texts to study
texts to study
texts to study
A personal computer(PC) is any computer whose size ,capabilities ,and original sales price make it useful
for individuals, and which is intended to be operated directly by an end user, with no intervening computer
operator. This is in contrast to the batch processing or time- sharing models which allowed large expensive
mainframe systems to be used by many people, usually at the same time , or large data processing systems
which required a full time staff to operate efficiently.
- A personal computer may be a desktop computer, a laptop, tablet PC or a handheld PC (also called
palmtop). The most common microprocessors in a personal computers are x86-compatibleCPUs. Software
applications for personal computers include word-processing, spreadsheets, databases, web browsers, e-
mail clients, and games . Modern personal computers often have high-speed or dial –up connections to the
internet, allowing access to the World Wide Web and a wide range of other resources.
PC may be used at home ,or may found in an office. Personal computers can be connected to a local area
network (LAN) either by a cable or wirelessly.
Reading comprehension:
a/ Answer the following questions according to the text.
1-How many sentences are there in the first paragraph?
2-What is a PC?
3-What does the software applications include?
4- Give a suitable title to the text?
Reading comprehension
Reading comprehension
1/Read the text and answer the following questions.
Alors que l'on avait annoncé la quasi-disparition des secrétaires, supplantées par les
ordinateurs, elles bénéficient aujourd'hui d'un environnement en pleine expansion. Le secrétariat
occupe à l'heure actuelle un grand nombre de personnes, essentiellement des femmes. On trouve des
secrétaires dans tous les secteurs : services, industrie, fonction publique, grandes ou petites
Avec l'introduction massive de l'informatique dans l'entreprise, la tâche des secrétaires a gagné
en responsabilités. Aux traditionnelles tâches administratives et de frappe, que l'ordinateur a permis
de gérer avec plus de souplesse et de rapidité, se sont ajoutées des fonctions plus élevées. Plus
proches de leurs supérieurs hiérarchiques, les secrétaires sont de plus en plus devenues leurs
assistantes. Elles peuvent être polyvalentes ou spécialisées, et leurs fonctions varient suivant la taille,
l'organisation et le type d'entreprise.
On les appelle secrétaires ou assistantes de fonction, lorsqu'elles sont rattachées à un service
spécialisé direction commerciale, direction du personnel… Ainsi, en plus du travail de secrétariat
classique, leurs compétences s'étendent à un domaine spécifique. Une assistante d'un service des
ressources humaines traite ce qui concerne le personnel : recrutement, gestion des carrières,
Une assistante commerciale fait le relais entre les commerciaux et la direction du service, elle
peut être en contact avec les clients ; elle peut traiter des commandes, organiser des livraisons ; elle a
en charge la gestion des dossiers des clients, les révisions de vente…
On trouve également des secrétaires spécialisées (juridique, médico-sociale, trilingue…) qui ont
suivi une formation particulière dans le but de travailler dans des entreprises ou à des postes bien
D'une façon générale, les principales fonctions des métiers du secrétariat sont : La
communication avec les personnes de l'entreprise, ou extérieurs à l'entreprise : téléphone, fax, e-mail,
réception de visiteurs. La saisie et la présentation de documents à l'aide d'outils bureautiques. Le tri,
le dépouillement et le classement de documents, la transmission du courrier et La gestion des
agendas, plannings, l'organisation de réunions, déplacements, manifestations…
Pour exercer le métier de secrétariat, les secrétaires doivent jouir de certaines qualités
indispensables comme la discrétion, la disponibilité et l’adaptabilité.
On peut aussi citer le sens des contacts et de l'organisation, l'amabilité, l'esprit d'initiative, la
rigueur, la capacité d'analyse et de synthèse, la mémoire, ainsi qu'une excellente présentation, mais
aussi esprit d'initiative et autonomie.
Enfin, notons que le métier de la secrétaire comporte de nombreux avantages : elle est souvent
comparée à la courroie de transmission d’une automobile. Tout passe par elle : les clients, les
fournisseurs, les collaborateurs, les dirigeants. Dans sa position, la secrétaire a la chance d’être au
courant de tout, d’avoir de l’incidence sur le fonctionnement de son organisation. Sans elle, tout peut
se déglinguer. C’est dire à quel point son rôle est important !
I- Compréhension de l’écrit
Bon courage
Text :
A smart card is a plastic card containing a processor and memory chip . it can be used to store
large amounts of confidential data including coded data that can be used as digital cash (electronic
currency that is used for making electronic purchases over the internet ). It can also be used as a
security device to prevent or allow access to a system and allow a user to withdraw cash from a
bank ATM (automatic teller machine : a type of machine used by banks for enabling customers to
withdraw money from their bank accounts). A smart card reader is a device used for reading smart
cards by detecting radio signals emitted from a radio antenna ( aerial) in the form of a small
coil inside the smart card.
Reading comprehension :
Reading comprehension
A/ Read the phone conversation bellow and chooses the correct answer for each question.
Mrs. Johnson: Hello, this is Mrs. .Johnson .I’d like to speak to Mr. Brown.
Secretary: I’m afraid he is not available just now. Is there anything I could do for you?
Mrs. Johnson : I’m calling because I want a copy of the report of the project we’ve been working for
. a year and a half.
Secretary ; What project are you talking about? Our company is involved in many projects
Mrs Johnson; It’s the project ENGLISH FOR THE WORLD OF WORK.
Secretary ; Could you give me some more details?
Mrs Johnson : It’s a project which came into being at the British council initiative .19schools have .
. been involved in this project
Secretary : Oh, I know a lot of things about it. A lot of employees in our company are involved in .
. this project .but I’m afraid that only Mr. Brown can help you in this respect.
Mrs jonson : Could you ask him to call me back, please?
My number is: 0044 02668 214590.
Secretary : I’ll ask him to call you back as soon as he’s free.
Mrs .johnson : Thank you very much for your help.
Secretary : No problem. Goodbye
a/ Choose the correct answer:
1- What is the name of the project which is mentioned in the phone conversation?
a- Free fighters b- British council c- English for the world of work
2- How long have Mrs. Johnson and Mr. brown been working together on this project?
a- 10 years b- a month c- a year and a half
3- Where is Mrs. Johnson?
a- it is no mentioned b- in her office c- in the street
b/ decide whether the following sentences are true or false
1- The company Mr. Brown works for is involved only in the project ENGLISH FOR THE WORLD OF
2- None of the employees have been involved in the project ENGLISH FOR THE WORLD OF
3- Mrs. Johnson wants a report of the project ENGLISH FOR THE WORLD OF WORK………………..
Text : 01
A computer is a device that processes data according to a set of instructions known as the equipment
is known as the hardware and the programs and data are the software . a special set of programs called
an operating system , provides an interface for the user and allows application programs to communicate
with the hardware . Common application programs include word processor for creating and editing
texts, spreadsheets for calculating mathematical formulae and databases for storing data in a way that
allows the data to be sorted and searched . anti-virus programs are used to detect and remove viruses
(harmful programs that can reproduce themselves and attach themselves to other programs).some
operating systems have graphical interfaces that allow the computer use to select items from menus and
to start programs using an input device called a mouse . this is done by pressing a button on the mouse ,
clicking the mouse .device the main device for inputting the data is a typewriter _ style keyboard and
the output is commonly displayed on a monitor screen that looks like a small television screen.
Text :02