β‘πβ‘ Graphpinator adapters and addons for Nette framework.
This package includes adapters and tools to easily integrate Graphpinator into a Nette application.
Install package using composer
composer require infinityloop-dev/graphpinator-nette
Simple version of a presenter to execute GraphQL API requests against a given schema. It can be extended to alter its functionality (for example by overriding the getEnabledModules
function) or it can serve as an inspiration to include the functionality in your own presenters.
Presenter is enabled by creating a route:
$router[] = new Route('/', [
'module' => 'Graphpinator',
'presenter' => 'Api',
You also need to register the module with presenters to map to the correct namespace.
Graphpinator: 'Graphpinator\Nette\*Presenter'
There needs to be a Schema
and a NetteCache
service available in your DI container so that it can be injected into the presenter.
# Automatically find and register all types and directives located in `GraphQl` namespace as services
in: '%appDir%/GraphQL'
- Graphpinator\Typesystem\Contract\NamedType
- Graphpinator\Typesystem\Contract\Directive
# Register a NetteCache adapter
- Graphpinator\Nette\NetteCache
# The SimpleContainer is a container of GraphQL types
# It is automatically injected by all types and directives as Nette automatically detects a typehint in SimpleContainers contructor
- Graphpinator\SimpleContainer
# Any additional types must be also registred to become available in the type container
- Graphpinator\ExtraTypes\EmailAddressType
- Graphpinator\ExtraTypes\PhoneNumberType
# Register a Schema
- Graphpinator\Typesystem\Schema(
@Graphpinator\SimpleContainer, # Container of types
@App\GraphQL\Query, # Query type
null, # Mutation type
null # Subscription type
# Alternativelly you may use the named service and add a setup to the Schema service
factory: Graphpinator\Typesystem\Schema(
- setDescription("""
My GraphQL API
Schema presenter contains two actions.
- actionHtml, which renders HTML page
- actionFile, which renders text file - file is sent to browser as an attachment, which tells the browser to show the download prompt
Action can be enabled using Router, here is the example which enables the HTML action on the /schema.graphql
$router[] = new Route('/schema.graphql',
'module' => 'Graphpinator',
'presenter' => 'Schema',
'action' => 'html',
Presenter which include GraphiQL, a graphical interface to interact with your schema.
Presenter is enabled by creating a route:
$router[] = new Route('/graphiql',
'module' => 'Graphpinator',
'presenter' => 'GraphiQl',
'action' => 'default',
It is also required to pass a location of your API endpoint, to which GraphiQL will connect to.
- Graphpinator\Nette\GraphiQlPresenter(':Api:Graphql:default')
When using abstract types, the cyclic dependencies must be avoided using accessors. Nette makes it easy by automatically providing implementation for a accessor interface using a simple DI condifuration.
interface SlideAccessor
public function getSlideSingle() : SlideSingle;
public function getSlideDouble() : SlideDouble;
public function getSlideTriple() : SlideTriple;
- SlideAccessor(
slideSingle: @SlideSingle
slideDouble: @SlideDouble
slideTriple: @SlideTriple
This interface is than injected into the abstract type instead of the concrete types in order to break the dependency cycle.
Some more sophisticated applications may require to host multiple different GraphQL schemas with different purposes. In order to do this, we need to use a different approach when configuring the DI.
# Search and register all the types in directives in a given namespace - and also append a tag to those services
in: '%appDir%/GraphQL/Public'
- Graphpinator\Typesystem\Contract\NamedType
- graphql.public.types
in: '%appDir%/GraphQL/Public'
- Graphpinator\Typesystem\Contract\Directive
- graphql.public.directives
# Register a container and inject services with a tag
factory: Graphpinator\SimpleContainer(
tagged( graphql.public.types )
tagged( graphql.public.directives )
# Register a Schema using a container with the correct set of types
- App\GraphQL\Public\Schema(@publicContainer)
It is reccomended to use a separate class for each Schema
so that it can be easily registered as a separate service and injected into a presenter.
<?php declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace App\GraphQL\Public;
final class Schema extends \Graphpinator\Typesystem\Schema
public function __construct(\Graphpiantor\SimpleContainer $container)
parent::__construct($container, $container->getType('Query'), $container->getType('Mutation'));
$this->setDescription('My GraphQL API');
- Implements logger interface for logging in
- Implements logger interface for logging in
- Implements
and enables direct creation of\Graphpinator\Request\Request
from Nette HTTP abstraction.
- Implements
- Implements
interface needed byinfinityloop-dev/graphpinator-upload
- Implements
- Adapter from Nette Caching to Psr CacheInterface needed by
- Adapter from Nette Caching to Psr CacheInterface needed by