Tags: AbdurazaaqMohammed/AXML-Editor
New New New Support all Android versions and target SDK 35 Fix removing useless elements/removing elements by keyword sometimes deleting /application> or /manifest> closing tags Use https://github.com/developer-krushna/AXMLPrinter to decompile Make the PopupMenu background black
Update MainActivity.java Use the old encoder because in aXML(https://github.com/apk-editor/aXML) there is some bug that breaks encoding xml files which has an empty attribute ("") because it encodes it to "null" instead of "" for some reason (U can check in np manager, its an encoding problem not a decoding one) Idk why it happens but the old axml2xml (https://github.com/codyi96/xml2axml) doesnt have that problem Add option to save APK with the updated manifest if an APK file was selected (the APK is not signed so this option is not recommended)