frank | 27 | nonbinary lesbian | white/latine | he/they/it

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frank | 27 | nonbinary lesbian | white/latine | he/they/it

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  • me whenever anybody says that they like me/that i’m their friend

  • 611,822 notes
  • image

    asuka is a little confused about the purpose of pride month

  • 16,792 notes
  • Being a flop changed my life. The world is not my oyster, I am glowing. I walked into a pole this morning. There's very little I wouldn't do for $1,000

  • 6,594 notes
    Anonymous sent:

    honestly look at the bright side at least you’re not 14

    I’M NOT FOURTEEN!!!!!!

    57,347 notes
  • disco elysium text reading, "No, that wasn't my fascist line, that was my ultraliberal one. I can do the fascist one if you want."ALT

    not enough love for this line tbh

  • 7,552 notes
  • 23AndMe is circling the drain. GET YOUR DATA OUT OF THERE!

    To Delete Genetic Data from 23andMe:

    1. Consumers can delete their account and personal information by taking the following steps:
    2. Log into your 23andMe account on their website. 
    3. Go to the “Settings” section of your profile.
    4. Scroll to a section labeled “23andMe Data” at the bottom of the page. 
    5. Click “View” next to “23andMe Data”
    6. Download your data: If you want a copy of your genetic data for personal storage, choose the option to download it to your device before proceeding.
    7. Scroll to the “Delete Data” section. 
    8. Click “Permanently Delete Data.” 
    9. Confirm your request: You’ll receive an email from 23andMe; follow the link in the email to confirm your deletion request.”
  • 3,060 notes
    theme by amboise