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Gun-Vue: The Peer-to-Peer Web App Toolkit

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Gun-Vue empowers you to build Offline-First, Progressive Web Apps (PWA) that run in any modern browser and securely synchronize data Peer-to-Peer (P2P) in Real-time without centralized servers.

Gun-Vue utilizes three powerful technologies:

  • Peer-to-Peer (P2P) powered by Gun
  • Cryptography powered by SEA
  • Web Apps powered by Vue 3

...and combines this Next-Gen Tech Stack into a collection of Features built from Composables and Components, that make Decentralized Web (DWeb) development Fast & Fun! These features are showcased in the Gun-Vue: 📱 Demo App, so you can start experimenting right now:

The Toolkit

📱 Demo App

GitHub (@gun-vue/app)npm📱 Demo App

A Single-Page App (SPA) that runs in any modern browser, featuring Peer-to-Peer: Social Posts, End-to-End Encrypted (E2EE) Chat, WebTorrent File Sharing, and more!


GitHub (@gun-vue/relay)npmDocs

A simple Gun Relay Peer that helps clients form Peer-to-Peer (P2P) connections.


GitHub (@gun-vue/src)

A collection of ready to use features such as: User, Post, Chat, Project, and more! Many of these are used in the Gun-Vue: 📱 Demo App.


GitHub (@gun-vue/components)npmDocs

Prebuilt Vue 3 UI components that simplify adding secure, real-time, peer-to-peer functionality to your application—no need to build core features from scratch.


GitHub (@gun-vue/composables)npmDocsAPI

Reusable logic built with the Vue 3 Composition API, for managing reactive, peer-to-peer data flows independently of any specific UI component.

How to Build the Toolkit

Note: For a more guided approach, see the Tutorials or try the StackBlitz Starter Project.

  1. Install pnpm
npm install -g pnpm

(Alternatively, use corepack)

  1. Clone the Repository & Install Dependencies
git clone
cd gun-vue
pnpm install
  1. Run a Development Server

    Pick one (or more) from the following, as needed:

  • Core Dev Server:
    pnpm run dev
  • Documentation Server:
    pnpm run docs
  1. Build the Entire Toolkit
pnpm run builds
open ./_dist/index.html

(or manually open _dist/index.html in your browser.)

How to Contribute

We welcome ideas, bug reports, and pull requests:

  1. Fork the repository and create a new branch.
  2. Make changes and test locally.
  3. Submit a pull request with a brief summary.

Thank you for improving Gun-Vue!