1. scons
2. root
3. boost
4. python-devel
5. geant4
1. create dictionary of event classes, do:
2. install DMPSW, do:
scons [options]
options list:
* prefix
scons prefix=./Install
install into ./Install
* package
scons package=Kernel,Event
only install package Kernel and Event
3. source prefix/bin/thisdmpsw.(c)sh
More details information about:
1. How to setup environment of DMPSW?
refer to TODO
2. How to use DMPSW?
refer to TODO
3. Name convention of DMPSW
refer to TODO
use detector names below ANY WHERE (except: data files are all lower case)
Psd Stk Bgo Nud
Abbreviation of Package
Calibration: Cal Reconstruction: Rec RawDataConversion: Rdc Simulatin: Sim Visulization: Vis Event: Evt Analysis: Ana Generation: Gen Geometry: Gem
* class name (DmpCore) begin with "Dmp" * struct name (_FeeDataBuf) begin with "_" * namespace for enum type begin with "DmpE" * typedef of a map (typedef std::map<short,_FeeDataBuf> M_FeeDataBuf) begin with "M_" * typedef of a vector begin with "V_" * Prefix of any command (dmp-config) begin with "dmp" * a shared library of DMPSW (libDmpKernel) begin with "libDmp" * data members (DmpCore::fEventID) begin with "f"
file name
4.1 Readme.md
4.2 coding file
*.h header file, all must in directory "include" *.cc source file, all must in directory "src" The main function for create a command in /path/src/Dmp{AP}Main.cc
4.3 FileName.scons
compilation files which will be used by build tool "SCons".
4.4 JobOpt_* file
running time script. For example: JobOpt_DmpSimulation is used to run simulation
4.5 FileName.cnct
dectector <-> FEE, connection information.