Pronounced: /ˈmɑːkəs/ ⚡️ Pronouns: He/Him/His
I'm a platform engineer at Giant Swarm working on building managed Kubernetes solutions, a Civo Ambassador and a CNCF Ambassador. My area of focus in recent years has been around release engineering, Go, ⎈ Kubernetes, containers and DevOps but originally started out as a web developer and JavaScript enthusiast. I'm a “tinkerer” and like to dabble with 3D printing and experimenting with smart home tech.
I also run a monthly newsletter - CloudNative.Now - where I do a roundup of all the cloud native happenings and have a small Etsy store - Paradox Fox - where I sell geeky stickers, keyrings and pin badges.
I'm always happy to chat so feel free to drop me an email at hello[@], or using any of the other social links below.
| Blog | Email | C.V. | GitHub | Mastodon | BlueSky | LinkedIn | Speaking | YouTube | |
From Fragile to Resilient: Using Admission Policies to Strengthen Kubernetes - Talk
Pod Deep Dive: Everything You Didn't Know You Needed to Know - Talk
Attendee and representing Giant Swarm as a sponsor
All my Open Source projects can be found on my GitHub profile (as well as my personal Gitea instance, GitLab, Codeberg and BitBucket).
Below are a selection of highlights.
devstats-viewer - Discover your CNCF devstats score based on your GitHub username [HTML]
kube-image-prefetch - Pre-pull all images, on all nodes, within a Kubernetes cluster [Go]
cel-tester - Browser-based CEL expression tester [HTML, Go]
opengraph-image-gen - Dynamically generate OpenGraph social share images [HTML, Go]
speedtest-exporter - A prometheus exporter for results [Go]
feed-fetcher - Returns the RSS feed associated with the given URL [HTML, Go]
link - Tiny link redirector. Best used with a short domain. [Go]