A easy way to solve this problem is to store all values of Snapshot Array with respect to snap_id and index . i.e we create a 2D map(snapshot_array) whose rows indicate index of Snapshot array and columns indicate snap_id when this value is stored .
For this we create a global variable snap_id and set it to 0 initially and increase it by 1 , whenever snap function is called. Whenever we set a value , inside set function , we update element corresponding to modified map to 1 (which says that value at that index is update when snap_id is as given ) and store the value in the 2D map(snapshot_array) at the given index corresponding to existing snap_id.
Whenever we need to get a value corresponding to a index a snap_id , we check if that value is modified or not (it is modified if modified[index][snap_id]=1 else not) If it is modified , then we simply return snapshot_array[index][snap_id] else it will be same as the value at index corresponding to snap_id=snap_id-1 Hence we call get function with snap_id decremented by 1.
Here we are using 2 2D maps and global variable
- Set Function - O(1)
- Snap Function - O(1)
- Get Function - Worst Case - O(n) - Best Case - O(1)
- Runtime: 400 ms, faster than 40.42% of C++ online submissions for Snapshot Array.
- Memory Usage: 98.1 MB, less than 46.65% of C++ online submissions for Snapshot Array.