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Releases: TEParsons/torillic


01 Apr 13:27
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Torillic: A Typora theme which styles your editor to look like the official Dungeons & Dragons 5e content books.

Being a bit cheeky and doing another minor release just a week after the last! I considered making this a bug fix release (2.1.1) but I've added mkdocs support which is definitely a feature so it seemed dishonest not to make it a minor release.


Full Changelog: v2.1.0...2.1.1





  • sphinx and mkdocs implementations are now on PyPi, so you don't have to do an editable install from local anymore.
  • If I've got my CLI code right, these should automatically update whenever I do a release on this repo! 🤞

To install

General HTML

Download an extract, copy it to your HTML project, then either import it in your .css file:

@import url("path/to/extracted/folder/torillic.css")

Or link it in your .html file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/extracted/folder/torillic.css" />


Download and extract, then copy the extracted files to your Typora theme directory.


Install the plugin package from PyPi:

pip install sphinx-torillic

Then, in your Sphinx project's file, add:

extensions = [
    # whatever other extensions you're using...
html_theme = "sphinx_torillic"


Install the plugin package from PyPi:

pip install mkdocs-torillic

Then, in your MkDocs project's mkdocs.yaml file, add:

  name: torillic


25 Mar 22:43
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Torillic: A Typora theme which styles your editor to look like the official Dungeons & Dragons 5e content books.


  • Now avoids breaking after a line in italics if it's immediately below a heading, to avoid e.g. a column ending with a name and their race/alignment/pronouns, with their image/bio on the next column


  • Torillic has crossed the platform divide! I've moved the core stuff to a generic CSS file which you can use in any HTML project, all the Typora specific stuff is now in a Typora specific folder.
  • I've also added a Python package for sphinx as I'm familiar with it (being a Python dev). Please do feel free to put in a pull request with implementations for other systems!
  • Torillic now comes packaged with some 16x16px images of D&D coins (copper, silver, electrum, gold), so you can easily add inline coin icons like so:
This item costs ![](silver) 2 ![](copper) 3

or, in HTML...

<p>This item costs <img src="" /> 2 <img src="" /> 3</p>
  • If you want to force a column / page break, I've added some classes for doing so (.break-column-before, .break-page-before, .break-column-after and .break-page-after), you can also use an empty h1 for a page break and and empty h3 for a column break (this works in Typora!)

To install

General HTML

Download an extract, copy it to your HTML project, then either import it in your .css file:

@import url("")

Or link it in your .html file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />


Download and extract, then copy the extracted files to your Typora theme directory.


Download and extract, then install it as an "editable" using pip:

pip install -e "path/to/extracted/folder"

Then, in your Sphinx project's file, add:

extensions = [
    # whatever other extensions you're using...

html_theme = "sphinx_torillic"

Full Changelog: v2.0.3...v2.1.0


31 Oct 13:39
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Torillic: A Typora theme which styles your editor to look like the official Dungeons & Dragons 5e content books.


  • Account for Typora-isms so Torillic works in regular HTML
  • Prevent page break after heading


  • Replace hr page breaking with blank h1
  • Use single column if exporting to A5

To install, download and extract the attached zip file, and copy the extracted files to your Typora theme directory.


05 Oct 23:10
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Torillic: A Typora theme which styles your editor to look like the official Dungeons & Dragons 5e content books.


  • fix: Gave search bar a background so it remains readable against the wood background
  • fix: Fixed weird z-index stuff which was making the right-click menu appear below the sidebar


  • docs: Added, with guidance on commit convention

To install, download and extract the attached zip file, and copy the extracted files to your Typora theme directory.


29 Aug 14:55
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Torillic: A Typora theme which styles your editor to look like the official Dungeons & Dragons 5e content books.


  • Made background for code fences green
  • Finally figured out why PDF exports were coming up blank and fixed it (fixes #6, #8 and #10)

To install, download and extract the attached zip file, and copy the extracted files to your Typora theme directory.


03 Apr 12:00
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Torillic: A Typora theme which styles your editor to look like the official Dungeons & Dragons 5e content books.

v2.0 is a total rework from the ground up, trying to keep roughly the same look but with substantially more polish.

To install, download and extract the attached zip file, and copy the extracted files to your Typora theme directory.


19 May 15:36
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First release of Torillic, a Typora theme which styles your editor to look like the official Dungeons & Dragons 5e content books.

To install, download and extract the attached zip file, and copy the extracted files to your Typora theme directory.