its fucking snowing outside i've never seen snow in my life what is this shit

can you get out of here
Being a flop changed my life. The world is not my oyster, I am glowing. I walked into a pole this morning. There's very little I wouldn't do for $1,000
Anonymous sent:
honestly look at the bright side at least you’re not 14
23AndMe is circling the drain. GET YOUR DATA OUT OF THERE!
“To Delete Genetic Data from 23andMe:
- Consumers can delete their account and personal information by taking the following steps:
- Log into your 23andMe account on their website.
- Go to the “Settings” section of your profile.
- Scroll to a section labeled “23andMe Data” at the bottom of the page.
- Click “View” next to “23andMe Data”
- Download your data: If you want a copy of your genetic data for personal storage, choose the option to download it to your device before proceeding.
- Scroll to the “Delete Data” section.
- Click “Permanently Delete Data.”
- Confirm your request: You’ll receive an email from 23andMe; follow the link in the email to confirm your deletion request.”
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