![Research paper thumbnail of Nanotech Made It Easy](
One of the major issues to be addressed when coming to construction is the choice of the appropri... more One of the major issues to be addressed when coming to construction is the choice of the appropriate material. An already, classical implementation of the field techniques, widely used for construction is Cement, Steel, Glass, Wood etc. are the main components of any construction now a days. In recent years, several emerging high strength materials have attracted enormous attention as potential candidates for construction. High strength steels has been used as main part of building for more than 40 years because of its manufacturability and ability to deliver continued tensile improvements as it has been made ever stronger. Being a good and responsible citizen of India we here are presenting the paper that tries to solve the problems of the Indian Army with the best of the technologies that we have so that they can have the good condition for the work and as they ensure our protection we can ensure that they are more safer while protecting us. We here have compared the tradition bas...
![Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of groundwater vulnerability using the GIS approach-based GOD method in Surat district of Gujarat state, India](
Water Practice and Technology
There are different sources of groundwater pollution among them industrial water disposal, seawat... more There are different sources of groundwater pollution among them industrial water disposal, seawater ingress, usage of pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural fields, and municipal and residential wastewater disposal. The aim of the study is to assess groundwater vulnerability in terms of quality using the GOD method using the Geographical Investigation System approach for Surat and its surroundings. Groundwater confinement, overlying strata and depth to water table are the three parameters that are used in the assessment of groundwater vulnerability. In this study, all three parameters are given by the conventional weights which are suggested by Foster 1987. Based on the study Mahuva, Mandvi, Umarpada and some parts of the Bardoli talukas lie in very high-vulnerability zones whereas another part of the study area lies in a high-vulnerability zone. Almost 35.98% of the area of the district lies in the higher-vulnerability zone. Depth to the water table and the overlying strata are...
![Research paper thumbnail of A review on the application of the DRASTIC method in the assessment of groundwater vulnerability](
Water Supply
Industrial and municipal wastes, agricultural contamination owing to pesticides and chemical haza... more Industrial and municipal wastes, agricultural contamination owing to pesticides and chemical hazards, seawater intrusion in coastal areas, and other factors damage groundwater. In several towns and industrial clusters across India, this is becoming a rising subject of concern. Groundwater is difficult to contaminate, but once contaminated, it is difficult to clean up. It is critical to attain this goal using a variety of aquifer vulnerability assessment approaches. All of these strategies rely on process models as well as statistical or overlay index methodologies. Groundwater vulnerability is a major topic of discussion due to declining groundwater levels and rising contamination, posing a serious threat to the environment and water sources. To identify the risk and to assess the vulnerability, extensive research has been carried out among all the methods based on different parameters and different indexes. The DRASTIC method is one of the most important and accurate of the overlay...
![Research paper thumbnail of A Comparative Study of Regular and Irregular Shaped RC Building using Software-Aid](
Configuration is very much important for good seismic performance of the building. To makes the s... more Configuration is very much important for good seismic performance of the building. To makes the structure having good aesthetics and functionally effective, both shape and structural system must be sound enough. The wide range of the damages observed during past earthquakes across the world due to poor configuration. A building with simple geometry in plan has performed well during strong earthquake with compare to complex shape as symmetry is maintained. When irregular shapes are included in a building, a higher level of engineering efforts is required to make the structure good earthquake resistant. In these paper ill effects of irregularity which includes Time period, axial load, bending moment, her force, and torsion is reduced to remarkable extent by providing crumple section, which converts an irregular E-shape building into regular one. A building is analyzed having regular and irregular shape under the effect of earthquake loading by using latest software Aid. Analysis make ...
Urbanization has significant impact on socio-economical character, infrastructure requirement and... more Urbanization has significant impact on socio-economical character, infrastructure requirement and transportation system in most of metropolitan cities in India. Geographical setting and land use patterns are also affected at the same time. Eventually these factors do influence on physical and social infrastructure in respect of purpose in spatial way as socio economic characteristics and settlement pattern differ from zone-zone. This paper focuses on these issues with reference to a fast growing metropolitan city of Surat in Gujarat. Spatial infrastructure characteristics and their assessment in various center zone of Surat city are discussed in length.
![Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of the Interfacial Bond Strength Behaviour using Shear Key](
Many of the existing reinforced concrete structures throughout the world are in urgent need of st... more Many of the existing reinforced concrete structures throughout the world are in urgent need of strengthening, repair or reconstruction because of deterioration due to various factors like corrosion, lack of detailing, failure of bonding between beam-column joints, increase in service loads, spalling, loss of strength, deflection, etc., Retrofitting techniques have changed the old scenario to construct the new structure always by demolishing the damaged one. Retrofitting is the modification of existing structures to make them more resistant to external force quantities. The objectives like higher loading requirements; damage by accidents and environmental conditions, rectification of initial design flaws, change of usage can be achieved by retrofitting. Though, retrofitting technique have many significant advantages, suffers from a limitation that sometimes can occur which is debonding and BOND SLIP. Thus in this paper, efforts have been made to identify the parameters which plays a ...
The transportation system of any country is a vital part of their economy and public life. Countr... more The transportation system of any country is a vital part of their economy and public life. Country's national security is majorly based on the transportation system by which most of the commercial businesses are done through all coasts and parts of nation.
![Research paper thumbnail of Repair and Rehabilitation of RCC Structures: A Case Study](
Buildings and other structures have a certain useful life, which depends on the specifications ad... more Buildings and other structures have a certain useful life, which depends on the specifications adopted. The large numbers of monuments, which are cherished heritage structures have stood well over a period of time. But some of these have shown signs of distress due to age, aggressive natural environment/industrial pollution etc. Further, distress gets aggravated due to overloading and misuse of buildings. A few Buildings have also failed due to faulty design or construction. The various causes of structural failure and the principles of rehabilitation of structures are discussed. In the structures, the cracks are generated due to different causes e.g. in some cases cracks are caused after the structure has been completed for a few years which results in shortening of life and strength of structure. The main criteria is how to repair a reinforced concrete elements of structures and for this the skills, knowledge, and experience required to repair damaged or deteriorated structures ar...
![Research paper thumbnail of Integrated Township Proposal for Fast Growing Industrial City, Surat](
The emphasis is given to study & analyses of the different integrated township principles, featur... more The emphasis is given to study & analyses of the different integrated township principles, features, norms & objectives, to design an ideal integrated township. Accordingly proposal for integrated township of medium density has been proposed in fastest growing city Surat. The study deals with the site selection, analyzing & interpreting the same in various forms in all respects. This gives preparation of conceptual development layouts as per the need & demand of the site. Layouts for different dwelling units of different income group synchronized with each other, well integrated road network, with public buildings with sufficient open spaces & other basic necessities, amenities with better infrastructure facilities. Keyword-Common open plots (C.O.P), Building forms, Geometry & road pattern __________________________________________________________________________________________________
![Research paper thumbnail of Application of innovative trend analysis on rainfall time series over Rajsamand district of Rajasthan state](
Water Supply
Rainfall is an important part of the hydrological cycle, as well as its variability, and is relev... more Rainfall is an important part of the hydrological cycle, as well as its variability, and is relevant to drought and floods. Long-term changes in hydrological processes are referred to as climate change for an area. Urbanization, population growth, and economic growth are all having negative effects on the environment. The study of trends in the long term is essential from climatic change and socioeconomic perspectives. Examining the temporal variations in rainfall is crucial because changes in rainfall patterns and distribution can have a significant impact on the amount of water available in a watershed. The objective of the study is to assess the long-term (1902–2021) temporal trends in seasonal (winter, pre-monsoon, monsoon, and post-monsoon) and annual rainfall for the Rajsamand district of Rajasthan state using the innovative trend analysis (ITA) technique. Due to its ability to provide results in graphical form, the innovative trend analysis approach is a very useful tool for ...
![Research paper thumbnail of Innovation in Construction Technology](
The innovations originated in more than 20 countries, and cover all facets of construction, inclu... more The innovations originated in more than 20 countries, and cover all facets of construction, including design, fabrication, construction, rehabilitation, labor, management, equipment, and materials. From simple tools to complex systems, innovation makes construction of higher quality that is less expensive, safer, more beautiful, less environmentally intrusive, and better understood and accepted. It helps preserve and renew the old and makes the new more enduring, it provides much of the spirit and challenges that excites and rives the great industry. One of the major issues to be addressed when coming to construction is the choice of the appropriate material. An already, classical implementation of the field techniques, widely used for construction is Cement, Steel, Glass, Wood etc are the main components of any construction now a days. In recent years, several emerging high strength materials have attracted enormous attention as potential candidates for construction. High strength ...
Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources
![Research paper thumbnail of Rehabilitation of Slum: An Innovative Approach to Urban Development](
Urbanization and faster speed of our life have let us live a happy and smooth life but with accor... more Urbanization and faster speed of our life have let us live a happy and smooth life but with accordance to the advancement there adds a discomfort to the city life. A city is considered developed when it have all the possibility to develop but as far as city's now a day's face many of development problems due to which the city's development is incomplete. The urban population in India has increased significantly from 62 million in 1951 to 285 million in 2001 and is estimated to grow to around 560 million by the year 2021. It would be touching 37% of the total population in next 15 years. India's urban population has growth rate of nearly 41% in last decade. This directly means providing additional shelters for around 65 million households, as well as places to shop, work besides number of administrative and entertainment complexes. We are focusing on sustainability in the realization the human rights to slum and its dwellers, the report examines how the rights of slum...
This paper presents a preliminary design for physical enhancement of the reach of the Tapi River ... more This paper presents a preliminary design for physical enhancement of the reach of the Tapi River located near the confluence of Arabian Sea and the Tapi River in Surat City, Gujarat. In this paper designing of stable channel has been done using the Copeland method which has been included in the Army Corps of Engineers Hydraulic Engineering Center River Analysis System (HEC-RAS). This method requires the bottom width, depth, and side slopes of a representative cross-section from a stable, upstream reach as input. A flood in river Tapi affects Surat city and surrounding regions.
![Research paper thumbnail of One Dimensional Hydrodynamic Flood Modeling for Ambica River, South Gujarat](
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2018
Navsari is a developing, thinly populated city located on the bank oh river Ambica. The frequent ... more Navsari is a developing, thinly populated city located on the bank oh river Ambica. The frequent flooding in Navsari city has become a recurrent phenomenon of last decade. The city has faced frequent flooding since long back. Major flood event occurred in year 1981, 1984, 1994, 1997, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2013 and 2014. At present, the carrying capacity of the river is approximately about 2.5 lakh cusecs (7071 cumecs). The flooding problem in the Navsari city has been perennial each time causing a reversal of gains on economic and social development. This paper presents a model developed to determine water level along the Ambica river from Ichhapur to 11 km Dhamdachha village using the HEC-RAS hydrodynamic model and past flood events of the year 1984, 1994 and 2004. The study reach consists of 359 cross-sections. The model was calibrated and verified for steady flow conditions. It provides water levels and inundation areas along the river for different discharges. The study compar...
![Research paper thumbnail of Comparison on Auto Aerated Concrete to Normal Concrete](
Aerated concrete is relatively homogeneous and compared to normal concrete, as it does not contai... more Aerated concrete is relatively homogeneous and compared to normal concrete, as it does not contain coarse aggregate phase that shows vast variation in its properties. The properties of aerated concrete depend on its microstructure and composition, methods of pore-formation and curing. AAC is a relatively new concrete masonry material that is lightweight, easy to construct, and economical to transport. However, in other parts of the world it use has been used successfully as a building material for over fifty years. It was observed that fly ash responds poorly to autoclaving. This paper details the history, physical properties, manufacturing process, and structural design of AAC and concludes that it has important advantages as a structural building material comparing with the Normal Concrete that deserves further consideration for use in the United States. KeywordAAC, Aerated concrete __________________________________________________________________________________________________
![Research paper thumbnail of Water Productivity Enhancement Through Controlling The Flood Inundation of The Surrounding Region of Navsari Purna River, India](
Water productivity may carry different meanings to different people, and may differ between but a... more Water productivity may carry different meanings to different people, and may differ between but also within groups of water users. The term water productivity is used exclusively to denote the amount of the product over the volume of water diverted. This research paper presents one-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of a steady flow analysis on the Purna river of the Navsari region, India. ArcGIS and HEC-RAS software were used to find out water level at different cross-section in 62 km stretch of river reach. Carto DEM of 1-arc second resolution was pre-processed in ArcGIS v10.5 to extract the cross-sections for hydraulic modeling. Hydrologic Engineering Centre’s- River Analysis System (HEC-RAS v5.0.7) software was used to carry out the analysis of hydraulic parameters for past flood data. Total 246 cross-sections were analyzed to check the carrying capacity of the 62 km stretch of the river for the peak flood discharge of the years 2004 and 2005. The results show that around 40% of ...
International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 2021
![Research paper thumbnail of Simulation of Existing Water Distribution Network at Punagam Area of Surat City Using WATERGEMS Software](
Urbanization Challenges in Emerging Economies
Water is the basic need of all living being of world. Demand of water is increase day by day. Wat... more Water is the basic need of all living being of world. Demand of water is increase day by day. Water supply system is a system of engineered hydraulic and components which provide water supply. For the development of nation, water distribution network are very important for development of an area as they serve many purposes in addition to provision of water for human consumption. The water distribution network plays a virtual role in preserving and providing desirable life quality to the public, of which reliability of supply is the major component. It is difficult to provide safe water to the rural people in sufficient quantity, quality and at satisfactory pressure head with achieving economy constraint. EPANET software is used to design and analyze the multi village supply system with reference to technical sustainability. EPANET is computer program that performs extended period simulation of hydraulic behavior within pressurized pipe network. The study presents the hydraulic analysis of pipe line network of Punagam area near Surat city using EPANET 2.0. The area has 600.83 Ha area and 2, 22,252 Population (2016). Source supplies water to city by 109 junction having 144 Pipes divided in two different zones. The water from this source is taken via network of pipes to the GSR (Ground Services Reservoir) across the area. The water from these GSR is then pumped to the Adjacent ESRs (Elevated Storage Reservoirs) during the supply hours and water is supply to the area by gravity. Simulation has been carried out for hydraulic parameter such as had pressure and flow rate. The result obtained verified that the pressure at all junction and the flows with their velocities at all pipes are feasible enough to provide adequate water to the network of study area. The findings will help to understand the pipelines system of the study area in a better way. The study also deals with the future demand of the area.
![Research paper thumbnail of An assessment of groundwater quality in South-West zone of Surat city](
Water Supply
Groundwater quality alludes to the state of the water that is arranged under the Earth's surf... more Groundwater quality alludes to the state of the water that is arranged under the Earth's surface. Groundwater can accumulate in breaks in subsurface rocks and the centre of soil particles. Since various blends can break down in water and others can be suspended in water, there is a potential for pollution with harmful mixes including significant particles like Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), and many others, such as Ca, Cl, F, Mg, NO3, SO4, and Total Hardness. This study examines groundwater quality in the study area of the South-West zone of Surat city, Gujarat. The South-West zone of Surat city is situated on the shoreline, causing the groundwater of the concerned area to be highly affected by seawater intrusion. The present study determines the Ground Water Quality Index (GWQI) from the year 2006 to 2015. It also predicts the approximate groundwater quality for the next 10 years. The outcome of this study suggests the need for certain improvement i...