Community driven list of useful things for front end developers. How to contribute?
- Chrome Canary
- IE 10
- Opera Next Beta, Opera Next Labs, Opera Next Nightly
- Webkit Nightly
- Firefox Nightly, Firefox Aurora
- Firefox:
- Opera:
- Safari
- Chromium:
- PNG compressor
- Tiny png - can make IE6 friendly PNGs
- IMGO - image optimization tool
- JPEG compressor
- lorempixel
- Sprite generator
- Favicon generator
- MicroJS
- JavaScript Beautifier
- JavaScript Patterns Collection
- Easing animation tool
- Cubic-Bezier
- Easings function
- Backbone.js - give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events.
- Knockout - is a JavaScript MVVM library that makes it easier to create rich, desktop-like user interfaces with JavaScript and HTML.
- Knockback.js - provides Knockout.js magic for Backbone.js Models and Collections.
- AngularJS
- Ember.js
- CanJS
- Spine - lightweight MVC library for building JavaScript applications.
- Batman.js - is a framework for building rich single-page browser applications with CoffeeScript or JavaScript.
- Dojo
- Agility.js - is an MVC library for client-side Javascript that lets you write maintainable code without compromising on development speed. It's write less, do more with maintainability.
- Closure Library is a broad, well-tested, modular, and cross-browser JavaScript library.
- Template-Engine-Chooser!
- Handlebars
- ICanHaz.js
- Hogan.js - JavaScript templating from Twitter.
- Jade
- Closure Templates
- ECT - JavaScript template engine with CoffeeScript syntax
- Dust - Asynchronous templates for the browser and node.js
- TwigJS - A port of PHP template engine to JavaScript
- yate - Yet Another Template Engine
- Data URL Toolkit, online service
- css3please
- The CSS3 Test
- CSScomb - tool for sorting CSS properties in specific order
- Procssor - CSS Beautifier
- Eric Meyer's reset
- normalize.css
- CSS Gradient finder
- CSS Gradient generator
- Sprite Cow - CSS Sprites
- CSS3 Transitions, Transforms and Animation Tutorial
- Less
- CSS to Less
- LESS Elements – a set of useful mixins for the LESS
- Stylus
- nib - library for the Stylus, providing robust cross-browser CSS3 mixins
- xCSS - PHP based CSS preprocessor
- Twitter bootstrap
- Zurb Foundation
- Blueprint CSS
- HTML5 boilerplate - The web’s most popular front-end template
- HTML5 mobile boilerplate - A best practice baseline for your mobile web app
- HTML5 Reset – One more boilerplate
- HTML Email boilerplate
- Initializr — Choose your boilerplate
- 960gs - CSS grids system framework
- The Semantic Grid System
- 1140 CSS Grid
- Fluid 960 Grid System
- Less Framework
- Skeleton
- inuit.css
- baseline
- Frameless grid
- Github style guide
- Google style guide
- SMACSS - Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS
- OOCSS - Object oriented CSS
- BEM - Block Element Modificator
- caniuse
- The Toolbox
- humans.txt
- robots.txt
- Adobe Shadow
- Unicode Emoticons
- Special Characters Easy to Paste
- Entity Conversion Calculator
- - Most modern microformat documentation supported by Google, Bing, Yandex and Yahoo
- - hcard, hcalendar and etc.
- base64 converter
- YUI JS, CSS compressor
- CSSO - Cleaver css optimizer
- YSlow - Cross-browser plugin for page speed and performance testing
- Google page speed - Page speed measurement tools collection from Google
- Web page test - Check page speed from multiple locations around the globe using real browsers
- jsPerf — JavaScript performance playground
- CSSFontStack
- Font Squirrel
- Google WebFonts
- Fontello — iconic fonts scissors
- Online Font Converter
- Check font name by screenshot
- ColorSnapper - easy-to-use tool for quickly finding out the color of any pixel on the screen
- Gitbox
- LiveReload
- PixFit
- xScope - for measuring, inspecting & testing on-screen graphics and layouts
- DataURLMaker
- ImageOptim
- BLESS CSS - fighting IE's CSS selectors limit, and nice tool for checking CSS selectors count