Module for a cms based on Nuxt and GraphQl
Due to the shutdown of Graphcool BaaS service this project sadly is coming to an end. I started with a different approach - feel free to contact me if you are interested in checking it out.
This project aims to combine very popular open-source projects and a solid managed backend service of It is API-Driven and extendable with graphql schema definition. Due to the nature of NuxtJs and the powerful modularization concept it extends your NuxtJs project with a fully-featured CMS. As a component framework Vuetify is included and brings Google Material Design specification out of the box. It offers best practices for SEO combined with a lot of performance optimization for the website render process.
- Content management system
- Google Analytics integration
- Sitemap generator
- 301 Redirects
- SEO optimized
- SSR-rendered SPA feel of static website
- Imageproxy (CDN + scale/crop)
- Lazy-loading / Intersection Observer
- Responsive images
- Fontloader
- In-Page-Editing
- Multi-Language
- Multi-Domain
- Configurable
- 95%+ on GooglePageSpeed
- NodeJS (
- Vue 2.x (
- NuxtJs (
- Vuetify (
- GraphQL managed backend by (
- Apollo (,
- Vue-i18n (
- Intersection-Observer (
- Fast deplyoment with (
- NodeJS v >=8 (check out dependencies)
- NPM/Yarn
- GraphQL endpoint ( You need a endpoint and backend. Head over to lumen-graphcool to install and deploy your backend.
Make use of the vue-cli starter-template
$ vue init lumen-cms/starter-template my-project
$ cd my-project
# install dependencies
$ npm install # Or yarn install
# open localhost:3000/admin to proceed with login
- Add
dependency using yarn or npm to your project - Add
section ofnuxt.config.js
npm i lumen-cms --save
// nuxt.config.js
export default = {
// check out to set it up
modules: [
'lumen-cms' // add lumen-cms module
// customize settings
// here comes your configuration
- Visit http://localhost:3000/admin and register a user
- Visit your graphcool backend and add
role to the user - Now you can log in and start a very basic installation (http://localhost:3000/installation)
* your installation respects the languages array and create for each locale one default root page
- keep in mind: every language starts with the "/[locale]" slug
- you can configure canonical tags or any custom behaviour for multi-language websites => After successful installation will be redirected to the root of your website and you can start adding content
Lumen CMS provides admin interfaces and render entry points for your top-level article/page schema. Below is the list and routePath of all pre-configured routes. Make sure that these paths does not collide with any of your NuxtJs pages setup. All of the pages are accessible through the Admin-Bar
Catches all requests and renders the schema Article
based on the slug. The slug can be any slug as
- /simple-slug
- /directory/slug/deep/nested
- On Error / Not found
- try to find a 301 => redirect
- render 404 if no article found
- render 500 if any error occurs
Important: make sure you don't provide any index.vue file inside your
folder otherwise the CMS won't be able to render the content.
Login/Sign Up for the website administration. After successful login you get forwarded to the root of your website. In case of sign up a new user: you have to enable a permission role (Admin|Moderator) to the user in your console interface.
Creates the root page/entry point for each locale you provide in your configuration:
languages:['en','de','it','fr'] // => install would create all 4 articles with a basic content element as a starter
Datatable lists all articles and you can view/edit it. The Footer shows a language switch to change the locale for your listing.
Creates/updates the article schema. You can either click on the edit inside of the Admin-Bar
or inside of the Article Admin
to reach the edit page.
Overview over all page templates. Page templates is vue-rendered
content you can specify inside of footer/header/sidebars/toolbars. Basically it holds generic content which should be displayed in static parts of the layout.
Datatable lists all redirects in case you moved pages/paths to a different location
Configurable alias path to render an article list.
routes: {
// map locale to each routes.path
listMapLocale: {
articles: 'en',
blog: 'de'
// all available path alias for the article list
list: ['articles', 'blog']
On logged in you will see on the bottom left corner a floating speed-dial button this action menu buttons:
- Logout
- Media Gallery (only visible if content edit mode is ON)
- Redirects
- Blog admin list
- Page templates
- Content-Edit-Mode toggle
- Add new article
- Edit article
You can include the LcAdminBar
into your own template. You can enable add
or edit
action and the toggle for content-edit
<lc-admin-bar v-if="$store.getters.canEdit"
:edit-route="{name: 'articleEdit', params: {id: $}}"
Add links into the Admin-Bar panel
// overwrite the entire widget
LcAdminBar: '~/component/yourCustomAdminBar.vue'
// add some link(s) to the admin bar
title: 'Some custom page',
to: {name: 'customPageRouteName'},
color: 'yellow darken-2', // any color variant
icon: 'code' //material icon name
You can customize your website bundle in several ways:
configuration options from the nuxt.config.js fileWebpack alias
to provide a custom file and replace the default
Disable the CSS import and manualy add it with stylus
disableCSS: true
css: [
{src: '~assets/style/app.styl', lang: 'styl'}
@import '~lumen-cms/lib/templates/assets/style/vuetify-imports.styl'
$themeprimary = #ff6f00
$themeaccent = #ffc400
$themesecondary = $grey.darken-3
$themeinfo = $light-blue.darken-1
$themewarning = $orange.darken-1
$themeerror = $red.darken-1
$themesuccess = $light-green.darken-1
@import '~lumen-cms/lib/templates/assets/style/imports.styl'
Modify fonts of Google to get loading with fontloader API
fonts:{montserrat: 'Montserrat:thin,extra-light,light,100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800'}
h1, h2, h3 {
font-family: 'Montserrat'
Overwrite build-in components by provide a custom component path. All components are prefixed with Lc
ComponentName. Components are loaded as asynchronous and are devided in four sections: core|layout|view|edit
Overwrite built-in pages by provide a custom page path. Following pages are provided. Provide a pages
object with the exact name and custom path to overwrite the default:
admin: resolve(__dirname, './templates/pages/admin.vue'),
install: resolve(__dirname, './templates/pages/install.vue'),
articleAdmin: resolve(__dirname, './templates/pages/articleAdmin.vue'),
articleEdit: resolve(__dirname, './templates/pages/articleEdit.vue'),
pageTemplates: resolve(__dirname, './templates/pages/pageTemplates.vue'),
redirects: resolve(__dirname, './templates/pages/redirects.vue',
articleList: resolve(__dirname, './templates/pages/articleList.vue'),
index: resolve(__dirname, './templates/pages/index.vue')
// in case you want to overwrite articleList page
articleList: '~/pages/customArticleList.vue'
The cms
config object is getting injected into the context of your app (
- actions$cms
- Vue Components as
- Check out all options
pageToolbarExtension: false,
site_name: 'Your domain',
The backend is configured to fit most website usecases. The main top-level schema is called Article, its the main schema for all pages/articles. The difference between a page and article is marginal - you can change it with a switch and its made to differenciate inside of the content list widget.
Article - View
- holds the top level schema
- can hold many content elements
- Taxonomy with
- Add a media image to show a picture in
-lists languageKey
is important to represent the locale of the contentslug
has to be unique * locale is always the root of a landing page (en
for english,de
for german) * you can pass in directivesparent/my/subpage
- every string will get slugified
* no leading slashes - no
endings needed (they will get redirected automatically) * there is no locale directive as/en/any-page
needed due to uniqness of the slug
- every string will get slugified
* no leading slashes - no
ArticleCategory - View
- categorization/taxonomy/tagging for each article
Author - View
- basic author schema
Content - View
- holds the content element schema for any content element
- extandable through
- properties JSON
- styles JSON
File - View
- internal file schema
FileReference - View
- holds the reference to each file via media browser
FileTag - View
- categorization/taxonomy/tagging for each file
Media - View
- media image for preview images of articles
PageTemplate - View
- holds generic content for different and global layout positions
- toolbars
- navigation drawer
- footer
- configurable
UrlAlias (301 redirects) - View
- 301 in case of renamed paths/slugs
User - View
- internal user schema for authentication
All content elments can be added/edited for each article. Lumen CMS ships 5 content elements while each of them is
customizable through stylesheets and properties. The most common element is LcTextImage
which has many configuration option and fit many usecases. You can overwrite either the content element with providing a custom path or create custom elements and add them to your project read more.
- Header (h1 - h6)
- Text (enabled richt text editor from QuillJs)
- Image(s) as gallery or single
- Parallax/Jumbotron/Fixed-Background effect
- Flexible arrangement
- Highly customizable through styles
- "Component-Pre-Set" as a collection of class names can be defined or added to the defaults
- Recognizes google material icons
- Different sizing
- Colorization
- Border widths
- Tabs
- Columns - Parralax/Jumbotron/Fixed-Background images
- Slider
- Expansion-panel => holds as many content elmements inside each row/column
- List of articles
- Different list styles
- Filter based on taxonomy
- Teaser text (richt text)
- Body text (rich text)
There are two ways of customizing your website render. Either you overwrite an existing component or you want to create a new custom content element or you extend the current content elements
Overwrite existing components with keeping the exact name and pass a new path. Keep the same group and componentName and webpack will bundle your customized file instead of the default file.
components: {
layout: {
LcLanguageSwitch: '~/components/overwrites/LanguageSwitch.vue',
LcMainFooter: '~/components/overwrites/MainFooter.vue'
view: {
LcArticleList: '~/components/overwrites/ArticleList.vue',
LcListWidget: '~/components/overwrites/ListWidget.js'
Every content element needs a unique component name. It should be UpperCamelCase and inside the componentMapping it takes the prefix LC
. Example: LcCustomComponentName
. To extend the default elements two options needs to get passed: a new componentMapping declaration and the edit and view component files.
LcCustomComponent: '~/component/MyCustomComponent.vue' // must match componentMapping view
LcCustomComponentEdit: '~/component/MyCustomComponentEdit.vue' // must match componentMapping name
name: 'lc-custom-component-edit', // component to render the edit dialog
icon: 'material-icon', // shows the icon in the bottom bar
text: 'My custom component', // readable component title
view: 'lc-custom-component' // component to render the view
To extend/overwrite the default behaviour there are following paths to overwrite the default functionality. Following is a complete example to extend your Webpack config with all available path alias.
- Pass file with predefinedStyles
- Customize GQL main schema files to fits your needs
- Three hooks are available to customize the output of your render:
- initialAsync Data
to process further website render - getCanonical In case you want to render a canonical tag
- getMeta Default meta data as robots or google-site-verification in case you have multi-domain setup.
// nuxt.config.js
// extend pre-defined content element options
config.resolve.alias['~predefinedStyles'] = '~/customPath/predefinedStyles.js' // array of pre-defined custom layout
// gql schema and mutation files for top level schemas
config.resolve.alias['~updateArticle'] = '~/customPath/updateArticle.gql' // in case you customized article
config.resolve.alias['~createArticle'] = '~/customPath/createArticle.gql' // in case you customized article
config.resolve.alias['~extendedArticleFragment'] = '~/customPath/extendedArticleFragment.gql' // in case you customized article
config.resolve.alias['~createMedia'] = '~/customPath/createMedia.gql' // in case you need to add media in some other schemas
// hooks for initial data render
config.resolve.alias['~initialAsyncData'] = '~/customPath/initialAsyncData.js' // initial render of asyncData
config.resolve.alias['~getCanonical'] = '~/customPath/getCanonical.js' // receive canonical tag
config.resolve.alias['~getMeta'] = '~/customPath/getMeta.js' // get default head meta
With the deploy of your Lumen CMS is as simple as typing:
$ npm i now -g
$ cd pathOfProject
$ now
To connect the now deployment with your custom domain head over to the documentation Sidenote: you need at least a premium account due to the size of the website bundle.
- Clone this repository
- Install dependencies using
yarn install
ornpm install
- Start development server using
npm run dev
Copyright (c) Dominic Garms