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day 20 reflections
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mstksg committed Dec 30, 2024
1 parent f845c9a commit 37e586e
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Showing 3 changed files with 66 additions and 20 deletions.
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions bench-results/2024/day20.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
>> Day 20a
time 40.47 ms (38.84 ms .. 41.22 ms)
0.995 RΒ² (0.979 RΒ² .. 1.000 RΒ²)
mean 41.80 ms (41.15 ms .. 43.37 ms)
std dev 1.933 ms (950.7 ΞΌs .. 3.288 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 12% (moderately inflated)
time 34.12 ms (32.70 ms .. 35.54 ms)
0.994 RΒ² (0.983 RΒ² .. 1.000 RΒ²)
mean 34.98 ms (34.32 ms .. 36.48 ms)
std dev 1.880 ms (715.8 ΞΌs .. 3.355 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 18% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 20b
time 393.2 ms (380.9 ms .. 402.4 ms)
1.000 RΒ² (1.000 RΒ² .. 1.000 RΒ²)
mean 393.2 ms (391.2 ms .. 396.0 ms)
std dev 2.621 ms (1.132 ms .. 3.309 ms)
time 405.5 ms (393.5 ms .. 431.8 ms)
0.999 RΒ² (0.999 RΒ² .. 1.000 RΒ²)
mean 393.5 ms (390.1 ms .. 399.7 ms)
std dev 5.956 ms (1.238 ms .. 7.831 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 19% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded
Expand Down
12 changes: 1 addition & 11 deletions reflections/2024/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,17 +16,7 @@ data BFSState n = BS
-- ^ queue

bfs ::
forall n.
Ord n =>
-- | neighborhood
(n -> Set n) ->
-- | start
n ->
-- | target
(n -> Bool) ->
-- | the shortest path, if it exists
Maybe [n]
bfs :: forall n. Ord n => (n -> Set n) -> n -> (n -> Bool) -> Maybe [n]
bfs ex x0 dest = reconstruct <$> go (addBack x0 Nothing (BS M.empty Seq.empty))
reconstruct :: (n, Map n (Maybe n)) -> [n]
Expand Down
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions reflections/2024/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
Because this is a "race track" with no branching, finding the path to the end
can be a straightforward DFS with no-takebacksies:

cardinalNeighbsSet :: Point -> Set Point
cardinalNeighbsSet p = S.fromDistinctAscList . map (p +) $
[ V2 (-1) 0 , V2 0 (-1) , V2 0 1 , V2 1 0 ]

racePath :: Set Point -> Point -> Point -> Maybe [Point]
racePath walls start end = go Nothing start
go :: Maybe Point -> Point -> Maybe [Point]
go prev here = do
next <- S.lookupMin candidates
(here :)
<$> if next == end
then pure [end]
else go (Just here) next
candidates = maybe id S.delete prev $ cardinalNeighbsSet here `S.difference` walls

Since our racepath is one continuous line, a cheat therefore involves
"pinching" the line so that you skip straight over one segment of the line. So,
we can basically iterate over each point in the line and imagine if we jumped
ahead N spaces. If the time saved by jumping N spaces minus the real-world
distance is greater than the threshold, it's a legitimate cheat.

mannDist :: Point -> Point
mannDist x y = sum (abs (x - y))

mannNorm :: Point -> Int
mannNorm = mannDist 0

findCheats :: Set Point -> Point -> Point -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
findCheats walls start end len thresh = do
path <- racePath walls start end
pure . sum . snd $ mapAccumR go (0, M.empty) path
go :: (Int, Map Point Int) -> Point -> ((Int, Map Point Int), Int)
go (i, xs) x =
( (i + 1, M.insert x i xs)
, M.size $
M.filterWithKey (\y j -> i - j - mannDist x y >= thresh) $
xs `M.restrictKeys` S.mapMonotonic (+ x) diamond
diamond = floodFill (S.filter ((<= len) . mannNorm) . cardinalNeighbsSet) (S.singleton 0)

Our `mapAccumR` here iterates from the end of the list with the index (`i`) and
a map `xs` of points to the index where that point is on the racetrack. At each
point, we output the number of cheats: it's the `xs` filtered by points legally
jumpable within a given distance, and then further filtered where the jump in
index `i - j` minus the time to travel `mannDist x y` is greater than the
threshold for counting the cheat. In the end we sum all of those outputs.

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