Polymer behavior for simple A/B/... experiments
See this blog post for a detailed tutorial.
Using this behavior is (fairly) easy:
bower install app-experiment-behavior
After that you need to reference the behavior and provide the viewer information for your component:
<dom-module is="experiment-component">
:host {
margin: 2em;
// Simple example for how to set the oracle with a custom extraction function.
const oracle = Polymer.AppExperiment.Oracle.VIEWER_HASH(viewerId => viewerId);
is: 'experiment-component',
properties: {
experimentViewer: String,
_greeting: {
type: String,
computed: '_computeGreeting(experiment)'
behaviors: [
Polymer.AppExperiment.Behavior('experiment-component:greeting', [ 'world', 'universe' ], { oracle })
_computeGreeting(experiment) {
const greetings = {
'world': 'Hello, World!',
'universe': 'Jo, Universe!'
return greetings[experiment];
In this example the component provides the 'experimentViewer' property directly, but this could be extracted into a separate behavior, allowing you to simplify code in your app even more:
const MyViewerBehavior = {
properties: {
experimentViewer: {
type: Object,
computed: '_computeExperimentViewer(...)'
_computeExperimentViewer(...) {
// Calculate the viewer based on the given inputs
function MyExperimentBehavior() {
return [...Polymer.AppExperimentBehavior.apply(this, arguments), MyViewerBehavior ];