LitMod3D is a software for 3D integrated geophysical-petrological interactive modelling of the lithosphere and underlying upper mantle using a variety of input datasets: potential fields (gravity and magnetic), surface heat flow, elevation (isostasy), seismics, magnetotellurics and geochemical.
Ver 3.1 incorporates a highly optimised Python thermal solver (bi-conjugate gradient squared method), crustal petrology features (thermodynamic equilibrium and metastable) and a parallel gravity forward solver. The new version is intended to work with program get-inp (customized interface to Perple_X, to generate the inputcrustal and mantle compositional files.
Download the distibution archive ( to your computer and unpack it into a folder (for example ~/LitMod_proj
): tar -xvzf LitMod3D_V3.1.tgz
You have to have Python 3.0, PGPLOT, gfortran, zsh and GMT5 installed on your computer. In Linux, set zsh as a main shell. Change directory to the folder with unpacked files. Then run the script:
This script will create all necessary folders and compile the programs.
In macOS, first install iTerm2. Within iTerm2 terminal install brew with command:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Than install zsh with command :
brew install zsh
Make zsh a default shell in iTerm2 by clicking iTerm2 -> Profiles -> Command: /bin/zsh.
Restart iTerm2 and install Oh My Zsh with command:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Now, install XQuartz:
brew cask install xquartz
After, install pgplot with command:
brew install pgplot
Finally, to compile and prepare LitMod, use:
Note that if you already had pgplot and/or XQuartz installed on your Mac, you may have to change the path to libraries. Instructions above were tested on macOS Mojave.
LitMod executables and main calling script LITMOD_3D.job
use GMT5, to pre and postprocess files and therefore GMT5 must be set up to be called directly from the the local LitMod folder, such as:
gmt gmtinfo -C ./layers/
To install GMT5 on macOS, run:
brew install gmt5
and add the path to GMT5 into .zshrc
config file in your homefolder:
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gmt@5/bin:$PATH"' >> .zshrc
In Linux, follow instructions on to install GMT4.
Examples of input files required to run LitMod are included into the archive (
LitMod requires a number of input files that are managed from the calling script LITMOD_3D.job
model parameters such as mesh size and the thermal boundary
lists the compositional files to be used in the thermodynamic calculations.
In addition other input files are required:
header file that describes the physical and petrological properties of each layer in the model.- Geometry of model layers in the folder 'layers' (geographical coordinates),and the folder 'layers_xy' (Cartesian coordinates).
- Compositional files in the folder 'mant_data'.
contains all the input values required to run LiMod. The script interfaces with GMT and generates
files rquired by LitMod. LITMOD_3D.job
also processes the files contained in the folder 'layers' (geographical layers) and puts the output (Cartesian layers) in the folder 'layers_xy' as required by LitMod.
At the beginning of LITMOD_3D.job
the user can set up the geopgraphical boundaries of the modelling region (lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max), the number of nodes in the model (N_x, N_y, N_z) and other parameters.
preprocesses input grids for geophysical data (e.g., gravity anomaly, surface topography, etc.) and reprojects them onto the modelling region (within lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max) with defined grid spacing (as per N_x, N_y variables). To make a first run, set parameter pre_pro to 1 and run LITMOD_3D.job
The distibution provides sample observed data grids in the folder example_obs
. The user can provide customized data grids with the format lon; lat; value that will be preprocessed by LITMOD_3D.job
. For the gravity gradients a small program (LNOF2MRF) is provided to rotate the tensor from the Local North Oriented Reference Frame ( to the model reference frame in the Cartesian coordinate system used by LitMod.
After running LITMOD_3D.job
in preprocessing mode, switch pre_pro variable to 0, the mode variable to 1 and run LITMOD_3D.job
again. This will run LitMod forward modelling code. The ouput geophysical data sets and the 3D lithospheric model can be visualized using LitMod graphical interface, which also can be used to interactively modify the 3D model:
A detailed manual is included in the distribution as a PDF file: LitMod_userguide.pdf