These instructions are nothing without the excellent Hello Cloud Run with Python Code Lab. Written by Laurent Picard (:octocat: @PicardParis).
The code itself is taken from Knative's Rust Code Sample. Just a bit of minor version bumping required. I have also included a lockfile to avoid this issue when the GitHub archeologists attempt to resurrect this code.
This is a sample Rust application intended for learning how ot use Google Cloud Run with Rust. This has been developed for the Google Developer Group Hants & Surrey event 10th November 2022: Unleash the power of Rust and Cloud Run.
- Set up of the project can be done using the Hello Cloud Run with Python code lab stages 1-3.
- Clone this repo.
- Deploy to Cloud Run:
gcloud beta run deploy hellocloudrun-rust --source . --platform managed --region europe-west2 --allow-unauthenticated
- Check your service URL:
gcloud run services describe hellocloudrun-rust --platform managed --region europe-west2 --format "value(status.url)"
- Clean up of the project can be done using the Hello Cloud Run with Python code lab stage 7.