Books by Denise Brennan
What are the challenges to rebuilding a life after being trafficked into forced labor? Anthropolo... more What are the challenges to rebuilding a life after being trafficked into forced labor? Anthropologist Denise Brennan spent nearly ten years following the resettlement of men and women who were trafficked to the United States. Life Interrupted: Trafficking into Forced Labor in the United States is an account of their struggles in and after trafficking. While many believe trafficking happens only in the sex trade, Brennan shows that across low-wage labor sectors—in fields, factories, and homes— widespread exploitation can lead to and conceal forced labor. Brennan contends that today's punitive immigration policies undermine efforts to fight trafficking. Exploited workers stay silent about abuse for fear of arrest and deportation. Life Interrupted is a riveting account of life in and after trafficking and a forceful call for meaningful immigration and labor reform.
What's Love Got to Do with It? follows the lives of resourceful Dominican and Haitian women who c... more What's Love Got to Do with It? follows the lives of resourceful Dominican and Haitian women who capitalize on the sex-tourist boom to meet, feign love, marry, and move overseas with foreign men. They use the local sex-tourist business as a stepping stone to international migration.
Articles by Denise Brennan
This article considers how, in the United States, a rhetorical and policy shift that focuses on d... more This article considers how, in the United States, a rhetorical and policy shift that focuses on domestic youth in prostitution affects the broader effort to fight trafficking of foreign nationals in industries other than sex work. Common sense suggests that with resources directed toward finding domestic youth in forced prostitution, fewer efforts will be made to reach foreign workers exploited in work sites outside of the sex industry. The author contends that the low numbers of individuals found thus far in forced (nonsexual) labor nationwide have been, in part, a consequence of not looking. This article also examines a number of factors that prevent migrant workers who have experienced a range of exploitation from coming forward about these abuses. In an environment of undocumented migrants' increasing distrust of law enforcement, there are many challenges to finding individuals who are subject to forced labor.
This article focuses on gossip about Dominican womens sexual labor as an entry point into documen... more This article focuses on gossip about Dominican womens sexual labor as an entry point into documenting shifting gender relations and ideologies in Sosúa, a sex tourist destination frequented primarily by German tourists. In Sosúas sexscape, new meanings of masculinity have emerged alongside womens earning capacity. While sex workers must temper their displays of monetary gains so as to not compromise their reputations as mothers sacrificing for their children, men openly enjoy freedom from gender ideologies that make demands on them to appear as hard working and sacrificing fathers. In this sexual economy, men even can flaunt their unemployment. Their laziness and/or dependency are recast as macho. Here is one industry where poor Dominican women have the opportunity to make significant earnings and to jump out of poverty, yet their labor strategies do not necessarily ensure a reconfiguration of gender roles and ideologies that works in their favor. Rather, migrant men in Sosúa enjoy such a reworking that lowers expectations for them, while women are caught in a set of increased expectations. [
Genre, sexualité et société, 2011
Chapters by Denise Brennan
Revisiting the Law and Governance of Trafficking, Forced Labor, and Modern Slavery, 2016
Global Latin America, 2016
Human Trafficking Reconsidered: Rethinking the Problem, Envisioning New Solutions, 2014
Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective, 2013
Sex for Sale: Prostitution, Pornography, and the Sex Industry, 2009
Book Reviews by Denise Brennan
American Anthropologist, 2019
Special review section on Sally Engle Merry's, 'The Seductions of Quantification'.
Books by Denise Brennan
Articles by Denise Brennan
Chapters by Denise Brennan
Book Reviews by Denise Brennan