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Clojure wrapper for Reddit API

Build Status Clojars Project


Declare creddit in your project.clj:

Clojars Project

Use creddit in your clojure code:

(require '[creddit.core :as creddit])


You will need your Reddit application credentials found here

I would recommend using a library such as cprop or environ to load them in

Your credentials should like this:

{:user-client <USER_CLIENT>,
 :user-secret <USER_SECRET>,
 :username <REDDIT_USERNAME>,
 :password <REDDIT_PASSWORD>}

The username and password are needed for some actions like submitting but are optional for anonymous actions.

Once you have your credentials loaded in you can initialise the client:

(def creddit-client (creddit/init credentials))



Retrieve posts from frontpage

limit: Maximum number of posts to retrieve (Minimum: 1, Maximum: 100)
time: Time span of query (One of :hour, :day, :week, :month, :year, :all)

(creddit/frontpage creddit-client limit time)

(creddit/controversial creddit-client limit time)

(creddit/new creddit-client limit time)

(creddit/rising creddit-client limit time)

(creddit/top creddit-client limit time)

Site-wide search for posts

query: Search query (Eg: "clojure tutorials", "site:''" etc...)
limit: Maximum number of posts to retrieve (Minimum: 1, Maximum: 100)

(creddit/search creddit-client query limit)


Retrieve posts from subreddit

subreddit: Name of subreddit (Eg: "programming", "funny", "pics" etc...)
limit: Maximum number of posts to retrieve (Minimum: 1, Maximum: 100)
time: Time span of query (One of :hour, :day, :week, :month, :year, :all)

(creddit/subreddit creddit-client subreddit limit time)

(creddit/subreddit-controversial creddit-client subreddit limit time)

(creddit/subreddit-new creddit-client subreddit limit time)

(creddit/subreddit-rising creddit-client subreddit limit time)

(creddit/subreddit-top creddit-client subreddit limit time)

Retrieve recent comments from subreddit

subreddit: Name of subreddit (Eg: "programming", "funny", "pics" etc...)
limit: Maximum number of comments to retrieve (Minimum: 1, Maximum: 100)
time: Time span of query (One of :hour, :day, :week, :month, :year, :all)
commentId: ID without fullname prefix of the comment you would like to search from.

(creddit/subreddit-comments creddit-client subreddit limit)

(creddit/subreddit-comments-after creddit-client subreddit commentId limit time)

(creddit/subreddit-comments-before creddit-client subreddit commentId limit time)

Search subreddit's posts

subreddit: Name of subreddit (Eg: "programming", "funny", "pics" etc...)
query: Search term (Eg: "clojure tutorials", "dank memes" etc...)
limit: Maximum number of posts to retrieve (Minimum: 1, Maximum: 100)

(creddit/subreddit-search creddit-client subreddit query limit)

Retrieve about from subreddit

subreddit: Name of subreddit (Eg: "programming", "funny", "pics" etc...)

(creddit/subreddit-about creddit-client subreddit)

Retrieve moderators of a subreddit

subreddit: Name of subreddit (Eg: "programming", "funny", "pics" etc...)

(creddit/subreddit-moderators creddit-client subreddit)


Retrieve list of subreddits

limit: Maximum number of subreddits to retrieve (Minimum: 1, Maximum: 100)

(creddit/subreddits creddit-client limit)

(creddit/subreddits-new creddit-client limit)

(creddit/subreddits-popular creddit-client limit)

(creddit/subreddits-gold creddit-client limit)

(creddit/subreddits-default creddit-client limit)

Search for subreddit

subreddit: Subreddit search term (Eg: "programming", "clojure", "nodejs" etc...)
limit: Maximum number of subreddits to retrieve (Minimum: 1, Maximum: 100)

(creddit/subreddits-search creddit-client subreddit limit)


Retrieve user profile

username: Name of user (Eg: "thisisbillgates", "awildsketchappeared", "way_fairer" etc...)

(creddit/user creddit-client username)

(creddit/user-trophies creddit-client username)

Retrieve user posts

username: Name of user (Eg: "thisisbillgates", "awildsketchappeared", "way_fairer" etc...)
limit: Maximum number of posts to retrieve (Minimum: 1, Maximum: 100)
time: Time span of query (One of :hour, :day, :week, :month, :year, :all)
postId: ID without fullname prefix of the post you would like to search from.

(creddit/user-posts creddit-client username limit time)

(creddit/user-posts-after creddit-client username postId limit time)

(creddit/user-posts-before creddit-client username postId limit time)

Retrieve user comments

username: Name of user (Eg: "thisisbillgates", "awildsketchappeared", "way_fairer" etc...)
limit: Maximum number of posts to retrieve (Minimum: 1, Maximum: 100)
time: Time span of query (One of :hour, :day, :week, :month, :year, :all)
commentId: ID without fullname prefix of the comment you would like to search from.

(creddit/user-comments creddit-client username limit time)

(creddit/user-comments-after creddit-client username commentId limit time)

(creddit/user-comments-before creddit-client username commentId limit time)


Retrieve users

limit: Maximum number of users to retrieve (Minimum: 1, Maximum: 100)

(creddit/users creddit-client limit)

(creddit/users-new creddit-client limit)

(creddit/users-popular creddit-client limit)


Retrieve specific posts

names: Sequence of fully specified fullnames.

(creddit/listing creddit-client names)


Submit self or link posts

subreddit: Name of subreddit (Eg: "programming", "funny", "pics" etc...)
kind: "self" or "link" (image uploads are not supported)
title: Title for the post (Eg: "test post please ignore")
content: Text for self posts or url for link posts

(creddit/submit creddit-client subreddit kind title content)



Run tests

$ lein test


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Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2017 Conor Hughes - Released under the MIT license.