A project using Yolo and Norfair to achieve tracking of individuals (in real time and on video) and informations extraction.
The informations extracted are, realtively to a calibrated zone :
- Inside/Outside of the calibrated zone
- Position in % relative to the calibrated zone
- Moving/Still
This project was realized in the context of the 5 semester's project at HEIA-FR and used in an interactive art installation at Murten Licht Festival 2024.
The project was realized under the supervision of Beat Wolf, Damien Goetschi and Jean Hennebert.
Install necesaries librairies : pip install -r requirements.txt
Execution of the project on a local MP4 file : py main.py -i <RELATIVE_PATH_OF_THE_FILE> -o <OUTPUT_NAME>
Execution of the project on a live input :
Into main.py, comment
et uncomment#io.live_output(frame)
py main.py -i <CAMERA_IP>:<CAMERA_PORT>/h264Preview_01_main
The calibration is made automatically, based on the most luminous area of the input, but you can do it manually.
Into constants of the lines 17 to 27 :
Modify the value MANUAL_CALIBRATION from False to True
Example :
Modify the value of manual_offset_calibrate_x [offset_left, offset_right].
Example :
manual_offset_calibrate_x = [[20, 400], [1260, 400]]
Do the same with the value of manual_offset_calibrate_y [offset_top, offset_down].
Example :
manual_offset_calibrate_y = [640, 440], [640, 650]