This is the website for the brilliant TrackPad++ application for Windows.
Written to abide by HTML5 and CSS3, the page also has floating navigation and smooth scrolling implemented using jQuery. To edit the speed of the scrolling, you can edit the number found on line 19 of /scripts/anchor-scroll.js in the .animate() method. Scrolling position for link highlighting is calculated as the middle of the viewport less floating navigation height.
"Trackpad++ is the world's first and only alternate Windows® 7-10 driver for Apple® Multitouch and Force Touch trackpad devices found in Apple® Macbook® Retina / Pro / Air. Trackpad++ is being developed by an author of the popular Power Plan Assistant software (the multiple award-winning tool, packed with unique Macbook-specific features)."
Content is supplied & ©2010-2016 Trackpad++ Team from
Written by Rupert Bryant-Greene.