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Constexpr highway hash for GNU++2a, works only on gcc.
* hh.hpp - Highway Hash code that is constexpr compatible, this code
* is inspired by and derives significant amount of code from
* to produce a compatible hash,
* that being said, it is an almost entirely different codebase at this
* point being far simpler (and less advanced than the original product),
* but it does produce a decent compile time hash function.
* @author: Jonathan Beard
* @version: Sun Feb 7 05:46:48 2019
* Copyright 2020 Jonathan Beard
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* WARNING, works on g++ 10.x, need to figure out differences
* between this and clang/msvc template type type deduction for
* C++20.
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <array>
#include <utility>
#include <string>
class highway_hash
struct hash_t
using val_type = std::uint64_t;
* primary initiator for using the _64 user-defined
* string literal operator, the constexpr constructor
* does the heavy lifting.
template< std::size_t N >
struct data_t : hash_t
* NOTE: length does not include null terminator,
* actual array size is (len + 1), this also has
* to be static for the constexpr magic to work,
* doesn't really matter if we have it shared given
* it's just the length, and if it ends up being
* shared then it's fine b/c it's the same length.
static const decltype( N ) len = N - 1;
* val gets the hash value
hash_t::val_type val = 0;
* on template instantiation, str[ N ] is the length
* of the string including the null terminator.
char str[ N ] = {'\0'};
constexpr data_t( char const(&input)[N] )
for( std::size_t i( 0 ); i < N; i++ )
str[ i ] = input[ i ];
highway_hash::state state;
highway_hash::process_all( (*this),
state );
val = highway_hash::finalize64( state );
* helper struct, if you need a version of the above
* to track the actual string names in a fixed size
* container, use this one after the above, simply
* construct one of these, in say, a map, then you can
* lookup strings (assuming you can bound the length
* that is).
template< std::size_t N > struct data_fixed_t : highway_hash::hash_t
* does not include null term
std::size_t len = 0;
* val gets the hash value
hash_t::val_type val = 0;
* on template instantiation, str[ N ] is the length
* of the string including the null terminator.
char str[ N ] = {'\0'};
template < class T > constexpr data_fixed_t( const T &t )
std::size_t i = 0;
for( ; i < N && i < T::len; i++ )
str[ i ] = t.str[ i ];
val = t.val;
len = t.len;
constexpr data_fixed_t( const hash_t::val_type hash_val, const std::string input_str )
std::size_t i = 0;
const auto _len = input_str.length();
for( ; i < N && i < _len; i++ )
str[i] = input_str[i];
val = hash_val;
* if you need the fixed length version, I'd recommend you
* simply make a new name with "using" and then set the
* array length with the template parameter. Like so:
* ```cpp
* using xxname_t = data_fixed_t< 64 >;
* ```
* code and keys adapted from library code
* although significantly re-written to enable
* c++20 features and constexpr hashing of
* strings.
constexpr static std::uint64_t _the_key[4] = {
* read_64b_t is basically a 64b vector of 8-byte
* chars.
using read_64b_t = std::array< std::uint8_t, 8>;
* read_32B_t - a 32B vector of 32 chars.
using read_32B_t = std::array< std::uint8_t, 32>;
* convert - converts the 32B char input to a 64b output
* starting at the param offset. Note: this function
* could fail if the offset > 24, so sanitize input before
* arriving here.
* @param input - read_32B_t (32 char input)
* @param offset - int, offset w.r.t. 32B input to start at.
constexpr static
read_64b_t convert ( const read_32B_t &input, const int offset ) noexcept
return( std::move( read_64b_t( { input[ 0 + offset ],
input[ 1 + offset ],
input[ 2 + offset ],
input[ 3 + offset ],
input[ 4 + offset ],
input[ 5 + offset ],
input[ 6 + offset ],
input[ 7 + offset ] } ) ) );
* convert32B - takes an arbitrary size input string (static char
* array) and outputs a 32B (32 char) chunk of that input starting
* at the param offset and running to len in bytes.
* @param t - data_t class structure from user-defined str literal,
* @param offset - offset w.r.t. 't' for index 0 of output 32B,
* @param len - number of data elements from 't' to place into output.
* @return read_32B_t.
template < class T >
constexpr static
read_32B_t convert32B( const T &t,
const std::size_t offset,
const std::size_t len ) noexcept
read_32B_t temp = { '\0' };
std::size_t i = offset;
std::size_t j = 0;
for( ; i < T::len && j < len; i++, j++ )
temp[ j ] = t.str[ i ];
return( temp );
struct state
using type_t = std::array< std::uint64_t, 4 >;
constexpr state() = default;
type_t v0 = { 0 };
type_t v1 = { 0 };
type_t mul0 = { 0 };
type_t mul1 = { 0 };
/* Initializes state with given key */
void reset( highway_hash::state &state )
const auto key( highway_hash::_the_key );
state.mul0[0] = 0xdbe6d5d5fe4cce2full;
state.mul0[1] = 0xa4093822299f31d0ull;
state.mul0[2] = 0x13198a2e03707344ull;
state.mul0[3] = 0x243f6a8885a308d3ull;
state.mul1[0] = 0x3bd39e10cb0ef593ull;
state.mul1[1] = 0xc0acf169b5f18a8cull;
state.mul1[2] = 0xbe5466cf34e90c6cull;
state.mul1[3] = 0x452821e638d01377ull;
state.v0[0] = state.mul0[0] ^ key[0];
state.v0[1] = state.mul0[1] ^ key[1];
state.v0[2] = state.mul0[2] ^ key[2];
state.v0[3] = state.mul0[3] ^ key[3];
state.v1[0] = state.mul1[0] ^ ((key[0] >> 32) | (key[0] << 32));
state.v1[1] = state.mul1[1] ^ ((key[1] >> 32) | (key[1] << 32));
state.v1[2] = state.mul1[2] ^ ((key[2] >> 32) | (key[2] << 32));
state.v1[3] = state.mul1[3] ^ ((key[3] >> 32) | (key[3] << 32));
/* Takes a packet of 32 bytes */
void update_packet( const highway_hash::read_32B_t &packet,
highway_hash::state &state )
highway_hash::state::type_t lanes = {0};
lanes[0] = highway_hash::read64( convert( packet, 0 ) );
lanes[1] = highway_hash::read64( convert( packet, 8 ) );
lanes[2] = highway_hash::read64( convert( packet, 16) );
lanes[3] = highway_hash::read64( convert( packet, 24) );
highway_hash::update(lanes, state);
/* Adds the final 1..31 bytes, do not use if 0 remain */
void update_remainder( highway_hash::read_32B_t &&bytes,
const std::size_t size_mod32,
highway_hash::state &state )
const std::uint64_t size_mod4( size_mod32 & 3 );
const std::uint64_t remainder = size_mod32 & ~3;
highway_hash::read_32B_t packet = { '\0' };
for( auto i( 0 ); i < 4; ++i )
state.v0[ i ] += ((std::uint64_t)size_mod32 << 32) + size_mod32;
highway_hash::rotate_32_by( size_mod32, state.v1 );
for( std::uint64_t i( 0 );
i < remainder /** now zero indexed, don't sub bytes **/; i++ )
packet[ i ] = bytes[ i ];
if(size_mod32 & 16)
for ( auto i( 0 ); i < 4; i++) {
packet[28 + i] = bytes[ remainder + i + size_mod4 - 4 ];
if( size_mod4 )
packet[16 + 0] = bytes[ remainder + 0 ];
packet[16 + 1] = bytes[ remainder + (size_mod4 >> 1) ];
packet[16 + 2] = bytes[ remainder + (size_mod4 - 1) ];
highway_hash::update_packet(packet, state);
/* Compute final hash value. Makes state invalid. */
std::uint64_t finalize64( highway_hash::state &state )
for( auto i( 0 ); i < 4; i++ )
highway_hash::permute_and_update( state );
return( state.v0[0] + state.v1[0] + state.mul0[0] + state.mul1[0] );
template < class T >
process_all( T &t,
highway_hash::state &state)
std::uint64_t i( 0 );
const auto size( t.len );
highway_hash::reset( state );
for(; i + 32 <= size; i += 32)
highway_hash::update_packet( convert32B( t, i, 32 ), state );
if( (size & 31) != 0 )
constexpr auto len( size & 31 );
highway_hash::update_remainder( convert32B( t, i, len ), len, state);
permute_and_update( highway_hash::state &state )
highway_hash::state::type_t permuted = {0};
highway_hash::permute( state.v0, permuted );
highway_hash::update( permuted, state );
permute( const highway_hash::state::type_t &v, highway_hash::state::type_t &permuted)
permuted[0] = (v[2] >> 32) | (v[2] << 32);
permuted[1] = (v[3] >> 32) | (v[3] << 32);
permuted[2] = (v[0] >> 32) | (v[0] << 32);
permuted[3] = (v[1] >> 32) | (v[1] << 32);
rotate_32_by( const std::uint64_t count, highway_hash::state::type_t &lanes )
for( auto i( 0 ); i < 4; i++ )
const std::uint32_t half0( lanes[i] & 0xffffffff );
const std::uint32_t half1( lanes[i] >> 32 );
lanes[i] = (half0 << count) | (half0 >> (32 - count));
lanes[i] |= (std::uint64_t)((half1 << count) | (half1 >> (32 - count))) << 32;
read64( const highway_hash::read_64b_t &src)
return (std::uint64_t)src[0] | ((std::uint64_t)src[1] << 8) |
((std::uint64_t)src[2] << 16) | ((std::uint64_t)src[3] << 24) |
((std::uint64_t)src[4] << 32) | ((std::uint64_t)src[5] << 40) |
((std::uint64_t)src[6] << 48) | ((std::uint64_t)src[7] << 56);
update( const highway_hash::state::type_t lanes,
highway_hash::state &state)
for( auto i( 0 ); i < 4; ++i)
state.v1[i] += state.mul0[i] + lanes[i];
state.mul0[i] ^= (state.v1[i] & 0xffffffff) * (state.v0[i] >> 32);
state.v0[i] += state.mul1[i];
state.mul1[i] ^= (state.v0[i] & 0xffffffff) * (state.v1[i] >> 32);
highway_hash::zipper_merge_and_add(state.v1[1], state.v1[0], state.v0[1], state.v0[0]);
highway_hash::zipper_merge_and_add(state.v1[3], state.v1[2], state.v0[3], state.v0[2]);
highway_hash::zipper_merge_and_add(state.v0[1], state.v0[0], state.v1[1], state.v1[0]);
highway_hash::zipper_merge_and_add(state.v0[3], state.v0[2], state.v1[3], state.v1[2]);
zipper_merge_and_add( const std::uint64_t v1,
const std::uint64_t v0,
std::uint64_t &add1,
std::uint64_t &add0 )
add0 += (((v0 & 0xff000000ull) | (v1 & 0xff00000000ull)) >> 24) |
(((v0 & 0xff0000000000ull) | (v1 & 0xff000000000000ull)) >> 16) |
(v0 & 0xff0000ull) | ((v0 & 0xff00ull) << 32) |
((v1 & 0xff00000000000000ull) >> 8) | (v0 << 56);
add1 += (((v1 & 0xff000000ull) | (v0 & 0xff00000000ull)) >> 24) |
(v1 & 0xff0000ull) | ((v1 & 0xff0000000000ull) >> 16) |
((v1 & 0xff00ull) << 24) | ((v0 & 0xff000000000000ull) >> 8) |
((v1 & 0xffull) << 48) | (v0 & 0xff00000000000000ull);
* use this to get a constexpr 64b unsigned hash
* of a string. Must compile with C++20 for this to
* work given it requires return type template type
* deduction for user-defined string literals.
* e.g. "foobar"_64, hashes the string at compile
* time. Currently only g++ has this capability, maybe
* the latest head of clang, apple clang does not.
* The return type is a struct with the string,
* the length, and the hash value. e.g.
* auto data( "foobar"_64 ); then the field data.val
* contains your hash.
template < highway_hash::data_t data >
return( data );
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