"Stellar Burger" is a website for ordering the most delicious burgers in the universe!
The website allows to:
- register and log in to the website;
- correct your profile data;
- add buns and ingredients into burgers constructor using drag-n-dron;
- watch ingredient information in modal window. (Without gh-pages you could open modal, reload page and see the modal again);
- watch last 50 orders of all website users by WebSocket in realtime;
- use routes for authenticated and unauthenticated users. Try to make order!;
- make orders;
- watch all new orders on a feed page by WebSocket in realtime;
- react
- redux
- react-router
- react-hooks
- react-dnd
- websocket
- typescript
- clone repo with:
git clone https://github.com/BentonFraizer/react-burger.git
- go into the project folder with:
cd react-burger/
- install all dependencies with:
npm install
- run in the dev mode with:
npm run start
- click to the link: http://localhost:3000/react-burger