Principe de Fonctionnement Du Capteur de Vide
Principe de Fonctionnement Du Capteur de Vide
Principe de Fonctionnement Du Capteur de Vide
de vide :
Les capteurs de vide sont des dispositifs conçus pour mesurer la pression dans un environnement
donné, en particulier lorsque cette pression est très faible, proche ou égale au vide. Leur
fonctionnement repose généralement sur l'utilisation de différentes technologies, mais voici les
principes de fonctionnement généraux
Operation principle of the vacuum sensor: Vacuum sensors are devices designed to measure the
pressure in a given environment, especially when this pressure is very low, close to or equal to
vacuum. Their operation generally relies on the use of different technologies, but here are the
general operating principles:
• Conversion into electrical signal: Once the pressure is detected, the sensor converts it into an
electrical signal proportional to the measured pressure. This signal is usually analog but can also be
digital in modern sensors.
• Signal transmission and processing: The electrical signal is then transmitted to an electronic
processing circuit. In this circuit, the signal may be amplified, filtered, and converted if necessary to
suit the specific requirements of the application.
• Display or use of the result: Finally, the result is displayed on a screen or used to control a
process, depending on the sensor's objective. For example, in industrial vacuum applications, it
may be used to monitor the operation of vacuum pumps or to monitor the vacuum in a vacuum
• Membrane deformation: Some vacuum sensors use a flexible membrane as a sensing element.
When the external pressure changes, the membrane deforms, altering a measurable physical
property such as electrical capacitance, electrical resistance, or surface tension. This variation is
then converted into an electrical signal proportional to the pressure.
• Piezoelectric effect: Some piezoelectric materials produce an electric charge when subjected to
mechanical stress, such as pressure. In vacuum sensors based on the piezoelectric effect, this
charge is measured and converted into an estimation of pressure.
• Strain gauges: Strain gauges are devices used to measure the deformation of an object under
stress. In vacuum sensors, they are attached to a surface subjected to pressure. Deformation of the
surface under pressure alters the electrical resistance of the strain gauges, which can be measured
and used to determine pressure.chamber.