A mix of ancient tools to keep alive on the internet and in the Arctic Vault.
For tools that have a stable presence on the internet such as [grc.com], then they will simply be linked and not uploaded until their housing site goes down.
Sharescan.exe - Scans for network shares on the network quite rapidly. An old tool written for McAfee by Robin Keir <keir.net> but now hard to find.
winfo.exe - Attempts to perform a null-session NBT attack. (c) Arne Vidstrom.
nat10bin.zip - Netbios Security Kit. Simple bruteforce attempts for NBT. (c) nat-dev@secnet.com.
Winfingerprint.zip - Windows enumeration and scanning. (c) Kirby Kuehl 1999.
idserve.exe - Windows fetch server data and banner. (c) Steve Gibson 2003.
Continually expanding when I need something old and find it...