I work in support of civil engineering (spatial data, automation, BIM, etc)
👀 I’m interested in Data Science - actualy I'm a student of postgraduate studies in Universyty of Science and Technology (known as AGH in Kraków, Poland)
🌱 I’m currently learning ... Python! I've known it for a few years, but each project gives me a chance to do something faster, better or just in a new way.
What I'm glad I know:
- Django (my "great discovery" in Python)
- SQL (prefer Postgresq)
- HTML & CSS (enough to work with it)
- VBA (sometimes there is just no need to reinvent the wheel)
- R (just for statistics; I'm not great fan)
- I wish I could put JS here, but my level is... let's say "basic". Maybe someday...
- ... and GIT of course