is a Python CLI app that implements a small subset of both the IRC and Minecraft protocols. When running chatster, a local IRC server is created, where you can connect to any Minecraft server's chat via your favorite IRC client.
To install chatster, ensure you have python3
and python3-pip
on your system, then run:
python3 -m pip install git+
python3 -m pip install git+
Running chatster
from the commandline with no arguments will start an IRC server on localhost:5556
for Minecraft 1.16.1
. These options can be configured via commandline flags:
usage: chatster [-h] [-i INTERFACE] [-p PORT] [-v MCVERSION]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
IP address to bind to
-p PORT, --port PORT Port to bind to
Minecraft version to run
chatster uses IRC authentication to log you in to Minecraft. This means you will have to set the following options in your IRC client:
NICKNAME = Mojang account email
USERNAME = Minecraft username
PASSWORD = Mojang account password
Once connected to the chatster server, you will be able to join any Minecraft server with the following join command:
chatster will parse the join command for a domain name, and attempt to open a connection to it. If this fails, you will see an error message.
Your IRC client should periodically update its users list, and you will see Minecraft usernames mapped to IRC usernames. You can manually send /ping :1
to chatster to update the player list.
Player join, leave, sleep, and death messages are all announced to the IRC channel as well.