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PHP package with easy-to-use GuzzleHttp pool wrapper to make concurrent requests.


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PHP package with easy-to-use GuzzleHttp pool wrapper, works with GuzzleHttp\Pool and GuzzleHttp\Client to make concurrent requests.


I love GuzzleHttp\Pool, but I would to build a wrapper to make it easier to use and Laravel Http\Pool is cool but not flexible enough for me. So HttpPool allow you to send an array or a Collection of requests and get a Collection<mixed, HttpPoolResponse> of with all GuzzleHttp features and more.

Built to be more flexible that Laravel Http Pool, if Laravel Pool is perfect for you, keep using it.


  • 🚚 Works with very big pool of requests: requests chunked to avoid memory peak
  • 🗂️ Keep identifier of each request: easy to put response into original item (in case of Collection of Model with Laravel, for example)
  • 📦 HttpPoolResponse wrapper with some features to improve DX: original ID, body, metadata...
  • 🏡 Keep original GuzzleHttp response in HttpPoolResponse: you're in home
  • 🚨 Allow handle memory peak: if you have a lot of requests
  • 🗃️ Works with simple arrays, with associative arrays, with array of objects, with Laravel Collection: just define where to get identifier and URL
  • 💬 Optional console output: you can disable it if you don't want to see progress
  • 🚀 Works with any PHP frameworks, Illuminate\Support\Collection is a dependency but you can use it without Laravel, toArray() method is available after pool execution if you don't want to use Collection


You can install the package via composer:

composer require kiwilan/php-http-pool



When you want to use HttpPool, you have to pass an input, it could be: a simple array, an associative array, a Laravel Collection or an array of objects.

With simple array

use Kiwilan\HttpPool\HttpPool;

// Key is the identifier, value is the URL
// Array could be associative or not
$urls = [
  2 => '',
  5 => '',
  10 => '',
  16 => '',
  24 => '',

// Create a pool with an array of URLs and some options
$pool = HttpPool::make($urls)

// Get original requests converted for `HttpPool`
$requests = $pool->getRequests();
$requestCount = $pool->getRequestCount();

// Execute pool
$res = $pool->execute();

// Get responses
$responses = $res->getResponses();

// Get responses as array
$responsesArray = $res->toArray();

// Get only fullfilled responses
$fullfilled = $res->getFullfilledResponses();

// Get only rejected responses
$rejected = $res->getRejectedResponses();

// Counts
$fullfilledCount = $res->getFullfilledCount();
$rejectedCount = $res->getRejectedCount();

// Get execution time
$executionTime = $res->getExecutionTime();

// Get pool instance
$pool = $res->getPool();

Associative array


Identifier and URL have to not be nested.

use Kiwilan\HttpPool\HttpPool;

$urls = [
      'uuid' => 100,
      'name' => 'posts',
      'api' => '',
      'uuid' => 125,
      'name' => 'comments',
      'api' => '',

$res = HttpPool::make($urls)
  ->setIdentifierKey('uuid') // Default is 'id'
  ->setUrlKey('api') // Default is 'url'

$first = $res->getResponses()->first(); // HttpPoolResponse
$first->getId(); // 100, 125

Laravel models

Take a Laravel model collection and send requests with HttpPool. Here Book is a Laravel model, we assume that Book has an id attribute and a google_book_api attribute.

use App\Models\Book;
use Kiwilan\HttpPool\HttpPool;

$books = Book::all(); // `Illuminate\Support\Collection` of `Book`

$pool = HttpPool::make($books)
  ->setUrlKey('google_book_api') // Default is 'url'

$first = $pool->getResponses()->first(); // HttpPoolResponse
$first->getId(); // 1, 2, 3... (Book ID)

Array of objects

Here we take an array of objects, we assume that each object has an uuid attribute and an url attribute. You can just define getters like getUuid() and getUrl() or you can use public attributes, it's up to you.


If attributes are private or protected, you have to define getters with logic names: getUuid() and getUrl(). You can use uuid() and url() too as getters. But here, if you create a getter getBookUuid(), it will not work.

use Kiwilan\HttpPool\HttpPool;

$urls = [
  new Book(
    uuid: 100,
    name: 'posts',
    url: '',
  new Book(
    uuid: 125,
    name: 'comments',
    url: '',

$res = HttpPool::make($urls)
  ->setIdentifierKey('uuid') // Default is 'id'

$first = $res->getResponses()->first(); // HttpPoolResponse
$first->getId(); // 100, 125


To execute pool, you can use execute() method.

use Kiwilan\HttpPool\HttpPool;

$pool = HttpPool::make($urls);
$res = $pool->execute();

execute() method returns a HttpPoolFullfilled object. You can get pool with getPool() method.

use Kiwilan\HttpPool\HttpPool;

$pool = HttpPool::make($urls);
$res = $pool->execute();

$pool = $res->getPool();

In HttpPoolFullfilled object, you can get responses and more features. All methods getResponses(),getFullfilled(), getRejected() are Illuminate\Support\Collection of HttpPoolResponse.

use Kiwilan\HttpPool\HttpPool;

$pool = HttpPool::make($urls);
$res = $pool->execute();

// Get all responses (fullfilled and rejected)
$responses = $res->getResponses();

// Get only fullfilled responses
$fullfilled = $res->getFullfilled();

// Get only rejected responses
$rejected = $res->getRejected();

// Get responses count
$responsesCount = $res->getResponsesCount();

// Get fullfilled responses count
$fullfilledCount = $res->getFullfilledCount();

// Get rejected responses count
$rejectedCount = $res->getRejectedCount();

// Get execution time
$executionTime = $res->getExecutionTime();

// Get if pool is failed
$isFailed = $res->isFailed();

// Get errors
$errors = $res->getErrors();


To handle errors, you can just use HttpPool::make() method and errors will throw exceptions. But if you want to prevent errors, you can use throwErrors param.

use Kiwilan\HttpPool\HttpPool;

$pool = HttpPool::make($urls, throwErrors: false);

All errors can be found in getErrors() method, after pool execution.

$res = $pool->execute();
$isFailed = $res->isFailed();
$errors = $res->getErrors();


After pool execution, you can get responses with getResponses() method. It returns a Collection of HttpPoolResponse.


The first item of getResponses could not be the first request you sent. It depends of the response time of each request. But you can retrieve the original request with getMetadata()->getRequest() method, the best way to find parent is to define an ID, that you could retrieve it with getId() method.

$responses = $res->getResponses();
$first = $responses->first(); // HttpPoolResponse

$first->getId(); // Get original ID
$first->getMetadata(); // Get HttpPoolResponseMetadata
$first->getGuzzle(); // Get original GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response
$first->getBody(); // Get HttpPoolResponseBody
$first->isSuccess(); // Get if response is success
$first->isBodyAvailable(); // Get if response body exists


HttpPoolResponse has a HttpPoolResponseMetadata attribute, it contains some useful data. Here $first is a HttpPoolResponse.

$metadata = $first->getMetadata();

$statusCode = $metadata->getStatusCode(); // 200, 404, 500...
$status = $metadata->getStatus(); // Guzzle pool status: fullfilled, rejected
$reason = $metadata->getReason(); // OK, Not Found, Internal Server Error...
$isSuccess = $metadata->isSuccess(); // 200 <= $statusCode < 300
$isFailed = $metadata->isFailed(); // status code is not success
$isJson = $metadata->isJson(); // is a valid JSON
$isXml = $metadata->isXml(); // is a valid XML
$server = $metadata->getServer(); // Server header
$date = $metadata->getDate(); // Date header
$contentType = $metadata->getContentType(); // Content-Type header
$request = $metadata->getRequest(); // Original request
$headers = $metadata->getHeaders(); // Original headers as array<string, string>
$header = $metadata->getHeader('Content-Type'); // Extract header (safe method)


HttpPoolResponseBody is a wrapper of GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream with some useful methods. Here $first is a HttpPoolResponse.

$body = $first->getBody();

$isExists = $body->isExists(); // Get if body exists
$contents = $body->getContents(); // Get body contents
$json = $body->getJson(); // Get body as JSON
$xml = $body->getXml(); // Get body as XML
$isBinary = $body->isBinary(); // Get if body is binary
$isJson = $body->isJson(); // Get if body is a valid JSON
$isXml = $body->isXml(); // Get if body is a valid XML
$isString = $body->isString(); // Get if body is a string
$toArray = $body->toArray(); // Get body as array


You can use some advanced options to customize your pool.

Use URL as identifier to replace ID.


Enable console output.


Memory peak

Handle memory peak is optional, but if you have a lot of requests, you can use allowMemoryPeak to avoid memory peak. New memory peak will be set inside execute() method.

Memory peak is set to 2G by default, you can change it with second param.



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