A curated list of awesome Bots that help People in Berlin
- berlinglish - news from Berlin.de to Twitter
- berlin-startup-jobs-analyzer
- DRS bot - courses available on Dahlem Research School
- Anmeldung appointment finder and source code
- Bürgeramt Appointment Finder
- Better Berlin Ausländerbehörde Termin Bot
- Berlin Ausländerbehörde Termin Bot
- Berlin registered protests
- Berlin Service Termin
- berlin anmeldung scrapper
- vbb-telegram
- sbahn-berlin-tweets
- vbb-disruptions
- vbb-parse-ticket
- public-amenities-berlin
Your contributions are always welcome! Please create a Pull Request :) Awesome
I will keep some pull requests open if I'm not sure whether those libraries are awesome, you could vote for them by adding 👍 to them. Pull requests will be merged when they get votes
In anycase of Contact just create a Issue, I will try to respond soon!