blob: 8819a1693cb60e965df59fc96d98d4caf42a67c0 [file] [log] [blame]
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Aaron Schulz",
"Akshay Agarwal",
"Alex Monk",
"Amir E. Aharoni",
"Andrew Garrett",
"Brad Jorsch",
"Brion Vibber",
"Bryan Davis",
"Chris Steipp",
"Douglas Gardner",
"Federico Leva",
"JuneHyeon Bae",
"Kunal Mehta",
"Marius Hoch",
"Niklas Laxström",
"Peter Gehres",
"Raimond Spekking",
"Rotem Liss",
"Sam Reed",
"Siebrand Mazeland",
"Tim Starling",
"Victor Vasiliev",
"Yuki Shira"
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-global-user-editcount": "Global edit count of the user ($1)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-global-user-groups": "Global groups that the user is in ($1)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-global-account-editcount": "Global edit count of the user on account creation ($1)",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-global-account-groups": "Global groups that the user is in on account creation ($1)",
"action-centralauth-createlocal": "forcibly create a local account",
"action-centralauth-lock": "lock or unlock global accounts",
"action-centralauth-merge": "merge their account",
"action-centralauth-suppress": "suppress or hide global account",
"action-centralauth-rename": "rename global accounts",
"action-centralauth-unmerge": "unmerge global accounts",
"action-globalgroupmembership": "edit membership to global groups",
"action-globalgrouppermissions": "manage global groups",
"centralauth": "Global account manager",
"centralauth-abortlogin-renamed": "Your account was renamed to \"$1\". Please use that username instead.",
"centralauth-account-exists": "Cannot create account: The requested username is already taken by a user on another wiki.",
"centralauth-account-exists-reset": "The username $1 is not registered on this wiki, but you can reset its password on [[Special:CentralAuth/$1|a wiki where it is]].",
"centralauth-account-rename-exists": "Cannot create account: The username is already in use. Please pick another name.",
"centralauth-account-unattached-exists": "Cannot create account: The username is already in use. Please pick another name.",
"centralauth-admin-action-hide-lists": "Hide selected accounts from the global users list",
"centralauth-admin-action-hide-nochange": "Do not change visibility levels",
"centralauth-admin-action-hide-none": "Unhide selected accounts",
"centralauth-admin-action-hide-oversight": "Completely hide selected accounts",
"centralauth-admin-action-lock-lock": "Lock selected accounts",
"centralauth-admin-action-lock-nochange": "Do not change locks",
"centralauth-admin-action-lock-unlock": "Unlock selected accounts",
"centralauth-admin-already-unmerged": "Skipping $1, already unmerged",
"centralauth-admin-bad-input": "Invalid merge selection.",
"centralauth-admin-blocked-reason": "Reason: $1",
"centralauth-admin-blocked2": "Blocked, expires $2 at $3.",
"centralauth-admin-blocked2-indef": "Blocked indefinitely.",
"centralauth-admin-blocklog": "block log",
"centralauth-admin-delete-button": "Delete this account",
"centralauth-admin-delete-confirm": "Do you really want to delete this account?",
"centralauth-admin-delete-description": "Deleting the global account will detach all local accounts, and leave the global name free for another user to take.\nAll local accounts will continue to exist.",
"centralauth-admin-delete-nonexistent": "Error: the global account \"<nowiki>$1</nowiki>\" does not exist.",
"centralauth-admin-cannot-lock-temporary-account": "You cannot lock temporary accounts, as locking them will just allow them to get a new temporary account on their next edit.",
"centralauth-admin-delete-success": "The global account for \"<nowiki>$1</nowiki>\" was deleted",
"centralauth-admin-delete-title": "Delete account",
"centralauth-admin-group-temporary": "$1 ''(temporary)''",
"centralauth-admin-hidden-list": "from the global users list",
"centralauth-admin-hidden-oversight": "suppressed",
"centralauth-admin-info-line": "'''$1''' $2",
"centralauth-admin-info-attached": "Number of attached accounts:",
"centralauth-admin-info-editcount": "Total edit count:",
"centralauth-admin-info-groups": "Global {{PLURAL:$1|group|groups}}:",
"centralauth-admin-info-groups-manage": "manage",
"centralauth-admin-info-header": "Global account information",
"centralauth-admin-info-hidden": "Hidden level:",
"centralauth-admin-info-locked": "Locked:",
"centralauth-admin-info-registered": "Registered:",
"centralauth-admin-info-unattached": "Number of unattached accounts:",
"centralauth-admin-info-username": "Username:",
"centralauth-admin-info-username-rename": "rename",
"centralauth-admin-info-expired": "Temporary account expired:",
"centralauth-admin-intro": "This interface can be used for administration of global accounts.",
"centralauth-admin-list-attached-on": "Attached on",
"centralauth-admin-list-blocked": "Blocked",
"centralauth-admin-list-editcount": "Edit count",
"centralauth-admin-list-groups": "Groups",
"centralauth-admin-list-legend-ro": "List of local accounts",
"centralauth-admin-list-legend-rw": "Unmerge local accounts",
"centralauth-admin-list-localwiki": "Local wiki",
"centralauth-admin-list-method": "Method",
"centralauth-admin-logsnippet": "Previous global account changes",
"centralauth-admin-log-otherwiki": "-",
"centralauth-admin-lookup-ro": "View user information",
"centralauth-admin-lookup-rw": "Manage user account",
"centralauth-admin-manage": "Manage account data",
"centralauth-admin-merge": "Merge selected",
"centralauth-admin-multi-bot": "Recent changes",
"centralauth-admin-multi-botcheck": "Mark entries on [[Special:RecentChanges|{{int:recentchanges}}]] as bot entries.",
"centralauth-admin-multi-intro": "Update multiple global accounts at once",
"centralauth-admin-multi-notfound": "Search returned no usernames.",
"centralauth-admin-multi-searchprefix": "Or, search for usernames with a prefix",
"centralauth-admin-multi-username": "Enter one or more usernames, separated by new-line",
"centralauth-admin-no": "no",
"centralauth-admin-no-unified": "No unified account for this username.",
"centralauth-admin-none-selected": "No accounts selected to modify.",
"centralauth-admin-nonexistent": "There is no global account for \"<nowiki>$1</nowiki>\".",
"centralauth-admin-not-authorized": "You do not have permissions to perform this action.",
"centralauth-admin-notblocked": "—",
"centralauth-admin-permission": "Only stewards may merge other people's accounts for them.",
"centralauth-admin-reason": "Reason:",
"centralauth-admin-reason-other": "Other/additional reason:",
"centralauth-admin-reason-other-select": "Other reason",
"centralauth-admin-rename-in-progress": "This account is currently being renamed. You can [[Special:GlobalRenameProgress/$1|view the progress]] of the rename. The global rename log for this user is provided below.",
"centralauth-admin-setstatus-success": "You have changed the status of this global account.",
"centralauth-admin-status": "Set global account status",
"centralauth-admin-status-hidden": "Hidden:",
"centralauth-admin-status-hidden-list": "Account is hidden from the global users list",
"centralauth-admin-status-hidden-no": "Account is not hidden",
"centralauth-admin-status-hidden-oversight": "Account is hidden completely",
"centralauth-admin-status-intro": "You can use this form to change the status of this global account.",
"centralauth-admin-status-locked": "Locked:",
"centralauth-admin-status-locked-no": "Account is not locked",
"centralauth-admin-status-locked-yes": "Account is locked from logging in",
"centralauth-admin-status-nonexistent": "Error: the global account \"<nowiki>$1</nowiki>\" does not exist.",
"centralauth-admin-status-reasons": "* Common lock reasons\n** vandalism-only account\n** spam-only account\n* Common lock-and-hide reasons\n** abusive username\n** inappropriate personal information",
"centralauth-admin-status-submit": "Set status",
"centralauth-admin-suppressreason": "Globally suppressed by $1 for the following reason: $2",
"centralauth-admin-title": "Global account manager for $1",
"centralauth-admin-title-ro": "Global account information for $1",
"centralauth-admin-too-many-edits": "The global account \"<nowiki>$1</nowiki>\" has over $2 {{PLURAL:$2|edit|edits}} and cannot be hidden.",
"centralauth-admin-unattached": "not attached",
"centralauth-admin-unhide-nonexistent": "Error: the global account \"<nowiki>$1</nowiki>\" does not exist.",
"centralauth-admin-unmerge": "Unmerge selected",
"centralauth-admin-unmerge-success": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|account|accounts}} were unmerged",
"centralauth-admin-username": "Username:",
"centralauth-admin-view": "View account information",
"centralauth-admin-yes": "yes",
"centralauth-admin-globalblock-exempt-list": "Wikis exempt from global block",
"centralauth-admin-globalblock-exempt-list-wiki-heading": "Wiki project",
"centralauth-admin-globalblock-exempt-list-reason-heading": "Reason",
"centralauth-attach-list-attached": "The unified account named \"$1\" includes the following accounts:",
"centralauth-attach-submit": "Migrate account",
"centralauth-attach-success": "The account was migrated to the unified account.",
"centralauth-attach-text": "This account has not yet been migrated to the unified account.\nIf the global account is yours too, you can merge this account if you type the global account password:",
"centralauth-attach-title": "Confirm account",
"centralauth-block-already-locked": "The account [[Special:CentralAuth/$1|$1]] is already locked globally.",
"centralauth-block-editing-action": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|action|actions}}",
"centralauth-block-editing-page": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}",
"centralauth-block-editing-ns": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|namespace|namespaces}}",
"centralauth-centralautologin-desc": "This special page is used internally by MediaWiki.\nWhen you visit a linked domain while not logged in, the central login system uses this page to determine whether you are logged in to the central domain.\nYou have requested this page without providing any authentication data, so it does nothing.",
"centralauth-centralautologin-logged-in": "You are centrally logged in as $1. Reload the page to apply your user settings.",
"centralauth-complete": "Login unification complete!",
"centralauth-complete-text": "You can now log in to any wiki site of {{int:Centralauth-groupname}} without creating a new account.",
"centralauth-completelogin-back": "Return to the previous page.",
"centralauth-contribs-link": "global account",
"centralauth-contribs-locked": "This account is globally locked.\nSee [[Special:CentralAuth/$1|global account details]] for more information.",
"centralauth-contribs-locked-log": "This account is globally locked.\nThe latest lock log entry is provided below for reference:",
"centralauth-createlocal-already-exists": "There already is a local account for the specified global account.",
"centralauth-createlocal-no-global-account": "There is no such global account.",
"centralauth-createlocal-pretext": "You can use this form to create a local account for a global account if they are unable to do it themselves for some reason.",
"centralauth-createlocal-reason": "Reason",
"centralauth-createlocal-success": "Local account created.",
"centralauth-createlocal-suppressed": "You can't create local account for an suppressed user.",
"centralauth-createlocal-username": "Global account name",
"centralauth-days-ago": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}} ago",
"centralauth-delete-empty-account": "Empty account",
"centralauth-desc": "[[Special:MergeAccount|Merge account]] across wikis of {{int:Centralauth-groupname}}",
"centralauth-disabled-dryrun": "Account unification is currently in a demo / debugging mode, so actual merging operations are disabled.\nSorry!",
"centralauth-editgroup-delete-removemembers": "You must remove all members from a group before deleting that group.",
"centralauth-editgroup-display": "Localised name of group:",
"centralauth-editgroup-display-edit": "$2 ([[MediaWiki:Group-$1|edit]])",
"centralauth-editgroup-editsets": "([[Special:EditWikiSets|edit]])",
"centralauth-editgroup-fieldset": "Permissions for $1",
"centralauth-editgroup-invalid-name": "Invalid global group name given",
"centralauth-editgroup-invalid-name-lowercase": "Global group identifiers must be all lowercase.",
"centralauth-editgroup-member": "Localised name of group members:",
"centralauth-editgroup-member-edit": "$2 ([[MediaWiki:Group-$1-member|edit]])",
"centralauth-editgroup-members": "Member list:",
"centralauth-editgroup-members-link": "[[Special:GlobalUsers/$1|List of users with $2 rights]]",
"centralauth-editgroup-name": "Name of group:",
"centralauth-editgroup-nonexistent": "The global group \"$1\" does not currently exist.",
"centralauth-editgroup-noset": "(none)",
"centralauth-editgroup-nowikiset": "None, applies to all wikis.",
"centralauth-editgroup-perms": "Assigned permissions:",
"centralauth-editgroup-reason": "Reason:",
"centralauth-editgroup-rename-taken": "Renaming failed: There already is a group with the name $1.",
"centralauth-editgroup-restrictions": "Set of wikis where this group is active:",
"centralauth-editgroup-submit": "Save global group changes",
"centralauth-editgroup-success": "Global group changed",
"centralauth-editgroup-success-text": "The global group $1 was updated.\n[[Special:GlobalGroupPermissions|Return to group management]]",
"centralauth-editset": "Wiki sets",
"centralauth-editset-badname": "Invalid or empty set name.",
"centralauth-editset-badtype": "Invalid set type.",
"centralauth-editset-badwikis": "The following {{PLURAL:$2|wiki does not|wikis do not}} exist: $1.",
"centralauth-editset-grouplink": "[[Special:GlobalGroupPermissions/$1|$1]]",
"centralauth-editset-intro-ro": "Below is the list of existing wiki sets.",
"centralauth-editset-intro-rw": "The following wiki sets have already been created.\nYou may view and modify any of them, or create a new set.",
"centralauth-editset-item-ro": "[[Special:WikiSets/$2|$1]]",
"centralauth-editset-item-rw": "[[Special:WikiSets/$2|$1]] ([[Special:WikiSets/delete/$2|delete]])",
"centralauth-editset-legend-delete": "Deleting wiki set \"$1\"",
"centralauth-editset-legend-edit": "Editing wiki set \"$1\"",
"centralauth-editset-legend-new": "Creating new wiki set",
"centralauth-editset-legend-ro": "List of wiki sets",
"centralauth-editset-legend-rw": "Edit or create wiki set",
"centralauth-editset-legend-view": "Wiki set \"$1\"",
"centralauth-editset-name": "Name:",
"centralauth-editset-new": "Create a new set",
"centralauth-editset-notfound": "Wiki set \"$1\" not found.",
"centralauth-editset-nouse": "(none)",
"centralauth-editset-nowikis": "(none)",
"centralauth-editset-optin": "Opt-in based (includes only specified wikis)",
"centralauth-editset-optout": "Opt-out based (includes all wikis except specified)",
"centralauth-editset-reason": "Reason:",
"centralauth-editset-restwikis": "Wikis not included above:",
"centralauth-editset-return": "Return to main view",
"centralauth-editset-setexists": "Set with that name already exists.",
"centralauth-editset-submit": "Submit",
"centralauth-editset-submit-delete": "Delete",
"centralauth-editset-success": "The wiki set was updated.",
"centralauth-editset-success-delete": "The wiki set was deleted.",
"centralauth-editset-type": "Type:",
"centralauth-editset-usage": "Used in groups:",
"centralauth-editset-wikis": "Wikis:",
"centralauth-editset-zerowikis": "No wikis specified.",
"centralauth-error-badtoken": "The provided authentication token is either expired or invalid.",
"centralauth-error-badtoken-title": "Invalid return URL token",
"centralauth-error-sul3-expired": "Authentication was successful but your session has expired. Please click \"{{int:pt-login}}\" to recover it.",
"centralauth-error-locked": "You cannot edit because your account is locked.",
"centralauth-error-nologinattempt": "No active login attempt is in progress for your session.",
"centralauth-error-token-wrongattempt": "The authentication token does not belong to your current login attempt.\nSomeone might be trying to log you in under a malicious account.",
"centralauth-error-token-wronguser": "The token does not match with your session username.\nSomeone might be trying to log you in under a malicious account.\nIf you are just trying to log in as another user, please log out first.",
"centralauth-error-wrongprovider": "This special page is unavailable when using $1.",
"centralauth-finish-incomplete": "Several accounts were merged using this password.\nOther accounts are not yet confirmed.",
"centralauth-finish-login": "Login",
"centralauth-finish-noconfirms": "No accounts could be confirmed using this password.",
"centralauth-finish-password": "Password:",
"centralauth-finish-problems": "Are you having trouble, or are you not the owner of these other accounts?\n[[m:Special:MyLanguage/Help:Unified login|How to find help]]…",
"centralauth-finish-send-confirmation": "Email password",
"centralauth-finish-text": "If these accounts do belong to you, you can finish the login unification process simply by typing the passwords for the other accounts here:",
"centralauth-finish-title": "Finish merge",
"centralauth-finishglobaliseemail_body": "Your email address has been set as associated\nwith the account \"$2\" on all projects, with your main account being\non {{SITENAME}}.\n\nTo confirm that this account really does belong to you, merge in any of your\naccounts that we could not do automatically, and allow you to recover your\naccount if you lose your password, please open this link in your browser:\n\n$3\n\nIf the account does *not* belong to you, follow this link to cancel the email\naddress confirmation:\n\n$5\n\nThis confirmation code will expire on $6 at $7.",
"centralauth-finishglobaliseemail_subject": "{{SITENAME}} account confirmation",
"centralauth-foreign-contributions": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|contribution|contributions}} on $2",
"centralauth-foreign-link": "User $1 on $2",
"centralauth-globalgroupperms-creategroup-submit": "Assign permissions",
"centralauth-globalgroupperms-group": "Group",
"centralauth-globalgroupperms-group-disabled": "(not enabled on this wiki)",
"centralauth-globalgroupperms-group-listmembers": "list of members",
"centralauth-globalgroupperms-group-wikiset": "Set of wikis where this group is active: $1",
"centralauth-globalgroupperms-groups-intro": "This is a list of all global user groups configured on this wiki farm, with their associated user access rights and wikisets. Users with the permissions may delete a group by removing all rights from it.",
"centralauth-globalgroupperms-management": "management",
"centralauth-globalgroupperms-newgroupname": "New group name:",
"centralauth-globalgroupperms-nogroups": "No global groups are defined.",
"centralauth-globalgroupperms-rights": "Rights",
"centralauth-globalgroupperms-wikiset-none": "This group is active on all wikis.",
"centralauth-groupname": "this wiki farm",
"centralauth-hidden-blockreason": "globally hidden by $1 at $2 with following reason: $3",
"centralauth-hours-ago": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|hour|hours}} ago",
"centralauth-incomplete": "Login unification not complete!",
"centralauth-incomplete-text": "Once your login is unified, you will be able to log in to any wiki site of {{int:Centralauth-groupname}} without creating a new account",
"centralauth-invalid-wiki": "No such wiki database: $1.",
"centralauth-list-attached": "The {{PLURAL:$2|account named \"$1\" on the following site has|accounts named \"$1\" on each of the following sites have}} been automatically attached to the unified account:",
"centralauth-list-attached-dryrun": "The {{PLURAL:$2|account named \"$1\" on the following site|accounts named \"$1\" on each of the following sites}} will be automatically attached to the unified account:",
"centralauth-list-attached-title": "Attached accounts",
"centralauth-list-home-dryrun": "The password and email address set at this wiki will be used for your unified account.",
"centralauth-list-home-title": "Home wiki",
"centralauth-list-unattached": "The {{PLURAL:$2|account|accounts}} named \"$1\" could not be automatically confirmed as belonging to you on the following {{PLURAL:$2|site|sites}};\nmost likely {{PLURAL:$2|it has|they have}} a different password from your primary account:",
"centralauth-list-unattached-title": "Unattached accounts",
"centralauth-listusers-attached": "[[User:$1|exists locally]]",
"centralauth-listusers-item": "[[Special:CentralAuth/$1|$1]] ($2)",
"centralauth-listusers-locked": "locked",
"centralauth-listusers-nolocal": "unattached or doesn't exist locally",
"centralauth-log-entry-hide": "hid global account \"$1\"",
"centralauth-log-entry-lock": "locked global account \"$1\"",
"centralauth-log-entry-lockandhide": "locked and hid global account \"$1\"",
"centralauth-log-entry-unhide": "unhid global account \"$1\"",
"centralauth-log-entry-unlock": "unlocked global account \"$1\"",
"centralauth-log-gblrename-oldname": "Previous username:",
"centralauth-log-header": "This log contains operations under global accounts: deletions, locking and unlocking.",
"centralauth-log-name": "Global account log",
"centralauth-log-status-hidden": "hidden",
"centralauth-log-status-locked": "locked",
"centralauth-log-status-none": "(none)",
"centralauth-log-status-oversighted": "suppressed",
"centralauth-login-error-locked": "{{GENDER:$1|You}} cannot log in because {{GENDER:$1|your}} account is globally locked.",
"centralauth-login-error-usesul3": "Unable to continue login due to a misconfiguration. This is a software error and it has been reported. Please use the {{int:centralauth-non-login-wiki-buttonlabel}} button instead.",
"centralauth-logout-no-others": "You have been automatically logged out of other projects of {{int:Centralauth-groupname}}.",
"centralauth-logout-progress": "Logging you out from other {{PLURAL:$2|wiki|wikis}} of {{int:Centralauth-groupname}}:",
"centralauth-merge-attempt": "'''Checking provided password against remaining unmerged accounts…'''",
"centralauth-merge-denied": "Sorry, you do not have permission to access this page.",
"centralauth-merge-dryrun-complete": "All existing accounts can be automatically unified!\n\nNo changes have been made to your accounts yet.",
"centralauth-merge-dryrun-home": "The migration system could not confirm that you are the owner of the home wiki account for your username.\n\nAnother wiki was determined as the home account for your username; follow the link below and log in there to finish your account migration.",
"centralauth-merge-dryrun-incomplete": "You are set to continue, but some accounts could not be automatically verified and will not be migrated immediately.\nYou will be able to merge these later.\n\nNo changes have been made to your accounts yet.",
"centralauth-merge-dryrun-or": "'''or'''",
"centralauth-merge-home-password": "The home wiki for this account (listed below) has a different password to the one you entered.\nPlease enter the password for the home wiki.",
"centralauth-merge-method-admin": "admin-merged account",
"centralauth-merge-method-admin-desc": "Indicates that the local account was merged manually by stewards.\nThat feature is disabled now because of security reasons.",
"centralauth-merge-method-empty": "no contributions",
"centralauth-merge-method-empty-desc": "Indicates that the local account was merged because it had no edits.",
"centralauth-merge-method-login": "created on login",
"centralauth-merge-method-login-desc": "Indicates that the local account was created automatically when the user logged in.",
"centralauth-merge-method-mail": "confirmed by email",
"centralauth-merge-method-mail-desc": "Indicates that the local account was merged because its email address matched the email address of the main account.",
"centralauth-merge-method-new": "new account",
"centralauth-merge-method-new-desc": "Indicates that the global account was created automatically when that local account was created.",
"centralauth-merge-method-password": "confirmed by password",
"centralauth-merge-method-password-desc": "Indicates that the local account was merged because the user specified a valid password for it.",
"centralauth-merge-method-primary": "home wiki",
"centralauth-merge-method-primary-desc": "This is the wiki at which the account was initially merged.\nNote that it may differ from the real home wiki of that user.",
"centralauth-merge-method-questionmark": "(?)",
"centralauth-merge-no-accounts": "No accounts matching your name were found in the central account tracking table!\nThe database must be corrupt.",
"centralauth-merge-notlogged": "Please <span class=\"plainlinks\">[$1 log in]</span> to check if your accounts have been fully merged.",
"centralauth-merge-step1-detail": "Please enter your account password.\nYour password and registered email address will be checked against the accounts on other wikis to confirm that they match.\nNo changes will be made until you have confirmed that things are in order.",
"centralauth-merge-step1-submit": "Confirm login information",
"centralauth-merge-step1-title": "Begin login unification",
"centralauth-merge-step2-detail": "Some of the accounts could not be automatically matched to the designated home wiki.\nIf these accounts belong to you, you can confirm that they are yours by providing the password for them.",
"centralauth-merge-step2-submit": "Confirm login information",
"centralauth-merge-step2-title": "Confirm more accounts",
"centralauth-merge-step3-detail": "You are ready to create your unified account, with the following wikis attached:",
"centralauth-merge-step3-submit": "Unify accounts",
"centralauth-merge-step3-title": "Create unified account",
"centralauth-merge-welcome": "'''Your user account has not yet been migrated to the unified login system of {{int:Centralauth-groupname}}.'''\n\nIf you choose to migrate your accounts, you will be able to use the same username and password to log in to all wikis of {{int:Centralauth-groupname}} in all available languages.\n\nIf someone else has already taken your username on another site this will not disturb them, but it will give you a chance to work it out with them or with an administrator later.",
"centralauth-mergeaccount-desc": "[[Special:MergeAccount|Merges multiple accounts]] for Single User Login",
"centralauth-minutes-ago": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|minute|minutes}} ago",
"centralauth-months-ago": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|month|months}} ago",
"centralauth-multilock-homewiki": "Home wiki",
"centralauth-newgroup-intro": "You can use this form to assign permissions to a new group.\nNote that a group does not exist unless it has permissions assigned to it.",
"centralauth-newgroup-legend": "Create a new group",
"centralauth-non-login-wiki-buttonlabel": "Central login",
"centralauth-non-login-wiki-buttonlabel-help": "Set this to log in via the central login wiki",
"centralauth-not-owner-text": "The username \"$1\" was automatically assigned to the owner of the account on $2.\n\nIf this is you, you can finish the login unification process simply by typing the master password for that account here:",
"centralauth-notice-dryrun": "Demo mode only",
"centralauth-prefs-count-attached": "Your account is active on $1 {{PLURAL:$1|wiki|wikis}}.",
"centralauth-prefs-count-unattached": "Unconfirmed accounts with your name remain on $1 {{PLURAL:$1|wiki|wikis}}.",
"centralauth-prefs-detail-unattached": "Your account has not been confirmed as belonging to the global account.",
"centralauth-prefs-manage": "Manage your global account",
"centralauth-prefs-not-managed": "Not using unified account",
"centralauth-prefs-status": "Global account:",
"centralauth-prefs-unattached": "Not fully unified",
"centralauth-prefs-view": "View your global account info",
"centralauth-readmore-text": ":''[[m:Special:MyLanguage/Help:Unified login|Read more about '''unified login''']]…''",
"centralauth-readonly": "CentralAuth database locked.",
"centralauth-readonlytext": "The CentralAuth database is currently locked to new entries and other modifications, probably for routine database maintenance, after which it will be back to normal.\n\nThe system administrator who locked it offered this explanation: $1",
"centralauth-rename-abortlogin": "Your account is currently being renamed or merged. [[Special:GlobalRenameProgress/$1|View the status]].",
"centralauth-rename-alreadyexists": "The requested username already exists.",
"centralauth-rename-alreadyinprogress": "There is already a rename for this user in [[Special:GlobalRenameProgress/$1|progress]].",
"centralauth-rename-antispoofconflicts2": "The chosen username is too similar to {{PLURAL:$2|an existing username|existing usernames}} or it used to be username of someone else that got renamed: $1.",
"centralauth-rename-badusername": "The requested username is not valid.",
"centralauth-rename-cannotself": "You cannot rename yourself.",
"centralauth-rename-confirm": "Do you really want to globally rename this user?",
"centralauth-rename-confirm-vanish": "Do you really want to globally vanish this user?",
"centralauth-rename-conflict-hidden": "username hidden",
"centralauth-rename-deny": "Do you really want to deny this request?",
"centralauth-rename-doesnotexist": "The provided account does not exist.",
"centralauth-rename-form-allowhigheditcount": "Confirm to rename user with more than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|edit|edits}}",
"centralauth-rename-form-movepages": "Move user pages",
"centralauth-rename-form-newname": "New username",
"centralauth-rename-form-oldname": "Current username",
"centralauth-rename-form-overrideantispoof": "Override any AntiSpoof conflicts",
"centralauth-rename-form-overridetitleblacklist": "Override TitleBlacklist",
"centralauth-rename-form-reason": "Reason",
"centralauth-rename-form-suppressredirects": "Suppress creation of redirects",
"centralauth-rename-globaleditcount-threshold": "This user has more than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|edit|edits}}. Please confirm that you are sure that you want to rename this user and that a system administrator is available to monitor this rename.",
"centralauth-rename-listed-on-denylist": "This user is listed on the global rename deny list. To rename this user, the deny list must be changed first.",
"centralauth-rename-movelog": "Automatically moved page while renaming the user \"[[Special:CentralAuth/$1|$1]]\" to \"[[Special:CentralAuth/$2|$2]]\"",
"centralauth-rename-notinprogress": "There are no renames in progress for $1. They may have already finished.",
"centralauth-rename-progress-fieldset": "List of local accounts",
"centralauth-rename-progress-item": "$1 → $2 ([[Special:GlobalRenameProgress/$2|view progress]])",
"centralauth-rename-progress-list-header": "The following global renames are currently in progress:",
"centralauth-rename-progress-logs-fieldset": "Log entries",
"centralauth-rename-progress-username": "Username",
"centralauth-rename-queued": "Jobs to rename $1 to $2 have been queued.\n\nView the progress at [[Special:GlobalRenameProgress/$2]].",
"centralauth-rename-same-name": "The user already has the requested username.",
"centralauth-rename-table-domain": "Local wiki",
"centralauth-rename-table-status": "Status",
"centralauth-rename-table-status-done": "Done",
"centralauth-rename-table-status-failed": "Failed",
"centralauth-rename-table-status-inprogress": "In progress",
"centralauth-rename-table-status-queued": "Queued",
"centralauth-rename-titleblacklist-match": "The new username matches the following TitleBlacklist entry: $1",
"centralauth-rename-unattached-intheway": "There are unattached accounts using the requested username.",
"centralauth-rename-viewprogress": "View progress",
"centralauth-renameuser-global-inprogress": "Global rename for {{GENDER:$1|$1}} is already in progress. [[Special:GlobalRenameProgress/$1|Check status]].",
"centralauth-renameuser-merged": "User {{GENDER:$1|$1}} has been migrated to the unified login system.\nRenaming it will cause the local account to be detached from the global one.",
"centralauth-renameuser-reserved": "Username {{GENDER:$2|$2}} is reserved for a global account.",
"centralauth-vanish-confirm": "Do you really want to vanish your account? This action is irreversible.",
"centralauth-return-username-token": "Username token which is part of the return URL.",
"centralauth-return-username-token-help": "Username token which is appended to the return URL after the user successfully logs in to the central login wiki.",
"centralauth-rightslog-entry-groupperms": "changed group permissions for $1 from $2 to $3",
"centralauth-rightslog-header": "This log contains operations on global groups: membership and permissions changes",
"centralauth-rightslog-name": "Global rights log",
"centralauth-rightslog-set-optin": "opt-in based",
"centralauth-rightslog-set-optout": "opt-out based",
"centralauth-ro": "Global account information",
"centralauth-seconds-ago": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}} ago",
"centralauth-state-mismatch": "Error: The state of this user account has changed in the meantime. Please verify the current state and try again, if needed.",
"centralauth-token-mismatch": "Sorry, we could not process your form submission due to a loss of session data.",
"centralauth-years-ago": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|year|years}} ago",
"centralautologin": "Central login",
"centrallogin": "Central user log in",
"createlocalaccount": "Forcibly create a local account",
"globalgroupmembership": "Membership in global groups",
"globalgrouppermissions": "Global group management",
"globalrenameprogress": "Global rename progress",
"globalrenameprogress-legend": "View global rename progress",
"globalrenamequeue": "Global rename request queue",
"globalrenamequeue-action-address": "Address",
"globalrenamequeue-action-view": "View",
"globalrenamequeue-type-rename": "Rename",
"globalrenamequeue-type-vanish": "Vanish",
"globalrenamequeue-column-row-actions": "Action",
"globalrenamequeue-column-rq-completed-ts": "Close date",
"globalrenamequeue-column-rq-name": "Username",
"globalrenamequeue-column-rq-newname": "Requested username",
"globalrenamequeue-column-rq-performer": "Done by",
"globalrenamequeue-column-rq-requested-ts": "Open date",
"globalrenamequeue-column-rq-status": "Status",
"globalrenamequeue-column-rq-wiki": "Local wiki",
"globalrenamequeue-column-rq-type": "Type",
"globalrenamequeue-email-body-approved-with-note": "The request to rename \"{{GENDER:$1|$1}}\" to \"{{GENDER:$1|$2}}\" has been approved.\n\nNote: $3",
"globalrenamequeue-email-body-approved": "The request to rename \"{{GENDER:$1|$1}}\" to \"{{GENDER:$1|$2}}\" has been approved.",
"globalrenamequeue-email-body-rejected": "The request to rename \"{{GENDER:$1|$1}}\" to \"{{GENDER:$1|$2}}\" has been rejected.\n\nNote: $3",
"globalrenamequeue-email-subject-approved": "Account rename request approved",
"globalrenamequeue-email-subject-rejected": "Account rename request rejected",
"globalrenamequeue-vanish-email-body-approved-with-note": "The request to vanish \"{{GENDER:$1|$1}}\" has been approved.\n\nNote: $2",
"globalrenamequeue-vanish-email-body-approved": "The request to vanish \"{{GENDER:$1|$1}}\" has been approved.",
"globalrenamequeue-vanish-email-body-rejected": "The request to vanish \"{{GENDER:$1|$1}}\" has been rejected.\n\nNote: $2",
"globalrenamequeue-vanish-email-subject-approved": "Account vanish request approved",
"globalrenamequeue-vanish-email-subject-rejected": "Account vanish request rejected",
"globalrenamequeue-form-newname": "Requested username:",
"globalrenamequeue-form-status": "Status:",
"globalrenamequeue-form-status-all": "all",
"globalrenamequeue-form-type": "Type",
"globalrenamequeue-form-type-all": "All",
"globalrenamequeue-form-type-rename": "Rename",
"globalrenamequeue-form-type-vanish": "Vanish",
"globalrenamequeue-form-username": "Username:",
"globalrenamequeue-nav-closedqueue": "Closed requests",
"globalrenamequeue-nav-openqueue": "Open requests",
"globalrenamequeue-request-antispoof-conflicts": "<strong>The chosen username is similar to {{PLURAL:$2|an existing username|existing usernames}} or it used to be username of someone else that got renamed:</strong> $1",
"globalrenamequeue-request-approve-text": "Accept rename",
"globalrenamequeue-request-cancel-text": "Cancel",
"globalrenamequeue-request-comments-label": "Notes/reasoning",
"globalrenamequeue-request-deny-text": "Reject rename",
"globalrenamequeue-request-header": "<strong>[$1 $2]</strong> is requesting a rename to <strong>$3</strong>.",
"globalrenamequeue-request-movepages": "Move user pages",
"globalrenamequeue-request-previous-renames": "Previous {{PLURAL:$1|rename|renames}}",
"globalrenamequeue-request-reason": "<strong>Reason for requesting rename</strong>\n$1",
"globalrenamequeue-request-reason-label": "Public log entry comment (if accepting)",
"globalrenamequeue-request-savefailed": "Failure saving change to request status.",
"globalrenamequeue-request-status-title": "Rename from \"$1\" to \"$2\"",
"globalrenamequeue-request-suppressredirects": "Suppress creation of redirects",
"globalrenamequeue-request-title": "Rename \"$1\"?",
"globalrenamequeue-request-titleblacklist": "<strong>The chosen username matches the following TitleBlacklist entry:</strong> $1",
"globalrenamequeue-request-unknown-body": "The rename request was not found.",
"globalrenamequeue-request-unknown-title": "Request not found",
"globalrenamequeue-request-userinfo-global": "* current username: [[Special:CentralAuth/$1|$1]]\n* home wiki: $2\n* new username: [[Special:CentralAuth/$3|$3]]\n* global edit count: $4",
"globalrenamequeue-request-userinfo-local": "* user: [[Special:CentralAuth/$1|$1]]\n* home wiki: $2\n* new name: [[Special:CentralAuth/$3|$3]]",
"globalrenamequeue-request-vanish-approve-text": "Accept vanishing",
"globalrenamequeue-request-vanish-deny-text": "Reject vanishing",
"globalrenamequeue-request-vanish-header": "<strong>[$1 $2]</strong> is requesting a vanish to <strong>$3</strong>.",
"globalrenamequeue-request-vanish-reason": "<strong>Reason for requesting vanish</strong>\n$1",
"globalrenamequeue-request-vanish-title": "Vanish \"$1\"?",
"globalrenamequeue-request-vanish-userinfo": "* current username: [[Special:CentralAuth/$1|$1]]\n* home wiki: $2\n* global edit count: $3\n* is blocked: $4",
"globalrenamequeue-request-vanish-user-blocked": "yes",
"globalrenamequeue-request-vanish-user-not-blocked": "no",
"globalrenamequeue-request-vanish-status-title": "Vanish from \"$1\"",
"globalrenamequeue-view": ";From:\n:[[Special:CentralAuth/$1|$1]]\n;To:\n:[[Special:CentralAuth/$2|$2]]\n;Reason:\n$3\n;Status:\n:$4\n;Requested:\n:$5\n;Completed:\n:$6\n;Done by:\n:[$7 $8]\n;Notes:\n:$9",
"globalrenamequeue-view-approved": "approved",
"globalrenamequeue-view-rejected": "rejected",
"globalrenamequeue-vanish-view": ";Previous Name:\n:[[Special:CentralAuth/$1|$1]]\n;Reason:\n$2\n;Status:\n:$3\n;Requested:\n:$4\n;Completed:\n:$5\n;Attached Wikis:\n:$6\n;Done by:\n:[$7 $8]\n;Notes:\n:$9",
"globalrenamerequest": "Global user account rename request",
"globalrenamerequest-email-invalid": "Invalid email address provided.",
"globalrenamerequest-email-label": "Email address:",
"globalrenamerequest-email-mismatch": "Email addresses differ.<br />Please check both and try again.",
"globalrenamerequest-email-why-explain": "We need an email address during this process to ensure that you do not lose access to this account.<br />You can remove the email address after the rename process has completed.",
"globalrenamerequest-email2-help": "Enter the same email address you entered above for confirmation.",
"globalrenamerequest-email2-label": "Confirm email address:",
"globalrenamerequest-forced": "This wiki farm is unifying usernames across all projects. This username was identified as being in use in other wikis and must be changed in order to finalize this unification. As a result, you must select a new username.",
"globalrenamerequest-legend": "Unification rename request",
"globalrenamerequest-newname-err-invalid": "You have not specified a valid username.",
"globalrenamerequest-newname-err-taken": "Username entered already in use. Please choose a different name.",
"globalrenamerequest-newname-help": "Enter the new username you wish to use, e.g., \"$1\".",
"globalrenamerequest-newname-help-basic": "Enter the new username you wish to use.",
"globalrenamerequest-newname-label": "Requested username:",
"globalrenamerequest-pretext": "Request a new username to be known by across all projects.\n\nAll of your previous contributions will be connected with this new username.\n\nA list of requests made via this form will be made available to the users able to perform this operation. You will be notified by email when this process is completed.\n\nIf your request is related to a desire for anonymity/privacy, please note that a permanent log record will be created noting your previous name. As such, you might consider simply [[Special:CreateAccount|creating a separate and independent new account]], and having your current account renamed to something random and abandoning it.",
"globalrenamerequest-reason-label": "Reason for request",
"globalrenamerequest-save-error": "Failed to save request. Please try again.",
"globalrenamerequest-self-error": "You may not approve this request as you are not allowed to rename your own account.",
"globalrenamerequest-self-warning": "You may only deny this request as you are not allowed to rename your own account.",
"globalrenamerequest-status-text": "Your username change request is currently in progress and awaiting approval by those able to perform this operation. You will be notified by email when the request is processed.\n\n;Current username:\n:$1\n;Requested username:\n:$2",
"globalrenamerequest-status-title": "Rename request pending approval",
"globalrenamerequest-submit-text": "Request name change",
"globalrenamerequest-username-label": "Current username:",
"globalrenameuser": "Rename global user",
"globalrenameuser-summary": "",
"globalvanishrequest": "Global user account vanish request",
"globalvanishrequest-text": "'''Send vanish request'''",
"globalvanishrequest-pretext": "Vanishing is a '''last resort''' and should '''only be used when you wish to stop editing forever''' and also to hide as many of your past associations as possible. Account deletion is done by changing your account name to make it so others cannot recognize your contributions in a process called account vanishing. '''Vanishing does not guarantee complete anonymity or remove contributions to the projects'''.\n\nTo proceed with initiating the vanishing process, please complete the Account Vanishing request form below.",
"globalvanishrequest-username-label": "Requestor's username",
"globalvanishrequest-status-title": "Vanish request pending approval",
"globalvanishrequest-status-text": "Your username vanish request is currently in progress and awaiting approval by those able to perform this operation. You will be notified by email when the request is processed.",
"globalvanishrequest-vanished-title": "Vanish request successful",
"globalvanishrequest-vanished-text": "Your username vanish request was processed successfully.",
"globalvanishrequest-blocked-title": "Global user account vanish request rejected because your account is blocked",
"globalvanishrequest-blocked-text": "You are currently blocked from one or more wikis and cannot vanish your account. You can appeal blocks on your account. See the following link(s) for information on how to appeal for each respective wiki that you're blocked from. To learn more about account vanishing, visit the [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Account vanishing|account vanishing]] information page.",
"globalvanishrequest-blocked-text-minimal": "You are currently blocked from one or more wikis and cannot vanish your account. To learn more about account vanishing, visit the [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Account vanishing|account vanishing]] information page.",
"globalvanishrequest-reason-label": "Reason for request",
"globalvanishrequest-submit-text": "Request vanish",
"globalvanishrequest-globaluser-error": "Failed to save request. User account is not a global user account.",
"globalvanishrequest-blocked-error": "Your account has blocks and it cannot be vanished",
"globalvanishrequest-pending-request-error": "You already have an active request to vanish your account. Access the [[Special:GlobalVanishRequest/status|status page]] for more information.",
"globalvanishrequest-save-error": "Failed to save request. Please try again.",
"globalvanishrequest-autoapprove-note": "Your username vanish request was processed successfully.",
"globalvanishrequest-autoapprove-public-note": "This user vanish request has been automatically approved.",
"globalvanishrequest-rejected-subject-notification": "Account Vanishing Request Rejected ($1)",
"globalvanishrequest-rejected-body-notification": "An account vanishing request was rejected, details below:\n\nUser name: $1\nHome wiki: $2\nGlobal edit count: $3\nIs blocked: $4\nReason for requesting vanish: $5\nRejected by: $6\nRejection notes: $7\nRequested: $8\nCompleted: $9",
"globalvanishrequest-rejected-notification-error": "Unable to notify the legal team automatically. Please manually email them regarding the account vanish request rejection. The request rejection is completed.",
"globalusers": "Global accounts list",
"grant-createlocalaccount": "Forcibly create a local account for a global account",
"grant-setglobalaccountstatus": "Manage global account status",
"log-action-filter-gblrights": "Type of change:",
"log-action-filter-gblrights-groupprms": "Global user group change",
"log-action-filter-gblrights-setmodify": "Wiki set change",
"log-action-filter-gblrights-usergroups": "Global user rights change",
"log-action-filter-globalauth": "Type of change:",
"log-action-filter-globalauth-delete": "Global account deletion",
"log-action-filter-globalauth-setstatus": "Global account status change",
"log-action-filter-newusers-forcecreatelocal": "Forced local account creation",
"log-action-filter-suppress-cadelete": "Global account deletion",
"log-action-filter-suppress-setstatus": "Global account status change",
"log-description-gblrename": "This log tracks the global renaming of users.",
"log-name-gblrename": "Global rename log",
"logentry-gblrename-merge": "$1 globally {{GENDER:$2|merged}} $4 into $5",
"logentry-gblrename-promote": "$1 globally {{GENDER:$2|renamed}} $4 to $5",
"logentry-gblrename-rename": "$1 globally {{GENDER:$2|renamed}} $4 to $5",
"logentry-gblrights-deleteset": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|deleted}} wiki set \"$4\"",
"logentry-gblrights-newset": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|created}} $5 wiki set $4 with the following {{PLURAL:$7|wiki|wikis}}: $6",
"logentry-gblrights-setchange": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} wikis in \"$4\": {{PLURAL:$7|added}}: $5; {{PLURAL:$8|removed}}: $6",
"logentry-gblrights-setnewtype": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} type of \"$4\" from $5 to $6",
"logentry-gblrights-setrename": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|renamed}} wiki set \"$5\" to \"$4\"",
"logentry-gblrights-grouprename": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|renamed}} group $5 to $4",
"logentry-gblrights-groupprms2": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} global group permissions for $3: added $4; removed $5",
"logentry-gblrights-groupprms3": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} group restricted wikis set for $3 from $4 to $5",
"logentry-gblrights-usergroups": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} global group membership for $3 from $4 to $5",
"logentry-globalauth-delete": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|deleted}} global account \"$3\"",
"logentry-globalauth-setstatus": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} status for global account \"$3\": set $4; unset $5",
"logentry-newusers-forcecreatelocal": "$1 forcibly {{GENDER:$2|created}} a local account for $3",
"mergeaccount": "Login unification status",
"multilock": "Lock multiple global accounts",
"right-centralauth-createlocal": "Forcibly create a local account for a global account",
"right-centralauth-lock": "Lock or unlock global account",
"right-centralauth-merge": "Merge their account",
"right-centralauth-suppress": "Suppress or hide global account",
"right-centralauth-rename": "Rename global accounts",
"right-centralauth-unmerge": "Unmerge global account",
"right-globalgroupmembership": "Edit membership to global groups",
"right-globalgrouppermissions": "Manage global groups",
"sessionprovider-centralauthsessionprovider": "central cookie-based sessions",
"sessionprovider-centralauthtokensessionprovider": "centralauthtoken sessions",
"centralauth-badaccess-blacklisted": "You can't request a global rename, because you are on a blacklist.",
"centralauth-action-forbidden-shared-domain": "You are not allowed to perform this action on the shared authentication domain."