This repository provides implementation of Hierarchical Point Attention for Indoor 3D Object Detection (ICRA 2024).
Authors: Manli Shu, Le Xue, Ning Yu, Roberto Martín-Martín, Caiming Xiong, Tom Goldstein, Juan Carlos Niebles, Ran Xu.
An illustration of our hierarchical attention modules. (a). Simple Multi-Scale Attention (MS-A) learns features at different scales within the multi-head cross-attention module. (b). Size-Adaptive Local Attention (Local-A) extracts localized features for each object candidate by restricting the attention range to be inside its bounding box proposal.
This implementation is based on the 4-GPU distributed training setting.
To install the dependencies, run the following:
We follow the data preparation as the Group-Free baseline.
Please see the README files under sunrgbd
and scannet
for instructions on how to download and prepare each dataset. We thank the authors of Group-Free-3D for providing the instructions.
For example, to train the Group-Free (L12, O512)
baseline with our attention moduels, on ScanNetV2
python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 6789 --nproc_per_node 4 \ \
--width 2 --syncbn --ms_layers 0 --sr_ratio 2.0 \
--local_refine ref_ffn --ref_layer 12 \
--num_point 50000 --num_decoder_layers 13 --num_target 512 \
--size_delta 0.111111111111 --center_delta 0.04 \
--dataset scannet --data_root /path/to/scannet/data/root \
--max_epoch 400 \
--batch_size 8 --learning_rate 6e-3 --encoder_learning_rate 6e-3 --decoder_learning_rate 6e-4 \
--enc_wd 5e-4 --dec_wd 5e-4 --weight_decay 5e-4 \
--log_dir ./checkpoints/group-free-ms-local;
In the above command, --ref_layer
denotes the layer that uses Local-A
and --ms_layers
controls where to use MS-A
Note that other training hyperparameters are from the default settings from the Group-Free baseline.
python \
--batch_size 8 \
--fast_eval --faster_eval --area_thresholds 0.155 0.526 \
--width 2 --ms_layers 0 --sr_ratio 2.0 \
--local_refine ref_ffn --ref_layer 12 \
--num_point 50000 --num_decoder_layers 13 --num_target 512 \
--checkpoint_path ./checkpoints/group-free-ms-local/ckpt_epoch_400.pth --avg_times 5 \
--dataset scannet --data_root /path/to/scannet/data/root \
--dump_dir ./checkpoints/group-free-ms-local;
This repository is built based on the Group-Free-3D codebase. We also thank PointNet++ and VoteNet for providing helpful CUDA implementations of point operations.