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Learning content for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator - CKA based in Kubernetes 1.32.x
Install and use tmux.
Create cluster with informations in this page.
- 47 Things To Become a Kubernetes Expert
- A Beginner-Friendly Introduction to Kubernetes
- aeciopires: Primeiros passos com Docker, Kubernetes, Helm e Istio
- DevOps with Kubernetes
- digitalocean: An Introduction to Kubernetes
- digitalocean: Kubernetes
- freecodecamp: The Kubernetes Handbook – Learn Kubernetes for Beginners
- freecodecamp: The Kubernetes Handbook – Learn Kubernetes for Beginners
- Getting Started with K8s: Core Concepts
- github: awesome-eks - A curated list of awesome tools for Amazon EKS
- github: cronjob-scale
- github: Descomplicando o Kubernetes
- github: Kubernetes Network Policy Recipes
- How a Kubernetes Pod Gets an IP Address
- Introduction to Kubernetes
- itnext: Kubernetes for dummies: Life of a Pod
- itnext: Working with kubernetes configmaps, part 2: Watchers
- Kube by example
- Kubernetes API Basics - Resources, Kinds, and Objects
- Kubernetes Challenges
- Kubernetes Deep Dive: CRI (Container Runtime Interface)
- Kubernetes examples
- Kubernetes Fundamentals: Volumes
- Kubernetes Ingress Tutorial For Beginners
- Kubernetes Mastery
- kubernetes.io: CronJob
- kubernetes.io: Kubectl Reference Docs
- kubernetes.io: Kubernetes Documentation
- kubernetes.io: Pod's DNS Policy
- Learn Kubernetes by Playing the “Game of Pods”
- learnk8s: A visual guide on troubleshooting Kubernetes deployments
- learnk8s: Tracing the path of network traffic in Kubernetes
- medium: Ease Kubernetes Troubleshooting — Introducing kubectl-nurse
- medium: Externalizing Configurations in Kubernetes Using ConfigMap and Secret
- medium: How does ingress work in Kubernetes?
- medium: How kubectl apply command works?
- medium: Just-in-Time Kubernetes: A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Kubernetes Core Concepts
- medium: Kubernetes — Architecture Overview
- medium: Kubernetes — How does service network work in the cluster
- medium: Kubernetes — Ingress Overview
- medium: Kubernetes 03 / Ingress http
- medium: Kubernetes 04 / Practice PV, PVC, LoadBalancer, NFS & ReplicaSet
- medium: Kubernetes Architecture (All you need to know!!)
- medium: Kubernetes Architecture
- medium: Kubernetes for dummies: introduction
- medium: Kubernetes for Everyone
- medium: Kubernetes Networking
- medium: Managing Kubernetes Context using Kubectl
- medium: Powerful k8s concepts that every k8s developer must know
- medium: StatefulSet in K8s
- mirantis: Introduction to YAML: Creating a Kubernetes deployment
- mirantis: What is Kubernetes?
- Practical Introduction to Kubernetes Autoscaling Tools with Linode Kubernetes Engine
- Practical Introduction to Kubernetes Autoscaling Tools with Linode Kubernetes Engine
- 50 Questions for CKAD and CKA exam
- github: Kubernetes Network Policy Recipes
- github: CKA preparation
- github: BondeDoCKA
- github: CKAD Exercises
- github: Bonus Exercise: am I ready for the CKA exam?
- k8simulator
- killersh
- killercoda CKA
- killercoda CKAD
- kubewiz
- Linux Foundation Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Program Exam - CKA Exam Practice Test
- Certified Kubernetes Administrator Study Guide – Prepare for the CKA Exam
- CKA Practice Questions
- youtube: CKA Exam Practice Paper Questions and Answers
OLD versions of CKA:
- github: Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exercises
- github: CKA Exercises
- github: CKA Exercises
- Be fast with Kubectl 1.19 CKAD/CKA
- faun: How I Cracked Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam In 7 Days
- faun: How to pass the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam on the first attempt
- github: Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Course
- github: Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Notes
- github: ckad-prep-notes
- github: CNCF CKAD prep material and resources
- github: Kubernetes Certified Administration
- github: Kubernetes The Hard Way On VirtualBox
- github: Kubernetes The Hard Way
- itnext: CKS CKA CKAD changed Terminal to Remote Desktop
- itnext: Kubernetes Journey — CKA / CKAD Exam Tips
- itnext: Practical tips for passing CKAD certification exam
- kodekloud: CKA Certification Course – Certified Kubernetes Administrator
- kubernetes.io: kubectl Cheat Sheet
- kubernetes.io: Kubernetes Scheduler
- kubernetes.io: Troubleshooting Clusters
- LFX: Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)
- LFX: Frequently Asked Questions: CKA and CKAD & CKS
- LFX: Important Instructions: CKA and CKAD
- linkedin: CKA Certified Kubernetes Administrator Notes
- linkedin: Kubernetes Certification (CKA, CKAD) -Exam Tips
- linkedin: My Certified Kubernetes Associate (CKA) Journey - All you must know!
- medium: Certificação Kubernetes (CKA) - Como passei na certificação começando do zero
- medium: Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) — Tips and Preparation Strategy
- medium: Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam (CKA) Exam Preparation CheatSheet
- medium: Crack CKAD, CKA, CKS Exams— My Way.
- medium: Experiences with CKA, CKAD and CKS exams and the benefits of managed Kubernetes, e.g. AWS EKS
- medium: My CKA Experience
- medium: The best way to pass the CNCF — CKA exam in 2021
- medium: Zero to Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) in 30 days
- scribd: Cka PDF
- The Ultimate Kubernetes Administrator Course
- Tips about Certified Kubernetes Application Developers (CKAD) exam
- udemy: Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests
- youtube: [Killer Shell] [CKA] CKA Simulator Kubernetes 1.25 - Exercise
- youtube: Everything you need to pass the 2022 updated CKA (certified kubernetes administrator)
- youtube: How to Pass CKA, CKAD with Flying Colours? Kubernetes Ultimate Preparation Guide (21 Tips)
- youtube: How to pass CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developer) 2021 exam? How I scored 97% in CKAD ?
- youtube: Kubernetes Certification Exam Environment Preview
- 50+ Useful Kubernetes Tools for 2020
- argoproj
- cloudsecque
- datree: A Solution to K8s Misconfigurations is Born
- flux - the GitOps family of project
- lens
- lens Open Source Project (OpenLens)
- github: Awesome Home Kubernetes
- github: Awesome Kubernetes Resources
- github: awesome-kubectl-plugins
- github: Awesome-Kubernetes
- github: Korb
- github: Kube-Scout
- github: kubectl-aliases
- github: KubeEye
- github: kubescape
- github: Kubescape
- github: Mizu
- infra app
- k9scli
- keptn
- kubenav
- Kubernetes CLI (kubectl) tips you didn't know about
- Kubernetes YAML Generator
- Kubetools - A Curated List of Kubernetes Tools
- kubetools - Curated List of Kubernetes Tools
- medium: Backup & Restore Kubernetes resources with VELERO
- medium: Cheatsheet for Kubernetes (MiniKube & Kubectl)
- medium: Introducing Neptune
- medium: Most useful kubectl Command for Kubernetes Administrator or Developer
- morioh: Kubetools
- neuvector
- nubenetes
- octant
- Supercharge Kubernetes with these Awesome Tools
- Useful Tools for Better Kubernetes Development
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