fers to God as the Father; as I AMness, or light,

means consciousness" which, like an atom,
consciousness is living substance which has no
d no end but simply displays arrangements of
rnal man consents to age, but the substance of
s does not. It never changes. Before the world
nd when it ceases to be, there will still be I AM.
can say "I was" or "I will be," but the internal
says only "I AM." Knowing your desire, persist
ht that you already have it until your thoughts
ual. If you do not, you will find yourself
your old way of thinking and perpetuate it,
r seeing your desire externalize itself.

you with this thought. While man is violent,

exist. The animal is only externalized
man's violence. The dinosaurs were lumbering
small brains and bore witness to the lumbering
at that time. The dinosaurs were not killed off
xtinct naturally. Let man become tame and all
will become sterile.


into this world of decay and death began with

of "I" and where you place that feeling, there
u can place your feeling of "I" in the mud of
on the lovely ground of positive assumption.
of "I" is always with you. It is your slave and
for wherever you go, there "I" am also.

ter of Numbers begins with Moses being given

by the Lord as to how to erect a tabernacle, or
imony and move it across the desert. He was
g the day a cloud will cover the tabernacle, and
will have the appearance of a pillar of fire.
cloud rises, the children of Israel must
he place where the cloud settles down, there
ust remain. It may rise once a week, once a
nger, but when it ascends, the children of

nacle is an elongated place of worship which is

covered with skin. You are that temple
, and the spirit of God dwells within you as
cloud is a garment of water (or psychological
covers the "I" and that to which it testifies.

es not move in time but is lifted up by the "I" it

rding to my senses, "I" am now in the Palace
e lift the cloud from my testament by
the feeling of "I" from the evidence of my
ove by placing my "I" in a predetermined
y whole world moves with me. Clothing myself
the cloud covers me as I testify to the state I
tered. At this moment, you may have placed
of "I" in an unlovely state and, unless you lift
which covers you, you are anchored there and
e of changing the circumstances of your life.

fting of the cloud and placing your feeling of "I"

sirable state involves a death, for when the
it breaks (or kills) the cycle of recurrence you

e detected only as a change of position with

nother body, and all motion spoken of in
psychological. Every state exists in this
l land from which your "I" journeys. All you
xtract your "I" from where it is now and place it
etermined state. But how will you know you
By using a frame of reference. While sitting
our chair, you can lift your cloud by placing the
IF" in an entirely different psychological state. No
this motion, for yours is a spiritual journey.
state, look for confirmation of your move on
people there. Are they surprised to see you?

py for you? A little jealous? Look, until you see

ons on their faces. If there is a change in your
I," you will find an automatic alteration in your
sion of life.

ay, you wear your garment of truth (the cloud);

nt you begin to meditate, the brain grows
is is the pillar of fire by night. Remember, "I
," and wherever you place your feeling of "I,"
st abide.

Chapter of Deuteronomy we are told that Moses

the plains of Moab to Nebo, and there to
is opposite Jericho, where he was shown all
t was his. The word "Moses" means "to draw
not a man but your creative power which can
you any state you have placed your "I," struck
d produced the water.

ab" means "mother/ father" which is your "I

your present state, your Moab may be saying,

," "I am sick," "I am impoverished." But "Nebo"

ophesy your longing by the feeling of I."

ns "to contemplate." When you enter your

e, observe your Jericho, for it will have a
r as that is what the word "Jericho" means.
in consciousness, remain in your chosen state
ve a reaction that satisfies you. A violent
duces a horrible odor, while a lovely reaction
richo and a lovely odor. You see, Jericho is not
he Near East, but a state which produces the
complishment within you.

Chapter of the Book of John, Jesus speaks to

, "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in
also in me. In my Father's house are many
were not so would I have told you that I go to
ace for you? And when I go and prepare a place
ll come again and take you to myself that where
y be also." This is not a man speaking to
self speaking to self. You are Jesus
) telling yourself that there are unnumbered
wareness for you to enter, and you are inviting
se the state you wish to inhabit. After selecting
magination will go and prepare it for you so that
again (as you must) , for wherever you abide
on, there you shall reside also in the flesh. If
what I have told you, determine to change your
I." There is no power that can keep you from
ur dream, but you! And no man can compel you
state. You have the power to select your state
, thereby making it alive or, leave a state,
ing it. The decision (and its consequences) is
urs alone. The day you can become an
," watching your reactions and seeing the
the thing observed as two distinct beings, you
u can enter any state and it will outpicture
will know that all the mansions of your Father's

ousness) contains the whole of creation, and

ess comes imagination. Where there is no
s, there is no imagination. When you enter a
I AM is having a psychological experience. When
out a state, you have a subject and its object;
experience a state, you have unification.

tally look at your day. Can you remember

w this morning? If your reaction to them is the
was earlier, then you have not changed your
I." Your friends and relations are your frame of
se them in your journey. The command in the
of Joshua is: "When you start, turn not from it
hand or to the left that you may prosper
go, for I, the Lord your God, am with you."
ide in the state you desire until your whole
meated with its reaction that you may reap its
your consciousness, am with you, and I AM the

g of truth deals with the feeling of "I," for only

ing can change come about. If you continue to
e reactions, you have not changed your
ur world forever conforms to your inner
Remember your aim a thousand times in the
day. Notice your thoughts in regard to it, and
lovely ones. If you are not successful, it is
not practicing this truth and applying this

temple of the living God, and the Spirit of God

u. What has a believer in common with a non-
me out from them and separate yourself from
will welcome you." Come, let us live on the


agination and Divine Imagination are one

. They are not two. Your human imagination
r to turn your water of life into the wine of
is you will do when you release your
from its bonds of limitation, for when
is truly free, it can accomplish miracles.

lls imagination man's savior and identifies this

nefactor as Christ. When Christ is awakened
you, your human imagination becomes divine
ed Christ, your individual imagination is the
ween the father of all life and the external
Man. Having imagined wealth, it is the human
who walks on the water of life and denies the
his senses by claiming, "I am wealthy." His
mediates God to Man.

ter in scripture lives in the mind. When you

le, turn to self and ask, "What state would I be
doing this?" When reading the story of Moses,
e he. Assume the state of faith when you read
You are Joseph, the dreamer, and Thomas,
and you are destined to be Jesus Christ, the
sen Imagination.

most external thing a man can wear. When you

who wears camel's hair or leather, you are
ne whose mind is tied to the outside. His
f life is external and dependent entirely on
he 5th Chapter of Mark, the story is told of an
who, being unclothed, lived among the dead
elf on the stones. When Awakened
passed by, the innocent one cried out, "Do not
" and when asked his name, he answered, "My
on, for we are many." A being not yet
ed in a spiritual sense is innocent for he knows

is doing. He is Legion because he has

"I's" in him, i.e., "I am ill," "I am poor," "I am
m weak," and "I am mistreated," to name but a
among the dead and sleeping the sleep of death,
understanding of life and its cause are stones
d bruise. But the spiritual man has a personal
ned history, a predetermined self. In the realm
t, he becomes what he wills. When
s turns within, the spirit awakens to his true
en, casting out all belief in any external cause,
d in his right mind and sits at the foot of the
them out.

only the name given by those who have no

works of faith. The story is told of a man named
daughter was believed to be dead. But
gination ignored the thought and said, "Do
ly believe." Arriving at the house, he questioned,
weep? The child is not dead, but sleeping."
hed the child and said, "I say to you, -rise."
she got up and walked. Then Jesus turned to
and said, "Give her something to eat." Every
desire, every idea is your child. Looking at the
ppears to be dead to you, the natural man. But
al "I" knows the desire is not dead but
iting to be touched for its resurrection. With
(child) made alive within you through the
ch, it must be fed in order to bring about its
is done by turning your attention to it.
urn to the 5th Chapter of the Book of John
aks of the pool of Bethesda and its five
story is told of a sick man who waits for the
e water by an angel, believing that whoever
he pool first, after the movement, will be healed.
him if he wanted to be healed, Awakened
said, "Rise, take up your pallet and walk," and
man was healed and, taking up his pallet, he

thesda" means "house of mercy." And the pool

re is consciousness which must be stirred by
messenger of God). Any idea you entertain is
disturbing your consciousness. The pool is
mere assumption, and stirred as you bathe in
s always first person, present tense. No one can
he pool by affirmation. Although seemingly
u rest on the five porches, or senses when you
evidence and refuse to change your
s. No one need help you. Who could be first in
er than self which is your "I." Knowing what
se in the assumption that your desire is
sfied (healed) and it will be.

Chapter, John rejoices saying, "I have finished

u gayest me to do. Father, glorify thou me in
lf with the glory which I had with thee before
ld was. I have kept them in thy name which
ven me and none is lost but the son of
or their sake, I consecrate myself that they also
crated in the truth, for I dwell in them and
n me and we are one." The work you gave
do is to awaken from this dream of life. Having
limitations of the flesh, you will awaken to
entity and become your own glory when the
made passive and the inner you, dynamic.
of perdition is the belief in loss. Knowing that
xist in the human imagination, nothing can be
ou realize this truth, you will no longer believe
reby fulfilling scripture.

ficult thing to grasp is that there is no one

elf. Believing others needed to change, I worked
nking that the world would be so much better
d be different. Then I awoke and sanctified
in so doing, they were sanctified, for I dwell in
y dwell in me and we are one. There is no one
t self.

ol your thoughts and allow only those which

our ideal to flow from you, your world will
lf in harmony with them. Remember, you
ware of a fault or greatness in another were
r greatness not present in you. Remove the fault
wn "I". Place the greatness there and watch
hange as it reflects your change in

Chapter of Matthew, the disciples were

"Who do men say the son of man is?" They
say John the 13aptist, others Elijah, and others
one of the prophets." Then he asked, "But
ay that

Peter replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of


nt time, you may be concerned as to what

of you, but when you have awakened to your
y, it will not matter to you what others think.
w from experience that you are the Christ, the
iving God. Flesh and blood will not reveal this to
r Father who is in heaven reveals it. Through
ge, you will have been given the keys to the
whatever you bind on earth will be bound in
whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in
ng found the answer to the everlasting
Who am I," no man can ever take this knowledge
is wisdom comes from within.

bandon yourself to a psychological experience.

e one with a state in your imagination, you will
mpass it in the flesh. This being true, yours is a
innocence to imagination to experience.

ady the person you want to be. Claim it and

will display it by being it. By your fruits you

r life is not what you want it to be, stop

ne; just keep working on changing your
I" and abide in your desired state. Persist.,
.persist, for at the moment of non-reaction,
s change. We rise by an energy others call
it takes energy to act and react. All through the
r your aim by constantly identifying yourself
your reactions flow into your aim. Ask for
eeper understanding of that which you think
rstand. I trust everyone has an aim to be
not limit yourself to any textbook. Stop
at any one man can write a book that is final
uth. Start to dig. No one can grow without
A different attitude is the solution to every
your new direction (attitude) you escape that
en wrapped around you. There is no one to
elf, so start changing yourself today!

aking of you when he made this statement,

eyes were opened, they recognized him and he
m their sight."

" is awakened, you will find that which you

arching for, and the belief in a power outside
disappear. In Francis Thompson's poem, The
ven, he tells of how: "I fled Him, down the
own the days; I fled Him, down the arches of
fled Him, down the labyrinthine ways Of my

over at the end that "He was my very self."

re blind, though hounded constantly by the

ven. He cannot believe in the non-historicity
but continues to hold onto his little beliefs even
es not know what to do with them.

t seek truth; they seek only supports for their

it. But I say to you, "Do not think that I have
g peace on earth; I have not come to bring
sword. I have come to set a man against his
daughter against her mother and a daughter-
st her mother-in-law, for a man's foes are those
ousehold." When truth comes, it sets a man at
self, for he will discover that he can no longer
what he formerly believed in.

d quietly listen to the words you want to hear.

ection, internally, you can change the course
and free yourself from the prisons of your mind.
yourself best by looking into the face of
you cannot judge one who has not awakened
am of life. Living in his physical, animal world,
chanically and automatically just like a


of Ephesians we are told to "Awake, O sleeper,

om the dead, and Christ shall give you light."
ng and rising comes about through an inner
for the Bible is your autobiography. It was
ired the prophets to record their visions. And
o will fulfill their prophecies in a first person,
e experience. As you read the Bible, get your
into it. Study its message, and your
g will go deeper and deeper as you travel

aches self-help. Do not look to any leader on

only look to self by turning within. If anyone
for you what you can do for yourself, reject
and turn to Christ, God's creative power in you,
life, your light of the world. By changing your
rist will change your world.

spoken of in scripture, is the "mind of man." It

sychological earth that the idea of the kingdom
s implanted. While in the state of sleep, false
ve crept in. Called tares, they grow with the
ll be harvested; therefore, you must become
d clear the weeds by killing every belief in a
e the mind.

is rich is complacent. Satisfied with his social

l positions, he is not hungry to grow. If you are
your life will not change, for you will not be
irst for a higher level of awareness. You and
ow whether the hunger has come upon you or
have not begun the work you gave yourself to
begin to uncritically observe your thoughts.
do, you will discover that you are not as
nest, or courageous as you thought you were.

ect a future upon which you want to work and

watchful. Question yourself by saying, "Am I
tense? Do I want this? Is that the way my
me to see him? Am I limiting myself?" Then
imagination, for imagination is passive while
llows that which is false to take the throne.
houghts. Reclaim your throne and consciously
uman imagination to rule your world! Your
ation, once activated, will awaken as a little
n violence, in a manger where the wild beasts
grow in wisdom and power as the outer you will,
ve and powerless. But, you must be watchful
of your thoughts in order to bring the outer
sivity. Only then will you know what it is like
world but not of it. The purpose of this
to awaken the Christ who is asleep in man,
ferent states into being, and bring him to the
rcle of humanity where man is self-aware.

aware of your true self, you will no longer

ping man. You will know they are machines,
who do not know what they are doing.

are not subjective, intangible things, but

. Begin to awaken the Christ in you by clothing
ive desires in objective reality. I promise you,
do this, they will become facts in your world.
that you will not lie to yourself anymore. Work
ure within yourself. Become extremely
d honest with yourself and watch the energy
y moved into negative states, flow into your
Perhaps your aim is to become a great teacher,
you want to impose your will upon others, but
want to awaken in others what you have
yourself. The awakening begins when you feel
; a division of the natural and the spiritual
you to which all things are possible. It is this
u that clothes your subjective state in reality.

the feeling of "I," you can direct your life

nd escape the prison of your present state
f what it may be. By thinking from the point of
e problem is solved, you move from the problem
ion. This change of attitude is called the Be-
n other words, you are

you want to be by assuming that you already

you know what you want, consciously clothe
a new concept of self by extracting your "I" from
of the senses and placing it in the place you
By this assumption (or be-attitude), you have
om one state to another. "And I, if I be lifted
ll men to me."

e lifted yourself up into the new states abide

t come back to the testimonies of your, senses,
n your desire until a different world is
Every change in the feeling of "I" automatically
nges in the external world; therefore, you
o die daily to your old beliefs. The statement,
ose their life for my sake will find it," means
f all that you now consent to. If you lose it, you
ur "I" reclothing itself on a higher level of beings;
ing a new expression in your world.

in a new direction, the journey is made in the

ical journey may follow, but the journey must
he inside first. Where you are, is what you
lly are at that moment. An enlightened being
mountain top and the human imagination,
ely controlled, is personified as a being called

ou are violent, you are asleep. Awaken the

u by watching your actions and reactions to life,
lose your impulse to retaliate. What happens
is not important, but how you react to what
Your reactions define you. They tell you where
you attract life in its most minute detail.

es not teach reincarnation. Its central teaching

th of consciousness into ever higher and higher
must be born by water and spirit, not water
a man be born of the Spirit, he cannot enter
evel of being called the kingdom of heaven. In
of lectures, you have received psychological
as to how to go about working on yourself. Your
n washed of certain errors, baptized and born
t, unless this truth is applied, you will not be

ry" means "water." Christ, the "I" in you, is

r and of the Holy Spirit. The outer you cannot
ructions. He is literal and takes things literally,
iving nothing but stone. The righteous man,
conscious of being the man he wants to be,
olish man steals from himself by not claiming
Every time you see a man less than what he
you have robbed him of The state necessary to

e heathen who, by vain repetition hopes he can

of God. Rather, when you pray, go within and
or, and your Father who hears in secret will
penly. You have but to change the feeling of
he door to the outer world and feel yourself into
ur friend desires. With a planned program, see
to him from the premise that he is that
dy. Keep the door of reason and logic closed
faith that what you have heard and seen, in
be rewarded openly, and it will.

s written by the conscious circle of humanity.

you enter at the moment of wakefulness.) Not
men, the Bible is divine instruction with
terpretations. It is a test in the development of
anding and, as you grow, its understanding

wraps himself in conditions (states), the

lly is, is I AM. Anything man will consent to, he
t in his world. Can you accept as fact what
and senses deny? Or must you always bow to
tates? The same consciousness that produces
uces sickness, wealth or poverty. Whatever you
conscious of, whatever you affirm as true, you

w the spiritual being within you, you will

upremacy of imagination and put all things
o it. All knees must bow to imagination.

are transformed into the same image." Can

given situation and make it so natural that
sformed into its image? You can when you, all
feel the naturalness of the image you behold.

not divided; therefore, everyone is but a

f the one. You are told to love your neighbors as
r there is no other. Sanctify self, not another.
thers will not change them; only by changing
l the others change. Seek confirmation of your
u are not growing. All textbooks are manmade
ed from on high. Stick to them and you will
eir level. Believe in self! Trust your human
and you will grow in wisdom and in stature
grow, you outgrow your former beliefs.

arding the historicity of the Bible are not

e Encyclopedia Biblica was published in 1888.
Oxford University, it took twelve years for
and twenty-seven brilliant minds from all
mplete it. These men, who knew the ancient
er intense research came to the conclusion that
rom cover to cover, was mythological allegory.
erful book is Smith's Dictionary of the Bible.
1860, it is made up of four volumes.

red that the writers of the Bible used a phallic

ch they attached their psychological truths.
eir eyes were opened, they knew him." To
have union with and become what is beheld;
e vanished from their sight when they knew

hapter of 1st John, he tells us, "See what love

as given us that we should be called children
so we are. The world does not know us because
know him. As God's children, it does not yet
we shall be, but we know that when he
shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
hopes in him, purifies himself, as he is

children, destined to be God himself, and God

ything he, individualized as you, consents to.
esolve only to hear what is good concerning
another. If you adopt this attitude, everything
your mind will contribute to a noble life and
cover the joy of feasting on higher states.

ies, it is an expansion into a dimensionally

If you have not awakened here, you must start
the fourth dimension. Climbing a
s dimensional time block, you ascend by
ur ability to function in a dimensionally larger
ach dimensional world is contained in a
y larger world; in turn that world is contained
imensionally larger world without end. But,
the love the Father has given you, test him,
everyone who hopes in him, purifies himself

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