Cengiz Han, ölmeden önce ülke topraklarını oğulları arasında paylaştırmıştır. En büyük oğlu Cuci’... more Cengiz Han, ölmeden önce ülke topraklarını oğulları arasında paylaştırmıştır. En büyük oğlu Cuci’ye doğuda Altay Dağları sınır olmak üzere batıda İdil Nehri civarına kadar olan topraklar verilmiştir. Ayrıca batıda ne kadar yer ele geçirilirse onların olacaktır. Ancak tahsis edilen topraklar bazı bölgelerde kesin bir şekilde belirlenmemiştir. Bu durum Azerbaycan bölgesi için söz konusudur. Bu bölgede hâkimiyet kurmak için Altın Orda ve İlhanlı Devleti arasında uzun mücadeleler yaşanmıştır. İlhanlı Devleti’nin yıkılmasıyla bölgede bir süre Altın Orda Devleti hâkimiyeti yaşanmışsa da Çağatay ülkesi topraklarında yeni bir siyasî güç olarak Emîr Timur ortaya çıkmıştır. Emîr Timur, “taht- Hülagû” olarak adlandırdığı Tebriz’i ele geçirmiş ve böylece Azerbaycan’a hâkim olmuştur. Böylece İlhanlı mirasçısı olarak Altın Orda Devleti’yle mücadele de başlamıştır. Ancak Timurlu Devleti ile Altın Orda Devleti’nin mücadele sahası Azerbaycan’la sınırlı olmamıştır. Emîr Timur, Çağatay Han’ın mirasçısı olarak Cuci Ulusu’na meyilli olan Harezm hâkimi Kongrat Hüseyin Sofî’den bölgenin teslim edilmesini istemesi miras gerekçesi öne sürülerek Timurlu ve Altın Orda Devleti’nin bu bölgede de mücadele etmesine neden olmuştur. Bu çalışmada bölge mücadelesi doğrultusunda mirasçı devletlerin yürütmüş olduğu siyaset ele alınmıştır.
Before his death, Genghis Khan split the country's land among his sons. His eldest son Jochi was given lands in the east, along the border of the Altai Mountains, up to the Volga River in the west. In addition, the amount of space seized in the west will be theirs. However, the allocated land has not been determined in certain regions. This is the case for the Azerbaijan region. There have been long struggles between the Golden Horde and the Ilkhanid State to establish dominance in this region. With the collapse of the Ilkhanid State, the region was dominated by the Golden Horde State, but Amir Timur emerged as a new political force in the territory of Caghatay. Amir Timur seized Tabriz, which he called “taht-ı Hulagu”, and thus dominated Azerbaijan. Thus, the struggle against the Golden Horde State began as the heir of Ilkhanid. However, the field of struggle between the Timurid State and the Golden Horde State was not limited to Azerbaijan. Amir Timur, as the heir of Caghatay Khan, who was inclined to the Jochi ulus, asked Khwarazm judge Qongrat Husayn Sofî for the surrender of the region, Timurid and the Golden Horde State has caused the struggle in this region. In this study, the policy of the heirs states in line with the regional struggle was discussed.
Papers by Ali Rıza YAĞLI
Tuğluk Timur Han, Maveraünnehir’e geldiğinde Emîr Timur’un yanında olan Emîr Caku Barlas, özel koruma birliğinde yer almış ve Emîr Timur’la birlikte İlyas Hoca’ya karşı savaşmış, daha sonra Emîr Seyfeddin’le birlikte Semerkand’ı Emîr Timur adına ele geçirmiştir. Çamur Savaşı’na katıldıktan sonra Emîr Hüseyin’e muhalefette bulunmuş ve Emîr Musa başta olmak üzere onun adamlarına karşı yapılan seferlerde yer almıştır. Emîr Timur’u tahta geçirdikten sonra Şibirgan’ı Timurlu Devleti’ne katan Emîr Caku, Sindustan olarak adlandırılan Kunduz, Bağlan ve Kabul’un genel valiliğine tayin edilmiştir. Kendisi gibi oğulları Emîr Cihanşah ve Emîr Mızrab’la birlikte özellikle Emîr Cihanşah’ın oğulları Timurlu Devleti’nin ve Barlas boyunun önemli şahsiyetleri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadırlar.
Chaqu Barlas is one of the vital personalities among the amirs of Amir Timur period. One of the first amirs of the Timurid State, Amir Chaqu Barlas, although sometimes dissented from Amir Timur, was among the amirs who had put him on the throne and served until his death. Because of the fact that his descendants were based on Qarachar Noyan, Amir Chaqu, one of the most respected people of Barlas, sustained his reputation stemmed from his personal virtues.
When Tughluq Timur Khan came to Transoxiana, Amir Chaqu Barlas, who was with Amir Timur, took a part in the special protection union and fought against Ilyas Hodja with Amir Timur, then he took Samarqand with Amir Sayf al-Din in the name of Amir Timur. After joining the Battle of Mud, he had made opposition to Amir Husayn and took part in campaigns against his men, especially Amir Musa. After Amir Timur took the throne, Amir Chaqu who added Shibirghan to the Timurid State, was appointed to the governorship of Qunduz, Baghlan and Kabul, which are called Sindustan. He, along with his sons Amir Jahan-Shah and Amir Mizrab, especially Amir Jahan-Shah’s sons appear to be important figures of the Barlas tribe and the Timurid State.
Before his death, Genghis Khan split the country's land among his sons. His eldest son Jochi was given lands in the east, along the border of the Altai Mountains, up to the Volga River in the west. In addition, the amount of space seized in the west will be theirs. However, the allocated land has not been determined in certain regions. This is the case for the Azerbaijan region. There have been long struggles between the Golden Horde and the Ilkhanid State to establish dominance in this region. With the collapse of the Ilkhanid State, the region was dominated by the Golden Horde State, but Amir Timur emerged as a new political force in the territory of Caghatay. Amir Timur seized Tabriz, which he called “taht-ı Hulagu”, and thus dominated Azerbaijan. Thus, the struggle against the Golden Horde State began as the heir of Ilkhanid. However, the field of struggle between the Timurid State and the Golden Horde State was not limited to Azerbaijan. Amir Timur, as the heir of Caghatay Khan, who was inclined to the Jochi ulus, asked Khwarazm judge Qongrat Husayn Sofî for the surrender of the region, Timurid and the Golden Horde State has caused the struggle in this region. In this study, the policy of the heirs states in line with the regional struggle was discussed.
Amir Mızrab was the son of Amir Caku from the Barlas tribe. He ruled the nations of Qunduz and Baglan regions under his family and Turshiz was given him as sujurgal. Amir Mizrab entered the service of Shah Rukh Mirza after Emir Timur, served as amiru’l-umera and amiru’l-tumen. He took a part in the First Indian Champaign as a military activity. He then took part in the Seven-Year Campaign. Amir Mizrab who was in the retinue of Shah Rukh Mirza from the beginning, continued to serve in the Timurid interregnum. He was seen as an important beneficiary in Shah Rukh’s dominance. He died while was a Persian ruler, in the service of Shah Rukh Mirza. And His son Pir Ahmed served as emîrü’l-ümerâ in the service of Emir Timur. However, when Emir Timur died, he was on Halil Sultan's side unlike his father. He was killed here for abusing the mission.
It is known thet Yadigâr Barlas was in the service of Amir Timur as from 775h./1374. Yadigâr Barlas who was the Balkh Darugha, was one of the supporter of Khalil Sultan and enthroned him when Amir Timur died. Amir Tukel Barlas, son of the Amir Yadigâr Barlas, remained in the service of Omar Mirza b. Miran Shah Mirza in contradistinction to his father, after the death of Amir Timur. Yadigâr Barlas’s brother Amir Hinduke Barlas is not one of the Amir Timur’s remarkable begs.
Yapmış olduğu Buhara darugalığı kendinden sonra oğulları Rüstem ve Hamza’ya geçmiştir. Oğullarıyla birlikte aynı zamanda emîrlik yapan Togay Buğa’nın Emîr Timur’dan önce öldüğü muhtemeldir. Oğullarından Rüstem, bu sülalede en çok ismi geçen kişidir. Rüstem Togay Buğa, özellikle Emîr Timur’un ölümünden sonra kardeşleriyle birlikte Şahruh Mîrza’nın yanında yer almış ve Halil Sultan’a karşı mücadele etmiştir. Buhara’nın başarılı bir şekilde savunulmasında kardeşi Hamza’yla birlikte önemli katkısı bulunan Rüstem, daha sonra Uluğ Beg’in emîrleri arasında yer almıştır.
Toghay Bugha Barlas is one of the amir of Amir Timur's first struggle period. Not only his brother La‘l Barlas but also his sons Rustem, Hamza, Pir Muhammed and Ali served this state. Toghay Bugha's ancestry is based on Karacar Noyan, the same as Amir Timur. However, he known as a prestigious amir stems from the fact that Amir Timur took his place from the beginning rather than being relative Amir Timur.
The darugha of Bukhara was followed by his sons Rustem and Hamza. It is possible that Toghay Bugha, who was a surrogate with his sons at the same times, had died before Amîr Timur. Rustem, one of his sons, is the person whose name is said to be the most. Rustem Toghay Bugha, especially after the death of Amir Timur, and his brothers took place Shah Rukh Mîrza fought against Khalil Sultan. Rustem, who contributed to the successful defense of Bukhara together with his brother Hamza, became one of the amir of Ulugh Beg in the later.
Books by Ali Rıza YAĞLI
Tuğluk Timur Han, Maveraünnehir’e geldiğinde Emîr Timur’un yanında olan Emîr Caku Barlas, özel koruma birliğinde yer almış ve Emîr Timur’la birlikte İlyas Hoca’ya karşı savaşmış, daha sonra Emîr Seyfeddin’le birlikte Semerkand’ı Emîr Timur adına ele geçirmiştir. Çamur Savaşı’na katıldıktan sonra Emîr Hüseyin’e muhalefette bulunmuş ve Emîr Musa başta olmak üzere onun adamlarına karşı yapılan seferlerde yer almıştır. Emîr Timur’u tahta geçirdikten sonra Şibirgan’ı Timurlu Devleti’ne katan Emîr Caku, Sindustan olarak adlandırılan Kunduz, Bağlan ve Kabul’un genel valiliğine tayin edilmiştir. Kendisi gibi oğulları Emîr Cihanşah ve Emîr Mızrab’la birlikte özellikle Emîr Cihanşah’ın oğulları Timurlu Devleti’nin ve Barlas boyunun önemli şahsiyetleri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadırlar.
Chaqu Barlas is one of the vital personalities among the amirs of Amir Timur period. One of the first amirs of the Timurid State, Amir Chaqu Barlas, although sometimes dissented from Amir Timur, was among the amirs who had put him on the throne and served until his death. Because of the fact that his descendants were based on Qarachar Noyan, Amir Chaqu, one of the most respected people of Barlas, sustained his reputation stemmed from his personal virtues.
When Tughluq Timur Khan came to Transoxiana, Amir Chaqu Barlas, who was with Amir Timur, took a part in the special protection union and fought against Ilyas Hodja with Amir Timur, then he took Samarqand with Amir Sayf al-Din in the name of Amir Timur. After joining the Battle of Mud, he had made opposition to Amir Husayn and took part in campaigns against his men, especially Amir Musa. After Amir Timur took the throne, Amir Chaqu who added Shibirghan to the Timurid State, was appointed to the governorship of Qunduz, Baghlan and Kabul, which are called Sindustan. He, along with his sons Amir Jahan-Shah and Amir Mizrab, especially Amir Jahan-Shah’s sons appear to be important figures of the Barlas tribe and the Timurid State.
Before his death, Genghis Khan split the country's land among his sons. His eldest son Jochi was given lands in the east, along the border of the Altai Mountains, up to the Volga River in the west. In addition, the amount of space seized in the west will be theirs. However, the allocated land has not been determined in certain regions. This is the case for the Azerbaijan region. There have been long struggles between the Golden Horde and the Ilkhanid State to establish dominance in this region. With the collapse of the Ilkhanid State, the region was dominated by the Golden Horde State, but Amir Timur emerged as a new political force in the territory of Caghatay. Amir Timur seized Tabriz, which he called “taht-ı Hulagu”, and thus dominated Azerbaijan. Thus, the struggle against the Golden Horde State began as the heir of Ilkhanid. However, the field of struggle between the Timurid State and the Golden Horde State was not limited to Azerbaijan. Amir Timur, as the heir of Caghatay Khan, who was inclined to the Jochi ulus, asked Khwarazm judge Qongrat Husayn Sofî for the surrender of the region, Timurid and the Golden Horde State has caused the struggle in this region. In this study, the policy of the heirs states in line with the regional struggle was discussed.
Amir Mızrab was the son of Amir Caku from the Barlas tribe. He ruled the nations of Qunduz and Baglan regions under his family and Turshiz was given him as sujurgal. Amir Mizrab entered the service of Shah Rukh Mirza after Emir Timur, served as amiru’l-umera and amiru’l-tumen. He took a part in the First Indian Champaign as a military activity. He then took part in the Seven-Year Campaign. Amir Mizrab who was in the retinue of Shah Rukh Mirza from the beginning, continued to serve in the Timurid interregnum. He was seen as an important beneficiary in Shah Rukh’s dominance. He died while was a Persian ruler, in the service of Shah Rukh Mirza. And His son Pir Ahmed served as emîrü’l-ümerâ in the service of Emir Timur. However, when Emir Timur died, he was on Halil Sultan's side unlike his father. He was killed here for abusing the mission.
It is known thet Yadigâr Barlas was in the service of Amir Timur as from 775h./1374. Yadigâr Barlas who was the Balkh Darugha, was one of the supporter of Khalil Sultan and enthroned him when Amir Timur died. Amir Tukel Barlas, son of the Amir Yadigâr Barlas, remained in the service of Omar Mirza b. Miran Shah Mirza in contradistinction to his father, after the death of Amir Timur. Yadigâr Barlas’s brother Amir Hinduke Barlas is not one of the Amir Timur’s remarkable begs.
Yapmış olduğu Buhara darugalığı kendinden sonra oğulları Rüstem ve Hamza’ya geçmiştir. Oğullarıyla birlikte aynı zamanda emîrlik yapan Togay Buğa’nın Emîr Timur’dan önce öldüğü muhtemeldir. Oğullarından Rüstem, bu sülalede en çok ismi geçen kişidir. Rüstem Togay Buğa, özellikle Emîr Timur’un ölümünden sonra kardeşleriyle birlikte Şahruh Mîrza’nın yanında yer almış ve Halil Sultan’a karşı mücadele etmiştir. Buhara’nın başarılı bir şekilde savunulmasında kardeşi Hamza’yla birlikte önemli katkısı bulunan Rüstem, daha sonra Uluğ Beg’in emîrleri arasında yer almıştır.
Toghay Bugha Barlas is one of the amir of Amir Timur's first struggle period. Not only his brother La‘l Barlas but also his sons Rustem, Hamza, Pir Muhammed and Ali served this state. Toghay Bugha's ancestry is based on Karacar Noyan, the same as Amir Timur. However, he known as a prestigious amir stems from the fact that Amir Timur took his place from the beginning rather than being relative Amir Timur.
The darugha of Bukhara was followed by his sons Rustem and Hamza. It is possible that Toghay Bugha, who was a surrogate with his sons at the same times, had died before Amîr Timur. Rustem, one of his sons, is the person whose name is said to be the most. Rustem Toghay Bugha, especially after the death of Amir Timur, and his brothers took place Shah Rukh Mîrza fought against Khalil Sultan. Rustem, who contributed to the successful defense of Bukhara together with his brother Hamza, became one of the amir of Ulugh Beg in the later.